
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Now, obviously, the gun has to be in a safe place like umm... a gun safe right?

I keep my gun loaded and out in the open all day. Just like I keep my knives and my car. I'd have a safe or something if I had kids, but I'd still probably keep it out of the safe while I was sleeping.

I trust my wife's ability with a gun a whole lot more than I trust her or myself to take on a criminal armed with any number of weapons.
I am now armed.

It's a very liberating feeling. It's hard to explain, but just holding it inspires confidence and power. It feels very natural and I'm not as apprehensive about guns as I once was.

My experience at the Armoury was excellent. The man that I dealt with was very knowledgeable and answered the entire barrage of questions I threw at him. He was patient, showed me nearly every gun he had in the counter. I held them all and setteled on the Desert Eagle 9mm. It's amazing how it feels in my hand, almost like the gun was made for me. The feel is very comfortable and that is why I ended up choosing this particular handgun.
Even though it's winter out now I plan to practice with it tomorrow if weather permits.

I'm definately looking forward to learning more about guns and becoming a proficient shooter. I can't wait. :D


  • dscn0500.jpg
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Very cool boom. Congratulations. I have not had a chance to make my case to the wife again. It will most likely wait until after the holidays anyway.
Nice one boom! How does she shoot?

The Israelis make fine guns. You shouldn't have any problems with it. Desert Eagle made a handgun called the Baby Eagle. It was a fine gun, but it wasn't very popular.

Well, congratulations. Don't forget to keep it well oiled. And if you have it loaded, don't touch the bullets with your hands or fingers. They will leave a coat of oil on the rounds that will corrode and damage the ammo and the gun, or cause it to jam when you might need it. Use a thick sock, or better yet, a silicone gun cloth to load your clips.

Happy shooting.
Thanks Solid, and thanks for all your help and advice.

I haven't had a chance to go shooting just yet. Life's been keeping me pretty busy. :irked: But I can't wait to get out there.
I oiled her all up today.
I really like it's feel.
It's partly made of a polymer but had a better weight (slightlyt heavier.) and feel to it than the S&W 9mm that I had my final choices narrowed down to.
The shop took me a bit by surprise. By the looks of it on the outside, I didn't really expect to see what was inside. Just a wide array of firearms. This place is also a Class 3 dealer so carries some pretty intense fire power in there. They had a .50 cal. sniper rifle in there. Man it was HUGE and very impressive.
I'll definately be back there to make more purchases in the future.
I really liked the look and feel of some of the assult rifles they had. :embarrassed:

Thanks again Solid.
You're welcome! :)

If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me!

Those .50 BMGs are nice, aren't they? You can shoot five inch groups at a 1000 yards with one of those, BTW. They don't have much kick, as you would have imagined. They're worth every penny!
I live in the UK and all guns are band except shotguns and airguns. Handguns were outlawed in the 1980's cause there was a masacre i think. We have just had an extension to teh house and the house is now pretty long and my dad is on about having an air-rifle range in the attic. The worst but is gun crime is on the rise in the UK but the goverment wont let us protect ourselves.
even though most these attackers are carrying sub machineguns and semi auto handguns
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
I live in the UK and all guns are band except shotguns and airguns. Handguns were outlawed in the 1980's cause there was a masacre i think. We have just had an extension to teh house and the house is now pretty long and my dad is on about having an air-rifle range in the attic. The worst but is gun crime is on the rise in the UK but the goverment wont let us protect ourselves.
even though most these attackers are carrying sub machineguns and semi auto handguns

Because gun laws only hurt the innocent. Criminals don't follow the laws, that's what makes them criminals.
Now, if only all the mentally deficient anti-gunners could realize this....
Guns are great. The only thing that sucks is that people are not educated about them. If we ban guns, the only people that will have guns are...THE GOVERNMENT, and criminals. I dont know about you people, but I dont feel safe knowning that the government can do wahtever they want to us without us being able to rebel if we so feel the need.
Originally posted by boombexus
I am now armed.

I'm definately looking forward to learning more about guns and becoming a proficient shooter. I can't wait. :D

Whip out my nine and bust a cap!

Nice. :lol:
Originally posted by danoff
This is a fantastic article about the biased news coverage about guns. I would recommend everyone who is afraid that little children will hurt themselves with guns read this:,2933,107274,00.html

Oui.... I'll make this a hit-and-run.....

Little children arent what worry me,.. it's their older brothers who just got into a gang that end up stealing daddy's "Desert Eagle"..........
Originally posted by boombexus
I am now armed.

It's a very liberating feeling. It's hard to explain, but just holding it inspires confidence and power. It feels very natural and I'm not as apprehensive about guns as I once was.

My experience at the Armoury was excellent. The man that I dealt with was very knowledgeable and answered the entire barrage of questions I threw at him. He was patient, showed me nearly every gun he had in the counter. I held them all and setteled on the Desert Eagle 9mm. It's amazing how it feels in my hand, almost like the gun was made for me. The feel is very comfortable and that is why I ended up choosing this particular handgun.
Even though it's winter out now I plan to practice with it tomorrow if weather permits.

I'm definately looking forward to learning more about guns and becoming a proficient shooter. I can't wait. :D

Very nice gun there Boom! A friend of mine has a 9mm, and it is a very safe gun, light, and fun to shoot. Be sure to hit the gun shows. You should be able to get bullets fur under 7 cents a piece. My .44 on the other hand takes a small fortune to go out and shoot it. I would really like a .50 cal, Desert that would pack a punch. :)
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Most humans, don't realize what it is to take a life. Guns are a waste of time. If you like guns, you are a waste of time.

Guns are a waste of time? What about target shooting? What about archery? Both are olympic sports.

Some people value the money in your pockets more than your life. Hopefully you live in a nice area, where this isn't an everyday reality, but that doesn't make it any less true.

That being said, did you read the article Danoff posted?,2933,107274,00.html
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Most humans, don't realize what it is to take a life. Guns are a waste of time. If you like guns, you are a waste of time.

Ignorant, closed minded, controling, patronizing.

Try reading the article.
Civic, I'm not a huge gun guy. I have some interest, but I like other things more. But what I respect is their power, capability, and, most of all, a right of self defense which can be aided greatly by the attributes of a gun. More than just disparaging people for liking a gun, your statement that guns are worthless puts a moral imposition about people who may need that gun. You've subjected everyone to prejudgement if they ever use or believe in the use of a gun.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Most humans, don't realize what it is to take a life. Guns are a waste of time. If you like guns, you are a waste of time.

Yes, you right. All those Jews trying to defend themselves from Hitler with gardening tools was a waste of time. Now, they are wasted lives.

In the early 80's, here in SoCal, the anti gunners wanted to ban "assault weapons" and they won. Even though during the previuos year, less than one tenth of one percent of the people killed by guns in the enire country were killed by "assault weapons." And, as I stated before in another thread, there was not a single year when more than 1% of the people who were killed by guns were killed by "assualt weapons" between the years of 1960 to 2000.
Woohoo. Officially, I am unarmed. Unofficially, I still have a .22 rifle stashed away (Without even enough ammo to fill the magazine. Sad). Still sad to see all of my pretty toys go. And I barely made anything off of them, too. I'm thinking of buying a Mosin-Nagant M44 or two in the near future. I'm just unsure on whether or not I really like the idea of a bolt action gun. I'm more of a semi-auto person, myself.

On another note, a police cruiser was broken into 6 days ago, and 5 guns were stolen. They caught the guy who did it in 4 days. If I were a cop, I would've known (And did know) who did it less than 3 hours after it happened. They've recovered one of the guns, and they say there's a "good chance" (The guy who did it isn't so bright. They'll have them in about two weeks, at most. I'll keep you guys updated) they'll recover the other 4.

Won't be seeing anything of my homie D.E. for a while :(.
Originally posted by Ghost C

Won't be seeing anything of my homie D.E. for a while :(.

Okay, let me get this straight... your "homie" broke into a police cruiser and stole guns, and you are sad that he will end up getting put away for it? Furthermore, you knew he did it, probably know where he is, and are taking no action? If this is all true, idiots like you, boasting about being, and supporting, criminals are not only the reason people like 12sec have such paranoid opinions about guns, but are also the reason I want one.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Most humans, don't realize what it is to take a life. Guns are a waste of time. If you like guns, you are a waste of time.
Actually, I know all to well what it means. I do and always will support the ability to arm myself to the teeth. It's my right to protect myself. It's my right to protect my country if the need arises. I have fired single shot rifles up through full auto .50 cal brownings. I own rifles now that can punch through 1/4 inch plate steel. Why? Because I can. Should I ever need/want to go hunting, I can. Should I have to defend my home and family, I can. Should I decide to settle into a clock tower I can. I won't because I have respect for the power that a single bullet contains.

Your stance seems to have an emotional reasoning behind it. An overly emotional reasoning. When emotions get into a debate, it looses any rigidity to it. Why are you so adamant against guns? can you tell me the difference between guns and rifles?

I've really not had the chance to read this entire thread, but it certainly bear imnportance that I do.

And I think that Ghost was saying he'd miss his friend. Not that he was upset about him getting busted. Also I wouldn't say he was supporting criminals, but just letting police do their work. Seems the police knew the answer anyways. I'm wondering if Ghost had a hand in assisting? That'd be your chance milefile.

I'll read the remainder of the thread tomorrow, and hav a bit more to say.

Most humans, don't realize what it is to take a life. Guns are a waste of time. If you like guns, you are a waste of time.

Lots of people have already commented on this, but I can't hold back.

I'm willing to bet that you wouldn't think that a gun would be a waste of your time when you're standing face to face with a would-be murderer that has your family at gunpoint. I bet then you'd think that having a gun would be a very worthwhile thing.

I'm also willing to bet that if your country were invaded by some sort of aggressive dictator, you'd think that having a gun would be super keen.

You can say that criminals shouldn't have guns so we shouldn't need then all you want, but criminals are going to get guns. That's why we need them.
Originally posted by danoff
Lots of people have already commented on this, but I can't hold back.

I'm willing to bet that you wouldn't think that a gun would be a waste of your time when you're standing face to face with a would-be murderer that has your family at gunpoint. I bet then you'd think that having a gun would be a very worthwhile thing.

I'm also willing to bet that if your country were invaded by some sort of aggressive dictator, you'd think that having a gun would be super keen.

You can say that criminals shouldn't have guns so we shouldn't need then all you want, but criminals are going to get guns. That's why we need them.

Ironically,.. we can do ALL those things with large, non-concealable weapons.
Ironically,.. we can do ALL those things with large, non-concealable weapons.

Not as effectively. There is safety in the element of surprise, it raises your odds. There is also safety in having an obvious weapon, it scares your opponent.

If you're talking about swords or axes or something, those are not nearly as effective at defense as guns are.