Originally posted by emad
nice city in that there are no crimes. I'm living in one of the poorest neighborhoods in town for reasons you already know that you also don't believe to be true (the person wasn't my uncle - much closer relation than that and was financially supporting the family). Even here, the worst crime is some dumbass kids vandalising somebody's car out of revenge.
Now, obviously, the gun has to be in a safe place like umm... a gun safe right? are you really going to have the time to first get up in the middle of the night while you're groggy, find your way to the safe, open it, get the gun out, check if it's loaded and then make your way to the robber. If by then he hasn't gotten to your kids first. Or do you leave your gun at your bedside where your kids can get to it? Or do you grab the first thing you can use as a weapon and make your way to him before he gets to your loved ones?