- 410
- Wisconsin
- hogger129
This discussion has veered in an odd direction. Would I rather be killed with a knife or a gun, with a handgun or a rifle? I'd rather not be killed by any of them.
Viewed from the perspective of every other developed country in the world, as well as most of the undeveloped ones, the US obsession with firearms is a bizarre outlier. It's true that the vast majority of gun owners in the US never shoot anyone. There is a specific criminal element in the US that abuses guns & is responsible for a significant percentage of the homicides in the US. The criminal element in many other countries does not have easy access to firearms & so are much less likely to use guns. Even though this criminal element might use other means to kill, the frequency with which they do so is much less because killing in other ways is generally more difficult & requires more effort & deliberation.
However, aside from criminal gun violence, the prevalence of guns in the US leads to higher rates of successful suicide, more accidental shootings & a greater incidence of mass shootings. The American public seems to be conditioned to accept this as part of the cost of "freedom" - the freedom to own guns. The Constitution is constantly invoked & even the importance of protecting citizens from "government tyranny". This strikes me as ironic in the extreme as the citizens of the US are continually hoodwinked by their political overseers, who successfully convince them to support them as they embark in an endless succession of foreign wars. It's sort of an elaborate bait & switch - distract them by giving them the freedom to buy endless guns while leading them by the nose in the name of "patriotism".
I always have to laugh when somebody says that the United States looks silly in the eyes of the rest of the world. Our founders wanted people in this country to have arms for the preservation of freedom. I also do not think you have read that book I suggested - John Lott's More Guns, Less Crime. The constitution is constantly invoked because that is the entire basis of our society. If we look silly to the rest of the world, then the rest of the world should choose not to live here.