You need to stop long enough to ask WHO is killing WHO and HOW in your stat. Context is everything. Your stat has none and is there misleading you
Really it matters who is killing who. Murder is murder surely?
Why don't you store them at your house? They are after all, your guns right? Is there a restriction on where they may be stored?
They are not stored at my house because the shoot I am a member of is a 5 minute drive from his house.
This is an example of misdirection. The question was
can you - the reason is immaterial, either you may or you may not.
Yes I can, but I never would as it is dangerous.
Do you need to justify to your government all your actions/inactions and behaviours? Why would you want that?
I don't ring up the Pm when I need to go for a crap if that's what you mean. However, where potentially dangerous activities are concerned I'm happy the state likes to know what is going on.
SO you need special dispensation form the state to trade freely between individuals. Hardly free trade is it. OS the trade is oppressed by the state then.
The trade is only oppressed if they feel you are not a suitable person to own a gun.
Really? So in the UK (I assume you are in the UK) you have the legally protected ability to kill someone who invades your home? Do you not have an obligation to retreat?
Yes, if you can prove your response with any weapon was proportionate.
When last did a home owner successfully defend his life and property by killing the intruder and get off scott free?
No idea
So there is a special class of people then who may trade in this object then - only the licensed few. That is hardly "free access".
Anyone can get a licence if they can prove they have good cause.
And these qualifications can be met by anyone then? Even the poorest person in the UK? Or is this privilege reserved for the wealthy/ You know, those who can meet the arbitrary and draconian requirements.
Anyone who can afford the gun, the cabinet to keep it in and anyone who can prove to the police they have good casue.
This is by definition overtly oppressive legislation effectively banning the free ownership of shotguns.
No this is, by definition, a state ensuring that the only people who can have a gun are fit and proper and have somewhere safe to keep it. A huge leap away from oppressive.
You just proved it
I carry because I can. I am free to. In fact, I immigrated to the USA so that I could live under the protection of a Constitution that guarantees my freedoms without question. The United States exists to serve th people, not th other way round.
Do you pay tax?
So you see, the carrying of a firearm is not really about fear, but about freedom.
You think your free because you get to carry a gun. Think about all the things your prohibited from doing and then tell me your free. You guys can't even drink until your 21.
And finally we come full circle. You get to work your gun deaths number into the debate
And the number of people killed by guns in our respective countries is not suitable to a debate about guns exactly how? Oh wait, your going to start banging on about context aren't you. I would assume that most murders committed using guns are done so with illegally held guns. However, surely a criminal has a better chance of getting his hands on a gun in a country where they are freely available, than in a country where there are very strict controls.
Your stats fail to show WHO is killing WHO, WHERE they are and the legal status of the weapons used.
Inner-city gangs are killing each other with illegal weapons and these numbers are skewing the total. These people are already prevented by law from owning, possessing, discharging or using firearms, yet they still do.
So - we see yet again that those of criminal intent will do what ever they want when they want - and that the only thing gun control does is control the LAW abiding and not the criminal.
We have plenty of criminals in this country and the vast majority of those do not carry out their criminal activities using guns. Just maybe that's because guns are not so readily available in this country, whereas in yours they are two a penny.
I would love to stay and chat, but Jim Pruetts Guns and Ammo is having a bit of a post holiday sale and I would hate to miss out a chance to fill a few empty spots in the safe so i am off to enjoy my Friday afternoon.
And I'll sit back and relax safe in the knowledge that your over 20 times more likely to be **** and killed as I am