I worry more about getting run into by an idiot driver than I ever have about getting brains blown out or any other kind of hole put in me.
All the friend's and family members shot or killed with guns were in combat save one.
He had emphysema and would not be a burden on the family.
Good he didn't have to use a knife to end it all as that would have been extra suffering.
The only friend murdered had his throat slashed with a razor.
Oddly enough he didn't carry a firearm.
I've only had one gun stuck in my face and that was by a cop in a case of mistaken identity
and was only shot at once but that could have been considered a hunting accident I'd like to think.
I have been stabbed in the face though and that was unpleasent but that was 30 some odd years ago when I had next to no sense at all.
Most of these gun crimes you hear about are criminals shooting each other or their families.
I guess they are having fun killing each other since they haven't stopped since they started when crime was invented.
If you don't go looking for trouble you aren't likely to find it.
If you talk crap to random strangers you might just find one who has no sense of humor and is armed.
For the most part, an armed society is a polite one.
Somedays folks have a bad one so you give them a by unless they are making a direct threat to life an limb...
...then you pull out your pistol and blow their brains out.
All the friend's and family members shot or killed with guns were in combat save one.
He had emphysema and would not be a burden on the family.
Good he didn't have to use a knife to end it all as that would have been extra suffering.
The only friend murdered had his throat slashed with a razor.
Oddly enough he didn't carry a firearm.
I've only had one gun stuck in my face and that was by a cop in a case of mistaken identity
and was only shot at once but that could have been considered a hunting accident I'd like to think.
I have been stabbed in the face though and that was unpleasent but that was 30 some odd years ago when I had next to no sense at all.
Most of these gun crimes you hear about are criminals shooting each other or their families.
I guess they are having fun killing each other since they haven't stopped since they started when crime was invented.
If you don't go looking for trouble you aren't likely to find it.
If you talk crap to random strangers you might just find one who has no sense of humor and is armed.
For the most part, an armed society is a polite one.
Somedays folks have a bad one so you give them a by unless they are making a direct threat to life an limb...
...then you pull out your pistol and blow their brains out.