
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Hey, blaah, leave the fallacies at home. This thread has gone back and forth ad nauseum. People that came before you trying to attack the right to have guns at least did a better job.
A guns only purpose is to kill people

A gun's only purpose is to deliver a small collection of metals at high speed to a remote location. That location could be a person, but it could be an animal or an inert or inanimate target. The guns I used in a firing range in San Francisco weren't in existence solely to kill people - they were in existence solely to teach people target shooting. I doubt the .22 there actually could kill anyone that wasn't already sucking on the barrel.

Generally speaking, people who think guns are only there to kill people are the exact kind of person that should never be in possession of a gun - because they have no respect for them. Whereas people who do have possession of guns never point them at something they are not willing to destroy (that's rule #2 of guns; rule #1 is "The gun is loaded, regardless of whether you think it is or not").
Generally speaking, people who think guns are only there to kill people are the exact kind of person that should never be in possession of a gun - because they have no respect for them. Whereas people who do have possession of guns never point them at something they are not willing to destroy (that's rule #2 of guns; rule #1 is "The gun is loaded, regardless of whether you think it is or not").

You can always tell between those that are familiar with guns and those that are not by how they handle them. Those that are will always have it pointed down at the floor or up at the ceiling, where as those that are not tend to be very careless about where the gun is pointing. Same situation with fingers in and out of the trigger guard, awareness of the safety, and so on.
I had a really bizarre dream last night, this morning, or this afternoon, can't really remember. There were two criminals, one police officer, and 3 of us. One of the criminals distracted the cop, the other then shot him dead then proceeded to shoot us three (this was all after they stole my stereo). I saw it all going down, and was completely helpless. He put three rounds into me. I survived, but couldn't get up from the ground, something like a bad salvia trip. I can't rememver the fate of the other two.

Surely reading this thread over the past couple days influenced the dream, it really was wicked weird.

I am for guns. Umm, not really much of a debater, so I'll leave it up to you guys. Keep it up. 👍

Edit: Suppose I should say, I am not against guns. Unfortunately we live in a world where they are necessarry, and banning them is not gonna change that.
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I had a really bizarre dream last night, this morning, or this afternoon, can't really remember. There were two criminals, one police officer, and 3 of us. One of the criminals distracted the cop, the other then shot him dead then proceeded to shoot us three (this was all after they stole my stereo). I saw it all going down, and was completely helpless. He put three rounds into me. I survived, but couldn't get up from the ground, something like a bad salvia trip. I can't rememver the fate of the other two.

Surely reading this thread over the past couple days influenced the dream, it really was wicked weird.

I am for guns. Umm, not really much of a debater, so I'll leave it up to you guys. Keep it up. 👍

Edit: Suppose I should say, I am not against guns. Unfortunately we live in a world where they are necessarry, and banning them is not gonna change that.

I side up the same way although I am not safer because my neighbor has guns I am safe because of the life choices I make. The time for banning guns in this country has long since past.
The question I would ask is since everyone seems to agree that crazy people should not be allowed to have guns, how do we identify said crazy person and deny his or her right to gun ownership before they go nuts with a semi auto hand gun or assault rifle?.
I side up the same way although I am not safer because my neighbor has guns I am safe because of the life choices I make. The time for banning guns in this country has long since past.
The question I would ask is since everyone seems to agree that crazy people should not be allowed to have guns, how do we identify said crazy person and deny his or her right to gun ownership before they go nuts with a semi auto hand gun or assault rifle?.

You don't without discriminating against certain persons who have done no wrong.
Everyone is crazy and has the ability to kill others.
Where is each persons breakin point?

Who knows, is that answer so best not to go around jabbing others with sticks lest they fall from that edge...
...not that how they respond would be your responsibilty but if they blow your brains out it's hard to get them back in and working proper again.

Stay alert and take the proper steps if such a situation comes up.

Everyone will die when it's their time.

So unless you wish to live in a vault so you can die of old age you are out of luck controlling when you go.
I assume you mean narcotics? And how do you work out I think that I'm so clever. Maybe I think I'm pretty dumb but try not to let that hold me back.

And no I don't ignore the huge number of narcotics brought into the US each year, hence why I mentioned it when Mexico was discussed earlier. At the moment though, no one needs to bring guns into the US illegally they are already there, people just have to obtain then illegally from within. Which was the point I was trying to make.

You really think that is a regular occurrence in this country? That we are wading the streets through the throng of people beating each other up?

And lets get the two nations problems with murder in context. In the US there are 4.3 murders per 100,000 people whereas in the UK there are 1.4 murders per 100,000 people. So while we do have a problem with knife crime and murder it is not nearly as much of a problem as they have in the US and therefore not directly comparable.

Hmmm we all know that people in groups are dumber than alone. So more people = more people doing dumb things (more gangs, bigger gangs, more turf to fight for) and probably bigger social burning points. So get that in relation, means there are approx 60000000 people in the Uk and in the US there are 300000000+ people
Now means that we multiply that murder rate by 5x what do we get???
That is a whole different story. This is not meant as scientific research jus to put in relationship the number of people living in a country does matter, and even more the social security and help not accessible to a lot of persons.
Other example, in brazil you are allowed to carry a gun outside Your property, but Gun laws are very strict to obtain one, ( the permit) nearly impossible. Still gun related crimes in brazil are 4x times higher thab in the us. Why social burning point. Not enough, check south africa...

Now about cops without guns, after the last incidents of amok running students, german police got instructed to no longer wait for back up and or a swat team but they should immediately enter the building and try to confront the suspect asap. Waiting for the armed officers would sometimes be that minute too late. The us learned this the hard way, when the two guys in full body armor robbed the bank in north hollywood, and came out with their Ak47 in a hail of bullets, the Police answered to these heavy 7,62 rounds with 9mm pistols and shot guns. They actually had to go to the next Gun store to buy assault rifles.

So if guns are only there to kill, and can not bring fun to you? No one should have any, so eating should only be for satisfying the hunger? So why eat thinks you like? Since there are people dying of famine for us beein able to have a steack, u ride a motorcycle? If you do, i imagine you only use it to get faster to work and not be stuck in traffic right? (same applies to cars) so u do have a fully electric car that does not give any pleasure to you? Sex is meant for reproduction and perpetuation of the species, so you pretend to have sex? It is getting hard to have fun what do you think?
Some people have fun with different things, you have to accept that, even if you do not understand it that doesnt mean these things need to be banned because some people can mis use them.
Other example, prohibition, was done, alcohol banned, who made business with it? Ohh where did that come from?
If someone wants something, he will get it. Applyes to narcotics, illegal video games, Guns... Always been always will
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Guns are a short lived thing in the terms of human evolution and something that American and other gun countries will have to deal with at some point. It wont be long before there are "arms/weapons" technology that basically work instantly from the power of the mind in order to kill someone you just look at or think of with a kill intention. How is the law future proofed, how will it adapt in the future, I am curious to see what will happen. Does the American right to bear arms literally mean only and forever only those mechanical trigger operated bits of metal that we know today. What if a 'gun' becomes something totally different in the future.
Or maybe it's not something to think about now.
What is certain though is that technology will make the guns of today be as ineffective as a bow and arrow is today.
We long devlopped weapons more powerful than guns, rockets, tanks planes... Wild west era guns already are kind of outdated and inefficient compared to modern firearms, still people buying real ones (or replicas) like people buy vintage cars because they are more fun, so they will always be there. I presume you think of super awesome lasers and other stuff to come. In the case of a laser, the feeling, noise and smell of a bullet shooting device will always provide fun to them what a laser wouldn't. Like people who love petrol engines will curse the elctro car. Bee there power acceleration... Or what else, to some it wouldnt be the same. Btw if i am correct, there are already guns that are prohibited even in the states, things like the .50 cal sniper rifles. And even in the states you are not allowed to posess a nuclear missile!
Ohh and if we are already in the what if section, what if there will really be the zombiecalypse?? The average american will go to his safe, take out his grandfathers Garand m1 (because semi auto, wasting less bullets while you are in panic compared to an full auto assault...) what will the average euro guy do? Take some wood piece and put a put a nail through it?
But that doesnt change the discussion, again it wont be the laser or whatever doin the killing but the person using it.
It's a proven fact....guns deter crime. If you think guns are bad than you need to look at statitstics. Example: Switzerland pretty much has required gun ownership and the lowest crime rate of any country in the world.
And the guns in switzerland, a big part of it are assault rifles the people took home with them after they finished their service in the army, that means the very efficient dangerous typ of Guns.
We long devlopped weapons more powerful than guns, rockets, tanks planes... Wild west era guns already are kind of outdated and inefficient compared to modern firearms, still people buying real ones (or replicas) like people buy vintage cars because they are more fun, so they will always be there. I presume you think of super awesome lasers and other stuff to come. In the case of a laser, the feeling, noise and smell of a bullet shooting device will always provide fun to them what a laser wouldn't. Like people who love petrol engines will curse the elctro car. Bee there power acceleration... Or what else, to some it wouldnt be the same.
I was thinking of something more advanced than that. In the future if you wanted it, you will be able to tailor your brain to make you think you really are firing an old gun with the smell and the kick in your hand and even watch the bullet hit it's target. When what actually happens was something completely different not even using a projectile. It's not virtual as far as the brain is concerned it's for real, until a brain function is processed at a given interval to inform the self that what transpired was part of their brain control interface. A bit like waking up from a dream. If you wanted total memory of it being real then the virtual reminder function would be turned off.
Wars could be fought by soldiers killing each other but their minds are actually thinking they are doing something else. Lack of stress may or may not make them less efficient, but then artificial stress and trauma could be stimulated into the brain/blood.
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Switzerland pretty much has required gun ownership and the lowest crime rate of any country in the world.


Looks like it's a little bit above average according to those figures. There are countries with varying levels of gun control littered all over the place in those figures. So I'm not sure you can say exactly how guns affect crime rates, just look at the US and UK figures, two very different levels of gun control but very similar crime rates. One thing is for sure though, by looking at those figures you can't say guns deter crime as that simply isn't true.
Look. The two sides can piss statistics at each other until the end of time. That doesn't change the fact that a gun has never killed someone on its own (barring a freak mechanical accident). I live in a small town in Canada. There is next to no chance of me being killed by a gun, any guns around here are hunting shotguns. If I walk down dark neighbourhoods in Toronto at 3 in the morning and try to start something, yeah I might get shot. Gun violence isn't about the guns themselves, it's about the people behind them.
Guns deter crime.


Where ever guns are banned/strictly controlled, crime is higher.

People overlook the report rate for crime, which is higher int he US than any other country. Therefore there will ALWAYS appear to be more crime per capita in the US.

If you report MORE, you record MORE.

Even a 10 year old understands this.

Again, where ever guns are tightly controlled or banned, there is more crime.

Anyone suggesting otherwise is trolling for bogus out of context stats to back their flawed POV up, or simply is in denial.

In the US where crime stats are more carefully kept than else where, crime in "gun free zones' is higher than in non-gun-free zones.

This is reality, no matter how many kumbaya moments the control freaks try have.

Well I would rather live in an area of high crime rather than an area with low crime but 100 times the likelihood of be murdered. I can live with some things being taken from me, but I can't live with a bullet in my head.
Guns deter crime.


Where ever guns are banned/strictly controlled, crime is higher.

People overlook the report rate for crime, which is higher int he US than any other country. Therefore there will ALWAYS appear to be more crime per capita in the US.

If you report MORE, you record MORE.

Even a 10 year old understands this.

Again, where ever guns are tightly controlled or banned, there is more crime.

Anyone suggesting otherwise is trolling for bogus out of context stats to back their flawed POV up, or simply is in denial.

In the US where crime stats are more carefully kept than else where, crime in "gun free zones' is higher than in non-gun-free zones.

This is reality, no matter how many kumbaya moments the control freaks try have.

Then how do you explain such similar crime rates in the US and UK even though their respective gun controls are so different?

Slovakia and Slovenia, both countries with strict gun laws that have lower crime rates than both the US and Switzerland. So not all countries with tight gun controls have high crime rates.
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I am quoting this comment for use on other forums when people ask for examples of absolute contradiction.

Please explain how "low crime" = "higher chane of murder with a bullet in the head".

My word, what part of CRIMINAL do you not understand?

I will typ eit slowly so you can read it this time.

r e p o r t i n g
r a t e s

Reporting rates for crimes and crime classiifcations are far more granular in the USA than any where else - hence the higher numbers of crimes counted.

If you report and classify more, you count more.

Simple really, innit, yeah?

If the UK reported all the actions not considered crimes your rate would be higher.

Anyway - off to clean some of my freely owned gins.


Care to produce the proof that recording rates are so much higher than in the UK. And the Slovenia, Slovakia crime rates.
^ Wow, I wish I had the experience to do that as a kid, I've used shotguns before but nothing like that.

As azuremen noted, you can tell who respects and doesn't respect guns. I see it all the time when I play airsoft with friends. There's a group of people who run around with their fingers on the triggers and point them at people with no eye protection on and whatnot, whereas I've grown up around guns and know how to handle them. Finger off the trigger, pointed at the ground/sky, not pointed at anything or anybody that I haven't identified as a target.

It's the same thing as cars. People who respect the car/gun and act accordingly aren't dangerous. People who don't respect the car/gun are retards and are a serious danger.
No - I dont feel like providing any proof, the burden is not on me - it is on you. You are the one claiming guns don't reduce crime, not I.

In the mean time, how about some examples of supervised youth weapons handling?

That should get your heckles up and all quivering ;)

Where do you get this idea that this debate in anyway annoys me? Remember I'm not of the opinion that guns should be banned just strictly controlled. I'm actually enjoying an adult conversation on the interwebz for once.

And having been introduced to guns as a child I see the benefit of it, as long as it's in a safe environment, so those pictures don't affect me in the way you hoped. I think it was another forum member who was banging on about kids and guns.

And you are claiming guns do reduce crime, I've provided my proof. So if you want your assertions to be taken seriously then some proof would be helpful, otherwise they become merely opinions.