
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
This is interesting. It irks you that you can't carry a gun for self defence but it doesn't bother you that your country is so far down the toilet that you have to carry a gun to feel safe.

Way to ignore him talking about a certain area near where he lives. Not the whole country. Every nation on the planet has higher crime areas due to socio-economic reasons.

Your logic would be on par with "since they've restricted how much booze people can bring to this race, it must mean Australia is a nation alcoholics."

Honestly, stop picking and choosing to produce the most extreme point of view. Not any better than Fox News.
This is interesting. It irks you that you can't carry a gun for self defence but it doesn't bother you that your country is so far down the toilet that you have to carry a gun to feel safe.

How many men can you fend off mounting your life partner in a parking lot with your bare hands?

I can disperse at least 100 with just a couple of trigger pulls.

It's not about feeling safe, it's about being safe.

I refuse to get into physical contests with men half my age when Sam Colt went to the trouble to create an equalizer for all.
Way to ignore him talking about a certain area near where he lives. Not the whole country. Every nation on the planet has higher crime areas due to socio-economic reasons.

Honestly, stop picking and choosing to produce the most extreme point of view. Not any better than Fox News.

So people don't carry guns to feel safe throughout America?

Your logic would be on par with "since they've restricted how much booze people can bring to this race, it must mean Australia is a nation alcoholics."

No it wouldn't. Australians like to get pissed and watch some fast cars. Bathurst is a once a year event and the organisers wanted to make money from selling overpriced beer on the premises. It's not a situation that happens daily.

How many men can you fend off mounting your life partner in a parking lot with your bare hands?

Again, people see it as "there's a bunch of men raping my wife, I need a gun" instead of "why is there a bunch of men raping my wife"

Only in a country that 🤬 up can people whinge about not being able to carry a gun instead of questioning why they need to carry a gun in the first place.
Gun control in the US is dysfunctional by design. From the Constitution right on down to the ATF.

So what does the 2nd Amendment have to do with Mexican border control, drug traffic from Mexico, and rampant gov't corruption? Seems like that's your typical 'blame America 1st' article.
Again, people see it as "there's a bunch of men raping my wife, I need a gun" instead of "why is there a bunch of men raping my wife"

Only in a country that 🤬 up can people whinge about not being able to carry a gun instead of questioning why they need to carry a gun in the first place.

There are areas in any country where your partner could be ruined or just plain old mugged/robbed/beaten.

Mine was a hypothetical as in "what if?" and then that I didn't need to be Hercules
to protect my loved ones from harm due to a nifty tool avalible to my person thanks to Mr. Colt.

I don't whinge, I just carry because I can and like I said I'm past physical contests but,
not ready to sit rocking on the porch just yet to wait for God.
So what does the 2nd Amendment have to do with Mexican border control, drug traffic from Mexico, and rampant gov't corruption? Seems like that's your typical 'blame America 1st' article.

Actually I hold the Constitution in higher regard than any other document written by Man.
Only in a country that 🤬 up can people whinge about not being able to carry a gun instead of questioning why they need to carry a gun in the first place.

This attempts to deny the nature of man. You pretend that there can be a country where people do not commit crime, and so no one needs to defend themselves. Of course this cannot and will not ever exist. And so the fundamental human right to practice self defense cannot be infringed.

This is interesting. It irks you that you can't carry a gun for self defence but it doesn't bother you that your country is so far down the toilet that you have to carry a gun to feel safe.

Where I was headed, south central Los Angeles, an area notorious for gang-related violence, does indeed exist because of other problems that I'd be happy if our city addressed. That doesn't change any of what I wrote above. There will always be criminals, they will always concentrate in certain regions, and I will always have a heightened awareness for personal safety when traveling in those areas. My right to defend myself exists for this purpose.
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Only in a country that 🤬 up can people whinge about not being able to carry a gun instead of questioning why they need to carry a gun in the first place.

Do law enforcement officers in Australia have guns? If so, why?

In America, you don't have to question anything. If you want a gun and will use it in a lawful manner, you can own one regardless of one's 'reasons'.
Actually I hold the Constitution in higher regard than any other document written by Man.

I've read a few articles like that in the past and they all seem to glare over the drug, corruption, and border security problems with Mexico while highlighting a 'need' for some gun registry for US citizens or an outright ban on guns b/c some wind up in Mexico.

It's not America's fault Mexico is a screwed up place.
Funny, I actually see a quite different angle. In this 🤬 up country, people are actually trusted with guns.

Until I bought a gun, started fraternizing with other gun owners, I never realized how so many frigging Americans owned guns. Sure, there are plenty of gun violence in the country, you even see some here & there in the local news. But considering how so many own guns, it is amazing how little gun violence, or accidents I see on the news.

Maybe in this thread, maybe somewhere else, I've mentioned how firearms are part of American culture. Until you've actually lived here, IMO, it will be very hard for you to understand how guns are integrated into the culture.

I'm not saying that guns aren't big part of so-called self-defense weapon, home defense, or sometimes sign of paranoia. But if you think those are the main reasons for gun ownership in America, you are absolutely clueless.
Wikipedia seem to indicate that most Australian police officers are trained in & issued firearms.
Because they are in law enforcment?

I'd say most of the cops i see have guns, i belive that most of the police in the UK don't carry guns.

transit cops (train inspectors) and such don't carry guns.
I very rarely see them with guns here and I always get pulled over for breath testing and roadworthy inspections because of the time of night I tend to drive.

Obviously cops going on house raids carry guns, but the general street cop doesn't.

And I get your angle BrutherSuperior of 'for protection' but they're cops, it's what they are paid to do and it's why the general population doesn't carry guns whereas in America the general population still carry guns even though your police force is far more visable and active.
And I get your angle BrutherSuperior of 'for protection' but they're cops, it's what they are paid to do and it's why the general population doesn't carry guns whereas in America the general population still carry guns even though your police force is far more visable and active.

The general populace here actually doesn't carry guns. Just an FYI. A lot of people own guns, which is quite different than carrying guns.

You just keep digging that hole though.
Ok sorry I questioned how great America is

This is interesting. It irks you that you can't carry a gun for self defence but it doesn't bother you that your country is so far down the toilet that you have to carry a gun to feel safe.

Still valid but idgaf. Best country on earth etc
At least half the reason that the "right to keep and bear arms" is in our Constitution is so that citizens will be able to put up armed resistance to a totalitarian government, should one come to power.

LOL! Should one come to power? you have had a totalitarian Govt ever since Kennedy was assassinated!

As far as the OP goes, I'm British and whenever i watched on British news-reports of yet another killing in the US i would say "why the hell don't they just ban all guns!?", until i studied the US constitution and the intentions of the 2nd amendment...kudos to the founding fathers!

We Brits could use a "2nd amendment" to get rid of every single member of the houses of Commons and Lords...hell, we should also remove the Saxe Coburg Gotha's(<nasty scum-bags!) who changed their name to Windsor right on the outbreak of WW1
No, I think an x on a ballot paper works better for getting people out of the two Houses instead of a bullet.
Ok sorry I questioned how great America is

Still valid but idgaf. Best country on earth etc

I still await when you finally produce a post with merit, rather than wild assumptions and misinformation, followed by trite sarcasm when called out on it.
At least half the reason that the "right to keep and bear arms" is in our Constitution is so that citizens will be able to put up armed resistance to a totalitarian government, should one come to power.

LOL! Should one come to power? you have had a totalitarian Govt ever since Kennedy was assassinated!

Here are two of the most interesting and provocative statements yet made in this thread. There may be some intuitive appeal to one or both ideas, but neither can be confirmed as truth by historians, politicians or even gun nuts.
I still await when you finally produce a post with merit, rather than wild assumptions and misinformation, followed by trite sarcasm when called out on it.

In the meantime, try climbing off that horse.
Ok sorry I questioned how great America is

This is interesting. It irks you that you can't carry a gun for self defence but it doesn't bother you that your country is so far down the toilet that you have to carry a gun to feel safe.

Still valid but idgaf. Best country on earth etc
It could possibly be that this was ignored because he never said it.

Those who know Danoff's opinions well enough know that he has never said that the US is perfect.

You need one of these:
It could possibly be that this was ignored because he never said it.

Those who know Danoff's opinions well enough know that he has never said that the US is perfect.

I never said anything overly mind blowing - I just noticed somehting and pointed it out. What he did say in his post is basically "damn, I'm not allowed to carry a gun" instead of "things are so bad I have to carry a gun to feel safe".

Silly of me to talk ill of america in a gun thread tho :indiff:
I never said anything overly mind blowing - I just noticed somehting and pointed it out. What he did say in his post is basically "damn, I'm not allowed to carry a gun" instead of "things are so bad I have to carry a gun to feel safe".
Yes, because when you feel threatened it is natural to just sit back and ponder, "How should I affect socio-political change in my country in a way to rid the gang problem that I currently feel puts my safety at risk at this very moment?"

As I said before, Danoff has never hidden the fact that he believes this country needs changing. I am sure in the proper thread he can even tell you what he thinks will help to change this gang problem that made him feel like he would have been safer had he been allowed to keep a gun on him at that time.

Basically, you took a statement about how someone would have felt safer with a gun, made in a thread with a guns topic, and used it to say he doesn't see a problem with society. Considering that statement would have been 100% off topic and he mentioned nothing regarding his opinion on the state of society, I have no clue how you reached that conclusion. I can't follow your path of logic here. I know what you are trying to say but it doesn't fit the context of what Danoff said.

Silly of me to talk ill of america in a gun thread tho
I questioned your questioning of Danoff's thought process because you made up opinions for him. I said nothing about your opinion or statements about America. Quit assuming you know what people think when they have said nothing about it.
Here are two of the most interesting and provocative statements yet made in this thread. There may be some intuitive appeal to one or both ideas, but neither can be confirmed as truth by historians, politicians or even gun nuts.

On the contrary, i think is is very easy to confirm. let me ask you a question first before we continue...

I have studied the main cause for the war of independence and the massive influx into the US mainly from European nations ever since the founding of the US and its constitution, so i know what i am talking about...the question your Govt legal (legal according to your constitution) and constitutional?