- 678
- BrutherSuperior
I don't have statistics handy, but I'm pretty sure most petty burglars aren't packing AK's. I'd wager that most violent gun crime isn't carried out with the big heat like that.
Drug crime & gang warfare is where high-power, high-capacity, and fully automatic weapons are found. Like cocaine, these weapons are imported/smuggled across the borders. It's damn near impossible to buy an automatic weapon if you have anything bad in your background and they cost a fortune. Think $15,000+ for 1 gun...and that'll be on the cheap end of the spectrum. Some garden variety low-life who mugs people for dope money isn't going to invest that kind of money on a gun he'll have confiscated next time he gets arrested.
Unorganized crime, such as holding up a bank or muggings, usually use smaller cheaper weapons.