
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters


Is it evil of me to consider people who act upon their support for limiting the 2nd Amendment (via introducing or voting for legislation, etc) as attempting to limit my Constitutional rights, thereby justifying personal action against them to protect my rights? Or do I have to wait until they actually try and remove the gun from my house or hand before I can shoot them?

According to some sort of poll recently, at least 60% of college-aged people intend on owning firearms in the future. Apparently this is justification for the lady interviewed to support Obama's swift action without Congressional consent. Ironically, her name is Lawless.

American University professor Jennifer L. Lawless
“The next generation plans on owning guns, so if we want to avoid the tragedies that we’ve seen… we obviously need to move quickly and if an executive order is the way to do it, then that is the way the to do it,” she said.
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Saw that^^^^ couple days ago. Pretty funny.


Wanna talk about rights violations.
It infuriates me how policy makers and media people treat firearm owners as if we're criminals. They'll continue to lose my support and respect. I anticipate gun laws will be treated with the same respect drug laws are treated.

I typed the very first thing that came to mind in response to each point. It's tongue and cheek sorta, just thought it would be fun :D

1. Why would feds not talk to feds?

2. Remove privacy rights in regards to ones health? This type of thing is what keeps mentally ill from seeking help in the first place.

3. Bribe, extort, or both, the states.

4. I wold like to see these categories laid out(I might go looking for them), but again dangerous people probably are not categorized in the first place.

5. Legalize unlawful disarming of law abiding citizens. Threat neutralized, lets all call it a day lol.

6. Guide licensed gun dealers how to run background checks for other sellers? Not a bad idea if I read it right, I would not mind paying a licensed dealer a small fee to check a buyer for me, as long as it's not mandatory but protects me from possible prosecution of a very vague written law.

7. Hot air.

8. They can review and update those standards till the cows come home, what is that going to do?

9. This should be done, surprised if it's not already.

10. Again, this is not done already? I would have thought the fbi had a data base or something.

11. No comment.

12. We don't need the federal gov for that but, whatever.

13. LOL

14. That's not going to do much imo.

15. Challenge to the private sector accepted, if there is a market for that sort of thing, they will build and sell it.

16. But does it require the patient tells the truth? Again, these privacy things I don't like :P

17. But does it require reporting? Again, these privacy things, these things I do not like.

18. I'm indifferent on that other then to say, usually a federal incentive turns into extortion of some sort.

19. No argument here on that one.

20. We need to have mental health available to all imo, how to do that I have no idea but as we've all been saying... stigma and all...

21. -23. Blah blah something something socialized federal medical dealie I can't stand :grumpyoldman:

I can see exactly how national health care is going to go, pretty soon if you buy that tooo big of a coke in NYC and tell your doctor when he asks... , you are going to be in some deep doo doo. Maybe you will be committed to a fountain soda abuse rehab for 30 days. Upon release, your i.d. that is now required to buy soda, will be stamped "no soda for this guy".

I'm joking but I'm not :lol: It relates to the gun stuff, mainly about control and loss of freedom.
New Yorkers are signing a petition and filing a federal class action lawsuit against the new law banning all sales of assault rifles in NY from last night.
If they didn't want people having assault rifles, they should have halted production after WWII and not have sold off the surplus to the public. I really beleive in that. Not that it would have made much of a difference but it's a start.
If they didn't want people having assault rifles, they should have halted production after WWII and not have sold off the surplus to the public. I really beleive in that. Not that it would have made much of a difference but it's a start.

A start to what ? Ceasing production on assault rifles and the sales of assault style firearms ? It sounds like your against guns, but yet you carry an AK47 in your truck .... remember ?

Jumper cables, vehicle license, registration, insurance, records, shotgun shells, AK47 (usually), phone charger, tools etc.

What may I ask is a high school kid doing carrying around an AK47 in his vehicle ?
Assault weapon =/= Assault rifle.

You need to define what you're talking about before you start saying what should be banned.

Do you want to ban select fire or do you want to ban pistol grips, flash hiders, foregrips, and adjustable stocks?
If they didn't want people having assault rifles, they should have halted production after WWII and not have sold off the surplus to the public. I really beleive in that. Not that it would have made much of a difference but it's a start.


It would have been a start for supporters of gun control. Unfortunately there's really not anything anyone can do about that.

And by unfortunately I mean for people who support gun control.

What may I ask is a high school kid doing carrying around an AK47 in his vehicle ?

Also confusing:

Why does he have an AR and shotgun shells, but not a shotgun or ammo for the AK?
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Assault weapon =/= Assault rifle.

You need to define what you're talking about before you start saying what should be banned.

Do you want to ban select fire or do you want to ban pistol grips, flash hiders, foregrips, and adjustable stocks?

Who wants to take a wild guess at why whatever legislation gets proposed will either have loopholes or be so long and convoluted that people will have trouble knowing what is and isn't allowed, and only after a Supreme Court hearing will it be clarified, which will probably end up leaving loopholes not intended by the authors, because they operate at a 7th grade literacy level (at least that is what we are told to aim for in the state with documents that will be viewed by a legislator)?

And this is why I don't truly fear legislation. I think the people determined to ban guns don't understand them well enough to actually do real harm. The floor debates will be pure comedy.
More than the current situation of average magazines being called "high capacity assault clips" and semi auto rifles being called "assault weapons"?

It's a shame that we've allowed this stupidity to advance so far already.
A start to what ? Ceasing production on assault rifles and the sales of assault style firearms ? It sounds like your against guns, but yet you carry an AK47 in your truck .... remember ?

What may I ask is a high school kid doing carrying around an AK47 in his vehicle ?

I am completely opposed to gun control. I was merely pointing out that if they were going to do something like this it would have been a bit more logical to start it then rather than now.

But helllll naw the entire idea itself of gun control enfuriates me

Because New York state law says I can have one with me all the time in the vehicle as long as it's not loaded, just like any other gun such as a .22 or a 12 gauge. I can shoot it anywhere I have permission to be on someones land as long as I'm within I beleive a few feet of the last publicly serviced thing out there, be it a telephone pole or something like that. Half the time theres a 12 gauge in their anyways on the rack as well. Rabbit season is open ya know. That's why.

The better question would be, why not?

EDIT: Also heard the stupidest thing ever today. Suppsoedly (not sure just how true this is), in New York, semi-automatic .22 caliber rifles that take either clips or are tube fed need to to be registered as an assault rifle in order for them to be legal and you to continue using them. They cannot be sold by dealers or a private party under this new law passed the other night. Oh, but semi-auto shotguns are fine.

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That doesn't sound scary enough though.

What I want to know is why we aren't addressing the problems with mental health in this country, rather than blaming guns or the Second Amendment which most people lawfully exercise.
What I want to know is why we aren't addressing the problems with mental health in this country, rather than blaming guns or the Second Amendment which most people lawfully exercise.

Obama's proposal does address it, but barely. His proposal basically reads, New gun control bill, and 20 other small, pointless things that make it appear as if I'm addressing the problem as a whole and considering everyone's suggestions.
Obama's thoughts on mental health as I see it; Make sure everyone's mental health records are easily obtainable by the federal government so we can use those records as a way to deny arms. I see no genuine concern on his part how the issue should be addressed. As I said before, what he proposes actually turns people away from seeking help.

Interesting. For one Internet cookie, who knows what the soldiers retreating from The Battle of Lexington and Concord were sent to do?

And does anyone know what the British required of Boston citizens the next morning, before they were allowed to leave town to avoid being caught in the middle of a further possible battle?

Hint: it is on topic.
A 30-round magazine is not high-capacity. It's standard-capacity.
Finally, someone who gets it.
I haven't read anything about that for you all in NY but who knows. The main things that came out of the new NYS law is that anything they have deemed an "assault weapon" (semi-auto rifle, shotgun, or pistol with even 1 prohibited feature - pistol grip, collapsable/folding stock, flash suppressor, etc...) is banned from being sold after Jan 15, 2013. Anything owned before then has to be registered with the state police by some time in 2014. You also have the option of selling the guns to an out of state resident who is allowed to own them. You'll also have to destroy or sell out of state any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammo for any gun by next year. You can keep the 10 rounders but you're only allowed to load 7 rounds at a time :lol: Background checks to buy ammo, and one of the reviews I'm reading seems to say that internet sales of guns and ammo are banned, but I'm not sure about that one.

I'd rather be a felon or quit my job and move. As a matter of fact, if MD passes something similar I don't think I'll be sticking around much longer.

If you don;t sell out of statte or dispose of those clips then for each one you own after the next year is a class a misdemeanor.

What I want to know is why we aren't addressing the problems with mental health in this country, rather than blaming guns or the Second Amendment which most people lawfully exercise.

Again I agree.
Disarm the colonists.

Turn in their arms.
To be more accurate on the first point, disarm the militia. The wording of the 2nd Amendment can't be a coincidence can it?

And when you consider seizing weapons was the trigger of the Revolutionary War, it is hard to not understand why they guaranteed that right. It clearly wasn't hunting.

The Minister of Truth.
From the thumbnail, I thought I was getting George Clinton. I was all excited, then disappointed, then I saw that awesome hat.
I believe all this anti-gun stuff proposed by the left is going to cause a lot of people to vote for their opponents in 2014. That's what happened after Congress passed the first Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994.
Obama's thoughts on mental health as I see it; Make sure everyone's mental health records are easily obtainable by the federal government so we can use those records as a way to deny arms. I see no genuine concern on his part how the issue should be addressed. As I said before, what he proposes actually turns people away from seeking help.

Now what happens when a doctor doesn't diagnose someone as dangerous and that person goes out and kills someone. Are they liable?

Will doctors report anyone they think may be dangerous, regardless of if they own weapons, or just the ones they're pretty sure of? Since there will be some sort of liability on their part; will they just report everyone they see, the medications they take, and have their files uploaded to the ATF/FBI in a bid to lessen their liability?

This is very bad news.

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