I typed the very first thing that came to mind in response to each point. It's tongue and cheek sorta, just thought it would be fun
1. Why would feds not talk to feds?
2. Remove privacy rights in regards to ones health? This type of thing is what keeps mentally ill from seeking help in the first place.
3. Bribe, extort, or both, the states.
4. I wold like to see these categories laid out(I might go looking for them), but again dangerous people probably are not categorized in the first place.
5. Legalize unlawful disarming of law abiding citizens. Threat neutralized, lets all call it a day lol.
6. Guide licensed gun dealers how to run background checks for other sellers? Not a bad idea if I read it right, I would not mind paying a licensed dealer a small fee to check a buyer for me, as long as it's not mandatory but protects me from possible prosecution of a very vague written law.
7. Hot air.
8. They can review and update those standards till the cows come home, what is that going to do?
9. This should be done, surprised if it's not already.
10. Again, this is not done already? I would have thought the fbi had a data base or something.
11. No comment.
12. We don't need the federal gov for that but, whatever.
13. LOL
14. That's not going to do much imo.
15. Challenge to the private sector accepted, if there is a market for that sort of thing, they will build and sell it.
16. But does it require the patient tells the truth? Again, these privacy things I don't like
17. But does it require reporting? Again, these privacy things, these things I do not like.
18. I'm indifferent on that other then to say, usually a federal incentive turns into extortion of some sort.
19. No argument here on that one.
20. We need to have mental health available to all imo, how to do that I have no idea but as we've all been saying... stigma and all...
21. -23. Blah blah something something socialized federal medical dealie I can't stand :grumpyoldman:
I can see exactly how national health care is going to go, pretty soon if you buy that tooo big of a coke in NYC and tell your doctor when he asks... , you are going to be in some deep doo doo. Maybe you will be committed to a fountain soda abuse rehab for 30 days. Upon release, your i.d. that is now required to buy soda, will be stamped "no soda for this guy".
I'm joking but I'm not

It relates to the gun stuff, mainly about control and loss of freedom.