
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
I don't know why we don't have term limits for Congress yet.
Their job is to represent their constituents, complete unlike the president whose job is to enforce law (dangerous) and lead the military (dangerous). If congress had term limits then Ron Paul wouldn't have been able to serve for two decades. I still wouldn't want him as president longer than 8 years.
Their job is to represent their constituents, complete unlike the president whose job is to enforce law (dangerous) and lead the military (dangerous). If congress had term limits then Ron Paul wouldn't have been able to serve for two decades. I still wouldn't want him as president longer than 8 years.

I guess it's a difficult choice to make.
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I don't think it's a difficult choice at all. While people both elect who they want representing them in congress and who they want to be their president, in a historical context the congress is unlikely to have either have or use the power to control the military for, say, rigging elections or holding down the population to keep themselves in power, while the president is actually rather likely to be able to do that.
I remember that scientific video. You gotta love ABC. I wonder whatever happened to their theory on the electronics causing unintended acceleration in Toyotas. :rolleyes:

I guess the video's 4,000 thumbs up to 30,000 thumbs down on youtube says it all.
Personally I find the numerous instances of CCP holders reacting well to violent attacks as more compelling evidence than a bunch of kids failing to play paintball well in a poorly set-up scenario.
I wish there was a figure on number of casualties caused by concealed carry permit holders. It must be pretty rare, because honestly, I don't ever recall hearing about one on the news.

I do recall a study by the FBI claiming how effective concealed carry is, even without ever firing a shot.
That is hilarious, before you know it there will be government appointed pooping professionals. How dare you try to amateur poop? Call the authorities, they will assist in the proper manor.
I wish there was a figure on number of casualties caused by concealed carry permit holders. It must be pretty rare, because honestly, I don't ever recall hearing about one on the news.
Typically the cases are kept from the media for privacy reasons. Though it seems like we'd want them to report the good guys doing good, it's a mixed bag. That the recent lady-in-the-closet ordeal was reported might shine a positive light on self-defense, it also exposes those people to a wide audience and possibly compromises their security. I'm not sure where I stand on it. I suppose whether or not it is reported should be up to the people involved.
Typically the cases are kept from the media for privacy reasons. Though it seems like we'd want them to report the good guys doing good, it's a mixed bag. That the recent lady-in-the-closet ordeal was reported might shine a positive light on self-defense, it also exposes those people to a wide audience and possibly compromises their security. I'm not sure where I stand on it. I suppose whether or not it is reported should be up to the people involved.
Not asking for media coverage, just figures.
Not that stupid, worthless, STAGED ABC crap again? So frick'n stupid! :rolleyes:

I think that video was created by Violence Policy Center, which is just another name for the Brady Campaign. They have gone on record as saying they want to destroy the Second Amendment. Everything they say is biased and they have been proven wrong plenty of times.

As a concealed carrier, I do have to say that carrying a gun is a big responsibility, but it does make you safer if you know how to handle it properly.
I don't even care if a person is skilled, or if they even use their gun or not. The principle behind it is what must be upheld. They have to have the option of self-defense whether they use it or not.
So, they give a training gun to an untrained "action movie loving" air-soft warrior that has never concealed carried before (even starts bragging about it to people next to him?) with training rounds, restrictive clothing, a mask, and gloves in a ridiculous training situation... he fails to even draw the weapon and that's what this is based on.... jesus....

Not going to bother watching the rest...
It should be a warning to all housewives, before posting pics of your child's 1st birthday you better consider not setting the cake on fire while wielding a large knife :scared: :lol:
Or anything that might lead people looking at the photo to believe that baby is unattended in bath, sitting in a car seat without child-seat though the car doesn't run, near dog without a leash, too close to the stove that might be on but is not, etc., etc. Jesus......
Apparently the Sheriff of Milwaukee County and the Mayor of the city of Milwaukee don't see eye to eye on what to do about crime in the city and surrounding areas.

Why did the Sheriff dodge the question about background checks ? It was a valid question, why was there not a valid answer ?

So Wayne LaPierre has addressed the senate.

Why did the Sheriff dodge the question about background checks ? It was a valid question, why was there not a valid answer ?
Because it's a stupid question. Explain to me how the hell I'm supposed to do a background check on the guy at work who wants to buy my gun. Then explain to me how the police are going to enforce that rule. Even if it were law it would be unenforceable, but of course the head of a police organization can't speak that truth because it makes dumb people uncomfortable. So instead the Sheriff offered solutions which can be implemented, such as educating and arming the citizenry and pushing much harsher punishment for gun crimes.

Also, LaPierre's speech was excellent.
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Background check on private transactions actually super easy. Any gun shops, also lot of pawn shops are FFL and can run background checks for a fee.
Background check on private transactions actually super easy. Any gun shops, also lot of pawn shops are FFL and can run background checks for a fee.
And I and my coworker are going to leave work during our smoke break to take this background check for what reason exactly? And it's not even free?
And I and my coworker are going to leave work during our smoke break to take this background check for what reason exactly? And it's not even free?
I don't know what reason exactly, all I did was explain how one could easily run a background check on a private firearm transaction, because I saw you ask. Yeah, it's not even free. :lol: