
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Make background checks free and readily available for private transactions could help in that situation. Although that could lead to people accessing information about others without actually selling a firearm. How do pawn shops go about it?
It's a silly prospect anyway, only resulting in punishing the innocent. I'd use the service if I was in the habit of selling off my guns just to keep my bases covered, all the while the criminals will not. Part of that Senate hearing where the whip Derbin, or whoever he is, was insisting that if gun shows had mandatory checks criminals would not have guns...
:lol: :lol:

Gun shows where I live do have mandatory checks, miraculously criminals still have guns here and use them, I'd be surprised if it's not easier for them to obtain them then me.
I'd be for mandatory checks, just because currently, criminals who are prohibited from owning or purchasing firearms can just buy it from people like me & Keef during smoke breaks at work. :P If we had to go through FFL, I wouldn't just take someone's word that they are OK'd to legally purchase the firearm I'm trying to sell. Not just criminals, but even foreign nationals who are not permanent resident.

To answer Tesla's question, pawn shops call up the State Police(in Oregon), just like gun shops have to when they run the checks.

P.S. It will never be a free check. Just like DMVs & DEQs, any execuse to rip us off!
I'd be for mandatory checks, just because currently, criminals who are prohibited from owning or purchasing firearms can just buy it from people like me & Keef during smoke breaks at work.

They have jobs? hehe, seriously though of course they will still be able to buy just as many, only not from people like you and Keef because you do not want to be responsible for the gun out of your hands, or, you don't wish to go to jail.

p.s. Don't they still simply file off the numbers?
There's still nothing that FORCES you to do a mandatory check, so it's just another feel good law.

The reason I am opposed to it is because what if I want to sell my pistol to another family member who I already know has a clean record? Now I have to take time out of my day, go to a gun dealer, PAY for a background check, and then my family member still has to go through the two-day waiting period we have here in Wisconsin.

Again, tell me what will force criminals to use this system?

For the record, every gun show I have ever been to performs background checks just like if you bought it at a gun store.

There is no such thing as the "gun show loophole." Buying guns off people in the parking lot or in line is not a gun show loophole, it's an illegal straw sale.
I think the fact is our gun laws are perfectly fine as they stand. They need to come to grips with the fact that you can't stop people bent on doing something bad. All you can do is make it easier for good people to defend themselves, such as stopping this "gun free zone" baloney. Our criminal justice and mental health systems are a total failure and those are what need reform, not our gun laws.
If there was a button to get rid of every civillian owned bomb or gun, I would press it. But, we can't. Do you honestly think that breaking the law over owning a gun is going to prevent a massacre?
If there was a button to get rid of every civillian owned bomb or gun, I would press it. But, we can't. Do you honestly think that breaking the law over owning a gun is going to prevent a massacre?
I'm not the toughest 150 pound guy around. What happens when some 250 pound asshole decides to push me around because he can, or even worse, some lunatic lunges at me with a kitchen knife? How the hell am I supposed to defend myself from fools like that?
If there was a button to get rid of every civillian owned bomb or gun, I would press it. But, we can't. Do you honestly think that breaking the law over owning a gun is going to prevent a massacre?

If there was a button to get rid of every pus---person like you who lives in this ridiculous fantasy world where everyone gets along... I would.

Then I and everyone else who owns a gun would dance on your grave and revel in the decrease in violence because all of the pathetic victims who can't defend themselves are gone.
If there was a button to get rid of every pus---person like you who lives in this ridiculous fantasy world where everyone gets along... I would.

Then I and everyone else who owns a gun would dance on your grave and revel in the decrease in violence because all of the pathetic victims who can't defend themselves are gone.

Daaaaaaaaamn ....... tell us how you really feel. :P
"Imagine I'm a giant blow hard.
You don't even have to try."

"Imagine all the people,
Living bland and boring lives.
I think I'd rather be shot,
Than have to live as one."

Sorry, it's a reflexive action to any mention of John Lennon post Beatles.
"Imagine I'm a giant blow hard.
You don't even have to try."

"Imagine all the people,
Living bland and boring lives.
I think I'd rather be shot,
Than have to live as one."

Sorry, it's a reflexive action to any mention of John Lennon post Beatles.

Daaaaaaaaamn ....... tell us how you really feel. :P

Sorry, idiots who just want to throw away everyone else's rights really get to me.

While we are at it I guess I will just push this other big button I have that takes away the right to vote of African Americans and women.
Apparently you can get arrested before a law is passed if you live in New York. Combat Vet charged with 5 counts of illegal weapon possession (third degree felonies) for having five empty 30rd AR15 magazines in his car.

The whole thing is absurd, feel good gone willy nilly, but this bit really chaps me...

On Sunday January 6th Staff Sgt. Nathan Haddad, a decorated combat veteran, was driving through Jefferson County New York when he was randomly pulled over for a vehicle check. Haddad, who had five 30 round empty magazines in his possession, was arrested by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and charged with five felony counts.

Isn't your car considered an extension of your home? It's not far fetched to see where these 'random' searches are headed. 👎

On a lighter note, I remember a David Letterman bit where he said he was randomly stopped and searched on foot in NYC(they do do that) so he says something like this, "after he patted me down he asked me to pat him down, at that point I asked, you aren't really a policeman are you, he said no" lol
I found the news ridiculous. Law hasn't gone in effect, and they arrest him anyway? While looking it up on Bing/Google News, I ran into this related article that might interest you guys:
Neal Barton's POV
Different rules for different people

Right after the Connecticut school shooting, NBC's David Gregory became very dramatic on his Sunday show, "Meet the Press."

All the TV wizard consultants tell us TV types we need to be more engaging and use props so you folks will not become bored with us and watch reality shows.

I guess in an effort to keep the audience to be dramatic, Mr.. Gregory pulled out a 30 round magazine as a prop. It was an effort to show in his opinion what's wrong with gun laws when someone uses a mag that big. Well, it's against D.C.'s very tough guns laws to even have one of those.

I've told you stories right here of people, even cops, getting caught with the wrong ammo or gun in D.C., and they lock them up.

For Mr. Gregory, nothing. Not even a slap on the hand.

I say that to say this. The lunacy has started again.

A website in new York reports this:

On January 7th, 32-year-old Nathan Haddad was arrested when police discovered five 30 round (standard capacity) AR-15 magazines in his car during a vehicle check. Haddad was charged with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon and arraigned in Watertown town court.

Looks like any other crime report under New York's Draconian gun laws. However, here is where things get interesting.

ccording to Haddad's brother, Nathan thought the magazines were "pre-ban" which would have made them legal in New York. Currently, in New York, you can possess magazines over 10 rounds if they were made before the state's first Assault Weapons Ban (however, 2 weeks ago New York passed another law completely banning these magazines, but that law is not in effect yet).

Also to add to the plot, Nathan Haddad is a decorated Army veteran, serving 12 years in the Army, multiple deployments to Afghanistan, and numerous honors.

The feds to the state and local across this country are so disingenuous how they enforce gun law.

This is another example.

That's my point of view, what's yours? KETNBC.COM

And when I was double checking the story, I searched for his name. Nathan Haddad. This story also came up, and I believe it is the same (ex)soldier who was arrested. Stay classy, New York. God, you guys would 🤬 anybody.

Edit: OK, according to Washington Times article, it may have been illegal magazines:

Emily Miller
According to Jefferson County Sheriff’s office sources, Mr. Haddad was in the parking lot of a closed business at 7:30 p.m. when an officer asked him what he was doing. The police allege that the Fort Drum civilian employee said that he was meeting someone to sell the AR-15 style rifle magazines. A police source also said that the magazines were stamped with the words “Restricted. For military use only.”
For the possession of the magazines, Mr. Haddad was arrested, booked in county jail and charged with five counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, according to the arrest report. Mr. Haddad did not have his AR-15 rifle in the car, but it is unclear whether he had another firearm. Police say that he was in possession of a New York State carry permit. He was not charged with any other offenses.
These charges are considered “violent class D violent felony offenses” under New York state law and carry a punishment that ranges widely from conditional discharge to seven years in state prison. (The five charges would be served concurrently.)
Kristyna S. Mills, the chief assistant district attorney for Jefferson County, is prosecuting the case. “It’s against the law to possess these types of devices,” she told me in an interview Friday. “He was arrested in accordance with possession of these devices, and it’s our job to prosecute those cases that run amok of the law.”

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My opinion: Legalize small arms but enforce strict control, Of course.

Reason: If a country would ban/illegalize the ownership of firearms, the criminal-minded would then get more determined and aggressive, because the goverment would be stripping the innocent people of "power" to "protect themselves". So what if they would ban firearms? That wouldn't stop the bad guys from acquiring guns through other means (*cough* black market *cough*).

Stun guns and tasers just won't cut it in some cases, if not most. Having a gun gives you a much more higher chance of getting away unscathed in, let's say for example, a hold-up.
My opinion: Legalize small arms but enforce strict control, Of course.

The only people "gun control" actually affects are those who don't commit crimes in the 1st place...unless your and my definition of "control" is different.

Instead of targeting an inanimate object, target the perp who is holding the gun. In many cases, crimes with a gun often get pled down or have some charges dropped in court. I'm not talking a few cases, I'm talking damn near 3 out of 4.

Additionally, we Americans have to pass a background check and fill out a form sent to the ATF stating we're not drug dealers, straw purchasers, or have an order of protection against us. Well, there's only been a handful of cases brought against those who lie on those forms...a statistical 0% in fact. There's another problem as falsifying the information on that sheet is a felony. If it's not enforced, is it really a law? How would adding another law help if the only people affected are gun makers and the few who would actually register their arms?

We have plenty of laws on the books to curtail violence of all sorts, it's just the powers that be do not have the cojones to actually enforce those laws and prosecute those who disobey to the fullest extent of the law.

What's the purpose of all these gun laws is the criminal can plea down to 2nd degree murder and get out of jail in a year or two? Gun control will only affect those who obey laws and limit our Constitutional right to defend our life, liberty, and property.

Magazines. These are inanimate objects as well but are not lethal in the slightest. I mean, I guess you can eat one of the cheaper polymer ones if you heat it up a bit and add a bit of cheese...but past that, there's no way only having an unloaded magazine can harm anyone (NY case). It's like banning a ammo can because you can put more than 7 bullets inside.
That thing with the guy who got arrested for the empty magazines....I hope he takes them to court to get those charges dropped. There is no reason for this complete and utter ********.
Do these spin dr. attempts ever end well? I always feel embarrassed for them even though I shouldn't.

I don't really get what they are trying to do with that pic? Are we supposed to be fine with gun control because of it?

Also, I like this one better.
I think its crazy that a magazine alone constitutes a criminal weapons possession charge. Its a ****ing polymer/metal box with a spring. And yet, if you build your own AR15, only the lower is legally recognized as the firearm, the rest can be shipped through the mail.
I think its crazy that a magazine alone constitutes a criminal weapons possession charge. Its a ****ing polymer/metal box with a spring. And yet, if you build your own AR15, only the lower is legally recognized as the firearm, the rest can be shipped through the mail.

That's it though, it's pure B.S. What do "assault weapons" have to do with shooting in Connecticut? The kid had two rifles & two handguns, right? You do not need "assault weapons" or high-cap magazines to murder bunch of defenseless children.

I guess the photo is intended to suggest that Obama is not anti-gun. He actually enjoys shooting guns. He just wants to ban the assault weapons & high-capacity magazines. It's a game to these guys.