
  • Thread starter Talentless

Which position on firearms is closest to your own?

  • I support complete illegality of civilian ownership

    Votes: 120 15.5%
  • I support strict control.

    Votes: 244 31.5%
  • I support moderate control.

    Votes: 164 21.2%
  • I support loose control.

    Votes: 81 10.5%
  • I oppose control.

    Votes: 139 17.9%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Do these spin dr. attempts ever end well? I always feel embarrassed for them even though I shouldn't.


I know a novice when I see one. That is not a man who shoots "all the time".

Hey O-beezy, maybe if you were shooting a more modern gun you wouldn't have to adopt such a poor hand placement, oh wait.. you're trying to get rid of those...
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Ok I have to be quick in the airport right now. Ok say if we did ban assault rifles that's not going to make them fall of the face of this earth it'll just make them hard to get your going to have to know people and ECT. Basically they'll become a black market item you can still purchase them but they would be extremely expensive and if you KNEW you were breaking the law your conscience wild be trying to say that's it could be a cop and a lot of people would just give up on trying to find one. But someone who doesn't care about the law and can still have access to these weapons will obviously buy them still leaving us law obedient citizens defenseless against a assailant with a AR-15. So don't ban the weapons just make the background checks very strict and some people have to take a test to prove their not your creepy disgruntled mall shooter.
Do these spin dr. attempts ever end well? I always feel embarrassed for them even though I shouldn't.


Did you know that's a rifle he's firing? Neither did I; in fact it looks an awful lot like a shotgun to me. But Yahoo! News assures us that it's a rifle. They also point out that there is smoke coming from the barrel.

What would we do without the media?
It looks to me like an O/U (over under) shotgun, which is the commonly used weapon for skeet shooting.

I am guessing this was just a staged photo op, because from what I have heard, Obama spent all of five minutes at a traditional military skeet shooting event held at Camp David. I think it's pretty insulting that anybody who questions the President is considered a "Republican conspiracy nut."

Regardless of if he actually is a trap shooter or not, people need to get their heads around this false premise that firearms are only for sporting uses. "Assault" weapons do have a place in our society as a tool of self defense, not just against criminals, but against tyranny.

I don't know about you guys, but I never saw any exceptions in the Second Amendment that said "no assault weapons." In fact, didn't the Founding Fathers want the citizenry to have the same kinds of small arms that the military had?
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I think its crazy that a magazine alone constitutes a criminal weapons possession charge. Its a ****ing polymer/metal box with a spring. And yet, if you build your own AR15, only the lower is legally recognized as the firearm, the rest can be shipped through the mail.
If nothing is assembled you can ship all the parts and build it yourself. There was a guy featured on How the States Got Their Shapes who does exactly that.
If nothing is assembled you can ship all the parts and build it yourself. There was a guy featured on How the States Got Their Shapes who does exactly that.

I thought you still had to go through an FFL holder for the frame/receiver.
If nothing is assembled you can ship all the parts and build it yourself. There was a guy featured on How the States Got Their Shapes who does exactly that.

Yup I can have a 30 round magazine in parts shipped to my house. It's a rebuild kit!

Or you can be David Gregory.
If nothing is assembled you can ship all the parts and build it yourself. There was a guy featured on How the States Got Their Shapes who does exactly that.

The lower receiver is identified as the "firearm" and must be transferred via FFL if its not being sold face to face between individuals or from a gun show (those two details will vary by state).
Not sure if you all heard (in case you live under a rock) but Chris Kyle (Navy SEAL sniper with most confirmed kills in US history) was killed Saturday by another brother in arms suffering from PTSD at a gun range in North Texas.

Sad, sad event.
Not sure if you all heard (in case you live under a rock) but Chris Kyle (Navy SEAL sniper with most confirmed kills in US history) was killed Saturday by another brother in arms suffering from PTSD at a gun range in North Texas.

Sad, sad event.

I can't even imagine what the bleeding heart anti-gun nuts will say about this..👎 Sad way for a true hero to go though..:grumpy:
I can't even imagine what the bleeding heart anti-gun nuts will say about this..👎 Sad way for a true hero to go though..:grumpy:

A soldier attacking another country for its oil cannot be a hero.

It's of course sad that a nutjob got access to a gun again, but I fail to feel any sympathy for someone who has basically killed people whose only goal is to defend their country from a foreign invasion.
A soldier attacking another country for its oil cannot be a hero.

It's of course sad that a nutjob got access to a gun again, but I fail to feel any sympathy for someone who has basically killed people whose only goal is to defend their country from a foreign invasion.

You think that Mr. Kyle served in the military because he wanted Iraq's oil? A two second internet search reveals that he joined the armed forces in 1999. The Iraq War didn't start until 2003, heck, he joined before 9/11.

Generally you should your facts straight before you make a character judgement.
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You think that Mr. Kyle served in the military because he wanted Iraq's oil? A two second internet search reveals that he joined the armed forces in 1999. The Iraq War didn't start until 2003, heck, he joined before 9/11.

Generally you should your facts straight before you make a character judgement.

The point stands. The only war heroes in my view are those who defend their country's freedom from a foreign invasion, or die doing it. The Americans launching attacks on less developed countries are the evil side here all the way.
The point stands.

No it doesn't.

Your entire point was based on the erroneous assumption that Chris Kyle himself was attacking Iraq for its oil. Judging by the fact that he signed up for duty before war with Iraq was on the table, something you overlooked, your point is baseless.

The only war heroes in my view are those who defend their country's freedom from a foreign invasion, or die doing it. The Americans launching attacks on less developed countries are the evil side here all the way.

Yes, because every soldier holds the same motives as the politicians who declare war.

I'd love to hear what you think employees of McDonald's, Starbucks, and Walmart believe. :dunce:
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No it doesn't.

Your entire point was based on the erroneous assumption that Chris Kyle himself was attacking Iraq for its oil. Judging by the fact that he signed up for duty before war with Iraq was on the table, something you overlooked, your point is baseless.

Yes, because every soldier holds the same motives as the politicians who declare war.

So if he wasn't OK with the idea of attacking another country for pretty much no sensible reason, why did he still go? It would have been braver and wiser from him to stay out of the whole war. Any person with rational sense knows that the States are absolutely not 'fighting for their freedom' in this war, which is what all the war-glorifying mongerers are trying to make people think.
So if he wasn't OK with the idea of attacking another country for pretty much no sensible reason, why did he still go? It would have been braver and wiser from him to stay out of the whole war. Any person with rational sense knows that the States are absolutely not 'fighting for their freedom' in this war, which is what all the war-glorifying mongerers are trying to make people think.

Considering you didn't bother to Google when Chris Kyle actually joined the military before stating that he wanted to invade Iraq for oil, I'm not surprised that you seem to have no idea how enlistment works...

I'm also guessing that you've never gotten to know an American service member judging by the way you think that each one has a major political stake in the wars they fight. Ignorance is a funny thing. It allows you to have some very interesting opinions without the burden of accuracy or being able to support your arguments.

I also find it funny that the guy who described the entire Islam community as a "hate group" is talking to me about rational sense and inaccurate beliefs. You certainly do like to generalize. Not surprising for a Fin, an entire country of racists. C wat I did thar.
Considering you didn't bother to Google when Chris Kyle actually joined the military before stating that he wanted to invade Iraq for oil, I'm not surprised that you seem to have no idea how enlistment works...

I'm also guessing that you've never gotten to know an American service member judging by the way you think that each one has a major political stake in the wars they fight. Ignorance is a funny thing. It allows you to have some very interesting opinions without the burden of accuracy or being able to support your arguments.

I also find it funny that the guy who described the entire Islam community as a "hate group" is talking to me about rational sense and inaccurate beliefs. You certainly do like to generalize. Not surprising for a Fin, an entire country of racists. C wat I did thar.

I suppose you know why he went to Middle East then?

By going to war, you basically agree to do inhumane things to people you have never even met before, only because you're ordered to do so by your bloodthirsty superior. I don't understand why he would want to do any of that if he thought about it even just a little bit.

Like I said, it's a braver and wiser decision not to go to war at all, unless you're defending your country from another's attack. The soldiers in the Middle East aren't defending the US, or its freedom, from anything. If possible, they're only making things worse by worsening their relations with some of those states.
I suppose you know why he went to Middle East then?

No I don't actually. You see, even though I know a half dozen servicemen, I don't go around making claims about someone's character when I don't know them.

By going to war, you basically agree to do inhumane things to people you have never even met before, only because you're ordered to do so by your bloodthirsty superior.

I'll stop here. How many American officers have you met? What basis do you have to make a generalization that most, if not all officers in the military are "bloodthirsty"?

I don't understand why he would want to do any of that if he thought about it even just a little bit.

Hm. Gawrsh, maybe if we don't understand somebody's reasons we shouldn't go around making derogatory comments about them!

Like I said, it's a braver and wiser decision not to go to war at all, unless you're defending your country from another's attack. The soldiers in the Middle East aren't defending the US, or its freedom, from anything. If possible, they're only making things worse by worsening their relations with some of those states.

That's your opinion. God forbid somebody else have a different one. :rolleyes:

So if he wasn't OK with the idea of attacking another country for pretty much no sensible reason, why did he still go?

Generally, it's because if you're enlisted in the armed forces when the country goes to war and you refuse to go with them, they put you in prison. The big federal ones where the names themselves are scary sounding.

Just spitballing here.
No I don't actually. You see, even though I know a half dozen servicemen, I don't go around making claims about someone's character when I don't know them.

I'll stop here. How many American officers have you met? What basis do you have to make a generalization that most, if not all officers in the military are "bloodthirsty"?

Hm. Gawrsh, maybe if we don't understand somebody's reasons we shouldn't go around making derogatory comments about them!

Granted, I have met none.

Since I genuinely don't have anything new to say, I'll end the debate on my part by saying this:

No matter what his political views were, he was solely responsible for all the deaths he caused during the invasion even if someone ordered or even threatened him, for he ultimately agreed to pull the trigger and fatally wound quite a large amount of people. Due to my strict anti-war beliefs, I can't hold respect for any soldier on the attacking side of a war like this, agreeing to kill people who are just fulfilling their military duties and protecting themselves and the citizens. Even worse are those who open fire on civilians*. What have they ever done to any of these soldiers? At "worst" they've tried to stand up for themselves to survive the difficult times created by war.

*=No, I haven't claimed Kyle has killed a single civilian. It's a possibility, but requires investigation.
WikiLeaks revealed that Saddam did indeed have WMDs, although not of the level of threat that Bush spoke of. Chemical weapons and chemical weapon factories were found right up to 2008, meaning weapons were still being developed every day.

I'd rather a nutter like Hussein didn't have access to chemical weapons, especially ones strapped to the nose of ballistic missiles.
Due to my strict anti-war beliefs, I can't hold respect for any soldier on the attacking side of a war like this, agreeing to kill people who are just fulfilling their military duties and protecting themselves and the citizens.

Saddam Hussein and the Taliban are/were "protecting their citizens". You learn something new every day :rolleyes:.
My take on the topic at hand:

Chris Kyle - volunteered to defend freedom. Good. The man is a patriot.

Most confirmed kills by a US sniper. No way to judge. Is his number high because of his skill or because he never used moral judgment and took out every target without thought? Either way, celebrating death feels strange. The enemy has children, spouses, and or parents, many fight for causes they have been lied to about, but face a far stricter punishment for refusing if they disagree.

Turning soldier into celebrity is disturbing. Not a lot of WWII vets came home and wrote books or got radio/TV gigs. My grandfather never mentioned it to me or any of his kids or grandkids. Everything I know is what my grandmother told me. Our current culture has created this and I personally don't like it. I don't blame soldiers for telling their stories for a paycheck, many do it as a word of warning to incoming recruits.

Helping someone with PTSD by taking them to a shooting range? Not the brightest move. And this connects Kyle's story to the topic at hand for me.

People with mental/emotional health issues, including PTSD, need to be in treatment. We need to find the best way to help them. Their violent outbursts are a symptom of their suffering. Kyle was trying to help. It should have been done by our military, but in the absence of that Kyle stepped in.

The death of Chris Kyle was not the direct result of his actions as a soldier. He did not die by the sword because he lived by the sword (sorry, Ron Paul. We disagree here), nor did he die in battle. He died trying to do what our military should have been doing, helping a soldier scarred by his experience. This is no different than when other veterans would snap.

If anything, this helps my earliest sentiments after Sandy Hook. No amount of gun control will help when you have mentally ill individuals with the potential to snap unable to find treatment, much less even be diagnosed properly.
California just unveiled its new list of proposed gun control.

Press conference on CA gun laws:

-Possession of hollow point bullets and similar assault bullets a felony.
-Must register and report ammo purchases. Only purchase max 500 rounds.
-10 round magazine limit.
-ALL magazines must be fixed to the gun (can not be removed without the use of a tool)
-100% prohibition of all magazines greater than 10 rounds. All previous grandfathered magazines become illegal. Felony if you keep one.
-Changing definition of shotgun revolving cylinder -- Basically only single shot shotguns will remain legal.
-Bullet Buttons will become illegal -- All AR and AK style rifles that are currently equipped with them will be designated Assault Weapons. Felony to possess.
-All gun owners now must be licensed like drivers.
-All gun owners must carry gun liability insurance

Inane. People who came up with this are running the state? We are hosed. We are SOOO hosed.
********. ********. ********.

I hope they can control the amount of felonies they are going to have.