Guys, this thread is about beverages again. Hep A updates as they arrive!

  • Thread starter Omnis
I've had Hep A... great way to lose weight quickly. Lost ten pounds off my minimum weight of 150. Now that I'm 200, I'm thinking of going out to the sewers and catching it again.
I've had Hep A... great way to lose weight quickly. Lost ten pounds off my minimum weight of 150. Now that I'm 200, I'm thinking of going out to the sewers and catching it again.
I lost 14 pounds when I had the flu. And that's not can kick the crap out of my liver aswell.
I've had Hep A... great way to lose weight quickly. Lost ten pounds off my minimum weight of 150. Now that I'm 200, I'm thinking of going out to the sewers and catching it again.

Yeah, I lost a TON of weight and grew 2 inches as well. I think I lost like 10 pounds in water when I had the high fever and stuff. I looked like Nicole Richie for a day or two, and then my muscles started going back to normal. All in all, I lost about 20 pounds in 3 weeks. Most of the visible difference is under my chin and my torso isn't as extended as it used to be. I probably had a lot of crap in my intestines that needed a good cleaning. My theory is that stuff was collecting on the sides, forcing the intestines to dialate to allow sufficient flow, and thus extending the gut a little bit. Haha.

Man, do you guys know how much it sucks trying to give a piss sample after you pissed BEFORE leaving to go to the doctor? Most of my visit was spent drinking about 9 cups of water, and then waiting for 10 minutes in the bathroom with Wangus Khan idling in a dixie cup. It was really strange. I've never really had to do something like that before. Anyway, I finally pwned the cup. I was like, "YESSSSS!!!!!" and then I went out give them the sample, and I placed the cup on their office counter and they were like, "AAAAAH!!!" and then my grandpa made me disinfect the entire counter, hahaha. :ouch: ...

(Sorry for the slight run-on sentence)

...So, I did that, and then one of the nurses and I went to test it. We couldn't determine how much bilirubin I actually had, though. It was between the different shades/colors on the tester-key, so I said, "The force is strong in this piss." and got a laugh out of her.

I pretty much own, you know.

...That was an awesome tangent.

I think you're just fat.

But that's not a bad thing.

My diet could do with some changing, buy the time I go to bed at night my heart is usually beating at around 150bpm.
I think you're just fat.

But that's not a bad thing.

My diet could do with some changing, buy the time I go to bed at night my heart is usually beating at around 150bpm.

I am fat. Point is, now I'm a LOT less fat.
Awesome. The only thing left is to develop diabetes.

That one made me lose 50 pounds. I was 250+ before diabetes, now I'm 200 or so.

The only problem is Coke Light (Diet Coke, whatever) tastes like dog piss compared to the real thing.
I think I'll pass on diabetes. I'm not THAT fat, and I don't eat sugary crap.
What the hell happened there^? Did you pass out and whack the keyboard, thus clicking "post reply" again? You didn't even realize it. Pfff...
Should we tack on OCD to the list of ailments?

*spellchecks post 1308130813613608140817308130876824306813058082147513764976137915813 times.*
Yeah, I got it as soon as I saw the picture, I was just joking around, its all good.

And i'm as secure as a heterosexual safety deposit box at the national heterosexual bank. I don't like to admit it, but i've even kissed a guy just to see girls kiss, and if thats not secure, I don't know what is. :lol:

Heres a picture of what I got for doing it. 👍

I just wish there was more tongue :indiff:

Wow, I'm trying to figure out if you're gay now or if that was worthwhile. Good picture. The one on the left looks like my ex-girlfriend, and now I know what it would have looked like if she'd made out with a chubby girl. :) Ok I admit, that was just mean, I can't really tell if she's chubby anyway, black shirt on black background makes it hard to tell where she stops. Also, someone should have told her to move her hand.

Btw: do you have the picture of you tonguing your buddy?
I don't think she looks too awful thick. The one on the left is definitely do-able, course, me and my virgin self are probably a little lenient these days... Anyway, it looks totatlyy 80s--I mean, look at the pants on the left chick!?! They're like guy jeans! And what was she thinking wearing that ugly shirt? Why was she wearing it at all? Oh yeah, so you could post it. Meh...
Anyway, it looks totatlyy 80s--I mean, look at the pants on the left chick!?! They're like guy jeans! And what was she thinking wearing that ugly shirt? Why was she wearing it at all? ...

Yeah, her shades are pretty fly as well.
What the hell happened there^? Did you pass out and whack the keyboard, thus clicking "post reply" again? You didn't even realize it. Pfff...

No, actually I passed out afterwards from frustration... that double post is what you get for relying on a stupid microwave relay for internet service.

Fargles, as soon as the school year (here) gets underway, I am totally shopping for another server for the office... this totally sucks.

Is it me or is GTP going through a homosexual phase.

You mean you're actually straight? I thought we were all sisters in here... :dunce: :lol: :dopey:
MdnIte is so homosexual that even Elton John rings him up for advice.

Just because you drive a non-working Honda mang, doesn't mean you have to relieve stress on me :dopey:
Shut up, Taurine. You make Bobby Trendy look like Mr. T.

Yea I never did really like you, you fat ****. But enjoy the attention you seek so much.

Just because you drive a non-working Honda mang, doesn't mean you have to relieve stress on me :dopey:

But I enjoy relieving on you and don't tell me you don't love being relieved on.. :sly:
Yea I never did really like you, you fat ****. But enjoy the attention you seek so much.

:odd: What the hell is your problem, dude? I was just kidding.
:odd: What the hell is your problem, dude? I was just kidding.

Yeah the 'awsome job' thread magically disappeared when Der Alta turned up last night so I'm just testing the waters so to speak.

Nothing against your thread or anything.

I mean it's really important that we have updates on your bodily functions, how are your stools? Are you still getting odd smelling bodily liquids and gaseous reports??
No. It's not. However, all 204 posts aren't mine.

But, hey, I'm just chronicling my illness. Sue me.

edit: By the way, if you honestly wish me to die, then, that's not very nice.

Hep B or C is a no-joker. Homeopathic exposure is the key to the bubonics.

You gotta take a v.v.small amount of 'roach crap & rat hair w/ nearly all your daily meals to maintain total immunity.

Problems solved!

Oh & the 1-7 of stoolage is only an invalid status measure. What you really need is a new scale for crack wind. Like the beaufort but one that will quantify the pungency level. A healthy gut is lots of active intestinal flora which will be highly industrious, a bit like the chinese

& for chrissakes! back your bookmarks up, its only one html file @ (Driveletter):\Documents and Settings\(Usr)\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(cherno9l).default
I already restored my bookmarks a while ago. You think I'm that incompetent?

Your sarcastic humor fails to amuse me.