H-Shifter Racing League [HSRL] - Season 1 - COMPLETE

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Which race would you like to be our league's first official race?

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Fair enough... How you getting on with my Elise tune?

I love the feel of my lotus. It's very tight and stable but I feel I can still speed drift corners if needed. All the control that I felt was missing, in it's 'stock' set up, is now there. Plus the engine's RPM range means that's it's constantly got power to play with.

It's a great set up mate! Thanks again.#

Oh...Re: Fanetc wheel users.. I'd definitely let them in. Anyone with a decent wheel (clutch and proper shifter) should be able to join IMO. I'm not manufacturist :)
Well if im allowed in with my fanatec then I would be happy to join... Can only really race 5 - 7:30 in weekdays and all weekend (GMT Time)
Hey guys,

Sorry about the delay on registration. Looks like we will have reached the minimum of 10 drivers judging by a quick glance of the recent rig submissions. Sounds like we have a nice crowd going here as well with a similair outlook on what driving is really about which is the ultimate goal here!

I will open the league up to Fanatec wheel users as well since there really isn't any particular reason not to and rename the league to a more appropriate name in the process when I get home later.

I will also start sending friend requests on the PSN tonight and if all goes well, we could have some quick test runs with each other, by as soon as tonight even (I love my '69 RM Camaro too :))

Some insider info:
I.) Races will be held in my private lounge that is exclusive to people on my friends list only.
II.) First OFFICIAL race(5 consecutive races) we have, I will be giving a 250K prize to the winner (choose a premium car up to 250K in value.) Will post more info once the league is setup and ready to go.
III.) The race will be one-make, I'll have a poll with 5 choices of cars to choose from.
IV.) Full penalty and damage will be ON.
V.) That is all for now.. Must go back to paying attention to my prof. :(
All of you should have received a friend request from DanZo337 (me!) at this point.
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I'd be interested in this if the races happen during a time I can attend. I'm in Central Indiana, usually available weeknight until about 8pm or so, and weekends are free except for Saturday's around 2pm (karting league races). I also prefer the lower HP races, they take a little more skill and finese instead of just strong-arming your way around the course. Also not as big a penalty if you spin off or have an incident because the "pack" won't be half way around the track by the time you recover. I love driving my Motul Civic and have been looking for a place I can race it competitively.

I got my G27 around christmas and my "rig" has been evolving ever since. Below is a link to a picture of it, but it has since grown it's own 32"LCD windscreen (tv). I built it all myself using various pieces of wood. I also built a driving chair that has 2 speakers and a subwoofer as well as a rumble pad that sends vibrations from kerbs and collisions through the seat.


I will stay tuned to this thread for more details.

PSN ID - BrandonW77
I'm interested in joining but I'm gmt+2 so pretty huge time difference. Don't have a picture of my setup yet but I'll post one as soon as I get hold of a camera.

I very much enjoy lower hp races so atleast that's something I'd be interested in. My 800kg/200hp eunos roadster (my first car in the game) is still my favorite and I've had absolutely breathtaking races with it against similarily powered civics on the ring.
Question ... are we forcing cockpit view (when available)? I don't normally use it, but can if required. Just need some practice so I won't goof up a race due to visibility. =)

And OK8 ... everyone loves a good Miata race. Spec Miata would be a great place to start!
I try and use Cockpit view whenever I can... even in the GT Road Car by Citroen. Not easy is it :)

I'd be happy to let others use what they'd prefer, although I'd still feel like a winner, even losing... Know what I mean?
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I have no problem using it, I just normally don't as it's honestly a handicap if others are using other views with better visibility. If everyone is using it, I'm cool. I can get comfortable with it. =)
I'm the same... I don't mind if people want to use another view... I'm a bit competititive but not that much ;)

I've used the bumper view a few times, in the online bonus races, just to get a small advantage but even then, I'd only bother if I'd failed in Cockpit view in a run just before. For me it's all about setting it all up as 'sim' as possible although I also have got kind of addicted to the blue racing line (how sim is that? LOL)

Suffice to say, I don't get around to using my 'standard' cars much.
Honestly though, the realism of the standard cockpit view is a falsity. In reality, the view from the cockpit would be much narrower, not showing the gauges, mirrors, etc. you'd see a little dash, some a-pillar and hood. In a real car, you have to look around to see these other elements. Sadly, without the use of good head tracking, this isn't possible in most cases.

In PC sims, I generally use a HUD and virtual mirrors, but create a more realistic view from the cockpit. I've been trying to get some head tracking set up, but am having issues with the IR filter on my cam.
Honestly though, the realism of the standard cockpit view is a falsity. In reality, the view from the cockpit would be much narrower, not showing the gauges, mirrors, etc. you'd see a little dash, some a-pillar and hood. In a real car, you have to look around to see these other elements. Sadly, without the use of good head tracking, this isn't possible in most cases.

In PC sims, I generally use a HUD and virtual mirrors, but create a more realistic view from the cockpit. I've been trying to get some head tracking set up, but am having issues with the IR filter on my cam.

Not sure if you know this, but you can change the view angle in the "Quick Options" menu. Also gives an option where you can remove all the track/race info on the screen which I like to use myself from time to time.
I do know, but using the cockpit view loses the virtual mirror and you have no mirrors in the narrow view. At least, that's my assumption based on what I've seen.
The cockpit view from my perspective on my set up is idea IMO. I sit about 4-5 feet from a 60" TV.....I have to turn my head or eyes to see mirrors, pillars etc...........that to me really seems spot on when this close to a larger screen.

I can see where others sitting farther back or on smaller screens would not like the perspective as well.

As mentioned to can zoom that view in and get a better perspective.

Prefer the road cam, only cause I race many standards and that is the shared view with Premium.
The cockpit view from my perspective on my set up is idea IMO. I sit about 4-5 feet from a 60" TV.....I have to turn my head or eyes to see mirrors, pillars etc...........that to me really seems spot on when this close to a larger screen.

I sit about 4' from a 52", so about the same probably. Still take issue with it. To each his own I guess. Like I said, I'll do it, but it's just not ideal. =)
I am with you on the not ideal part. I would much rather run road view.

But for the series no doubt I think trying the cockpit would be fun.
I think this is my first post, maybe second. Anyways,

PSNID is suprarx7nut

Will update with pic of g27 setup this afternoon.

TimeZone is Mountain standard. (Colorado) MST
Question ... are we forcing cockpit view (when available)? I don't normally use it, but can if required. Just need some practice so I won't goof up a race due to visibility. =)

And OK8 ... everyone loves a good Miata race. Spec Miata would be a great place to start!

It will be hard to enforce which view people use in the game, so it will remain open to personal preference. I myself, drive in cockpit view only, unless I'm driving a standard car, I will use the hood view. GT5 Online could use a few more restrictions, this is one of them in my opinion.

Yes, STi vs EVO.. Oops LMAO. Don't think I can edit polls -_-;;
250HP is starting off strong, as expected from most of the posts I've been reading. I, myself, normally like driving the higher powered cars, but have always kept the lower HP cars in mind that I'd use them some day; guess it's about time that I dust off my circuit cars and put 'em to use :sly:
Looks like I need to sift through my garage for a 250 hp gem. and preliminary thoughts on a weight restriction?

Oh, and I thought of something while designing the banner ... a GTR battle would be awesome. Any GTR from R32 to the new one. It could be called, "Godzilla destroys Tokyo." Obviously, it would be held on the Tokyo street circuit.
My setup (so I can be "officially" added.):

This is the exact kind of stuff I hoped I'd find on the forums here.

<<-- Happy Camper. :)

**Edit, oh and I voted 250 and under since I still have a weak garage and the lower power cars should keep everyone a little closer for the first round.
Thought of the same thing today when I was going through my list of race ideas. Would have to limit the HP though for sure as the R35 is a dominates when fully tuned.

I am going to say 800kg looks like a nice number for 250hp.

Since it's quite obvious what's going to be our first race, I got 7 tracks lined up that are perfect for circuit racing, averaging about a minute to a minute and a half per lap.
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The slower cars will lend to better racing with us shifting. I am not pro, I can do an 5 laps clean with clean shifts, heal/toe down......but there is always that room for error with the perfect shift sequence we are held to by the game.

I say matched cars different colors. Colors picked via Q times. Your first you get first color and so on. . just thinking out loud
I was thinking of making it one-make but it's more interesting this way since it's our first time meeting eachother and all. It'll give everyone a chance to pick something they actually like and want to drive, Once we get some consistancy in turnouts, we'll crack down on cars restrictions.