H-Shifter Racing League [HSRL] - Season 1 - COMPLETE

  • Thread starter LFA

Which race would you like to be our league's first official race?

  • Total voters
Got it. I'll tune the car at London first. Hope I have time this evening while dinner is cooking. Being MR it's got some weird physics happening that I'm going to try to dial out if needed (only used the DS3 with it so far).

I had to look up the transmission the car uses. It's a standard 6-speed manual, so it's will be H-active for the event. =)
Well, I guess I won't be attending. 11:30 at night is way too late for me as a starting time. Besides New Year's Eve, I haven't been up that late in quite a while. I get up at 4:45 am every morning for work so I've become much less of a night-owl than I used to be. I would still love to race with you guys at some point in the future though, so keep me on your friends' lists!

- Brandon
Gotta check with the girlfriend on that time. She wont be thrilled, that's our prime time together. Day time would be better, I think, but I'll see what she thinks.
That is kind of late. 10:30 for me. We're talking over an hour of actual racing with another 50 min or practice ... that's a heavy schedule. I'll be nodding off by race 3.

You must work an odd shift ... or be in college. =)
I made a note, I will keep the time window open and will go by ear of availability of the majority who can attend. If you can't attend, please let me know what a good time frame is for you, and I'll see what I can do.

And yeah, I'm a college student lol. Night time is prime time for me.

Judging by the quick responses, I'm going to shift the time a couple hours earlier.
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you can count me in ... I'll try to stay awake. lol. 10:30 EST would be better for me and isn't a big shift from the current time.

BTW, Autobacs Garaiya '02
OK... I see 5pm but then it's -5 so is it actually 22:00 Toronto time or 17:00 Toronto time?

If it's the former (17:00 then I that means I'd start at 23:00 Central European time) but if it's the latter, it would be.........

05:00 Sunday morning o.O

Which is it dude?
17:00 EST (or GMT -5). 22:00 GMT.

And 17:00 isn't good for me. lol. My sis and her son are visiting and I'll be with them at that time. Sorry. I can't commit that much time to playing with company at my house.
It will be 17:00 in Toronto, which I'm hoping is good for you Park!
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Sorry... Conflicting answers going on! Still confused which is pretty hard to pull off normally.

Let's make it SUPER EASY. What time will it be for you LFA, in Toronto?

(I'm used to playing with mates in Toronto and I'm 6 hours ahead of them)
TeamLotus.. don't be too hasty. I don't think we have a staight answer yet. I'm already in your Elise race then as well (17:00 GMT) so if it conflicts, I'd already comitted to yours.
OK! Sorry all, not sure what I was thinking scheduling all 5 in one serving but I think it'll be more approprate to split it up. This Satuday, will be race #1 in London only.
ANY CAR? With in this </= 250HP and >/= 800KG and </=Sports Softs? So race cars are allowed?
Also, you may want to include rules for driving aids int he main rules section. I don't see a mention, but I know I heard "no aids" mentioned somewhere.

EDIT :: See it now. Might just want to duplicate that in the rules listes with the event.
As it stands now (5pm EST start) I'm gonna have to pass on the first race. Race time for me usually doesn't start until after 9:30 EST.
17:00 EST works great for me! Thanks for being so accommodating. Hopefully this time will work better for others as well, but I'm sure we can play it by ear and be flexible to get as many drivers as possible. The date is good for me too.

Hopefully we can arrange some friendly practice races before then so everyone can get to know one another and our racing style's.

Thanks for the info on Lotus tuning, I'll look that up this evening and dial this baby in!

- Brandon
Hey Owens, what part of Indiana are you in? I'm in Anderson, one hour northeast of Indy. It's great to see I'll be racing against a fellow Hoosier! :)

The rest of you guys better look out, Hoosier's have racing in our blood!! :sly: lol, J/K

- Brandon
Parkside ... 17:00 Toronto time I'm pretty sure.

That's what I thought but when I saw EST -5, I thought 'Toronto isn't -5 EST so why the -5?'. Anyway, I think you're right bud. Hope so. I really wanted to meet up with u guys. You all seem cool.

BTW... Checked my Civic R-Type Custom Tune (+ Race Mod). It weighs in at 249BHP and 845kg. Can't say fairer than that now ;)

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@ParkSidE001 - I've add you and your car.

@BrandonW77 & OwensRacing - Let me know when you have found your weapon.
I'll be piloting the Lotus, I think it's the 111 but I can't remember off the top of my head. It's the one we had to buy for the Seasonal Event. I'll check the specifics when I get home and update you.
I was going to go with my Civic Type-R as well, but I was afraid it would be at too much of a disadvantage because I couldn't get it below 900 kg. My Lotus is right at 250hp and weighs in at 808 kg.

- Brandon
I noticed on the main page I'm listed as Central Time, GMT-6. But I'm actually in Eastern Standard Time, GMT-5. Not sure if it matters, but figured I should point it out. Some parts of western Indiana are Central Time, but I'm in the part that's Eastern.
Just a tip for anyone looking for a car ... a Miata might be a good choice. Find an early '90s model in the UCD and it could likely get down to around 800 with mods. We need some FR love.
@StigsHero It's been fixed

Just a little message to anyone planning to get some track time tonight, I'll be tuning all evening, you all are more than welcome to join my lobby; Just drop me a line on PSN!