Well, if anything is just shows what a waste of space people like her and her followers are. It is sad to think that people like her can justify her actions (in her mind) by not only the Bible, but also by the First Ammendment of the US-Constitution.
Here in Michigan, I belive we are in the process of passing laws similar to that of which was mentioned in Iowa, and recently a new law just passed in Kentucky that does the same thing. Out of the respect for the deceased, no one should be able to protest anything near a funeral, for the sake of the family, and for the sake of the dead. We have had these protesters come here to Michigan, and thankfully volunteer security was used to protect the family and the funeral to a Marine who was killed by an IED in Iraq.
People like her and her followers are sick, backwards-minded people who arent far off from where the Nazis where 70 years ago. Catholics, Jews, Gays, Millitary Servicemen, etc. have done nothing wrong to recieve this treatment from these people, and I am happy the government has stepped in to defend these familes.
I have a cousin who is serving in the Navy right now, and should I ever (God forbid) have to attend his funeral and these folks show up, there is a damn good chance something illegal is going to happen. It is disrespectful, un-American, and generally against the entire fabric of moral code established throughout the world.
And get this, the American Civil Liberties Union is defending these people! Yeah, thats the same ACLU that defended NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) back in the '90s! This is absolutely insane, immoral, and just plain sad that something like this happens so often in America.
I don't particularly subscribe to any particular religion, but I'm offended by the hate these people spew out twards Catholics and Jews...
I don't know if anyone else noticed, but these people had their kids there as well... Bad parenting planting bad seeds in the next generation... Great...