Has she gone too far?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz


But why is the Rum gone??
QLD, Australia
Dont you guys have the 1st amendment or something that allows people to have free speech.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-STpW7jarrs&search=shirley roper

Is she going too far?

I mean, just hear what she is saying and protesting against!. Not just that but should the news crew be expressing their opinions (which then effects the viewers) also?. Isnt news suppose to be unbias and only report the news, not influence the viewers.

What do you guys think?
Yikes. what do you say.

1)Hannity and Colmes, right wing TV that aims to create anti-liberal spin. - CHECK

2)Psycho-religious-zealot, aka second coming of the pharisees, who loves gods wrath but fails to live the faith, hope, love part that Jesus preached far more. - CHECK

This whole show is a waste of film... (Hannity and Colmes isn't news...)
These things really disturb me. Sure she has the right to express her beliefs, but I believe it is wrong if your intent is to do harm, or incite others to do so. This is religion misoverstood... we live in a sad world.
Well, if anything is just shows what a waste of space people like her and her followers are. It is sad to think that people like her can justify her actions (in her mind) by not only the Bible, but also by the First Ammendment of the US-Constitution.

Here in Michigan, I belive we are in the process of passing laws similar to that of which was mentioned in Iowa, and recently a new law just passed in Kentucky that does the same thing. Out of the respect for the deceased, no one should be able to protest anything near a funeral, for the sake of the family, and for the sake of the dead. We have had these protesters come here to Michigan, and thankfully volunteer security was used to protect the family and the funeral to a Marine who was killed by an IED in Iraq.

People like her and her followers are sick, backwards-minded people who arent far off from where the Nazis where 70 years ago. Catholics, Jews, Gays, Millitary Servicemen, etc. have done nothing wrong to recieve this treatment from these people, and I am happy the government has stepped in to defend these familes.

I have a cousin who is serving in the Navy right now, and should I ever (God forbid) have to attend his funeral and these folks show up, there is a damn good chance something illegal is going to happen. It is disrespectful, un-American, and generally against the entire fabric of moral code established throughout the world.

And get this, the American Civil Liberties Union is defending these people! Yeah, thats the same ACLU that defended NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) back in the '90s! This is absolutely insane, immoral, and just plain sad that something like this happens so often in America.

I don't particularly subscribe to any particular religion, but I'm offended by the hate these people spew out twards Catholics and Jews...

I don't know if anyone else noticed, but these people had their kids there as well... Bad parenting planting bad seeds in the next generation... Great...

Anyway, it's a good example of christian theo-terrorism. Isn't pride one of the deadly sins? This lady bleeds pride and ignorance through her ass.
haha...this is crazy. i would consider myself somewhat of a liberal. but this lady is nuts!!! she has some major problems and did anyone notice the statement that all of the church is her family members???

crazy lady
Dont you guys have the 1st amendment or something that allows people to have free speech.



Too far for the first amendment? No. Too far to be considered human? I personally think so. :lol:

I mean, just hear what she is saying and protesting against!. Not just that but should the news crew be expressing their opinions (which then effects the viewers) also?. Isnt news suppose to be unbias and only report the news, not influence the viewers.

Congratulations, you just discovered Fox News, perhaps the most opinionated "news" network on the planet. :lol:
It is disrespectful, un-American, and generally against the entire fabric of moral code established throughout the world.

Yes, it is disrespectful.

No, it is no un-American. (I really hate that label being thrown around. America is about freedom and choice. People use that freedom to criticize something, i.e. religion, politics, government, etc., and then they are un-American?)

'generally against the entire fabric of moral code established throughout the world.' Well actually, a great deal of the things the United States has done/is doing throughout the world would be considered against 'the moral code established throughout the world.'
Yikes. what do you say.

1)Hannity and Colmes, right wing TV that aims to create anti-liberal spin. - CHECK

2)Psycho-religious-zealot, aka second coming of the pharisees, who loves gods wrath but fails to live the faith, hope, love part that Jesus preached far more. - CHECK

If anything, it's the republicans that look bad when religious nuts go overboard.
See that..... ??? ...... and you thought the Muslims have problems ?

cripes thats a scary lady ...And the thought that there may be two people that aggree with her ??

Thank you, kind fathers of my nation , for the Second ammendment that allows me to protect myself from idiots who may abuse the first one .:)
If that had been my brother, my father, or my friend in that coffin I would have seriously punched that lady in the face. You don't disrespect soliders in any way, they are fighting and putting their life on the line for the country. And really if a gay guy wants to be in the military and has the balls to go out and fight the same as a straight guy, I could care less...and this is coming from a conservative guy like myself. Gay people do not bother me...unless they are hitting on me then it's weird, but other then that if two guys wanna go get busy with each other, go for it.

The first amendment is taken to far most of the time, it doesn't give you the freedom to say whatever you feel like, there is a limit within human respect that people should obey.

Thank you, kind fathers of my nation , for the Second ammendment that allows me to protect myself from idiots who may abuse the first one

Amen brother!
Well actually, a great deal of the things the United States has done/is doing throughout the world would be considered against 'the moral code established throughout the world.'

But not Japan right? Not the UK? Not any other country, just America.

You should realize that the word "human beings" can be substituted for "the United States" in your quote above and it would be correct.
I believe Japan did a ton of things like try to take over the far easy back in the 40's and did horriable things to people in took prisoner.

The UK basically had a world wide empire up until the what? 1900's?
If anything, it's the republicans that look bad when religious nuts go overboard.

I think that specific example served as a sort of "counter-measure" to that, as in "Look, there's religious nutcases on the other side, too!"

Anyways, I totally understand that she has her right to freedom of speech. What I don't understand is her being given air time on a national network, even if it's to bash her and her nutcase family. Why?
Anyways, I totally understand that she has her right to freedom of speech. What I don't understand is her being given air time on a national network, even if it's to bash her and her nutcase family. Why?

One word...ratings.
Or to make it clear that Fox News does not support these kind of religious nutjobs.

Or maybe just because they wanted to talk about crazy people protesting military funerals.
Bill O'Reiley had the ACLU lawyer who is defending these folks on the program last night, and it was a mess watching the two go at it.

I'm all for freedom of speech, even if I do disagree with what they are saying. But they just shouldnt do this, out of the respect for the deceased, and the the family of the deceaced. If they want to protest, feel free to do it any other time. Go do it outside of Wal Mart or something, hopefully someone will kick their asses there...
Has she gone too far? She thinks she know's what she's on about but I don't thnik she does. I dissagree not only with what she's saying, which isn't really the issue here, but with how she's going about getting her message accross, which is the issue here. Sure, freedom of speech, say what you want etc, but the problem here is how, when and where she's saying what she want's to say. Too far? Definitely.
How do you define "too far", though? Cases like these are when it's critical to uphold freedom of speech, as it's not easy to defend the right to say something when it's absurd and offensive.
I have a legitimate question here... just as a side note, what is so wrong about sodomy in a general sense?
It's Fred Phelps and his gang, correct? They stand for everything wrong in the entire world.


I'd kill ol' Fred myself, but that's exactly what he's hoping someone will do.

I first came across him when a friend pointe me in the direction of his 'god hates Sweden' tirade.

Sorry but in my opinion this lot are nutters.

But not Japan right? Not the UK? Not any other country, just America.

Are you likening America and its current (and past) foreign policy to that of countries like Imperial Japan? Thank you. My work here is done.
Are you likening America and its current (and past) foreign policy to that of countries like Imperial Japan? Thank you. My work here is done.

I can liken the American treatment of the natives of this continent to some pretty awful nations. Certainly. My point is this, America is not without flaws, and neither is any other country.
I can liken the American treatment of the natives of this continent to some pretty awful nations. Certainly. My point is this, America is not without flaws, and neither is any other country.


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