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  • Thread starter TVRKing
This is my little, beautiful Dean Razorback Slime Bumblebee


I've had a LTD AX-360 before that, but I didn't liked the shape of it @ all.
My first guitar was a black Squire Strat, and I later bought a red Ibanez RG with an H-S-H pickup configuration and an Edge III trem. It eventually came to a point where they just collected dust as I didn't have time to play them and I needed money so out they went. I haven't touched a guitar since, and that was like 4 years ago.
100 watt combo vavlestate tube marshall with digitech effects pedal & hellbabe wah pedal.

ashton acoustic and Ibanez guitars. (no pics currently)

How much does a 62 strat set one back these days?

Depending on quality of the guitar.

With one in the condition of mine, I could probably trade even up for a new Corvette... :), although I wouldn't do it.

Those 2 guitars I've shown above have been in my family since they were brand new.... :bowdown:

I have a 1981 version of that Strat (reissue 1962 Stratocaster) also that was made in Fender's Fullerton CA plant which is the guitar I would play out with in the 80's becasue I was so afraid of having the 62 stolen. Even the 1981 '62 reissue is worth about $2500 - $3000 these days..
Wow that's insane. We have a '52 reissue Tele and a quite expensive Les Paul now. I doubt my dad will purchase any further than those but I'm dreaming of a 66 Ocean turqiose Jaguar. Even if it's a re-issue.
This is what I used to play through. The Warlock on the right with the widow's headstock was mine, the original single piece New Jersey series on the left is my dads. One of the cabs is an Ampeg my dad bought circa 1980. 4 12" Celestions, each rated at 75-100 watts I believe. He measured the whole thing out and made the other cab with the dimensions and picked up 4 more 12" Celestions for that one. There's also a 100 watt Fender and a 150 watt Peavey amp,(all tube equipped) that are all hooked together to provide one hell of a crushing tone,(I was never able to get it past 2 on the volume...it was LOUD).
I also played through my dads DigiTech RP100 effects processor and my lowly Boss MT-1 Metal Zone stomp box. Man oh man, I do miss the textures and tones I used to be able to get outta that setup. Once my camera defrosts, I'll post what I'm noodling on now.

Here's my gear, not much time playing them since GT5 came out unless i'm grinding in B-spec............

My first and still most played, a 1989 Guild D-30 sunburst.

David Gilmour Custom Shop Relic "The Black Strat"

Gibson Les Paul Traditional Standard 2009 Gold Top

Pleeeaase make these pics work again!!


On top is a 1999 Fender FR Fat Strat, with Seymour Duncan pickups and a Peavey 5150 Mk1 head, underneath is a 1994 Ibanez Jem7V. Both pictures were taken back in 2004/2005 but i still use those and have not bought anything new, the 5150 has gone through some modification though ^^.

If I was to get something new I would probably get a Suhr Strat copy and a Cornford Mk50II/Hellcat, though I would also like a Jem BFP (blue flower pattern).
This is what I've got currently. The one on the left is a semi-hollow body Golden Comet from Micro-Frets. It was one of dad's first guitars he got back in the 60's I believe. It's number 1777 out of how many, I have no idea. I've had to make some mods to it over the years tho. Many moons ago I strung it up to mimic a 7 string guitar and de-tuned it to drop A...yep, pretty low. My low E is sporting .56 gauge string and the g string is a wound string. Couldn't afford a new 7 string so I cheated. The Les Paul is knock off from a company called Dillion. I've never heard of 'em but when I went into the guitar shop and started noodling on it, it was butter. The action was so low and smooth. The guy had it listed at $700 but I was able to talk him into a trade. I brought in the BC Rich Warlock I used to have and asked him what he thought. He said he'd take the Warlock and $100 for the Les Paul. Score. That one is pretty low in the tuning department as well. My low E is .52 gauge and I go back and forth between being in C# down to B. I've always loved the textures and tones at the lower tunings, have for years. Don't knock it til you've tried it! lol I play these through my 50 watt Marshall DFX combo amp with on-board effects and a BOSS MT-1 Metal Zone stomp box and Death Metal stomp box from DigiTech. And when it's late at night, I hook up the Sennheiser studio headphones for even more ear splitting heaven! Sorry for the fuzzy pic...camera wasn't cooperating today.
i love my 2 clasic and 2 eletric guitars
*Jackson King V KVX-10 Japanese

*Memphis mg-32 / DiGiorgio Classic nÂş28 1983 / Lyon La-45 / and jackson(memphis=brazilian brand)

memphis crafted in china
digiorgio crafted in brazil
lyon crafted in china
jackson crafted in japan.
I have an unknown variety of Yamaha-Pacifica. It used to be my older brother's, so, being an intense (and VERY skilled) guitarist, he bent the neck a bit...

It looks like this:


I have the same guitar

Pic with my crap amp. Although I mostly play at a friends house where there is a much bigger amp.

I've been wanting to get a new guitar, perhaps an Ibenez
i get thi just two days ago and i fell in love with it, the beatle indide me is very happy! best way to wait for the psn to come back
i have finally realized my dream. a fender strat custom. i give back my mesa boogie, add something and take this beaty at home. its a pro series relic from 2009. one piece alder boby, rosewood board 22 frets medium jumbo. snc pickups (like the jeff beck strat) locking tuners. its amazing. i have tried a 57 reissue and a rory gallagher signature, but this blown my mind away. plugged into an old valve bogner sounds like a bream. i have tried some dark side solos and i was almost cryin. its a masterpiece





isnt she lovely?
hehe, in 07/06/2011 i bought my new baby, epiphone les paul standard plus top honey burst, and now i have the jackson, epiphone, memphis, digiorgio(classical), and lyon by washburn acoustic guitar.


Here's mine:

Yes, I know the e string is missing. Haven't had time to replace it.

Hopefully I'll be getting an electric guitar soon :)
I've got 4 guitars, here's my current favourite, Chapman ML1, limited to 500 units so they're quite rare, all sold out now so I got lucky....đź‘Ť





Someone shops at Anderton's I suspect, as I believe they sold all the ML-1 and the upcoming ML2 as well.

Bought my last amp and my Epiphone Dot from them .

Someone shops at Anderton's I suspect, as I believe they sold all the ML-1 and the upcoming ML2 as well.

Bought my last amp and my Epiphone Dot from them .


Ahaha, It was a birthday present from my uncle, I had been banging on about getting one since day 1 :D Love the way that the pickup's are some of the cheapest around (apparently the humbucker only cost 50p :drool:)

Will post a video later of me playing Velvet Revolver's Slither :)

EDIT: Here's the video.

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apologies about the low quality image took the picture on my phone :(

My two guitars and my 15W Vox amp that I love to bits :D (Its louder than a 40W Marshall, we tested it :P)

The electric guitar is a Jagmaster, a hybrid between a Fender Master and Fender Jaguar sold by squire for their 20th anniversary. It sounds amazing! My acoustic may only be 3/4 size but its steel strung and plays beautifully and great for travelling :)

Right to left:

1993 Jackson King V Std.
2009 Ibanez SRA305.
2008 Jackson Randy Rhoads JS30.
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