Have a guitar? Why not show us!Music 

  • Thread starter TVRKing



Tried to find pics that looked nearly exactly right. Strat and RG2550E look identical to mine. Only thing is my Les Paul's rhythm pickup is all black (really hard to find pics where the shiny pickup covers aren't on).

Really want a Fender Jag next.
Newbie here.

Last week (Thursday to be exact) I decided that it was about time I took up the guitar, now we have had an acoustic in the house for years, however its just been lying around.

Fortunatly a family friend had been around and had tuned it, so this is what I have been learning the basics with (four chords, some scales and Peter Gunn Theme is the limit of what I know right now and I have a LONG way to go)...

...an Encore W250. Its cheap but well enough made and enough to get me started (and start the pain my fingers are just getting rid of).

However we went around a friends house last night after a gig (Alabama 3 - stunning gig) and he gave me his old electric!!!!!!

Its what he was taught on (and given to him) and is still covered in stickers (he never got around to taking them off), which will be coming off ASAP. Its going to need restringing, and its this.....

.. a Westbury Deluxe, which from what I have been able to find existed as a company between 1978 and 1982 (which makes it around 30 years old) and seems to be quite a well liked guitar.

So begins my adventures in music.

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Wow, it looks so much better without all the sticker stuff. That's a beautiful piece Scaff! 👍

Good luck with playing guitar, I picked up a Fender rip off a year and a half ago, now I'm playing a Fender Mexican Strat which I know I will never, ever sell. I've developed a special place in my heart for guitars now I'm playing them so much. My Strat is definitly a piece of me, and it'll be the very last thing I'd ever sell.
Thanks Bram

It certain does look a whole lot better now its been cleaned up, its a lovely colour (Tobacco Sunburst) and now I just have to practice a lot.

I agree, very nice. Mahogany?

From what I have been able to find out about it (Westbury only existed between 1978 and 1982) its a maple body with ebony fretboard.

The example I have has the serial number on the back of the head, which indicates an early model (pre 1980) rumoured to be handmade in the Matsumoku factory.

It certainly is a very nice bit of kit now all the stickers are off it.


Les Paul FTW. i just dont know how to post it here, im not used to the codes

Its mainly: [url/img/youtube/WIkipedia] Link or related content then [/url|img|youtube|wikipedia]
Or you can use the upload picture button or button(s).
OK - Not bought this yet, but I am strongly considering adding it to the fold.

You see I need a 'travel' guitar as I go away with work a lot and want to be able to play when I am away (rather than wasting my time in endless hotel bars - trust me it not as much fun as it sounds after you do it for more than a decade).


(not me - just one of the better pictures of one I found on the web)


Linky - http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/Washburn-Rover-Travel-Guitar-Black/

Every review I have read seems to rate them for the price, and cheap is good for something that will travel with me.

So any of you guys ever come across one?


Don't know how I managed to neglect posting here, but this is the same make and model as my guitar. Mine's a 1973, though, I believe. It's also painted red instead of natural maple for the body.

I bet that looks excellent in red, nice guitar Duke (I'm holding out hope of a Gibson for my 40th).

I'd buy that thing for looks alone. The finish on that fretboard near the body and soundhole is just fantastic, I love that flowing line! 👍


I will update with pictures and details when it arrives (no idea when that will be given that the UK has ground to a halt with the snow).

Edit - and out of stock until the end of Feb - Can't wait that long so its back to looking.

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Well I had a go on a Washburn Rover today, nicely made and very neat, however I just didn't gel with the sound. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting it to come close to a full size, however it just wasn't for me.

I did however keep looking for a smaller guitar, a few shops later and I had still failed. My gaze however did fall on a second hand acoustic, had to give it a quick go and fell in love straight away.

So I am now the proud owner of a 1979 Fender F-65 acoustic, pictures to follow ASAP.

Edit - Here we go

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As I've said in the "Show off your latest purchase" thread, this guitar looks staggering. It looks very similar to my dad's guitar, the body looks pretty much identical only that it's a tad darker. My dad's acoustic also has artwork on the fretboard, and not those start, and it's not a Fender. So basically it hasn't got anything to do with your Fender. It just reminds me of it :P

Have fun, you now own how many guitars? I do know you have this one and that other guitar you got from a friend and then you made it look so beautiful, definitly keep it like that 👍

On that, I don't know if I ever posted my Strat in here. I know it was up in my photography gallery, but I'm unsure about the music section:



After a little of a year now it's still in perfect condition and it's never sounded better. The 2nd string has a habit of tuning down after some heavy bending, but I guess that's down to my style of playing, I bend at least half of the notes I play :P
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Currently have three guitars, the '79 Fender F-65 acoustic, an Encore W250 acoustic and a Westbury De-luxe electric (the one I got given).

The Encore is a very basic, bog standard starters acoustic, the first guitar I started playing with. Its nothing at all to write home about (nasty exposed fret edges in particular), but I did treat it to a re-string yesterday and it does sound all the better for it.

The Fender however is in a different class altogether, doing a bit of digging its a solid close-grain spruce top, with aged rosewood back and sides (the wood on the back is stunning), with a mahogany neck with a bound rosewood fretboard. Its a lot heavier than my Encore (which feel a hell of a lot nicer) with a wonderful tone and massive sustain in comparison.

Very, very happy with it. Now I have to learn to play well enough to do it justice.

Nice shots of the Strat as well, lovely looking bit of kit.

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Very clean Strato! 👍

Thanks man! 👍

I try to keep it as clean as possible, but as of lately the pickguard seemed to have a little more of a yellow-ish tint to it when I compare the images of last year I just posted. Maybe that's just the lights in my room, but I kinda miss how white the pickguard first was, I loved how the level knobs and the pickups where so much more yellow. You could literally see how old the guitar really was despite of its mint condition. This guitar is years old, I actually recieved it second hand after it standing years in a music store unplayed due to everyone going after the american sunburst models. Irocinally enough the owner hesitated to sell it to my dad because he wanted to be sure the guitar would fall into decent hands.
I hope classical counts too.
This is my dads guitar. It was his second one and was quite expensive at the time.


Made by the italian company Eko

Lol I fail. Knew I should have checked if there was already a thread.
Here is my contribution
This is my dads guitar. It was his second one and was quite expensive at the time.


Made by the italian company Eko
Well I had a go on a Washburn Rover today, nicely made and very neat, however I just didn't gel with the sound. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting it to come close to a full size, however it just wasn't for me.

I would strongly suggest taking a look at a mandolin. I bought one a couple of years ago, but didn't get around to learning to play it until a few weeks ago. Small & portable, it also has a great sound & offers an alternative, but complementary option to the guitar. 👍
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Mine is a ghetto ass black on black on black(paint\hardware\pickguard) Strat, that i modded myself from a SSS config to a SSH-slanted with a HB i found in my friends shop, supposedly a unmarked factory JB Duncan from a Godin SSH(which the owner had switched for a JB with duncan written on it, fool)

Its got a black painted headstock and Black base with black texturized KRink job (see pic)

I adjusted teh bridge and saddles to accomodate 7 string gauge, ona 6 string so i can downtune and play MESHUGGAH and Sol Niger Within and other 7-8 string folies.

something like ths but ghettoer

Im diming up for a 8 string Agile guitar, but not before PS3slm+gt5+G25.
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This is my #1. A cherry sunburst gibson les paul standard... Excuse the ugly mug/dodgy hair. This photo was taken a long time ago, it was about 1,000,000 degrees celcius in the club and I had a broken tailbone (as i fell down the stairs a few days before) so I was in a lot of pain. Will try and find a photo including the headstock, but I assure you, it's a gibson.


Think that's probably the best shot with the headstock (will need to zoom in properly. Would like to state, that I was only filling in a few dates for that band. Basically, Ignore the gothy singer. I'm not into that whole goth scene. Mostly a classic rock/metal kinda guy.

I've also got a les paul standard goldtop with P90s. Don't have any pictures of it yet. But it's basically the same as this.





Another few pictures.
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My main axes at the moment are (il put some actual pictures of them up in a few days when I get some)
Squier Telecaster Standard (daphne blue):

And my current fave, Vintage VZ99 LP Junior copy:

Loves to be thrashed, sounds great for my style, mostly punkrock, hard rock and slight verges into metal.

All running thourgh a Vox VT30 Valvetronix modelling amp, which sound utterly wonderful: