Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew

You're in second, six points behind me, and your team is winning by miles.

Just as a heads up the point boards have been updated with extra doohickeys (all of them now contain an updated overall list in order from first to last) the driver pages that have reserved on them is because those drivers haven't scored any points if they do their name will show up. (This is for both Group A & B)
Am I 100% "Kicked out" of S3 in terms of racing?

No, but I would like you to continue to try to do everything in your power to improve your internet connection. Otherwise, if you're unable to improve it, I'll continue to have to ask you to exit the room.

Come on, what can you do to help yourself?
Even when racing against only me Nas looks twitchy from my view :scared:

Try clearing caches on both GT5 and your router. It might help.
I will leave lobbies if you ask, Andrew, I dont find kicking me necessary. Now if I take a drop round, what do I "score"? Last place points?

*Magazine still discontinued, as I have run out of things to say about Jammy :P

I think I may do it monthly after GTP Update, as weekly doesnt offer a lot of stories...*
^ They are located in various sections of the thread, also on Andrews Photobucket. (I dont have 3rd party photo account lol)
Go options and there at last settings you find clear system cache checkbox.
Usually you should access to your router from PC using browser (http/https-protocol).
See your router's manual how to do it.
Usually you should access to your router from PC using browser (http/https-protocol).
See your router's manual how to do it.

Gt5 also has its own cache file which you can clear from the in-game options menu. Cache is basically a little bit of memory used to store data that you commonly use, so by clearing it this effectively just makes the game system focus more on other things like your direct connection to the lobby. To be honest it doesn't make that much difference.
Gt5 also has its own cache file which you can clear from the in-game options menu. Cache is basically a little bit of memory used to store data that you commonly use, so by clearing it this effectively just makes the game system focus more on other things like your direct connection to the lobby. To be honest it doesn't make that much difference.

It does if everyone does it!
I'm undecided, but I think I'll be having a drop round this time since I hate Rome.
Does anyone still your PSN friendlist on order? Mine is empty.

I have done my practise regular Rome.