Great racing, today, guys!
Once the BMW is faster, I think we've got some roughly even specs. Surprised, really, to see
Adam winning in his first ever GTP race!
The same goes for Sig, that second place was beautiful!
Deez-Treez, great racing with you, and welcome to ITCC. Don't let BASHDEM bother you, he won't be racing here unless he can promise not to get angry and cause crashes.
Sparky, "just leave me alone, I know what I'm doing" was so true for you, today. 👍 You nailed that last "for fun" sprint race.
Jammy, my incredible teammate! Why is racing with you always such a pleasure?! If GTP gave out awards for the best driver, you would have my vote!
Willfred, we'll get your BMW fixed up and race worthy. Maybe if we gave you a bit better acceleration... because I saw that you were right with the BMW's slow acceleration... It stood no chance. Sorry, I'll fix it!
OLLY, I'm going to change the room settings for next week. Instead of running "Room Quality: High," I want to run "Room Quality: Standard," to improve connections.
BASHDEM, I don't know what happened yet, but the general consensus points to an anger/rage attack.
GTP Online League Rules Section 1
You are not allowed to use abusive or offensive language (including but not limited to swearing) in any of the chat or voice facilities.
No careless driving. Always show respect for your fellow racers. Be careful. Show some patience. Understand the limitations of your car and yourself and drive accordingly. Driving online in a racing sim is NOT exactly the same as real life racing in every respect.
If you are found guilty of any of these rules, the behaviour will be evaluated and penalty assessed by the Race Steward.
Please refrain from the above mentioned behaviours. This is your only warning, and it's public because I believe that it's fair to show the others that you are expected to play by the rules, and I believe you owe nascarfan1400, and Deez_Treez an apology.
That said, Deez_Treez and nascarfan1400 also owe you an apology.
Also, sparky, please no more swearing after disconnects.
Let's be responsible, here, and own up to the foul language that will not be tolerated in ITCC. Thank you.