Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
He didn't follow my rules, either. He botched the hell out of the Race 1 start and blamed me. He set the tone for the night. The reason people are complaining is because he did his usual routine of offending me, carrying on, postponing races to have arguments and being irritating.

So someone messed up the start of the first race, and the whole nights racing goes badly? Next time someone messes up a start in my series, i'll make sure that I then cut the next race in half, and then blame that person for everything that went wrong in a night, even if they weren't in those races. Now this is the way to run a really friendly series Andy :rolleyes:
Race 1 conduct: Very good! No major contact was seen in my quick run-through of replays. As always, if there's something you think I should see, PM me.

Race 2 conduct... I'm watching it right now.

Edit: gokartman was spun... :(
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Had my shower and my mood was slightly relieved.

Let's just wait for next week. I'm starting to get tired of this every series I go to.
Love how it was ok last season when non-regulars came and tore things to shreds while we were battling for money.
Let's just leave it all behind now.

Thankfully Nas didn't take part in today's round, he's worse than I am at controlling himself.
YUSSSS Post 3,000!!! :dopey: :D ^_^

(Sorry for double post, I couldn't find a better place :ouch:)
One thing that I've received a few complaints about, again, is the off-topic posts.

I'm sorry, I don't want to be a jerk, but there is important information to get across. Everyone's welcome to carry on some weird off-topic conversation with everyone on Visitor Messages boards. In fact, I recommend it; the Mods don't see a problem with it.
Ok mel :ouch:

I know your intentions are good but I simply couldn't find a better place, sorry :P
sparky and I already started on that, speaking of which did you get my latest post sparky (tell me by VM).
Ok mel :ouch:

I know your intentions are good but I simply couldn't find a better place, sorry :P

One or two might not be a big deal. But, the Pokémon references and things... Things that have no bearing on ITCC in any conceivable way, that is, should stop so that the less-active users can still read the relevant/new information.

I haven't seen any penalties needed, nor any reason to be upset with anyone.

Despite the horrible meltdown, (and those involved :grumpy:) which was - admittedly - partially my fault, I definitely think the racing was 5-star today, guys. Some incidents - but those drivers aren't returning, so it doesn't matter whether their conduct was poor.
I'm out too, my heart's not in this series. Today was just a cluster:censored:, and Mel's attitude following the aborted original start to the 2nd race did nothing to help. I'd much rather screw around in San Andreas than deal with the crappy racecraft here.
Just because of one bad round that Furinkazen ruined?

Since he's not coming back, there won't be any more problems.

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