Mel, you must take a tougher line on rammers and dive-bombers if ITCC is to become a better series. And that's before we talk about the poor organisation of this series.
I haven't received any complaints about anyone's driving except Furinkazen's.
Since braunracing88 and Furinkazen won't be returning, I'd venture to say that we have 99% clean drivers.
If anyone would like to see how bad Furinkazen's driving was last night, feel free to PM me.
If anyone would like to report any incidents from last night, feel free to PM me.
I've noticed that the driving standards of those who complain in the thread tend to be the poorest, Furi and DK, while the people who don't mention it at all tend to be clean, fun drivers.
If you're looking for drama, I'll remove you from ITCC competition. Like what happened to braun and Furi. Bye-bye, braun. You won't be missed. Bye-bye Furi, you can go run with the dirty drivers in ToCA.
The driving standards in race 3 (after Furi, DK, and Lancer left) were the best. They were better than the driving standards in ToCA.

and, that's before we mention the fact that the OLRs state that accusing people of bad driving in the thread is bad.
So, you've got two choices: leave, (because you don't like the series, and aren't wanted) or PM me about the bad drivers, and then leave.