Heartfelt congratulations to Jammy for winning ITCC 3!

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
And on-topic. You were corner-cutting quite a bit.

As always, two wheels on (or above, :mischievous:) the black stuff please.
Yeah I'm well aware of that, I was over-doing stuff abit today, wasn't taking my driving too seriously. I'll stay inside come race day and keep it under control ;)
Yeah I'm well aware of that, I was over-doing stuff abit today, wasn't taking my driving too seriously. I'll stay inside come race day and keep it under control ;)

Same thing here. Whiskymaser, though...


The punk spun my Yaris by cutting the track and divebombing. :lol: Instant ban mode; activate. :lol:

So, to ITCC drivers: don't be that guy.
Same thing here. Whiskymaser, though...


The punk spun my Yaris by cutting the track and divebombing. :lol: Instant ban mode; activate. :lol:

So, to ITCC drivers: don't be that guy.

you had it coming... i dont know why ill figure that out later.

but yes divebombing... gotta figure out how to not do that or do it successfully enough that it doesnt look as such ;)
you had it coming... i dont know why ill figure that out later.

but yes divebombing... gotta figure out how to not do that or do it successfully enough that it doesnt look as such ;)

How not to divebomb: use your brakes! Brake before the car in front. Done, you can now never ever divebomb anyone ever again. Enjoy the added benefits of added consistency and a better racing line. Focus on corner exits when making your passes.
Sorry, I was asleep. :dunce: Naps aren't reserved to small children, I guess.

And, on-topic, has everyone seen - and agreed with - the video that shows the track limits and such?

I'd like to explain the title: being fast at Trial Mountain is all about knowing how to curb-hop. Everyone's car should be tuned to have ample control/driveability, so that attacking the curbs and getting airborne doesn't cause the crashes that we saw in testing, that nascarfan's referring to.

Well, that's an interesting Manufacturer's Championship.

Less interesting Teams Championship, average Drivers Championship; very close battle for Independent Teams.

Very uninteresting Rising Star Championship, for now. :mischievous: Wait 'til everyone actually makes it out to the races, though, and it'll be close.

Points fully updated for Round 2, magazine issue 3 - I believe - is under way, and the OP has been updated. 👍 Good stuff, guys!
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Thats a... er interesting Points format... I have a template from Morten you can use that automatically puts drivers in their corresponding positions?
We have so many types of championships going on... Point is, I care more about the organization of the different championships, than I care about who's where.

I manually put the drivers in order in the third post.
Just over 30 hours to go until Round 3 at Trial Mountain.

Please ensure that you understand the corner/track usage examples from the YouTube video... I'd like it if everyone could use all of the track, and be fast, without needing to give a penalty. The problem is that someone's inevitably going to miss the video, and not see what I allow for acceptable corner usage.

Yes, the fastest way around TMC does involve going airborne/on two wheels quite often, I expect all drivers to know how/where it's fastest to use the curbs, to aid in the flow of the race; no one likes it, when the car in front goes 10-20 km/h slower through a specific corner.
and andrew breaks the streak of forum silence total time 39 hours 42 minutes

edit: am to pm change
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AM/PM. Check your time of day, go outside, see the sun, and then check your maths. 37 hours* and 35 minutes. :lol:

On-topic again, does everyone agree with/understand the corner usage rules?

Again, two-wheels on or directly above the course, course defined by white lines on tarmac only; ignore the yellow lines, and follow white lines.

Edit: what are you talking about, Riley? :confused: you're not talking about what I thought you were, but neither are you talking about the time until Round 3, either...? 48 hours is exactly 2 days. There's way less than 48 hours between now and event time; it's more like 30...
edit: what are you talking about, Riley? :confused: you're not talking about what I thought you were, but neither are you talking about the time until Round 3, either...? 48 hours is exactly 2 days. There's way less than 48 hours between now and event time; it's more like 30...

the last time that was posted before you Sept 24 2013, 7:17 PM and your post Sept 26 2013, 8:52 AM is 39 hours and 42 minutes.

BOT anybody down for an open lobby around 8 EST?
@ Riley, I'm in for Open lobby practice.

Is there anymore room for another racer?

Welcome, of course there's room for you. :) could you test the cars and tell me which will be your choice? And, which team you will join, please?

-Red Bull Racing (Mazda)
-Turbo Snail Autosports (Mazda)
-East Coast Motorsports (Volvo)
-Voodoo Racing (BMW)
-Alpina BMW
-Championship Honda

Six teams to choose from, each with a dedicated manufacturer and colour scheme. It's entirely your choice between those six teams. 👍
No problem.

Guys, just to re-iterate for one last time, we are 25 hours away from Round 3. I expect everyone to come prepared. Please ensure that you change the oil in your cars, since your cars are about to start losing HP. You can do that through GT Auto.

Also, please ensure that you look at the YouTube video on the last page, and take note of where you're allowed to drive.

Lastly, I'd like to remind everyone that the first official practice (Practice 1) is tonight at 8PM, until about 10:30 PM, EDT. I'm sorry to those of you in Europe, that it doesn't match well with your timezones, but you will have time tomorrow. :)


-oil change
-learn track limits, I'm allowing a lot of track usage
-Practice 1 8:00 PM EDT tonight
Is there a reason why Andrew is so frightened about this round? He's reminding us about the rules all the time... :D
Is there a reason why Andrew is so frightened about this round? He's reminding us about the rules all the time... :D
He's afraid of Fords :sly:

It's not like it's Deep Forest Andrew.
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Getting me some shots. Jeez I've got over 360 stored on my PS3 :eek:

I'll be at the practice IF and ONLY IF there will be races.