Heterosexual or homosexual?

  • Thread starter Concept


  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 238 81.8%
  • Homosexual

    Votes: 15 5.2%
  • Supersexual

    Votes: 38 13.1%

  • Total voters
Heterosexual here. Decided upon that when I was 11. That said, I have nothing against gays in any way. Heck I even know a few gay people at school. However, I've stood by my belief that the meaning of life is to raise a family and carry on your bloodline, but in saying that its the persons decision on whether they want to be hetero, homo or bisexual. Its not a choice that should be influenced by anyone, be it family or friends and its an important decision for a teenager to make in their life.
I've been considering becoming a ladyboy, without the operations. I'm not gay in any way, just thought I'd look better as a chick.

I've never seen or known of alcoholic ladyboys so it might help me get back on the wagon.
Heterosexual here. Decided upon that when I was 11. That said, I have nothing against gays in any way. Heck I even know a few gay people at school. However, I've stood by my belief that the meaning of life is to raise a family and carry on your bloodline, but in saying that its the persons decision on whether they want to be hetero, homo or bisexual. Its not a choice that should be influenced by anyone, be it family or friends and its an important decision for a teenager to make in their life.

A choice? I never asked my self , hey do i like guys.. iv always had a natural attraction to girls =P
If you've never considered that you do or don't like the same sex how can you be sure you don't?

To me, I had to consider if I was gay to realise I wasn't. Even with a natural love for females I still had to ask the question to be able to know the answer. Know what I mean?
If you've never considered that you do or don't like the same sex how can you be sure you don't?

To me, I had to consider if I was gay to realise I wasn't. Even with a natural love for females I still had to ask the question to be able to know the answer. Know what I mean?

Stupidity hits hard yes, hey i breath wonder if I like not breathing , ott to give it a try .. Also love is in fact genderless and heck i love my best friend, but i would NEVER have sexual contact with him..
some of you are confusing love with lust and its just plain sick that you guys find it that way , id give my life fro my best friend but no way in hell would i EVER EVER EVER do him .
As a science guy the point of life is to spread my genome
As a Believer in god " as i call him the greater Being , our creator " * not organized religion* hell he probably wont send gays to hell or punish them in any way or form , but he will punish those who confuse love with lust anybody who confuses LOVE WITH LUST -.-
^ dont lie. lol. jk. I really dont think this thread has much of a point as sexuallity doesnt matter. It does however open a door to the jerks that are present on every forum to know who has what lifestyle.
I've been considering becoming a ladyboy, without the operations. I'm not gay in any way, just thought I'd look better as a chick.

I've never seen or known of alcoholic ladyboys so it might help me get back on the wagon.

regardless of who we are ...
ultimately what we all want is to be happy,

.... but because each one of us is different (and yet the same as human beings)
we have different ideas of happiness, what what is should be....

or what we think it ought to be... (grass is greener on the other side effect)

so The problem is when those who decide to change lifestyle to find the greener side.. and come to realize it's actually not as green as they thought...

Do you think Ladyboy are happy ??
How happy do you think Ladyboys are ??

I am not against people having the freedom to choose
i am not against hetero, homo, supersexual, metrosexual, s/m, confused, bi, lesbians,

But just be careful for what you wish for...

Life isn't as rosy as you think it would be, you just cannot run away from your original problems as easily...

switching side isn't going to solve your original problems...

as far as i am concerned, i would consider being homo... but first:
i would have to be with, and know all the girls/women/ladies in the world before i finally can be gay... ;)
Heterosexual definitely, although I do act seriously camp sometimes :lol:
Also I appear to have made friends with a lot of bi-sexual girls, all-in-all 4 are bi and one is a lesbian. Quite nice to be able to talk with a girl and when you say so and so's really fit they can go "God I know!" :lol:
If you've never considered that you do or don't like the same sex how can you be sure you don't?

I know that sentiment gets thrown around a lot, but I agree, it is quite true sometimes I think.

When people say they were 'in denial' it sounds far more proactive than I reckon it even has to be - as though you've discovered the truth and then stuck your fingers in your ears so as not to hear it - sometimes it's a case of simply not thinking about the alternative in the first place.

...which, incidentally, is where I think people get this 'choice' mentality from. Well I suppose, you have made a choice: but in the same way that you might eat apples your entire life and suddenly 'choose' to consider whether you'd actually prefer an orange. You didn't choose to prefer the orange - that's programmed into you - but you chose to actually listen to that feeling rather than suppressing it, and why wouldn't you?

Or something. I don't know. Suddenly found myself talking about fruit and now I'm confused.

As a science guy the point of life is to spread my genome

Ahh, so that's why people do it. For science!
I don't think a thread on that subject will get you a lot of intelligent answers on this message board, sadly.

I'm heterosexual, but i have to say i have nothing against homosexuals. I fully respect them (when the said person isn't a total ass anyway) and their choices, as they respect ours after all.

Actually, i hate to say "them" when i refer to the homosexual community. It's like "they" are different from us, which isn't the case at all.

This was the first reply to this thread, and is exactly how I feel.
All this talk lately about "gay marriage" is ridiculous. I just refer to it as a marriage. Nothing more, nothing less.
I couldn't care less what a person's sexual orientation is, makes no difference to me.
regardless of who we are ...
ultimately what we all want is to be happy,

.... but because each one of us is different (and yet the same as human beings)
we have different ideas of happiness, what what is should be....

or what we think it ought to be... (grass is greener on the other side effect)

so The problem is when those who decide to change lifestyle to find the greener side.. and come to realize it's actually not as green as they thought...

Do you think Ladyboy are happy ??
How happy do you think Ladyboys are ??

I am not against people having the freedom to choose
i am not against hetero, homo, supersexual, metrosexual, s/m, confused, bi, lesbians,

But just be careful for what you wish for...

Life isn't as rosy as you think it would be, you just cannot run away from your original problems as easily...

switching side isn't going to solve your original problems...

as far as i am concerned, i would consider being homo... but first:
i would have to be with, and know all the girls/women/ladies in the world before i finally can be gay... ;)

I think you probably took his post a little too seriously :lol:
The question at the top of this page is invalid. It suggests that one cannot be bi, or asexual, or whatever the hell I am.