High School

Is it a good weird or bad weird?

I guess what I mean is, do you prefer school or the "real world"?
Is it a good weird or bad weird?

I guess what I mean is, do you prefer school or the "real world"?

It's kind of in between. Its tough to explain. Like its good in a way but bad also. I'm not really sure how to put it in words. Like it just ends after 13 years of consistently doing it, so not doing it is like odd. I definitely like the real world though. I think mostly because I'm not obligated and forced to do things that I don't like to do for no reason. At least in the real world I can do things I like at my leisure (except working, but even then I like my profession). For example I like to go hang out with people whenever I want. Before, I'd be limited because it would be a "school night". Now I can do whatever the hell I want, when I want.

It's just one of those things you can't really explain for feel until you go through it yourself.
First day of school for me is August 27th. Senior Year here I come! I go to a private school and we just opened up a new addition. My schedule has me running from the Middle School all the way to the new addition( maybe half a mile....) in 5 minutes :grumpy: ah well, getting in shape for swimming and rugby.
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Slashfan. And then after some time, you'll start to miss school. I know I do, sometimes...

I won't lie, I already do. I told my buddy the other night that it sucks and he agreed.
I won't lie, I already do. I told my buddy the other night that it sucks and he agreed.

The only thing I miss about school is not being able to play high school golf anymore.
The only thing I miss about school is not being able to play high school golf anymore.

I miss not seeing people, screwing around, bragging about cool stuff we do out of school haha.
It's kind of in between. Its tough to explain. Like its good in a way but bad also. I'm not really sure how to put it in words. Like it just ends after 13 years of consistently doing it, so not doing it is like odd. I definitely like the real world though. I think mostly because I'm not obligated and forced to do things that I don't like to do for no reason. At least in the real world I can do things I like at my leisure (except working, but even then I like my profession). For example I like to go hang out with people whenever I want. Before, I'd be limited because it would be a "school night". Now I can do whatever the hell I want, when I want.

It's just one of those things you can't really explain for feel until you go through it yourself.

Give it a few months and you'll wish you were back in school.

I felt the same after I left, I missed it and I was happy to move onto something else. I was happy to move on as long as my friends stayed in touch but slowly they all drifted away into their own lives and I barely see them anymore. It'll probably happen with you too. You might have lots of free time to visit friends but they might not.
Give it a few months and you'll wish you were back in school.

I felt the same after I left, I missed it and I was happy to move onto something else. I was happy to move on as long as my friends stayed in touch but slowly they all drifted away into their own lives and I barely see them anymore. It'll probably happen with you too. You might have lots of free time to visit friends but they might not.

I know, but it's not bad. I don't see them everyday but we all keep in touch on Facebook and texting each other etc.

Are you going to college later?

No, I wasn't planning on it. Don't want to take more school than I'm required to.
Freshman year starts on August 22nd. Can't wait for it now that I'm done with that homeschooling crap. :)
First day is August 21st. Going to be starting senior year. It's gonna be weird, since I've been at the same school since 6th grade.
Best of luck. You'll not regret taking AP when you get to college

That is unless you take classes that are not requirements in college, like AP Economics. As I've been doing my summer homework for the class, I've realized there is no reason to take this class. Besides maybe that colleges will like to see AP classes on my records, and actually I probably should have taken more at this point. Anyways I plan on doing many advanced (not necessarily AP) classes my senior year (I will be a junior this year), including AP Physics, AP Government, Calculus (normally seniors only reach pre-calculus, which I am taking this year as a junior) or AP Statistics, German III (most colleges only require 2 years of a foreign language) and possibly AP chemistry if I have room in my schedule. But with Physics as my priority I don't know if I can fit 2 science classes in.

Regardless, I need to focus on this year. I've got AP Econ and apparently the teacher doesn't teach, so I will be teaching myself a college course. I'm excited for only two classes, which are physics and German II. I'm very interested in science, especial physics, and German has been a very interesting course, not only because it is a new language but it makes me look at the English language and analyze it more closely and compare it to German. It also is interesting to learn little tid-bits about German culture. Plus my German teacher (we only have one, compared to 4 Spanish teachers) is really cool. Another great thing is a friend a year older than me told me my physics teacher is really cool too, however I will not like my English teacher. Sadly, I'm trapped in band for another year, and I'm forced to take another pointless English class. Then I have pre-calculus, which sound impossible.

I hope and am confident that this will be a good year. Also, being that my 16th birthday is Thursday, I can drive myself to and from school, as well as band practice and any other activities for school, and then some.
This is the first year my school's ever offered an AP class, it's AP English and Composition. Definitely not my first choice for a class, but I guess you take what you get.

EDIT: 4k posts, yay!
Yall get homework over the summer now???!!!!! God I feel bad for yall!
Glad to see people trying to take AP classes. I had to take them... not fun, but when I finnaly went to collage, it made my life so much easier, I wasnt sitting there like WTF!? like i was in English.
Yall get homework over the summer now???!!!!! God I feel bad for yall!
Glad to see people trying to take AP classes. I had to take them... not fun, but when I finnaly went to collage, it made my life so much easier, I wasnt sitting there like WTF!? like i was in English.

Only advanced classes have summer work.
Only advanced classes have summer work.

:lol: I wouldn't touch it.

*Goes back to school*

Teacher: "Where's your homework son?"
Student: "I, uh, forgot it."
Teacher: "That's no excuse young man. Now really, where is it?"
Student: "I burned it."
Teacher: "You what?"
Student: "Seriously, it was an accident. You must believe me. See, it somehow got in this back of papers I needed to get rid of, and by the time I noticed they were in there, it was too late!"
Teacher: *Faints*

Probably something I'd do^^
It feels so weird not going back...

It does at first, then you start working full time and time flies by.

No, I wasn't planning on it. Don't want to take more school than I'm required to.

You're still going to be learning on your own right? Education, formal or not, is the greatest enabler to wealth.

That is unless you take classes that are not requirements in college, like AP Economics. As I've been doing my summer homework for the class, I've realized there is no reason to take this class. Besides maybe that colleges will like to see AP classes on my records, and actually I probably should have taken more at this point. Anyways I plan on doing many advanced (not necessarily AP) classes my senior year (I will be a junior this year), including AP Physics, AP Government, Calculus (normally seniors only reach pre-calculus, which I am taking this year as a junior) or AP Statistics, German III (most colleges only require 2 years of a foreign language) and possibly AP chemistry if I have room in my schedule. But with Physics as my priority I don't know if I can fit 2 science classes in.

For the most part, it's a good thing to take AP classes because it will help challenge and stretch you. It'll be harder of course, but you'll learn more.

The only down side to AP credits is that not all universities will give you equivalent amounts of credits for the same AP classes. At some schools, something like AP Econ may just count towards some general education requirements, while at other schools, it's just credits that are sitting there that doesn't do anything. Then you get to later in your college career and they start pushing you to finish your degree and leave since you are starting to have too many credits. Nowadays, that can typically be worked around as it's become fairly common, and I still recommend taking the AP class if it's available, but just a heads up.

and I'm forced to take another pointless English class.

English classes are not pointless. It is extremely important to be able to communicate with others well, even if you're entering the sciences. You also have no idea how surprisingly illiterate a lot of people are. Being good at reading, writing and expressing yourself in English will be an important asset in your future.

I hope and am confident that this will be a good year. Also, being that my 16th birthday is Thursday, I can drive myself to and from school, as well as band practice and any other activities for school, and then some.

Best of luck this year; I hope you're starting to think about colleges and think about and prepare for taking either the Pre-SAT or SATs. Oh, and also happy birthday.

Yall get homework over the summer now???!!!!! God I feel bad for yall!

I've had summer homework since middle school...