High School

I know that my alma mater is looking at hiring a new music teacher since the former one was released after he was arrested.
My High School had to search for a music teacher because our most recent one (The handpicked successor of the previous one of ~30 years) left after 2 years to become a special needs teacher
I'm beginning public high school (coming from private a middle school) in a few weeks, and I'm not feeling optimistic about it (who would lol). I also completely forgot to burn all my homework from last year, but oh well. I'll just add Freshman year's stack to it after I'm finished with 9th grade :D
I'm beginning public high school (coming from private a middle school) in a few weeks, and I'm not feeling optimistic about it (who would lol). I also completely forgot to burn all my homework from last year, but oh well. I'll just add Freshman year's stack to it after I'm finished with 9th grade :D
Good luck :)
I'm beginning public high school (coming from private a middle school) in a few weeks, and I'm not feeling optimistic about it (who would lol). I also completely forgot to burn all my homework from last year, but oh well. I'll just add Freshman year's stack to it after I'm finished with 9th grade :D

High school is really fun, mate

Going into Junior this year.
School ended really late for me because we started late last year and we had a lot of snow days because New England. Now that I'm moving to Kentucky, the high school in moving to starts on the 19th. So I had an extremely short summer which sucks.

I hope the people in the south are nice. I'll have to make new friends and stuff, which I'm not very good at. But oh well. That's life.
Some advice for incoming seniors, first half of the year your number one goal is to plan life after High School, second half make your number one goal is to have fun
Now that I'm moving to Kentucky, the high school in moving to starts on the 19th. So I had an extremely short summer which
You start with me, mate.
I hope the people in the south are nice. I'll have to make new friends and stuff, which I'm not very good at. But oh well. That's life.
Some can be... just be prepared to deal with a few people who hold on to stereotypes as a joke.
Some advice for incoming seniors, first half of the year your number one goal is to plan life after High School, second half make your number one goal is to have fun
I still don't know what to plan after high school. I would want some freedom before college life.
The few friends that I have in high school are Seniors. I'm a Junior. Year after this one will be very crappy, with most of them likely leaving the state. :banghead:
I'm opposite of this since most of my friends aren't seniors. It's gonna be tough leaving them but at least I can always visit right?
Nice! I'm a natural born speaker
I'm not, but my music teacher says that I'm good at giving a musicology and because I can't use my computer to assist me in my performances for when I finish Yr 11 and go into Yr 12 , I'll just do my core performance then do the rest of Yr 12 as musicology's. This way I don't have to focus on learning a new song on the bass, and also the bass I have at home feels different to the one I have been using at school.
> sitting in the glorious log jam of students trying to leave the parking lot after school
> the PT Cruiser in front is refusing to assert itself and we're not going anywhere
> an Escalade has had it up to here with this crap
> Escalade drives over the curb, some dirt, the sidewalk and another curb to circumvent the mess

Whatever works, I guess. lol
Whatever works, I guess. lol
Our school is alongside a major arterial road, and it's in a bit of an awkward spot, so it's got its own access road to feed traffic out of the car park to the safest point. The access road has its own pedestrian crossing, but because of the weird geography and the property boundaries, the crossing is very long - the road is two lanes, but the crossing is about three and a half lanes long.

On Wednesday, a group of students stopped before crossing (because they apparently don't know how crossings work, although the caretakers ran out of paint so we had half a pedestrian crossing for a month), but one of them kept going. He got about three-quarters of the way across when he realised that his friends had stopped. His solution to this predicament?

Turn around and go back.
On Wednesday, a group of students stopped before crossing (because they apparently don't know how crossings work, although the caretakers ran out of paint so we had half a pedestrian crossing for a month), but one of them kept going. He got about three-quarters of the way across when he realised that his friends had stopped. His solution to this predicament?

Turn around and go back.
LOL :dopey: