High School

Today is the final day. Well, sort of. I still have the single provincial and I've been forced to go to study sessions that I didn't want to go to. But whatever. Today in chemistry we were given our overall marks and our mark on the final exam. I got 85 on the exam and 86 overall, except the sticky that the marks were on was handed to me upside down so it looked like I got 58 on the exam and 98 overall. Later in the block, we played Google Feud (which I didn't know was a thing) for fun. It got pretty funny. For some reason, weed popped up multiple times.
During our Chemistry final we were allowed to write notes on a single 3 by 5 inch notecard to use while taking the test.
I milked it for all it was worth.
Four hours till graduation begins, how I feel at the moment

Do you know how tense I was? I had to not mess up because I went straight up to the stage and then I was first in everything and then I had my speech! I'll show you the better video once it's on YouTube.
Project Graduation was pretty fun. We went to UNH and a laser tag place that also had go karts and mini golf. The last part was a boat ride till sunrise. I hated this. I'm not a boat person so I got really sick. In fact most of my bus didn't want to be on the boat. I did play some poker, but that was about it. Slept on the bus back to the school, mom picked me up, went home and slept.
A pigeon somehow managed to fall inside our classroom heater during Maths. Other than that, nothing exciting happened today.
Today I wrote the social studies provincial exam, which is the only provincial I had this year. 55 multiple choice, two essays, three hours. I got it done in about 2 h 20 min though. And you had to stay for at least an hour if you finished it under an hour somehow, because of putting some kind of ID on the test booklets.
Tonight was baccalaureate, and during one of the hymns our teacher gave us the sign to walk out that she told us to listen to, but we left like 2 things before the end. Everyone came down to the basement where we were and laughed
Well, we started watching The Matrix Reloaded in Software Development. Also, our Chemistry teacher said that she would order coffee for us tomorrow if we wanted to. Noice.
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... Really? I'd be inclined to show it for some senior English electives, by Software Design and Development?
We seem to watch a film at the end of each term in that class. Not that I'm complaining :P. To be fair, we do actually do work in class*.

*Just like most classes, there are a few students that don't do much. The majority of us get our work done on time, though.