High School

My Drama Group stayed late to work on our Major Work.

Teacher: You need something explosive for the first Scene...

Us: What should we do...

Teacher: Do 3 songs in a mashup that focus on Bs (our performance is based off a world without Bee's), do dancing.

Rest of my Group: Cool

Me: I can't sing nor dance :/ not to mention I have no idea how the lyrics go for all 3 songs.

That's why I hate group projects, especially ones that need creativity (I'd rather write a few pages worth of an essay than perform something for more than a couple of minutes), and especially ones that are assigned with other people randomly. Anything could happen

If you can't sing or dance why are you in a Drama Group? Drama = Plays, right?

A first draft is never a final copy. As a senior, I would expect you to go through at least three drafts for each essay.

I'm not a senior, but I hardly ever do three, or even two.

I'll do more than one if mandatory. But other than that...not really. But I might look over the first draft for mistakes, or better structure, etc. It's a lazy habit that I really shouldn't have...

What subject do you teach?
If you can't sing or dance why are you in a Drama Group? Drama = Plays, right?
Not really, Drama here is based on performance where we have to use dramatic forms and techniques.

This is going to be my first performance that is basically a musical out of 5.
Oh. So it's the study of drama, not actually drama.
We don't the stereotypical "School Plays", we make performances and then perform them. We rarely touch on several School play tropes and is more in the lines of Shakespeare style (not the wording though)

Not to mention out of all the Pro Performances we watch in our excursions, only 1 had any singing in it (and none had dancing).
I got my last exam tomorrow, Agriculture for 3 hours. I'm going to just about be asleep by the end of it just because I'll finish an hour early
Oh. So it's the study of drama, not actually drama.
It's a mix. Students study a variety of dramatic forms, the history of drama and eventually put on performances. If you're interested, you can find the junior syllabus here and the seniors here. They're wordy and layered and dense, but if you skip to the modules and mandatory hours, you can find some of the content.

We also do some drama in Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8) English, but it varies from school to school as to exactly what they do.
Going to Scottsdale for the first game of the marching band/football season in two days. Plus, just found out you have to have volunteer hours to getting a frickin' driver's license. Really? Volunteer hours for a driver's license?
Found this today:

Apparently someone ordered 500 of these, and was putting them around the school :lol:
Nothing much happened today, except crushing the girl's in my Word History Honors class. Beat them in a game of Jeopardy 12,000 to 6,000.
AP World? We only had AP Euro. Really wasn't that hard other than the AP test, which was the hardest test I've ever taken. Also taking AP US History.
AP World? We only had AP Euro. Really wasn't that hard other than the AP test, which was the hardest test I've ever taken. Also taking AP US History.
Yeah, AP World. The only AP class I can take as a sophomore. I was going to just do honors, but I decided to do AP to see what it's like and if it's even possible to do more than one my junior year.
It's the AP exams that get you. The class itself may not be that difficult. It's just the exam makes the standardized testing look like baby stuff.
I couldn't take any my freshman year either. I really could only take one sophomore year, and from there there's 5 or 6 more AP courses junior/senior year.
Now that high school is done for me, I'll be going to college soon. And to get into the math class I want, I have to take an entrance exam which is in less than a week, and I do not feel ready. So I found a college algebra textbook at the library where I live (This is the only reason I've even been in there), and now I'm looking at it.
Really starting to get to the pointy end of school now... I'm still in Year 10 but I can already see that things are starting to get serious. The kids who are not interested in the work at the school will leave after Year 10, and I'm guessing that's the majority of my current friendship group. Look, things haven't been easy lately inside and outside the classroom, with lots of friendship issues and more work to get through. It all sounds hard when you see it written like this but, as Jeremy Clarkson used to say, how hard can it be?
Just finished my Drama HSC Performance which I think went relatively well, we had to get a Year 10 to sub 1 member who was sick. Off to Japanese Speaking on Saturday :D.

Really starting to get to the pointy end of school now... I'm still in Year 10 but I can already see that things are starting to get serious. The kids who are not interested in the work at the school will leave after Year 10, and I'm guessing that's the majority of my current friendship group. Look, things haven't been easy lately inside and outside the classroom, with lots of friendship issues and more work to get through. It all sounds hard when you see it written like this but, as Jeremy Clarkson used to say, how hard can it be?
I've had this issue a lot at school, the people who are serious are those who have a plan for what they want to do after school. If you don't have a plan yet then you shouldn't join them in being ultra serious, still try your hardest but you don't need to panic as much, especially since there is still more ways to get to where you want to be instead of just doing well in Year 12 if you make your mind up very late down the line.

This is of course assuming you plan to stay in school after Year 10 & 11.

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