Er... fine tuning of aero guys? I'll help you out, the fastest top end speed is achieved with full at back and minimum at the front. I really wish I knew what PD were thinking with that one...
After spending about 20 mins in setting for aero and gear ratios i was able to hit 350mph. no drafting. also with the aero right down it still handles almost exactly the same.
I haven't really bothered with the X1 since 2.15, but a friends hybrid-X1 I 'borrowed' would 'top' the speedometer at 999mph while still going around SSRX at literal break-neck speed, oh that was fun
well i do own one of the fastest x2011s was doing 361.6mph.This was before some of the recent updates though.Im not sure if it still does the same it was a long time ago but heres a link.If anyone wants the tune i could give it to you