You hit the nail on the head. The average voter is sorely lacking in the real issues and a basic understanding of economics, foreign policy, fiscal responsibility etc. Like most of my friends, they get their information from 30 second sound bytes they hear while making dinner or texting on their phone.
A small example of media bias is this little gem from Obama lies outright to the public for years with "
if you like your plan you can keep your plan, PERIOD" After the crap hits the fan for days CNN comes out with an article entitled "
6 Things Presidents wish they hadn't said"
The body of the story talks about Obama's mishap, then Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, and oh yeah, Clinton getting caught with his pants down, literally. Then Reagan, Carter and Ford. It's as if they are saying to their liberal base, "
Oh don't worry about Obama's lie, the Bush's did it many times as do all Presidents, nothing to see here, move along, haha, funny joke"
When it's Hilary's turn it'll be, "
Benghazi? That was what, 5 years ago, it's history, Republicans are blowing it out of proportion, we had hearings on it and nothing was done wrong...etc. etc. etc." With media support like that, there's less and less chance of a true conservative ever getting elected again in the U.S.