Honda Fan Club - under new management

  • Thread starter THE ED3
I love watching other people become weekend mechanics and work on their cars. Usually I learn something that can be used on my own car, or I can help out and hopefully contribute to the performance or sound (stereo install) gain of the car.

I've had some of the best, and funniest moments of my life from doing this stuff. For starters, my one friend wouldn't listen to me when I said to make a diagram of his spark plug wires before he removed them and installed his new ones. After he got them on they looked good, but when he started his car, it was almost like his engine was trying to jump out of the engine bay. After looking under my other friends car, he realized he had two wires backwards, which would never have happened if he had listened too me in the first place. :lol:
.... Need a paint job and some rims though (have hub caps laugh out loud!) QUOTE] there.. something wrong with hubcaps? ;)

Nothing wrong... just looks...meh... especially with the actual surface of the wheels brown with rust... poking through the hubcaps... Not like I want over the top shiny rims or over styled rims (Hate em)... I'm just wishing I had some Acura rims at least... Not gonna change it in a while though... Got no money and if I did... I need it for other stuff...
well im looking forward to another Prelude Australia cruise this saturday, however I broke up with my girlfriend (8 months) last week so i guess i will be taking a mate along this time. There is meant to be 2 or 3 fifth gen preludes at this cruise so the photos should look nice and blingy :lol:
less hoes = less weight = go faster hehe!


anyone know what engine this is? this car went hard! i went lookin at this one when i was lookin for my car, but it had big problems (rust, mysterious engine with no documentation....) but it went hard hehe.

Id like to know what engine it was so i can see what engines are available for my (eventual) engine swap.

tx for info :)


OH and i was joking about the whole hubcap things, theyre fugly, but i cant afford anything else yet so i might as well support em whilst i got em, lol!
well im looking forward to another Prelude Australia cruise this saturday, however I broke up with my girlfriend (8 months) last week so i guess i will be taking a mate along this time. There is meant to be 2 or 3 fifth gen preludes at this cruise so the photos should look nice and blingy :lol:

I use to bring the ex-girlfriend out with me to the track days and shows too, but after making me take her in my car, and then screaming at the top of her lungs whenever I dropped a gear coming out of a turn and complaining about when we were leaving half an hour after we got there, I decided to start leaving her at home. Do you know how hard it is to go around an autocross course with a girl screaming in your ear louder then your engine? :grumpy:
Wet. In a hurry. Twistie roads. Fwd 4 wheel drifting WOO!

aw gawd, funtimes where had,

@ SRV2low4me = Does her screaming get louder when you Rev higher?.. and then go down an octave when you change gears? LOL.. motorized G-f ;)

@ SRV2low4me = Does her screaming get louder when you Rev higher?.. and then go down an octave when you change gears? LOL.. motorized G-f ;)

Kind of, but it was more like her screaming went louder as the speed went up. One night when we were goin to the movies, I went to race my friend on the highway in his RSX Type-S, we were doin around 100 kmh each, and I dropped it into 3rd and took off. She screamed so hard that I couldn't concentrate, and had to drop out, thats the brutal part, now the funny part, when we got to the movies, my friend told me as soon as the race started, he could hear her screaming! Needless to say, I dumped her shortly after.
thanks :) Hmm it seems i forgot to mention it was an EF civ' lol. That might have helped hehe, thanks anyways :). I ended up working it out to be the D16Z6, which to me seems like a rather crappy swap :/ If your going to go through the trouble of swapping surely youd put something more potent in there.... i mean 125hp... thats not that much more then the standard ef's....

Same reason people switch out their H23 for the H22 for only 30 hp, overall its a better engine, and responds to modifications better. Even you mentioned how it had more power over the others you tested.
thanks :) Hmm it seems i forgot to mention it was an EF civ' lol. That might have helped hehe, thanks anyways :). I ended up working it out to be the D16Z6, which to me seems like a rather crappy swap :/ If your going to go through the trouble of swapping surely youd put something more potent in there.... i mean 125hp... thats not that much more then the standard ef's....


Just an idea, but why not look for a B16, B18, H22, or possibly a K20 swap? The rewards are so much better for the money. K20's are going to cost a lot more for a while, because they're relatively new to the market. But, you can get B16/B18's like hella-cheap. It's worth a shot anyways. You'd be much happier with that.
Yea i was planning a B16 swap, it just struck me as being stupid for such a small gain in horsepower and such a large effort to get the crap in there. It wasnt even a great engine, smoke was coming out of the oil check-if-its-full-hole. It looked like it was on its last legs hehe.

Im pretty sure this guy new little about engines and just saw the vtec label and presumed miracles where going to happen. ( he didnt install it himself)

ah well .. lol

hey guys, sorry for the double postage :/ BUT i need your opinion, double post or not hehe.

i saw this pick the other day an realised that its rims are just painted stealies with a silver strip around the outside. Does anyone reckon theyre a viable option to paying 1200AUS$ for a set of rims?.. I dont reckon it looks half bad, wats everyone else think?

EDIT: wait a second.. there was no double postage,
Yea i was planning a B16 swap, it just struck me as being stupid for such a small gain in horsepower and such a large effort to get the crap in there. It wasnt even a great engine, smoke was coming out of the oil check-if-its-full-hole. It looked like it was on its last legs hehe.

Im pretty sure this guy new little about engines and just saw the vtec label and presumed miracles where going to happen. ( he didnt install it himself)

ah well .. lol


The small gain in horsepower is noticed more in the aftermarket that follows the b-series. Also, the effort isn't much more than a D-series swap, since you're going to have to deal with the ECU either way. Just get a P28 flashed, and you'll be doing great for hp. You'll DEFINITELY notice it.

Oh, okay, thanks! 👍

No problem, bro'. I <3 my Honda's. :D (I don't own more than one, but I like most all of them.)

hey guys, sorry for the double postage :/ BUT i need your opinion, double post or not hehe.

i saw this pick the other day an realised that its rims are just painted stealies with a silver strip around the outside. Does anyone reckon theyre a viable option to paying 1200AUS$ for a set of rims?.. I dont reckon it looks half bad, wats everyone else think?

EDIT: wait a second.. there was no double postage,

I apologize up front, because I have no idea what the price range of aftermarket wheels are in Australia, but if you're trying to find budget rims that not piles of poo, shoot for Forged rims at about 1:1 (lbs:inch height) ratio. For example, a 17" rim shouldn't weigh much more than 17lbs. Specific examples are exceeding that rule, like Nippon F2's at less than 12lbs for 15" rims. Those can be had for a deal, considering they are Spoon knock-off's. ROTA's are also a knock-off company, that can be had for relatively cheap. Also, if they ship to Australia, look for FLIK's. They're produced by the same source company that makes half of ROTA's stocklist, and can be had for cheaper.

I hope that helps. I would atleast try and find something along those lines for your car. If at all else fails, go to a Salvage/Junk yard for some larger Honda stock rims, preferably an alloy rim. I must admit, Integra Mesh rims (LS model has them in 4x100's, they're 16") look hot on your model of EF.
'Doh! Totally forgot to mention these, but if you can find them as well... look for some J's Mode rims. I think they look gorgeous. JDM Theory carries them, for example. I don't know about shipping costs.

@toyomatt84 - No offense, but i'm not a huge fan of those rims. They look plastic, and remind me of the old hubcaps that came on cars from the 80's.

@Sp33 - They don't look half bad, especially as a cheap alternative, and the chrome rim really helps to dress em up. They would look a lot better if they were a bit bigger though, but they definitly have an old rally style wheel (muscle car) feel to them.

I have to ask though, what would you get for $1200 bux there? Like, tires included, and what size?
Well, they may not look all that great to you, but you have to consider weight. Those J's Mode wheels are only 12lbs each. Kind of nice for saving gas.
1200$ comes tyres included. Its just that if i was getting new rims, id have to get the tyres to fit. Um, that was the price i got quoted for a set of 15"s Cant remember the brand. i wasnt realy going by brand tho, just wat looked good, so for all i know they could have been the NSX of the Rim' world hehe.


Oh and i actually went out and boughted those silver dress bits for muh car, all i need now is to get some paint and will get some pics up asap. Prolly expect it round next weekend... Theyll do until i save enough for REAL rims :)
bad news guys, im just gonna say it like it is...

Took a corner too fast spun around 180 and smashed into a pole, thank god i managed to wipe off enough speed so that only the rear bumber is damaged but i am really in shock right now.

If a car was coming the other way i would not be writing this right now, that is my close encounter with death.

me and my friend are both fine no injuries the impact its self was only at about 20-30 kph so minimal damage, its just what could have happened worries me the most. I could be dead
@Sp33 - $1200 for 15"s? Too bad ya don't know the brand or I could give you a comparison price, but most 15-16" rim packages up here run from about $800-1000. There isn't much of a demand for those sizes up here, so they normally run pretty cheap.

Thats pretty cool about the chrome lip, are you going to remove the rims to do it, or tape off your car? Just a word to the wise, make sure to tape off or cover what you don't want painted really well or you could end up like my friend with a black spray can mark up the back fender. :lol:

@Mclaren_Man - OUCH! :ouch:
Well I hope it was quick, and not one of those slow motion but unable to do anything crashes. You have AWS don't you? Was the roads wet or something? How bads the damage, could you fix it yourself ya think? Get some pics of the ol' girls back end, maybe seeing the damage will teach us a lesson for speeding around corners. :scared:

Just be thankful we're not writing a eulogy for her and ending this with "RIP Prelude". :dopey:
yeah Mclaren man....good to hear you're alright.

don't mind the non-sympathetic douchenozzles that only see it from the perspective that
"hey you shouldn't be doing that so whatever happens i don't care because your a tool for even doing it and i hope you die"
Everyone does stupid stuff from time to time.
yeah Mclaren man....good to hear you're alright.

don't mind the non-sympathetic douchenozzles that only see it from the perspective that
"hey you shouldn't be doing that so whatever happens i don't care because your a tool for even doing it and i hope you die"
Everyone does stupid stuff from time to time.

I keep my stupidity to myself, thanks. :D I prefer not to show it off to the public. Sure, I'm thankful he didn't die, because that would suck. But, even if he were to die, was it not his fault for taking a corner too fast? Just food for thought.

Oh and yes, I've had friends and family die in car accidents, it's not that I'm heartless and said, "Well, it was his/her fault." I'm trying to prove a point with saying that he shouldn't try it publicly. I know good racing courses are hard to come by, but asking a store owner for permission to use their parking area with cones, is extremely easy. I've done it numerous times. As long as the owner isn't liable, you're good to go. 👍
Sorry to hear Mclaren_Man, so if I'm on the road and see a Prelude with a pole damaged rear bumper I know its you :).
well its only the rear bumber that is damaged the rest of the car is fine, it is drivable and the 4ws system is fine. As for racing on public roads, well i was the only car and had one passenger in the car with me, what caught me out was the fact that i was going at my normal pace through the section of road that i know very well, then it started raining really quickly and i didnt take it into account.

Toyomatt - I completly understand where you are coming from and comments like your first one is excatly what i expect, im still young and stupid most people i know have crashes when they're my age, that is still no excuse though...