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  • Thread starter THE ED3
Mugen seats don't look like that... at all. In fact the only seat Mugen makes is the S1 bucket.
980$ USD a pop, plus tax, friends.

They're replicas of the Recaros found in the EVO, amongst others.
I've had a lot of trouble getting my seating position right in my CRX lately, I can feel my head tilting forward and I think there is too much lumbar support even though it's wound right back.

Makes me want to fit some bling bling seats.

Maybe later when I've got it alarmed :D
Mclaren_ManHopefully one day you come to your sense's and forget about the S14 and start looking for a 4th or 5th Gen Prelude, or even an Integra, (as Sp33 would say, VT@C!!!)

I will always be a fan of the preludes, especially third gens. Two things that I want in a car, rear wheel drive and more power. The preludes chasis is very good, so good that it could handle more power, but sadly its limited to a 140HP engine.

S14's for me have that extra power and can be tuned to run upto 300KW at the wheels on stock internals and because the SR20DET is so common parts for it are easy to come by. Also the rear wheel drive factor would make the handling much more predictable at the limit and could possibly used for drift on the track if I had a decent suspension setup.

But it will be a while before all of this happens and if I am still with my girlfriend after my initial training she could sell her car then take over the prelude, which means I could still take it for a little jaunt around the hills if I want to.

That s14 looks mean, should be a whole lotta fun!

The series two front end looks awesome, I have always liked it. Nice mean look that you wouldn't want to come across in a dark alley :)
Toyomatt84 - They're Recaro seats with Mugen logos. Like PunkRock has stated, if I want real Mugen seats, i'd have to go buckets. I'd rather go with a set of the Recaro's though as my car is mainly used for transporting me and my girlfriend around, and they'll provide the sportier feel that I want while retaining the stock look and functions for everyday use. Plus they're about half the price PunkRock has quoted for the S1 buckets, which is the best part. :lol:
Yeah, the race buckets would be pretty impracticle for everyday use. Depending on your normal sitting position the upright back might take some getting used to. I already sit fairly upright and close to the wheel so I think I could adapt okay, but my Sol doesn't have a back seat, obviously. Your Lude does, and even putting groceries or whatever back there would be tough without the moving seatback, much less people.

They look like they're made of cloth, but what about the bolsters? That almost looks like leather or nylon or something that's perforated.
Thats just it, the lack of a trunk means my back seat ends up holding anything I need to carry with me, so a moveable back section is a must. Unless I get rid of the girlfriend, then I won't care and a bucket style seat will be thrown in faster then you can say "I'm kicking you to the curb!". :lol:

I believe the seats are made of cloth and nylon, but don't quote me.
I believe the seats are made of cloth and nylon, but don't quote me.



lol. I had to take muh sub out today :( gotta get my car ready for the interstate trip soon. And suitcases just dont fit in the back with a 12" sub'n'box in there.

Also after my drive course, ive managed to tottaly toast the passengers side wheel lol ( Obviously no LSD :guilty: ). So now i need to buy ONE wheel to pass registration which is this month lol.

SMART AuSSie. :grumpy:

Suitcases won't fit in the back seat? :confused:

There might be a cheap way around the tire situation for you. Since its only one tire, and the rest are worn already anyways, try going to the tire shop and asking if they have any used tires like the ones already on your car. The shop by my house has a huge selection of good used tires for a fraction of the price of a new one. Plus if you know anyone that owns a farm, you can have them write out the bill as a "used wagon tire" and let your friend use it as a tax write off. :dopey:
Just went and pulled out my spare tire, it juuuust has enough tread on it to pass registration. I replaced all the air intake tublette **** that i took out originally, and a few other things tha thad to be fixed. I had my car up on ramps, and my muffler (under 2 years old!!) has a hole in it!!!.

Put some super-awesome-muffler-repair-shiz on it and its sweet now.

Fingers crossed itll pass.

^^^ that turbo EL sounds awesome.

Well, i passed yay.. lol. At first he wasnt going to pass it, apparently one of my headlights was out, and i was like @_@ I CHECKED THEM YESTERDAY AARRRG. turns out that because one of my headlights is from an 88-89 civic ( whos headlight has a partition in it) it made it look like one of em wasnt working properly. *sigh*. After a story about how i got the wrong headlight he was like.. ah.. sure watever.

Then he did some brake test thing, where he had to stop the car within a certain distance or some ****, after locking all 4 wheels up several times, he deemed it worthy. i was like -_-`

Also, no mention of the tires, even though now that i have a spare on, my steering wheel wobbles like crazy, because its all out of balance.

Thank god 👍

DDMv2 - Looks like a pretty good meet, and that EL sounds mean. Was it just a random meet, or was it a specific club?

Sp33 - Glad to hear that you passed man. We have nothing like that here though, my mechanic just went over my car and passed it without driving her. I think if some guy got in my car and started locking the brakes, I'd start snapping on the guy. :mad:
Congrat's on the pass, ~Sp33~. I hope you fall into a pit of money soon, so you can get some nice rims/tires for your EF Sedan (I love that model). 👍

DDMv2, I wish that I could get a 1.7EL front clip for cheap. The best I could find was in the $1400 (CAD) range. :( If you know of anywhere that does it for cheaper, I'd greatly appreciate the knowledge. Looking for the 2004-2005 EL.
Thanks guys ^^^

Yea as soon as i get (away from school and find) some kind of full time work ill be able to get this project coming along nicely. I wanted to be able to afford rims/wheels before i had to replace these tires, but doesnt look like that will happen.
Thanks guys ^^^

Yea as soon as i get (away from school and find) some kind of full time work ill be able to get this project coming along nicely. I wanted to be able to afford rims/wheels before i had to replace these tires, but doesnt look like that will happen.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya', bud. :)
SP33: what size tyres you got? surely they wont be that expensive to replace, you could always get re-treads because they would be che.....actually no dont get re-treads if you value your life.
toyomatt84 - DDMv2, I wish that I could get a 1.7EL front clip for cheap. The best I could find was in the $1400 (CAD) range. If you know of anywhere that does it for cheaper, I'd greatly appreciate the knowledge. Looking for the 2004-2005 EL.

SRV2LOW4ME - Yeah it was a ClubEL meet. They do it every wednesday night. Alot of other cars show up aswell. There was the TorontoIntegras crew up there as well.

toyomatt84 - Ill see if I can find a front end for you. Its harder to find 1.7 front ends then the 1.6 front end tho. If you want a 1.6EL front end from a 1998 or something let me know I can find those for cheaper...

~Sp33~ - congrats on the pass!
toyomatt84 - Ill see if I can find a front end for you. Its harder to find 1.7 front ends then the 1.6 front end tho. If you want a 1.6EL front end from a 1998 or something let me know I can find those for cheaper...

Unfortunately, that wouldn't fit my car very well. :( I'm just trying to get a front clip that looks similar to the stock EM2 front clip, but gets rid of the gawdy front bumper license plate molding. If you look at my pictures a couple pages back or so, you can easily see it. :( I also love that front clip on the 1.7EL, it looks so clean. :)
SP33: what size tyres you got? surely they wont be that expensive to replace, you could always get re-treads because they would be che.....actually no dont get re-treads if you value your life.

Yea theyre cheap, but i cant just get one because then ill need a wheel alignment so then it becomes expensive. My spare tire has tread, but the steering wheel shakes like ****, so i can only imagine what one with new tread would be like. Theyre stock wheels to, so around 80$ a tire.. x4 and its lookin pretty crap. I found a set of rims ( no name brands) for 150 with tires ( around 40-50%) so ill see how that turns out.

And retreadS?! yea i do value muh life ;)

Thanks toyomatt and DMV guy:tup:

56 in a 30.

2nd ticket this year. one more and I'm screwed.

I'm taking this to court though. I'm not paying this crap without a fight. Since it was more then 20 over the speed limit if it goes on my record my insurance is going to rape me. I took the safe driving class already this year for my last ticket so I dont think I can take it again but I'm not sure.

funny thing is when I was leaving work I was wondering if I could make it the rest of the year without getting one...
Welcome to member 26: h3h3h3_213.👍

@toyomatt: Thanks for the info man, you know anything else about them? Thats 150$ AUD not US as well. Thats about 100$US So im super happy with the price. Im more buying them for the tread on the tires though, i need something to get me interstate. ( im moving soon)
@toyomatt: Thanks for the info man, you know anything else about them? Thats 150$ AUD not US as well. Thats about 100$US So im super happy with the price. Im more buying them for the tread on the tires though, i need something to get me interstate. ( im moving soon)
Don't assume they are balanced just because they have weights on them!
@toyomatt: Thanks for the info man, you know anything else about them? Thats 150$ AUD not US as well. Thats about 100$US So im super happy with the price. Im more buying them for the tread on the tires though, i need something to get me interstate. ( im moving soon)

As far as I know, the Fitipaldi's weigh in the rough ballpark of 16lbs for the 15x6's. I do not know what size you have, but it looks to be 15", regardless of width. They're cast rims, as well, which is why you got them for a little bit cheaper. Forged rims cost lots of money.