Honda Fan Club - under new management

  • Thread starter THE ED3
Enkei/Racing Beat RS Evolutions. Old school.

Lol I just quoted all the pics someone else said that. My bad for leaving that in there.

Had a few offers on my car... also selling the rotas to a different guy. I'll be getting some bottle caps and cash for them.
thought i'd pop in and join your club since i have only ever owned hondas. first car was an 89 crx TAS-73Y unfortunately got stolen, then got my ITR TYP-27R, and i recently had an accident (took corner too fast... can you say FWD oversteer!lol!) in it so it sits in my garage till it gets fixed...and just a lil' thought in had before, the guy who said 160MPH....HAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!! i took my crx to 220kph and i reckon if i hadn't backed off i'd be crx or civic, your so full of it
Time Attack - Bottle caps? Sounds like a deal to me. :lol:

TYP-27R - Sorry to hear about your 'teg. Any pictures of the before or after? And what the hell are you trying to say in the last part of your message?! I'm completely lost trying to read it.
SRV: Thats what else is on the way for him, the clear headlight covers 👍

Mclaren: Whats funny about that lude is that the only exterior modifications are the OEM lip kit (?) and series 2 euro accord wheels. simple but it works really well

And yet it still looks better than half the Preludes here in Texas. 👍
i was reading through some of the first posts and a guy was sayin he keeps up with cars at 160MPH on the freeway in either a crx or civic... anyone that knows about the crx knows it is hellishly unstable at high speeds because of its short wheelbase... when i got mine to 220 ifelt like the car was gonna hit light speed from all the shakin...scary stuff
i was reading through some of the first posts and a guy was sayin he keeps up with cars at 160MPH on the freeway in either a crx or civic... anyone that knows about the crx knows it is hellishly unstable at high speeds because of its short wheelbase... when i got mine to 220 ifelt like the car was gonna hit light speed from all the shakin...scary stuff

That makes more sense. I agree, with you though. My friends CRX gets really "touchy" above 170kmh, so although I'm sure with modifications the rex could do it, I would rather pee in my own ear before attempting it.
thought i'd pop in and join your club since i have only ever owned hondas. first car was an 89 crx TAS-73Y unfortunately got stolen, then got my ITR TYP-27R, and i recently had an accident (took corner too fast... can you say FWD oversteer!lol!) in it so it sits in my garage till it gets fixed...and just a lil' thought in had before, the guy who said 160MPH....HAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!! i took my crx to 220kph and i reckon if i hadn't backed off i'd be crx or civic, your so full of it

I reckon the only way to get an older Civc or CRX up to 160 mph--assuming the gear ratios are simliar to my Sol--would be with a much lower 5th ratio, or a lower differential ratio. I have a friend with a B18 hatch, and he says he's been over 160 mph. I don't doubt the car has the power, but he must've been screaming at least 8000 rpm. I don't feel like doinf any math now, though.
mate i was lucky to touch 150MPH in my teggy type r with hks super cat,k/n filter less than a week after i got a tune up, and it felt a bit squirrely. but whatever floats their boat i guess...
Wouldn't it be fun to go that fast in my Sol? My camber is out negative on the right front, and that's already fun at 80 mph!

Anyway, I just read this story in the Del Sol Weekly News:

Originally Posted by Del Sol Weekly News
96 EG2 wipes ass with EP Si

Dayton, Ohio - The driver of an EP Civic, the "Focus" Si, felt the humiliation and intimidation early today as his VTEC made no noise. His opponent, a 1996 Del Sol VTEC, made a lot of noise, however. The owner of the Si says, "I guess I should know what I'm racing before I race it." We say he's right.

Yada, yada, yada....

So now I'm left wishing for another Focus Si--one with an intake and exhaust and a header possibly. Just to give him a chance. Up until now I've been careful in choosing my "buddies", bviously picking cars that I thought I could beat. It hasn't failed yet. But now I feel really eager to finally find a Celica GT-S driver willing to play, and if I succeed in that, I might have to face my first loss. I'd like to see how quick a new Si is, since all my other friends would/have raped them. Except the Spec V, of course. :lol: But all their cars are quicker than mine.

What mods do you have keef? if you don't mind me asking: you are talking bout the civic si right?

one thing you would be happy with is the del-sol is actually the whole reason i got into Japanese cars,b4 i even knew what a gtr was!!! even to this day i contemplate sellin the teggy for one but mine is LM so i wanna hold onto it,
a guy i used to live with had one alpine white, full mugen kit, evoIII cut out vent, it was a beast, i used to listen to him leave the house and i swear it sounded like an F1 car!! no BS, i loved it...he said he only had a handfull of mods, no turbo and reckoned he blew porsche turbo's... from the sound i believe it...

BTW have you ever seen the MR CRX show car here in australia? probably the hottest del-sol in the world IMO.

you wanna hear a funny story: i got pulled up at some late night drags and coz my car is basically stock and i didn't race that night i was laughing at the cops as they checked my car for signs of racing, i thought hah w@nks they can't do nothin' then they showed me my back tyres... they pretty much looked like // \\ with the insides almost worn to the metal strips!!! haha i never knew drifting in a FWD would do that!!!
Yes, I'm talking about the Civic Si (what a crappy performance car. At least it has a stiff structure):

I haven't modified my Sol at all. At least no "proper" modifications. I did yank off the intake resonator to see how much louder the intake would be and the exhaust flange in front of the muffler doesn't fit right, so the car is nice and loud. Thank god for the resonator though, or it would sound like crap. Everyone seems to like how it sounds now. :lol:
sliding, or just oversteer in general, is probably the proper term. And Civics happen to do that well enough.
guess you have never been in an ITR b4 huh? maybe if your nice one day i'll let you experience it

*just left sydney for a slower life on the central coast, seen you where in adelaide so i guess i can't let you experience it(man i can't even experience it ATM coz of damage and i lost my license for speeding)
see from what i've heard the delsol has terrible torque understeer ie:don't gas it through a corner, something to do with susp. but believe me an itr with sway bars front n back mack for quite an oversteering machine and is a sinch to control through corners(lol... thats how i crashed but thats a different story) making it easy to get aggressive with the if you ever watched the begginnings of the australian drift comps you would have seen a funny bugger rippin it up in a charade ts

PS: keef if you ever get an exhaust go for the HKS supercat or something HKS as that is what my old flatmate had on his...
see from what i've heard the delsol has terrible torque understeer ie:don't gas it through a corner, something to do with susp. but believe me an itr with sway bars front n back mack for quite an oversteering machine and is a sinch to control through corners(lol... thats how i crashed but thats a different story) making it easy to get aggressive with the if you ever watched the begginnings of the australian drift comps you would have seen a funny bugger rippin it up in a charade ts

PS: keef if you ever get an exhaust go for the HKS supercat or something HKS as that is what my old flatmate had on his...

I've never looked at HKS exhausts so I'll try it. Right now I have a Skunk2 system in mind.

Anyway, just about any Honda ever based on a Civic platform will oversteer like hell in the right circumstances. And Civics in particular also understeer horrendously in tight, low-speed corners, say 15-30 mph, wether you're on the gas or not (the tires are just tiny). My Sol handles quite well at higher speeds, though, as I said, I must consider the rear end at high speeds. Other than those managable problems I'm very happy with its stock supension. I also haven't had any serious torque-steer problems (when the steering wheels jerks and wobbles under full-throttle).
personally civs to me are crappy. yeh the CTR is aiight but for a hatch at that price i'll take my mum's S3. rips my car a new ( )O( )

*yeah i only started using this site again at like 2AM this morning when i signed up like 6 months ago....i got some better games for drifting so GT4 has been on the shelf...
I really don't have too big of a problem with weight transferring to the rear when exiting turns. I know it's a bad idea to exit in first gear though; that would just be a mess of tire smoke. I've never raced my car on a circuit or autocross, but I have a couple buddies who are extremely fond of curvy roads, so the Sol has definitely gotten exposure. :D

By the way, you can easily edit new text into one of your posts or change whatever you said before by using the edit button in the bottom right of a post. That way you won't double post. It's frowned upon because excessive double posting makes a thread harder to mover through and takes up unecessary space on the page and in the database. I'm not complaining because lots of newer people have to get used to it, but I'm just giving you a heads-up.
hey typ27r, mate I wasnt having a go at you, but now that I read my post I may have come across as a bit of an a**hole, next year I will be moving to Wagga for my RAAF training so I might actually end up not too far away from you. And Ill hold you to that ride in the type R :D . Also what model is ya car DC2 or DC5? im guessing DC5 from your avatar.

I also understand what you guys mean with the oversteer issue, anything with a short wheelbase and minimal overhangs front and rear will get a fair bit of oversteer if you try to induce it. I know for a fact that my car will have lift off oversteer at the right time during a corner but I prefer to keep it all intact and under control and dont drive fast enough that it is always on the limit and twitchy, thats what a circuit is for afterall. Also keef, how long have you been driving for now? and how long have you had your car? just curious.
personally civs to me are crappy. yeh the CTR is aiight but for a hatch at that price i'll take my mum's S3. rips my car a new ( )O( )

*yeah i only started using this site again at like 2AM this morning when i signed up like 6 months ago....i got some better games for drifting so GT4 has been on the shelf...

What kind of Honda do you own? If it's a DC5, you really can't talk poorly about the Civic, because... you and I share the same exact chassis.
Got my ARP LS rod bolts a few days ago, today I remachined my head to fit the right way on the LS block. Got my P30 pistons back from a guy who wanted the rods, he could have them for free as long as he seperated the PR4 rods and pistons but apparently his engine machinist seemed to think the PR4 pistons would smash if he pressed them out or something?

So now waiting to get some cash to get the rods shot-peened, ARPs installed torqued and big ends remachined and everything completely balanced.

Then after that it'll be assembling the motor and buying the S300 and OBD1 conversion kit and it'll be all go for now.

Then get some parts together for the Civic and then on to cam upgrades for the NA motor :D
Also keef, how long have you been driving for now? and how long have you had your car? just curious.

I'm 18 now and have had my lisence for over a year a year and a half. I got it just after I turned 16, which is our limit in Ohio. I've only had ny own car for a little over a year, and the first was a Cavalier. I've had my Sol for about 5 glorious months.

Ever since I've had my lisence I've always been eager to learn how to drive better and improve my "skills", but that's hard to do when you don't have a circuit nearby. There are a few autocrosses around but I'm always hesitant to enter. I have a driving freind (the Spec V) who does have real racing experience, and he likes to say that I'm "pretty good for not having experience", but I say Bah. Whatever I know now I desciphered form video games and experimentation, and that's about it.

It sure us fun though, eh?
Video games aren't really the best way to learn how to drive. :lol:

I say do an autocross the next time you have the chance. Even with a stock ride, they can be fun to enter as you'll find alot of the other cars there will be nearly stock as well. Plus its a safe way to throw your car around some tight turns without hurting someone else.
nah the buggers here only had the dc5 pic so i had no choice coz i couldn't figure out how to put my own avatar... mine is a 2000 DC2 #27 of 200 hence the name which is actually my plate... i personally do not like the DC5 very much, i went to my honda dealer to check out a brand new one and i couldn't believe how tacky and cheap the dash and other inerior parts were... one of my mates got a dc5 but we haven't had a race yet as he doesn't get into that kind of thing(methinks he's scared that he wasted hs money on it $43,000AUD...hahahaha i payed 32 for mine) but i have raced dc5's and i bat them but prob. coz of a few mods on mine and not many ppl have modded DC5s yet....and 'same as an eg' no way... eg with a boot and bout ten times the stiffness. nah mcman i didn't take no offence to it...:sly:

i've been lucky in that lots of my friends have owned hondas so i could drive them and pretty much most of em have had the understeer probs, bar the s2000(of course), the delsol which i haven't driven yet,and for some rason my old 89 crx loved to go sideways...often going round a sweeper in third or more if i get off the gas at the wrong point!!!
Video games aren't really the best way to learn how to drive. :lol:

I say do an autocross the next time you have the chance. Even with a stock ride, they can be fun to enter as you'll find alot of the other cars there will be nearly stock as well. Plus its a safe way to throw your car around some tight turns without hurting someone else.

They aren't, eh? Then maybe I was born with skillz ta pwn j00! :lol:

But seriously, I had no idea what an apex was before I played GT. It won't--or shouldn't--necessarily teach you how to drive, but maybe how to navigate corners. It could at least get you a start. Turning smoothly and not being all twitchy pay off, as does restraint, wether in the game or in reality.

So does it mean anything that none of my buddies are nervous when riding with me, but I'm constantly critiqing them while tehy drive? Nobody complains about how I drive, and that's annoying. I want feedback, dammit! Tell me what I'm doing wrong!
games such as gt teach you the theory and techniques to driving but that is all it is...theory... nobody can learn how to drive a car properly untill they drive a car...

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