Honda Fan Club - under new management

  • Thread starter THE ED3
Civic drivers don't know how to put in new bulbs. Or they all have faulty plugs. I do know that I had to take off my airbox on the passenger side and a small resevoir and a computer box thing on the driver side in order to put in my new Silver Stars. There's a stupid little sring thing that holds the bulb in place. I guess that was before they invented the plug-and-twist.
Civic drivers don't know how to put in new bulbs. Or they all have faulty plugs. I do know that I had to take off my airbox on the passenger side and a small resevoir and a computer box thing on the driver side in order to put in my new Silver Stars. There's a stupid little sring thing that holds the bulb in place. I guess that was before they invented the plug-and-twist.

Even my 2001 Civic has a spring retainer on the bulb, to keep it in the housing. I think it's a more efficient way to water seal the housing.
My headlights work beautifully. I have Silverstars in 'em and they work great. Never fail either. And, I have driving lights too, since the cars canadian.

Oh, and I can plug my engine into a wall socket, and I'm not kidding either.:)
I guess this is a double post, but it's been a while. I bring good news though.

My friend bought a MOMO Monte Carlo steering wheel a few weeks back, and received it a few weeks back, and has had it on his car for a while now. But, today, he received an E-Mail from momo saying that they accidentally sent out the steering wheel to the wrong person, and now he is being shipped another one.

If he gets another steering wheel, I get it.👍

Although I don't know if my dad will let me put it on, and I'm not sure what to do about the airbag. I know I can just put it back on when I need to pass inspection, but I'm not sure if I'll have to cut the wiring apart like my friend had to.
Check Engine light FTL. Get a code reader/eraser, because you'll need to erase the code that comes on when you take the airbag off. Along with smoe other stuff, but I don't know anything about it.
Check Engine light FTL. Get a code reader/eraser, because you'll need to erase the code that comes on when you take the airbag off. Along with smoe other stuff, but I don't know anything about it.
The light doesn't bug me, I'm just wondering how hard it will be to put the airbag back on, since I'm going to have to cut apart some wires to wire the horn in.
It isn't that bad. I plan on getting a racing seat with harnesses before putting a wheel in anyways. The MOMO hub adapters are also designed to collapse in a crash, providing more safety. Also, there is plenty of cars driving around these days without airbags, so it's not the type of thing where you are guaranteed to die if you don't have one. I don't consider explosive devices close to your face that safe anyways.

Basically, racing harnesses, a collapsible steering column, and a collapsible adapter make up for the safety the airbag provides. At least a little bit.

I just feel that the chances of me getting in a crash where an airbag would be the difference between life and death are slim. I don't drive on highways and I pay attention a lot to my surroundings, which has become a habit from forcing myself to be exceptionally alert while driving. It really helps a lot and I've never had any close calls, despite having other people cut me off and such a lot.
Also, there is plenty of cars driving around these days without airbags, so it's not the type of thing where you are guaranteed to die if you don't have one.

Remember that cars without airbags were designed not to have airbags there for other parts of the car would've been designed to counteract not having an airbag, ie strengthing other parts of the body to make it safer in the event of a crash.

Also I understand you getting a racing seat, great modification, but is a harness really necessary for a daily driving civic? I can see the advantage in a crash, but theoretically a seatbelt should still do the job and you will get sick of doing up a 3/4/5 point harness everytime you get in the car.

I just feel that the chances of me getting in a crash where an airbag would be the difference between life and death are slim. I don't drive on highways and I pay attention a lot to my surroundings, which has become a habit from forcing myself to be exceptionally alert while driving. It really helps a lot and I've never had any close calls, despite having other people cut me off and such a lot.

Im like that to, and I've crashed. If you get through life without experiencing a car crash you'd be pretty lucky, its bound to happen to you at some time, even if its not your fault. A car could pull out in front of you and there's nothing you can do about it, but being an attentive driver will always help you out.
It isn't that bad. I plan on getting a racing seat with harnesses before putting a wheel in anyways. The MOMO hub adapters are also designed to collapse in a crash, providing more safety. Also, there is plenty of cars driving around these days without airbags, so it's not the type of thing where you are guaranteed to die if you don't have one. I don't consider explosive devices close to your face that safe anyways.

Basically, racing harnesses, a collapsible steering column, and a collapsible adapter make up for the safety the airbag provides. At least a little bit.

I just feel that the chances of me getting in a crash where an airbag would be the difference between life and death are slim. I don't drive on highways and I pay attention a lot to my surroundings, which has become a habit from forcing myself to be exceptionally alert while driving. It really helps a lot and I've never had any close calls, despite having other people cut me off and such a lot.
Your attitude and ideas make my jaw drop.

They're just so...
It isn't that bad. I plan on getting a racing seat with harnesses before putting a wheel in anyways. The MOMO hub adapters are also designed to collapse in a crash, providing more safety. Also, there is plenty of cars driving around these days without airbags, so it's not the type of thing where you are guaranteed to die if you don't have one. I don't consider explosive devices close to your face that safe anyways.

Basically, racing harnesses, a collapsible steering column, and a collapsible adapter make up for the safety the airbag provides. At least a little bit.

I just feel that the chances of me getting in a crash where an airbag would be the difference between life and death are slim. I don't drive on highways and I pay attention a lot to my surroundings, which has become a habit from forcing myself to be exceptionally alert while driving. It really helps a lot and I've never had any close calls, despite having other people cut me off and such a lot.

Youd prefer a collapsable steel pole apposed to a bag of air? Remember this is your face collapsing the pole. Unless your going to be daily driving with a helmet as well.
A racing seat and proper harnesses will pretty much void the need for the airbag but still cause a lot of neck whiplash. (wear a helmet and Hans device also ;)

but really harnesses are a bad idea for a daily driven car, and often racing seats are also. You will get fed up with them. People that have to do harnesses up all the time get sick of it, and either start to not worry about it (like "Ah I'm only going around to a mates house it'll be alright) or due to the restricted movement of them start to slacken the belts off. Harnesses need to be tight.

Also often you get a false sense of security in racing seats, they hold you so firmly that you don't move around at all and you start forgetting you wear your seatbelt. If you just stick with the standard auto tensioning belt with the race seat it's best off to keep the airbag.
I'm with everyone else. Civic hatch's don't put up much of a fight against anything bigger then a compact, which means 75% of the cars on the road are gonna $%@ you up in an accident.


If you do go ahead with the new steering wheel, my advice is to sell the airbag. Black market values on them range from $500-800 US. CHA-CHING!
I know that the harnesses will get in my way after a while, but if I'm going to take off my airbag, I want all the safety I can get short of a roll cage and helmet.

@~Sp33~: It is a bag of air, but somewhat like smashing your face into a basketball. It doesn't feel good either way. With the harnesses, my face shouldn't get very close to the steering wheel anyways, especially since I sit far back since my 6ft+ height requires me to.

I'm willing to take some risks to have a load of fun.

@SRV2LOW4ME: I can't sell it, I'll need it to put back on when I pass inspection.

I'm willing to take some risks to have a load of fun.

Steering wheels don't create a load of fun, driving does, and the last time I checked, you can steer a car with whatever sort of steering wheel is attached to the car. In my opinion, Honda makes a far better wheel for their cars than MOMO* ever has, especially attached to the dash of a Civic Hatch thats bone stock. Just my 2 cents.

*Not a fan of MOMO at all, or their wheels, and the majority of their rims are questionable from every angle - flame me, I don't care.
Steering wheels don't create a load of fun, driving does, and the last time I checked, you can steer a car with whatever sort of steering wheel is attached to the car. In my opinion, Honda makes a far better wheel for their cars than MOMO* ever has, especially attached to the dash of a Civic Hatch thats bone stock. Just my 2 cents.

*Not a fan of MOMO at all, or their wheels, and the majority of their rims are questionable from every angle - flame me, I don't care.
My stock honda wheel is big, bulky, and the leather around the place where you hold it is worn out, so it becomes slippery when your hands are sweaty. The momo on the other hand is made from hand sewn leather, which is soft and grippy, and it fits perfectly in your hands, with little bumps and stuff all around it to fit your hand and make sure you get the most grip possible. It's also smaller, which gives you more room and makes steering feel nice and precise. also, without all the extra components, you can feel the road a lot better.

And yes, MOMO rims aren't very good, but the steering wheels are of very high quality.

Why dont you modify the performance side of it first, here's an idea make it fast enough to warrant a seat and harness. . .

A steering wheel is a steering wheel as long as its a perfect circle and centre mounted thats all that matters, also haven't people been killed trying to remove steering wheels with aribags? ie they can explode in ya face?

and while Im here, MOMO = Overpriced
How to remove your airbag:

Step 1: Sit in drivers seat.
Step 2: Stab into airbag area with large knife.
Step 3: Celebrate with the Ambulance paramedics on the way to the hospital on the job well done. Careful though, removing the knife thats lodged in your face isn't as easy as removing your airbag.
How to remove your airbag:

Step 1: Sit in drivers seat.
Step 2: Stab into airbag area with large knife.
Step 3: Celebrate with the Ambulance paramedics on the way to the hospital on the job well done. Careful though, removing the knife thats lodged in your face isn't as easy as removing your airbag.


Alex, if you take your airbag out I'll drive down there and kick your ass. I know where you live. I pay attention just as much as you, and that's why I ran into a pole I didn't even see...

There's no arguing with the safety an airbag provides. It's been proven. You can't even argue that they aren't safe if you're sitting 3 inches away from the wheel because, again, it's already been proven that you'll be injured airbag or no airbag in that situation.

You can go ahead with the harnesses. But watch those one-piece racing seats because they often block a driver's vision to the sides and they're so tight you can't even turn around to reverse.

And never put a roll cage in a street car. Crumple zones are there for a reason, and a hardcore rollcage completely negates those crumple zones. You'll pull a Dale Earnhardt.

And guys, I got my parts on Monday. Shiny new silver dampers and bright red Sportline springs. The springs are harder than the Konis I had on my Cavalier, and those were pleasantly stiff, so I'm optimistic. Hopefully I can install them on Sunday, but we just got hit with a cold spell so we may not. Whatever. I just want to lift a wheel when pulling into McDonald's. :lol:
With the Sportline springs, I'd be watching your angle of entrance more then the wheel coming off the ground. Glad to hear they arrived so soon though. Who cares about the cold weather, we got some blowing snow today and we're expecting it all weekend, but tomorrow is still install day for my JWT Popcharger and Z tube. :D

Alex, if you take your airbag out I'll drive down there and kick your ass. I know where you live. I pay attention just as much as you, and that's why I ran into a pole I didn't even see...

There's no arguing with the safety an airbag provides. It's been proven. You can't even argue that they aren't safe if you're sitting 3 inches away from the wheel because, again, it's already been proven that you'll be injured airbag or no airbag in that situation.

You can go ahead with the harnesses. But watch those one-piece racing seats because they often block a driver's vision to the sides and they're so tight you can't even turn around to reverse.

And never put a roll cage in a street car. Crumple zones are there for a reason, and a hardcore rollcage completely negates those crumple zones. You'll pull a Dale Earnhardt.

And guys, I got my parts on Monday. Shiny new silver dampers and bright red Sportline springs. The springs are harder than the Konis I had on my Cavalier, and those were pleasantly stiff, so I'm optimistic. Hopefully I can install them on Sunday, but we just got hit with a cold spell so we may not. Whatever. I just want to lift a wheel when pulling into McDonald's. :lol:

I don't see why you guys think not having an airbag is such a big deal. Race cars are way safer than any normal car you see on the road, and they have roll cages, no airbags, and racing harnesses. Sure, they have helmets, but they rarely go bumping their helmets on stuff in crashes. The helmet also adds another 2 inches or so, so while not having a helmet isn't as safe, you aren't going to be smashing your head into roll cages and steering wheels the entire time, especially with another 2 inches of clearance all around.

Take for example, Cusco roll cages. They aren't made to FIA spec, so you can't say they were made for race cars, they were just designed to add rigidy and safety to normal cars. In my car, in any way that I move my head, even while picking myself off the seat an inch or so, my head doesn't go anywhere near the places where bars would run in a roll cage. Racing seats sit even lower, so that gives me even more clearance. In the event that the roll cage screws up the crumple zones, and racing harnesses won't hold me back, the airbag isn't going to do much in the first place. Until that kind of situation, having those items in my car won't make anything worse.

Having everything a race car has besides the helmet is safer than having just an airbag.

EDIT: Keef, if you pay attention just as much as me, then how did you smash a pole you didn't see? There isn't any poles in the middle of the road.

EDIT #2: Just thought of something. I wear glasses. Glasses + bag into your face at 100mph + me face flying towards it at probably 30+mph = my eyes are gone.
EDIT: Keef, if you pay attention just as much as me, then how did you smash a pole you didn't see? There isn't any poles in the middle of the road.

You glanced at my point, but not long enough to actually visualize it. The majority of people will screw up eventually. Even us people who are always paying attention, looking for stuff, watching, listening, and even feeling. I do all those things, but for those 3 seconds I wasn't. It happens. I'll give you two years before you have a genuine wreck with something while driving down the road.
PerfectBalance: What kind of car do you have that you are planning on doing all of this stuff to? It just doesnt seem like a practical idea to do this to a car that you will be daily driving (assuming that this will be your dd). Why not do what Mclaren_Man said and modify the car so you will need these harnesses etc first then worry about making the car safer. You have a civic dx, right? I doubt you will need a rollcage, racing harness, racing seat etc in stock form.
PerfectBalance: What kind of car do you have that you are planning on doing all of this stuff to? It just doesnt seem like a practical idea to do this to a car that you will be daily driving (assuming that this will be your dd). Why not do what Mclaren_Man said and modify the car so you will need these harnesses etc first then worry about making the car safer. You have a civic dx, right? I doubt you will need a rollcage, racing harness, racing seat etc in stock form.

I want to steering wheel just to improve driving feel. I have some concern about safety, so if I don't have an airbag, I want to get racing harnesses to add some safety. To put on my harnesses, I need a racing seat to put them on correctly. Harnesses strapped to the floor can make your seat collapse from pressure in the event of a crash, which also collapses your spinal column. So to put on the harnesses safely, I need one of those bars that goes behind the seats. A roll cage gives your something to put that bar on. It's a chain reaction, but I want this car to end up basically as a street legal race car, so those things are coming sooner or later.