Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
God I'm so tired. You guys remember this crummy recolour with its crummy wheels and crummy coloured glass?


Yeah, I took it out of my collection because of that... so I could do this:







I had two sets of wheels I really liked on this. I liked it so much I'm actually going to get myself another one to do it again with the other wheels.

Also yes, I forgot to take the photos to compose the photo that summarizes before/after as well as a log of changes.

I did three things: Wheelswap, window swap, detailing (lights, windows, side stripe (finished up the incomplete tampo))

All the difference in thr world, you do have a tidy hand.

Now people, I present to you one of the most amazing, elaborate and all-out wild customs that we've ever featured in Custom Diecast México, complete with a detailed walk-trough of the build process. Please read the whole thing, it's quite long but very, very interesting. And the end result is incredible. Judge for yourselves:
All the difference in thr world, you do have a tidy hand.

Now people, I present to you one of the most amazing, elaborate and all-out wild customs that we've ever featured in Custom Diecast México, complete with a detailed walk-trough of the build process. Please read the whole thing, it's quite long but very, very interesting. And the end result is incredible. Judge for yourselves:
I've been blown away to Germany and am speechless. :drool:
God I'm so tired.

I didn't reply to this yesterday because I was on my way out but duuuuuuuuude, what an amazing transformation with just the window swap. Pretty awesome. I'll have to make one of my own.
I swapped the window from the yellow Mooneyes 8 Crate. Now that one has a yellow windshield/yellow body.... kinda interesting, I can almost feel some kind of potential for it, but nothing in the end.
Since I have somewhere to put my Auto World cars now, I was thinking about what I could do with the plastic cases the licensed premium cars come with. Came up with an idea to use them for my customs, but I don't know if it's my crappy printer or what but I tried about 10 different settings and couldn't get the label to not look all blurry. Any ideas?

Resourceful use of cases; covering up the really special stuff. 👍

I take it your DPI isn't extremely low? Have you tried a different font?
But those mismatching pillars D:
actually not mismatching. those are doors like any other stretch cars (eg: Classic Mercedes Pullman). and the middle section is about to get a windshield which i haven't readied yet. :P
Bondo is a putty, so yes.

Putty that can be worked is good for stuff like this. You want it to be pliable so you can sculpt it to the desired form while its active, and sand off imperfections after it has hardened.
Love those stretch limos! :drool: I should make one sometime. How did you merge them together by the way? Super glue and baking soda?
Putty. Super glue/baking soda can work, but it's much more tedious and difficult to work with.
JB Weld FTW.

Super glue and talcum Powder. works exactly as baking soda. and lot easier to sand and joining them :D

I sawed off the roof lightbar and repainted the body in blue... what rims/wheels do you guys recommend for this mustang? (sorry, the sanding on the plastic roof is just horrid)
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I sawed off the roof lightbar and repainted the body in blue... what rims/wheels do you guys recommend for this mustang? (sorry, the sanding on the plastic roof is just horrid)

Image is an email attachment from what I can tell so you'll have to save it to your computer and post it here.