Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I got bored, so I decided to make something out of some fantasy castings I had

And a Triumph TR6 with a Nissan Skyline roof
It actually fits perfectly and looks pretty good.
Man, you ruined the Nitro Doorslammer. Its tail is so badass for a fantasy. I hope you make something with it!
New customizer warning!
For my first hot wheels customization, I will be starting off simple as I've never delved into serious hot wheels altering so I will be performing a very simple paintjob and thought I would ask for any pointers from all of you that are serious about car customizing to keep from messing up one of my favorite castings due to shoddy work , thank you in advance! :cheers:DSCF0409.JPGDSCF0410.JPG
You've used all the aluminum tubing, I assume some of it for axle resizing, what did you use to glue them in?

Noooooooo I still have a lot of tubbing, I've affixed it with epoxy or straight-up glue. I was asking you for more to make exhaust and other stuff :lol:
New customizer warning!
For my first hot wheels customization, I will be starting off simple as I've never delved into serious hot wheels altering so I will be performing a very simple paintjob and thought I would ask for any pointers from all of you that are serious about car customizing to keep from messing up one of my favorite castings due to shoddy work , thank you in advance! :cheers:View attachment 195703View attachment 195704
what kind of color do you have?
I'm using a Rustoleum primer and white base coat and then I'm going to shoot a blue dupli-color metal flake top coat
So while I'm post-editing other photos, here's the next topless addition to the Dream Cruisers.


It's still nail polish.


And it's still a diorama!



Decided to keep the path further from the edge than usual. We get less scenic view for a change, but it was to hide the edge of the hill.



Lighting still sucks, but hey. The finish is a lot better than when I was starting out:

That Vette looks pretty good Andy, it doesn't seem like it's nail polish at all, and the details are spot on. It looks like a factory recolor 👍
Thank, brah. That clear coat does wonders for me. I only wish I could somehow capture more of the sparkles in the paint. It's like I've ran into those "it looks better in person, trust me!" times.

@Ustad, definitely not "swag". That's such a fad term. That's super cute though. I'd have probably added more body in between just so the panel between the back and the rear wheel isn't so large. The balance seems a bit too skewed.
Thank, brah. That clear coat does wonders for me. I only wish I could somehow capture more of the sparkles in the paint. It's like I've ran into those "it looks better in person, trust me!" times.

One day you'll have to walk me trough how you thin up the nailpolish to paint, as I already have some I want to try to paint cars with.

@Ustad, definitely not "swag". That's such a fad term. That's super cute though. I'd have probably added more body in between just so the panel between the back and the rear wheel isn't so large. The balance seems a bit too skewed.

I think "adding body" was impossible, as I take it he made that thing with the lefovers of the other Novas he mutilates to do the long one?
One day you'll have to walk me trough how you thin up the nailpolish to paint, as I already have some I want to try to paint cars with.

Everyone either says something like keeping it a 1:1 ratio between polish and thinner*, or "until it's got the thickness of milk".

Ever brand polish is a little different (no duh). So far I've been doing something close to a 2 parts polish; 1 part thinner with the thinner I have. It may vary for you. When I'm stirring, I happen to be using a cotton swab (it doesn't have to be specifically). You'll notice that when you add thinner into the airbrush cup that already contains the polish, you'll see it sitting on top. I stir the content until I no longer see that layer of thinner anymore. When I take out the swab to start airbrushing, I leave it on a piece of paper towel and I roll it along just to see how fast it gets absorbed. I use this to tell me approximately how runny the polish is now.

The airbrush I have uses a 0.5mm tip. PSI may have to change if that tip size is different. As for PSI, I've been using somewhere around 30-50PSI. I still don't have a number set in stone yet as I've been trying out different pressures every time.

*You can use acetone or nail polish remover (don't get remover confused with thinner. Those newbs will mix the two terms together). You'll have to use significantly less I've noticed, because these two things actually cause the polish to clump up, and that just causes your stuff to jam the airbrush.

Another thing to take note of is how far your tip is from the surface you're painting. If it's not at a good distance, the polish will try to solidify mid-air and it leaves this brittle rough spiky texture on the body. It doesn't "rub" off that easily either. Rubbing it off with your finger will probably take some off while exfoliating your skin, leaving unwanted stuff on it. If you're not a perfectionist like me, I just leave it and spray the clear coat on top. But if the rough texture's all you're getting, the bottom of your colour cup may have tiny polish clumps (I think is a result of using too much thinner/remover) and that's probably what gets sprayed onto the body. You can clear that up (or start a new mix) and continue. If you're too close, you'll notice you'll get overspray while the air pressure forcefully blows the paint around. This all can be avoided by testing your spray on something else. I usually wear a rubber glove and I just test spray on that to see what's a good distance, how long I can hold the airbrush still before it starts overspraying, and whether or not the flow is good.

If the polish comes out like a satin finish, then you're on the same track as me. I don't know if other people have the same results, but an enamel clear coat brings back the shine so don't fret.

Oh oh oh. Some crappier polish brands may pile up on the tip and that hinders flow. Check on that periodically. You can have a cotton swab dipped in acetone/thinner and just rub that gunk off.

I think "adding body" was impossible, as I take it he made that thing with the leftovers of the other Novas he mutilates to do the long one?

Probably, but something to keep in mind next time is the point I was making.
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Thanks a lot. I'm actually thinking about getting an airbrush or even a full-on paint gun/compressor next year or so, so these tips all come in handy (:
definitely not "swag". That's such a fad term. That's super cute though. I'd have probably added more body in between just so the panel between the back and the rear wheel isn't so large. The balance seems a bit too skewed.
I think "adding body" was impossible, as I take it he made that thing with the lefovers of the other Novas he mutilates to do the long one?
Thanks for the suggestion @AOS- bro. but as @Cano said it was impossible for me as it was the leftover of the stretch version. i thought of that actually. but coudnt come to a decision, thus the result! :( and i haven't used the putty thingy yet! otherwise i'd have added custom frame to make that longer or place the rear wheel a little far to the end. I'm still practicing on my skill/tries. and already lost some skin of my fingers and one my thumb nail is badly hurt. and i live in a country where i cant find all the tools i need. either its too pricey or too rare to find.

PS: I'll definitely try the nail polish painting. if i get an airbrush kit in reasonable price :3
Question: Can I use my normal crappy HP printer for making decals? I got some decal paper I want to use.

if i get an airbrush kit in reasonable price :3

I've seen airbrushes for around 20-30 bucks. I'm not sure how much mine costed. But the compressors are really expensive. :crazy:
Yes. It is. $11 for 6 sheets. :crazy:

Dude tell me where so I can go buy like 5 packages. Over here is about $12 for 3 sheets.

Anyway, I'm right now as I type this trying to turn this thing into something decent:
It's already tampoed and I'm now building a custom rollcage for it. It's also a first for me soince it's the first car I completely do witj cheap spraycans that also includes full tampos. It's aaaaaaalmost there, yet so far away. Maybe at 4 am lol.