Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Kroger- I think it is a super Kroger cause they sell clothes and stuff too. The standard Krogers I go to for HW never have anything in stock. And I have learned to avoid Walmart cause the collectors are out around midnight or so grabbing the goodies. Or have paid the stock boy to hold all the goodies.
Good stuff. Lol. I actually usually do pretty alright at walmart. Most places don't stock as fast so I don't find new stuff or cases as quick. And I usually go at random times. The only thing I have somebody looking for, my grandma works at Wal-Mart so I asked her to see if she could find the cool classics 510. Cause otherwise... That's not happening.
That'd be a nice one to own.
I guess around here my buddy says they stock late on Thursday so he is out at least every first Thursday real late getting those Treasure Hunts.
I don't go for anything of value but I rarely come across anything I really want. I didn't know there was a '69 Corvette, the Barracuda Formula S or the Cougar Eliminator. I only see the fastback Barracuda and the white or red trans-am racing style Cougars.
There are a ton of collectors around me so most of my collection has come from eBay. Or stuff given to me or purchased from my collector buddy. And he don't give me a discount.
That'd be a nice one to own.
I guess around here my buddy says they stock late on Thursday so he is out at least every first Thursday real late getting those Treasure Hunts.
I don't go for anything of value but I rarely come across anything I really want. I didn't know there was a '69 Corvette, the Barracuda Formula S or the Cougar Eliminator. I only see the fastback Barracuda and the white or red trans-am racing style Cougars.
There are a ton of collectors around me so most of my collection has come from eBay. Or stuff given to me or purchased from my collector buddy. And he don't give me a discount.

All the more reason for me to start my international 1:64 scale shipping ring... Lol. I'm gonna have to seriously look into this.
Normally I don't go for too much expensive. Just whatever I find cool. and weirdly I found I really like the cool classics line, the real cars anyway
I live in KY. It shouldn't be difficult to come by anything. Most cars I've wanted are from years past. The most I paid was $35 for the HW Gulf GT40 with the crazy paint. He freaked when I tore it off the card.
I am most excited about the Barracuda Formula S





Cano is a finger painter. He can apply and erase paint with fingers. It sounds crazy but he has a 15-step trick to getting your fingers to that stage. He can't reveal this for competitive reasons.
Lol, now that you mention the paint in the cowl vents, the second car doesn't have it :lol: I'll have to fix that. Sad part: I had already taken pictures of both cars for the blog. Dang.

About the vents, @AOS- is right: just add a blob of flat black water-based paint over the surface, then wipe it out with your finger until it's gone. The paint will stay in the creases.
I've done that before for the 2002 front bumper. I couldn't get it perfect so I eventually got irritated and filled it with paint and wiped the excess away.
If you paint the body then detail it, do you add any clear first or add during the body paint hardening process (within an hour of coating the body?)
For anyone interested the technique of allowing paint to go into deeper parts of a surface and then wiping the excess away is called a wash. In larger scales it's used for things like engines. Performing a wash on an engine makes it look more realistic in a way, as the paint naturally flows towards edges. This emphasizes the shapes which would otherwise look 'toy like'

Here's an example of non-washed pieces.

And here's the assembled engine after a wash.

Might come in handy eventually.

I finished the BMW E34 I posted a while ago (photobucket seems to have 'lost' the images in that post. I should really stop using photobucket.)





The usual excuses apply. 'It's not me, it's the camera that makes it look worse!'
Also it looks dusty, but I think that's the metallic flakes in the paint reflecting light. Oops.

I didn't take any pictures of the interior because I forgot. It's similar to this. I think the contrast between the dark metallic paint and the bright interior works quite well.
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Liquid tension allows your runny paints sticks to tight spaces, like inside corners, gaps, openings, slots, small holes, etc.

It creates the impression of a shadow to booth the level of depth. Small models benefit best due to their sheer size not allowing you have very deep crevices, chinks and niches.

For machines, it gives it exaggerated shadows. This can work with the base paint's highlights to enhance a more metallic or polished look.
These were two of my projects this weekend. I stripped, primed and painted the Barracuda fastback and I tried to detail the body and messed up and took some paint off trying to fix my mistake. So it is going back to the paint shop.
I spend some time trying different ways to make my own axles. I wound up using 0.32" music wire and bend it at a 90° angle and cut most of the excess. Both axles of the 934 RSR and rear axle of the Beetle needed new axles. These were just basic detailing jobs as it is raining today.




That Porsche is stunning. Paint looks really good in that light. What wheels are those off of? The Beatle is pretty cool too. I don't know if I like the red lines on the tires though.
That Porsche is stunning. Paint looks really good in that light. What wheels are those off of? The Beatle is pretty cool too. I don't know if I like the red lines on the tires though.
Thanks. The blue is the Hot Wheels factory color. I don't know what the wheels are from. I buy all mine loose from eBay. I can always flip the tire to get rid of the red line. Most of my wheels have white lines. I flipped the tires on the 934 to get rid of the line.
@BryCivicSi Great choice of wheels! Totally fitting of Porsche's image.

Though wasn't it a '72 911 Turbo that had those kind of wheels?

I don't really know my Porsches too well. The wheels reminded me of the Fuchs that are on a lot of Porsche, that's mainly why I used them. I also don't have many sets of equal sized tires. What aren't the five spoke are old school racing wheels like on my '70 Boss 302 and the Datsun pickup. If I had some mesh style RRs, I would have used them.
Managed to do a tiny bit more to the (HW's EF Civic) Del Sol this weekend. There's still tons of putty to file away but it's slowly starting to take shape.


How it looked before i decided it needed more putty.

^ I was quite pleased how it looked here, but on reflection i decided the fenders were too close to the body, and needed fleshing out ever-so slightly.

I went a bit too far with the putty.. :lol:

I've really made life hard for myself with this extra putty ^, but i'm glad i did it as it's finally starting to take shape.

Admittedly it doesn't look like a lot has changed from the first iteration, but i feel the fenders have a lot more form to them now. The bit on the lower sill is just Blu-tac at the moment (mock up of what i'll putty next), and i've still got the front to address as well as the other side, but sometimes you just have to take your time. :)

That BMW is excelent stuff, @Apok.

Also, new post at the blog! The american car custom contest had a good turnout, check it out. If you can guess which one's mine (other than the wagon with dogs, silly) you get an internerd cookie.

Some of those are awesome. I'm hella impressed. If I had to guess Cano.. I'd say the chevelle convertable or the white corvette racer. But I bet I'm wrong lol
Some of those are awesome. I'm hella impressed. If I had to guess Cano.. I'd say the chevelle convertable or the white corvette racer. But I bet I'm wrong lol

While the Chevelle is good, it's not mine. On the Vette, I feel kinda insulted. You owe me two cookies.
Looking good Nessy! Keep at it. The Del Sol is such an underrated car.
Thanks man. 👍

If you can guess which one's mine (other than the wagon with dogs, silly) you get an internerd cookie.
I think it's either the gold Cougar or the Corvette racer with decals (same as Nvrrespected second choice).

Awesome customs BTW man. 👍

Keeping with the American flavour.

A very slight update to the Firebird. Made some extended axles to deal with the width, and fitted the Torq Thrusts. I'm fairly pleased with that aspect, as the car now has zero rake, uses the same size wheels, but has bigger tyres on the rear. I've added some modelers plastic card to the chassis to give it a bit more drop, but the front lip/spoiler is just blu-tac at the moment (can't decide to go full snow plow, or just vertical deep bib?.. kinda leaning towards the latter). Hopefully (weather permitting) it will be primered in a couple of days.


Guess i owe Cano 2 cookies too. :lol:
Lol. Sorry, let me go make some cookies. Lol. The corvette seemed possible since you seem to like those old school race cars.

The black flamed Plymouth?

Nessy, that firebird is awesome.
Got a question for ya. That milliput, is it like hand moldable, like play doh or is it more like tamiya putty were you have to smear it on?
Lol. Sorry, let me go make some cookies. Lol. The corvette seemed possible since you seem to like those old school race cars.

The black flamed Plymouth?

Nessy, that firebird is awesome.
Got a question for ya. That milliput, is it like hand moldable, like play doh or is it more like tamiya putty were you have to smear it on?
Thanks. 👍 Its hand moldable, but not as soft as Play doh, it's more like a hardened plasticine.

@Cano I think it may be the red Firebird or the grey car with the black stripe on the back (can't remember what they're called).

[EDIT] Plymouth Road runner (grey car).
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Thanks. 👍 Its hand moldable, but not as soft as Play doh, it's more like a hardened plasticine.

@Cano I think it may be the red Firebird or the grey car with the black stripe on the back (can't remember what they're called).
Well hand moldable sounds awsome, cause the smear on stuff is a pain
Thanks man. 👍

I think it's either the gold Cougar or the Corvette racer with decals (same as Nvrrespected second choice).

Awesome customs BTW man. 👍

[EDIT]Guess i owe Cano 2 cookies too. :lol:

While I wish the Cougar was mine, no, that isn't mine.

Lol. Sorry, let me go make some cookies. Lol. The corvette seemed possible since you seem to like those old school race cars.

Yeah, but when I do them, I do them well!

The black flamed Plymouth?

Yes that one is mine, one less cookie.

@Cano I think it may be the red Firebird or the grey car with the black stripe on the back (can't remember what they're called).

[EDIT] Plymouth Road runner (grey car).

Not on the red Firebird, yes on the drak gray Dart. You still owe me two cookies. Chocolate please.

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