First thing's first; Andoo, this is how your cars should be looking after about ten seconds:
Alright, as stated in the collecting thread, these are cars I got from a big haul at an out-of-town Kmart.
I had already taken them apart before photographing them, so I figured I would put some better wheels on them and post them here.

The Kmart had so many of these blasted Volvos.
I never gave the Autozoom a second look before, but I really liked this one. A lot.

So happy to find this Charger in non-fire dept. form.

This Aston is clearly the best looking of its castings.

Really wish I didn't strip my Flying Customs 'Vette instead of this one.
Unfortunately these were the best looking wheels for this 512M.

LOVE this casting. I'm planning on removing the hood and painting the car flat black.
Make a rat rod of sorts.
But this, this is what I am most excited about starting on.

I'm going to remove the front bumper entirely and putty up a pan where the rear one is now.
It would also be really cool if I drilled out the headlights and wound up some thick wire to put inside to look like twin turbos.