Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

Green? Sure. Green with pimpin' gold trim = :yuck:

Green with a gold trim? :yuck: I can't feel it. Silver trim, yes, gold, no.

And I like the colors At1, but I'll go with silver, blue, orange and to be more unique, the purple Z looks good. Maybe a shade similar to the Midnight Purple of the R33. 👍
I say go with green, but a shade or two lighter than Andy's rendition.
Plus, it's really hard to say how this car will turn out without these photos having a glossy look to them.

Presumably you have GT5 At 1ness, why don't you go on there and paint a Datsun to see how it may look? Surprised no one said this. :crazy:
Here is your color, dude:


Andd your wheels too.
Andy's take is gorgeous, too. 👍

Green says Mazda, purple says GT-R, red says Toyota, that's at least my impression on the colors. White looks correct, somebody said silver, silver or metallic gray I think would work fantastic. Yellow or orange, I just don't know. I'm not against it, I simply don't know what to expect.

Finally, my vote is for all the colors. Yeah, purple & green looks different on a Z-Car, but who cares? Looking at these samples, they all look great!

I like white/black but any of those work. Surprise us.
Thanks for the suggestions/colour choices folks. 👍
Haven't had time to test out the revised colour swap thing as yet, but will get around to trying it in the next few days. Thanks again AOS. 👍

I think i might have to do a few 240Z's in future, (hopefully be easier, having learned the from the mistakes iv'e made with this one). I wish i had about ten of them, so i could do many different colours.... It's going to be a tough decision when i finally get round to painting damn thing. :lol:
Lucky for you, and most of us, there will be a regular 240 this year so cop as many of those you can get.
Use that name to refer to your collection of custom diecasts. This way, when your work gains enough exposure, people can recognize photos of your customs through a name you stick in each and every one of your photos.

A few of the pros that get in Lamley's weekly customs blog stick a signature logo in their photos and like that they become that much more famous.

Ment to respond to this long ago. Yea to be honest i have been thinking about what to put on my photos before i send them to the Lamley Group. I want something catchy, something like a logo maybe. Just got to think of what to do.

To be honest i plan to do my customs like no one has ever done before!;) Everything from different colors, different wheels, more detailing, things no one has ever done before. Most of the customs i plan to do are ones no one has ever done customs of before!:eek: Like the Ford Sierra for example, that is a personal favorite for me and i don't recall anyone ever doing a custom of it before. That is one of my projects i have in mind.;) It is going to get a different color then any of the Sierras Hot Wheels did, new wheels and several other things.;)

Pretty much my goal is to shine some light on some of the most highly underated vehicles Hot Wheels ever done and give them the attention i feel they truly deserve.:)
Everything from different colors, different wheels, more detailing-

That's great. Just try to make sure you don't get so carried away with that goal you end up with a really random composition of things. Sure it'll look unique, but it'll also lose the standard appeal of cars. It can lose the identity of what we interpret as a car, but may become something entirely of its own. That's up to you though.

Also, in before any negative remarks.
I have an old Corgi Sierra that I've been meaning to give a respray and better wheels. I'm sure you'll get to it first though Sonygama!
Are you planning on doing a custom of that Porsche?:confused:

Pulled it from the other thread to bring this up. This is the amount of cars I have literally piled up on Queue, and by that I mean to disassemble.


filler^That's my left foot. With a sexy big toe.

Half of the cars are going to be customs, the other half are going to be amputated.

I'm going to spend a whole day on Reading Week tearing these cars up. Bag them all up, update the log and everything should be set from then on.
Hi guys, as many of you know few weeks ago Cano and I participated in a custom contest here in our local collectors club, winning the 3 first places, here are some pics of my project “the Badass Bird”; I took the 3rd place with this one, Cano won the 2nd and 1st place (just luck)

This is the original hotwheels casting:

I decided to paint it metallic black matt, with gloss accents and a red touch in the front, the wheels are from a Mcdonalds NASCAR, after a lot of work I make them fit inside the body





I hope you like it, it's not finished jet, I'm planning to add a few more things I wasn’t able to add because I was running out of time for the contest

Cano we are waiting for your pics!! 👎
Ah, the Black Birdie. I saw most of it come together, but I never saw the chassis work, altough I know it takes a LOT of work to get tires like that to fit into a chasis and tuck a bit, I didi more or less the same with the Chaparral Camaro and the thing was left with three quarters of it's original chassis. I love the mean, no-prisoners vibe of this thing. Needs a front spoiler.

Also, I know, the pics. I've taken them but haven't been able to swing Photoshop at them. Alsoooo, totally not luck.
Well, how about you post those pictures and everyone can decide if it was luck or not?
Hey Andy, you still using a post-hole digger to take apart your cars? :lol:

No man, I sold that recently. It gave me results that were far too barbaric. I've upgraded to more precise equipment. I have one of these babies now:


It does everything accurately and automatically. I can even engrave a picture of my face on bonnet. Nobody's done that before I'll bet.

Why do you ask?
That's great. Just try to make sure you don't get so carried away with that goal you end up with a really random composition of things. Sure it'll look unique, but it'll also lose the standard appeal of cars. It can lose the identity of what we interpret as a car, but may become something entirely of its own. That's up to you though.

Also, in before any negative remarks.
Yea i know what you mean AOS-, what i mean by "different" is im going to use colors that have never been used on whatever vehicle i choose as well as wheels that Hot Wheels has never done on it ether. None of my projects are going to be anything you said there, as a matter of fact the Ford Sierra is going to be fairly simple design. It's going to be nice and original just like the car itself.:) Im trying to bring out the Ford pride within it.;)

I have an old Corgi Sierra that I've been meaning to give a respray and better wheels. I'm sure you'll get to it first though Sonygama!
I don't think so, i have a Ford Sierra but im waiting until i get duplicate before i customize one. Luckly i got email from Kit Kringle saying they had new Hot Wheels and im hoping they will have some Sierras there!:D I recently requested the Boulevard series Rigor Motor and im hoping they will have it to!:D
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First thing's first; Andoo, this is how your cars should be looking after about ten seconds:

Alright, as stated in the collecting thread, these are cars I got from a big haul at an out-of-town Kmart.
I had already taken them apart before photographing them, so I figured I would put some better wheels on them and post them here.

The Kmart had so many of these blasted Volvos.
I never gave the Autozoom a second look before, but I really liked this one. A lot.

So happy to find this Charger in non-fire dept. form. :D
This Aston is clearly the best looking of its castings.

Really wish I didn't strip my Flying Customs 'Vette instead of this one.
Unfortunately these were the best looking wheels for this 512M.

LOVE this casting. I'm planning on removing the hood and painting the car flat black.
Make a rat rod of sorts. :D

But this, this is what I am most excited about starting on. :D

I'm going to remove the front bumper entirely and putty up a pan where the rear one is now.
It would also be really cool if I drilled out the headlights and wound up some thick wire to put inside to look like twin turbos. :D
If I was using my drill bits, that's about 16 seconds if I'm careful. Otherwise, I always steer it off course somehow.

Even if you are not using screws for reassembly, #50 bit works GREAT for being a pilot hole to avoid that...
Rear needs more lower. Really lower.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention I was going to do that. There is plenty of room to tub it out real nice. :dopey:

If I was using my drill bits, that's about 16 seconds if I'm careful. Otherwise, I always steer it off course somehow.
That's me on the slowest the drill will go, which is pretty damn slow.
It's a new-ish titanium bit and it's the perfect size for popping off the head of the rivet. It isn't only the perfect size to do that, but it also bullies the head out of the way. You can see it expanding as you drill.

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