Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I doubt it. I would've painted mine yellow regardless of Brock's car.

Never even heard of it either.
After two repaints, the MR2 is nearly done, just have to fix some nicks it's gotten during travel, and snag done wheels. If I remeber right Cano did a MR2 of the same vintage a while back. If so what do you think of Ferrari 5 spokes on the MR2? Tge old wheels are the basket weaves, and have seen a lot of abuse.

Also, the paint nicks and scratches easily; if there any way to stop this? I striped and the paint, washed and dried it, did a layer of primer and then my spray paint. All of it was metal specific, but I still have the issues. After I'm done detailing, I'm thinking about just getting a hard clear coat. I hate seeing my work undone.
Hey you think maybe could give this a shot please? I know it may be for glass but frankly some of us are curious to find out if it works on metal or plastic like what Hot Wheels are made of. A metal base is what i would like to know.;)
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That thing looks way cool. I take it you took inspiration from Pete Brock's legendary yellow 510?


Actually yes I did! I designed decals for it based of John Morton's Datsun but not sure if I want to try it. I think I'll save it when I actually make Morton's Datsun instead. My next car is an early 80's Toyota Supra I found at a swap meet.
Finally, some slightly better toaster pics of the primered Z. The front's kind of messed up, but hopefully nothing that some (1200 grit) wet & dry, and some more layers of primer can't fix. Need to drop the front wheels a bit more too.

(Some shots are out of focus, lighting could have been better too.)

I really fancy those wheels at1ness!👍 I have a tendancy to put those wheels on any vehicle with small wheels about that size.

I think i'd be doing that all the time too... if i had more than one set, :lol: (the HW's with those wheels aren't sold here in the UK), i do however, have a set of wheels that are far more precious to me than the watanabe/minilites, i can't say what they are, as it could possibly ruin the identity of my scratch built project i have planned.

Cheers a6m5. 👍
Finally, some slightly better toaster pics of the primered Z. The front's kind of messed up, but hopefully nothing that some (1200 grit) wet & dry, and some more layers of primer can't fix. Need to drop the front wheels a bit more too.

(Some shots are out of focus, lighting could have been better too.)

Did you fabricate those mirrors??? Super cool!
I think i'd be doing that all the time too... if i had more than one set, :lol: (the HW's with those wheels aren't sold here in the UK), i do however, have a set of wheels that are far more precious to me than the watanabe/minilites, i can't say what they are, as it could possibly ruin the identity of my scratch built project i have planned.

Cheers a6m5. 👍
Yea i know what you mean.;) I like mine to be a surprise most of the time, i have a few designs in mind i have not mentioned on this thread. My "Crazy Idea" is one of them.;) I ain't giving away much info on it because it is pure insanity!:sly:

As for them wheels, them Boulevard Honda Civics grow on trees were i live so getting those wheels is easy for me.:)
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Before and after my race I just had on GT5 I've spent most of my day filing down the body on the Miata. That thing has a horrible casting finish. So many dents and gaps. :crazy:

Most of it's fixed now, but damn...
Before and after my race I just had on GT5 I've spent most of my day filing down the body on the Miata. That thing has a horrible casting finish. So many dents and gaps. :crazy:

Most of it's fixed now, but damn...
Thats funny, not long after i mentioned how i was surprised you haven't made a custom Miata yet, next i know you end up doing one!:lol: I should speak up more often!:lol:
My "Crazy Idea" is one of them.;) I ain't giving away much info on it because it's pure insanity!:sly:
I like the sound of this. :)
As for them wheels, them Boulevard Honda Civics grow on trees were i live so getting those wheels is easy for me.:)
:grumpy: *shiny wheel envy :lol:*

Did you fabricate those mirrors??? Super cool!
Thanks ryan. 👍 Yeah i made them out of putty, i would have liked to make them smaller, but they were quite fiddly, they are surprisingly sturdy though.
I doubt it. I would've painted mine yellow regardless of Brock's car.

Never even heard of it either.

Actually yes I did! I designed decals for it based of John Morton's Datsun but not sure if I want to try it. I think I'll save it when I actually make Morton's Datsun instead. My next car is an early 80's Toyota Supra I found at a swap meet.

Eat it, AOS (:

Finally, some slightly better toaster pics of the primered Z.

THAT THING IS HOOOOOOOOOOOOT :0 yes lower it a bit at the front.
I like the sound of this. :)
:grumpy: *shiny wheel envy :lol:*
You will like it even better when it is done.;)

Thats funny, your jealous because i live in america, im jealous because you live in Europe!:lol: I bet you have some european releases.:D
Its your fault.
What is it, national point and blame day?:confused::lol: I see how it is.:sly::lol:

I can't wait to see that Miata!:)👍
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I'd have picked different color, personally, but I'm not gonna lie, car looks damn good. 👍
The Miata lookspb hb776tx3e

EDIT: dogs -_-

The Miata looks pretty good Jason, I like the color... but you may have to repaint it because, if I remember correctly how the Miata is made, you may have to file away some offending metal in order to get rid of the 4x4 stance. Hope I'm wrong.

Also, congrats to the people featured in Lamley 👍
Not looking to slam it. All I had to do was grind out a little more in the axle slots under the interior (plastic) and when you set it down the car is lower. I wouldn't do that with a normal Hot Wheels axle but this set of wheels the whole axle turns when you roll it. (hence no axle sticking out of the wheels) So it's already been done.