Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Well paint is on the MR2, but it wasn't easy. This paint primer combo works great for DnD minis, but didn't want to stick to the hotwheels body. Also I couldn't hide my brush strokes. So now I asgm trying to do a clear coat wash to try and fill in the bush strokes, and it that doesn't work it's beach to striping the paint.
Just put 3 layers of primer on the RX-7. I decided before I was going to paint it that I would use my new filing set and smooth the body out some. Got rid of some casting marks on the back and filed down some rough spots around the windows. Also smoothed out the lip on the rear spoiler. Now with the primer on it, looks pretty good. Paint tomorrow. 👍
Hey guys. New to the scene here. Alot of the tutorials on this thread has helped so much. Is there any tutorials on lowering your car? I've searched here as well as google with no luck.
Usually resizing axles will lower the car as it will bump up the the height of the original axle the thickness of the brass tubing. What I have been doing lately is using two strips of thick paper I cut out and I lay them across the top of the tires after glueing the axle. Then I set the body on it and set it on the counter. When the glue is dry, pull the strips out. Leaves just enough space for the tires to clear.

It's hard to lower diecast as the thickness of the body gets in the way. You can't "tuck tire" like a real car without spending crazy amounts of time grinding away the inside of the fender wells.
Usually, the plastic that makes up the interior is what prevents the axle for moving up. I just file away material there and like that the car can get lower. No glue needed, but your axle just ends up being loose. Not like that matters since it'll be sitting for the most part.
I used to do it that way and hated the "unfinished" feel I got every time I picked up the car. Same reason I started screwing the cars back together. I prefer to do it the correct way now. :)

The Chaparral Camaro took top honors in the contest. I also took second with, surprisingly, a quick wheelswap Sub-lime 69 Charger. Ahmed won third place with a bad-ass Superbird. We swept the freaking place (:

Pics to follow in the next few days, when I recharge a bit, this day has been exhausting as all hell. Typing this is the first few moments I've sat in a chair since 10:30 am.
Anyone remember this one?

Usually resizing axles will lower the car as it will bump up the the height of the original axle the thickness of the brass tubing. What I have been doing lately is using two strips of thick paper I cut out and I lay them across the top of the tires after glueing the axle. Then I set the body on it and set it on the counter. When the glue is dry, pull the strips out. Leaves just enough space for the tires to clear.

It's hard to lower diecast as the thickness of the body gets in the way. You can't "tuck tire" like a real car without spending crazy amounts of time grinding away the inside of the fender wells.

Great idea. I'll try that out.
Here are my first attempts at customizing...

Toyota MR2. Nothing special here. Just a repaint and simple detail. Painted the wheels flat black.

Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera. I had a hard time detailing this one. The only brush I have is what came with my Testors paint set. Just like the previous car I just painted the wheels flat black. I don't have the funds to spend $5 on a car just for the wheels.

Any recommendations on brushes to use for the fine detailing?
Wow man, absolutely great first work!
I, as well as everyone else is very impressed.
Don't forget about us in our little corner of GTPlanet and stick around here.

As for a fine detailing you have any hair? :lol:
Congrats! to you and Ahmed Cano. 👍 👍
How dare you rest! we need pics NOW!!! :lol:

Great work on the Gallardo ryan. 👍
Tamiya do some great detail brushes (but there are other brands too).
I'm currently working on a Datsun 510. I already started designing and test fitting the decals. Still have to tweak them a little. I'm going to redesign the tail lights and resize the plate.

Well, I was going to do a Lamborghini Countach custom, until I found out mine is a Europe-only issue!:eek: According to south texas diecast, it says "White, w/no tampo, Red interior, Tinted Window, White Malaysia Base, w/5DOT's", as you can see that perfectly matches mine.:eek:

Guess I'm going to do a restoration instead.:dopey:

Edit: Reuploaded since I no longer need Photobucket.
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Well i was going to do a Lamborghini Countach custom, until i found out mine is a Europe only issue!:eek: According to south texas diecast it says "White, w/no tampo, Red interior, Tinted Window, White Malaysia Base, w/5DOT's", as you can see that perfectly matches mine.:eek:

Guess im going to do a restoration instead.:dopey:

Thee car is absolutely worthless now that you've opened it, so do whatever you want with it. If it's not original, it doesn't matter if it's a Europe-release only, it's worth zero. Sorry.
I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. What I did was I took pictures of the car then scaled them in photoshop based on measurements i made. Then used illustrator to create the decal designs.

Will CS3 work ok?

I just got back from running some errands and remembered to get printer paper so I can start testing. 👍
Thee car is absolutely worthless now that you've opened it, so do whatever you want with it. If it's not original, it doesn't matter if it's a Europe-release only, it's worth zero. Sorry.
Yea i know it's worthless now, it was loose and beat up when i bought back in 2008, now it's been stripped and primared, and there isn't much left. To be honest, value is not the reason why i suddenly chose to restore it, it's really just the simple fact i don't like to mod a european release, plus i had been having second thoughts about it for a while now since it brings back memories.

However i am not ditching my idea i had planned for it, whenever i get another Countach, i still plan to do the custom i had in mind from the beginning.;)