How does my old computer rate?

I just meant that he might eventually replace his current heatsink. To answer your question this heatsink would most likely would of been the stock heatsink for a 4200. Though I can't find any images of the stock heatsink for a 6200.
I just meant that he might eventually replace his current heatsink. To answer your question this heatsink would most likely would of been the stock heatsink for a 4200. Though I can't find any images of the stock heatsink for a 6200.

Your right “nick” that is my heat sink and since I didn’t see your post until now I am worried about the cooling w/ my new Athlon X2 Dual-Core 6400+.

Something weird also happened after I blew the dust out of it and then I plugged in the power cord without flipping off the switch on the power supply and now I don’t have any video feed to the monitor.

Somehow I think the video card must have fried but I am not sure so I am looking around for a new one that will be able to handle the upcoming Battle-Field 3. I’ve read that it should be able to run Crysis. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks….
Well from your picture it looks like you have a PCIe graphics card. For about $154 you can grab this graphics card or if you want to save that $50 you can get this one. The second graphics card that I recommended does not need any extra power connectors and all you need to do is just insert it into the motherboard. Just letting you know if you consider that a feature.

Do you have another computer that you can test the graphics card in? Because it still might work. You can also remove the graphics card and see if the onboard graphics works(if you have any of course).
I wish I had a second big box to test my card in but I don’t, fortunately the Geforce 9400 GT only cost me about 40 bucks about a year ago. Unfortunatly I don't think there is any onboard video w/ my MOBO. I had that kind of thing happen when I replace it’s predecessor, in that case all I did was turn the computer on normally and didn’t get any video feed. Maybe it’s just a G-force thing. With all of the upgrades I’m really looking forward to suiting up a rocking VC and w/ the dual video outs the SAPPHIRE is right in my pricing zone, thanks nick.

I was wondering how I would know if my power supply isn’t up to the chore or if the heat sink isn’t big enough? Given the fact that the CPU now uses twice the wattage and the new VC looks like it has a bigger fan.

Also I was wondering if there is any chance that the power supply could be powering up the fans and not supplying power to the rest of the computer? I can’t imagine that the transformer could discriminate power output……lol
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You can follow this guide to see if it really is your power supply that's at fault. By the why, what's wattage of the PSU and model number? Now with the heatsink I think you should hold out before buying a new heatsink. You current heatsink looks like it would be able to cool the cpu easily. If it does not go well then I would try the water cooler I suggested earlier since it has a good value for the money and looks easy to put together.
Thanks again nick, I will dig into my power supply and investigate the power distribution using the link you provided.

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