How important is damage in GT5?

Do you want damage in GT5?

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So if your driving along in your car in real life and someone wrecks your car and they aren't insured, and the person tells you to take a running jump because they refuse to pay for the damage they caused. Are you just going to accept it and pay for the damage yourself.
No because thats what my insurance is for and they will sort it out :lol:
I think the problem is that the consequences are not steep enough. It's beyond paying with credits.

The punters do it for fun anyways because even if their car were to be totaled,when they go back to their garage, their car is still there, brand new. And they can use it over again, with practically no consequences.

But if the system really simulated destroying the car, maybe they'd think more than twice about wasting that hard earned Ferrari if they knew they'd lose it forever if totalled even on an online race. There's only so many cars they can afford to lose for good...
No because thats what my insurance is for and they will sort it out :lol:

And thats what the penalty system for detecting online incidents would be for, to detect who was at fault for the damage caused, so as the person at fault has to pay, instead of the innocent victim. Online insurance. :lol:
And thats what the penalty system for detecting online incidents would be for, to detect who was at fault for the damage caused, so as the person at fault has to pay, instead of the innocent victim. Online insurance. :lol:

What if it's not anyones fault? What if it is just an accident? Like the example in my previous post. I like the idea just what do you propose for a situation like that, how will the game tell the difference?
What if it's not anyones fault? What if it is just an accident? Like the example in my previous post. I like the idea just what do you propose for a situation like that, how will the game tell the difference?

Well if the penalty system is implimented correctly, then if a car loses control and spins out, and a car in front spins out also, then the penalty physics could recognise that both cars are spinning out unintentionaly, so if/when the two cars collide then any damage incured to both the cars would just be put down to the two drivers to repair their own car, due to it being both their own faults for losing control.
It would be difficult to get that kind of penalty system to work properly, but far from technically impossible.
Damage is definatly being included in GT5, so some kind of penalty system needs to be included along with it, so that the punters are punished for their actions.
All I'll say about this discussion is I think damage should be in,with the option to turn it on or off.
Also private races with the option to have it enabled there or not.

Really,when it comes down to it this argument about paying your credits out to fix the damage you caused to someone elses ride is just opening up too bigger can of worms.
I mean what are PD going to do? Include a Granturismo Insurance agency,lawyers.....see what I mean,this would be an absolute mightmere.
All I'll say about this discussion is I think damage should be in,with the option to turn it on or off.
Also private races with the option to have it enabled there or not.

Really,when it comes down to it this argument about paying your credits out to fix the damage you caused to someone elses ride is just opening up too bigger can of worms.
I mean what are PD going to do? Include a Granturismo Insurance agency,lawyers.....see what I mean,this would be an absolute mightmere.

It's a nightmare online already with the punters. When damage is eventually incorporated into the game, then it will become even more of a nightmare unless PD include some kind of penalty system to punish the punters.

SUPERNUMBBER's recent post was an idea that could also be used in the game to penalise the punters.
Some sort of system where damage is only allowed in private rooms, and disabled in random online games would be a good feature I reckon.

Private rooms - you know the people you're racing with, you know any damage caused would be completely accidental (and likely fairly light and easy to repair).

Random online games with anyone and everyone - you can never completely trust racers you don't know, so having the damage disabled in these games means that even if they punt you off and spoil your race, you won't have to pay a fortune in virtual credits afterwards to repair a totaled car!

And of course, you can turn it on or off to your heart's content in races with the AI 👍

So in answer to the OP - yes I'd like to see damage, but I can understand why some people probably wouldn't want it incorporated, at least in online races.
I wouldn't mind an option to turn it off as well. Against random players it will be annoying as hell to deal with, but if there was only one choice I would go with it always being on.
I think the damage system should include everything you can do to your car in real life. Tires popping, blown engines, stripped clutch (if you have a g25 i would think) etc etc. Making people pay for the damage wouldn't work although it seems ideal but you have to think of gameplay, if you damage your car in the race and you have no money to repair it, do you go into debt? I think the way forza handles damage after the race is more game friendly, just tacks it off your winnings. Not saying to copy forza but forza does a great job in that aspect and i think GT could incorporate it in their own way. Remember simulations are going for realism, and thats just that, its not about copying each other when it comes to simple game additions that make the games that much better. GT5 will probably blow away forza 3 when it comes out but if they disclude something thats in forza everyone will want it in GT anyways. Its like the livery system PD is working on vs. Paint room in forza. very similar ideas but put their own twist on them.
I mean what are PD going to do? Include a Granturismo Insurance agency,lawyers.....see what I mean,this would be an absolute mightmere.


I'm the one you should trust!

Call the gaming law offices of SUPERNUMBBER, attorney-on-line

We cover most gaming cases, including:

- Racing collisions
- Server hacking
- Teabagging assaults


I'm the one you should trust!

Call the gaming law offices of SUPERNUMBBER, attorney-on-line

We cover most gaming cases, including:

- Racing collisions
- Server hacking
- Teabagging assaults


That is a retorical answer isn't it :D if it isn't then supply your Super number now, so as I can claim back my damages from the mofo that writes my car off. ;)
For online races, I would honestly like to see collisions with other cars disabled entirely. Damage should remain enabled, for those who think they can get away with bouncing off walls.
For online races, I would honestly like to see collisions with other cars disabled entirely. Damage should remain enabled, for those who think they can get away with bouncing off walls.
Essentially online hot-lapping? Perhaps as an option, as Forza 2 allows.
Just because you don't agree with the concept of my suggestion on how a penalty system could be incorporated so as to make the idiot drivers in GT5 pay for the damage they cause to others, doesn't make it unrealistic. :rolleyes:
So what do you suggest then? The idiots that go round wrecking peoples cars get away with it, and the poor person thats had their race ruined and their car wrecked, then has to pay to repair their car out of their own credits. Now that WOULD be unrealistic.

When people are racing in, let's say Nascar, and a driver takes another driver out, who pays for that wreck? While I agree with your penalty system, it would be an unrealistic game play feature.
When people are racing in, let's say Nascar, and a driver takes another driver out, who pays for that wreck? While I agree with your penalty system, it would be an unrealistic game play feature.

So then if you get screwed over by a tool that want's to take you out just for the fun of it, you don't mind paying for the repair of your wrecked car out of your hard earned cash, while the tool that wrote you off gets away with it.
It sounds to me like some of you people have never played a racing game other than Gran Turismo. "who should pay for the damage", "what about insurance".

The tried and tested system is the one where you are allowed to have damage Off, damage on roughly half of full simulation, and damage on full simulation. This is how Forza 2 does it. Your pay at the end of the race (i.e. credits in GT5) gets deducted from whatever the game comes up with as a "repair" cost.

This is the best, most simple and least annoying way to do it. If you don't want to be damaged when punted, then find a room with damage off. Most rooms online in Forza 2 have damage off. Some have them on. I race with people I know most of the time so we have damage on full.

Is it really that hard to understand that the system I just described is what they should be doing? It's already been done by other games, that's the best way to do it. This is what I was talking about earlier as well. A lot of the features that you guys discuss to have in Gran Turismo 5 have already been done and perfected by other games.

I'm the one you should trust!

Call the gaming law offices of SUPERNUMBBER, attorney-on-line

We cover most gaming cases, including:

- Racing collisions
- Server hacking
- Teabagging assaults


LMAO @ this lol "Teabagging assaults".., Thats awesome:D
It sounds to me like some of you people have never played a racing game other than Gran Turismo. "who should pay for the damage", "what about insurance".
That's probably not far from the truth, though I would add the word "online" in front of "racing game".
Yeah, repair costs should just be deducted from the prize money. Like it is in every racing game with damage.
So then if you get screwed over by a tool that want's to take you out just for the fun of it, you don't mind paying for the repair of your wrecked car out of your hard earned cash, while the tool that wrote you off gets away with it.

So are you saying the tool that takes you out wouldn't get damaged? You make it sound like he'd wreck you and make you pay, while he just races off unhurt. Now there's always the chance that they used cheats and got infinite money, but then that's why you'd either go no damage or stay away from the yahoo's with damage on that you don't know.
I remember the day I first played Gran Turismo, I was so amazed at the driving that I never wondered about crashing and damage. My friends who played with me complained about it and i was like "who cares???". I really enjoy GT5P the way it is, why is everybody now complaining about it.
PD should spend more time working to get even better physics and more tracks instead of bringing damage.
Yeah, repair costs should just be deducted from the prize money. Like it is in every racing game with damage.

But what if the punter wins the race and he has enough cash to repair he's damage, but your skint and can't repair your damage that was caused by the punter, what happens then.
But but but, not everything is fair. You could just as well have enough money to repair and the punter might not have enough. As mentioned before, in professional racing you don't see the racing officials going over to the guy's tent (who created a 5 car pile-up) and demanding that he pay for the damage to the other 5 cars. Now granted if you deliberately caused an accident in a real life race, you'd most likely get fined. But in real life you have real people judging the crash versus a computer program that may not be able to tell the difference between a deliberate punt and bad tire grip.
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So are you saying the tool that takes you out wouldn't get damaged? You make it sound like he'd wreck you and make you pay, while he just races off unhurt. Now there's always the chance that they used cheats and got infinite money, but then that's why you'd either go no damage or stay away from the yahoo's with damage on that you don't know.

Cheats don't exist in GT. Yes the tool would get damaged, so at the end of the race, that tool not only has to pay for he's damage, but yours aswell. If he hasn't got enough cash to pay for the damage he caused to you, then he can't race online until he gets the cash to pay for your damage that he caused.

Lets be honest here. Aren't you pissed off with being run of a track every two corners by a punter.

As I said in a previous post. This isn't pro racing, it's a game and there needs to be an element of fairness in it.
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Well I can't speak from experience since I haven't played Prologue, but if there is the addition of private rooms and custom damage levels, then there's no need to worry about that sort of stuff. BTW, people can use a Gameshark..not sure if there's codes for GT5P but there will certainly be some for GT5. Oh and why worry about having to pay for damage, whatever the cause? If you're so worried about paying for damage caused by idiots then don't have damage on!
But what if the punter wins the race and he has enough cash to repair he's damage, but your skint and can't repair your damage that was caused by the punter, what happens then.

Well, in all the games I've played, the cost of the damage is adjusted to where it'll never cost more than the amount of money you earned in the race.

Say you earn 1000 credits in a race. If you rack up 50% damage, 500 credits would be deducted from that prize money. If you earned 2000 Cr., 1000 credits would be deducted. And in Sega GT 2002 for instance, you even get your prize money multiplied by 1.5 if you complete a race without acquiring any damage.

It's not realistic, but it ensures that the worst case scenario is that you don't earn any money from the race. And a bonus for completing a race without damaging your car is a nice incentive, even if it is frustrating to lose that bonus due to another driver's error.