How important is damage in GT5?

Do you want damage in GT5?

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I am 100% for damage. It makes it more realistic, and it's bound to make some people drive better.
I am totaly against damage being put in, I have been a huge fan of the series over the years and GT (pun intended) is the reason I own a PS3.
I just don't think damage is GT's style and its just trying to be like CENSORED forza.
I think they should keep it at it is and focus on other more better aspects of the game.

Think about if there's damage and you're racing online, it's bad enough at the moment with these "bumper car racers" hitting you and ramming you and it will get a lot worse if damage is included.

I know it is going to be in but I pray to god its optional to use it.

Captain English to the rescue!

On-topic: Yes, I want damage. Imagine this situation:
You and a rammer are drafting on a straight (F.E: Fuji) and he thinks "I'll use my guy in front of me as a brake." So, you get to the corner, you brake, he rams you, sending you into the grass, but damaging his car so bad that his top speed is 30mph/50kmh.

By the way, Stretch: Saying Forza Motorsports is AUTO-CENSORED is being a little fanboy (In my opinion.)
kk sory mate i miss read it.
i need this game so bad i was told that its 2010 now :S

and to the guy above, yep im a fan boy but i have forza and i dont think its in the same league as GT
GT should have damage. But it should be done correctly so the car preformance also decreases etc. tyre damage on the left will make the car go left when not steering. it should not be only visual. But there should be an option to turn it off for online.
Damage sure!!! with private rooms no need to worry about it... will be great and more realistic.. besides plate, dampers, wheels... i hope engine failures too
100 % for it , mechanical damage is a sure + + + ,( over rev it and you blow a motor , smoke a clutch , tear up drivelines , busted axles , broken universal joints ).Physical damage only if it is done correctly. I mean , who wants a car that is smashed up and can still run with the best ( handling , top speed ) physical damage should play a major role and have adverse effects on the cars all around characteristics . Now this brings up an interesting point : At the end of a race , lets say your car sustained some damage. How does it get fixed ? By having the game automatically restore it ? Or does it come out of your own cash / credit account ? I am for the - (fix it yourself) , for this reason. If I tanked it , I should pay for it (only fair) , but the bad end of the stick is , if some doofus crashes me and really tears up my car (not fair) , I have to take the hit and fix it myself , which would suck !!! . I guess it is 6 of one ,and a 1/2 dozen of the other. How do you feel about the repair aspect of the damage ???
100 % for it , mechanical damage is a sure + + + ,( over rev it and you blow a motor , smoke a clutch , tear up drivelines , busted axles , broken universal joints ).Physical damage only if it is done correctly. I mean , who wants a car that is smashed up and can still run with the best ( handling , top speed ) physical damage should play a major role and have adverse effects on the cars all around characteristics . Now this brings up an interesting point : At the end of a race , lets say your car sustained some damage. How does it get fixed ? By having the game automatically restore it ? Or does it come out of your own cash / credit account ? I am for the - (fix it yourself) , for this reason. If I tanked it , I should pay for it (only fair) , but the bad end of the stick is , if some doofus crashes me and really tears up my car (not fair) , I have to take the hit and fix it myself , which would suck !!! . I guess it is 6 of one ,and a 1/2 dozen of the other. How do you feel about the repair aspect of the damage ???

I agree with all your points on damage. I think that if you wreck your car, then you should pay out of your credits to repair it, but if you are wrecked by another driver, then that driver should be made to repair your damage from their credits. Provided there is a proper penalty system incorporated into the game, then it would recognise who was at fault and penalise the driver who caused the damage.
I would prefer there just be mechanical damage and no visual damage because I'm a person who enjoys my vehicles looking new and not banged up. It would be interesting though to have to pay to fix your damage, and the way they could do it is have a list of all the damages on the vehicle and you choose what parts you want to repair as well as how well it's done.
Yes, absolutely. Cosmetic damage, mechanical damage, electronical damage. Everything in real time and realistically. Even if this means that a race ends abruptely and you have to start all over again.

Oh yes. kikie sums it all up in the post above. It probably won't happen right away, but I'd be disappointed if only cosmetic damage was included. Damage would make us more careful, as hitting a wall at 150mph would actually have consequences.

I don't think we should have super-realistic damage (dropped transmissions, blown engines, etc.) because the casual gamer would get too frustrated and would quit. But maybe if we have a choice of the damage levels (none, moderate, realistic?), that would work better for everyone.
I've been league racing in Forza 2 for almost a year and with iRacing on the PC for a few months... damage makes a huge difference in how you approach a race, and should definitely be an option in GT5.
I agree with all your points on damage. I think that if you wreck your car, then you should pay out of your credits to repair it, but if you are wrecked by another driver, then that driver should be made to repair your damage from their credits. Provided there is a proper penalty system incorporated into the game, then it would recognise who was at fault and penalise the driver who caused the damage.
So Then , it should be an automatic withdrawl from the credit account from the driver who caused it , because we all know a lot of these people will not fix another persons car if it is left up to them , they will just say " screw that a****** " and move on , right ? . I don't have a problem fixing something if I am the one who screwed it up , it's the others I worry about , why drain my credit account on be-half of an idiot who doesn't care ?
I agree with all your points on damage. I think that if you wreck your car, then you should pay out of your credits to repair it, but if you are wrecked by another driver, then that driver should be made to repair your damage from their credits. Provided there is a proper penalty system incorporated into the game, then it would recognise who was at fault and penalise the driver who caused the damage.

So Then , it should be an automatic withdrawl from the credit account from the driver who caused it , because we all know a lot of these people will not fix another persons car if it is left up to them , they will just say " screw that a****** " and move on , right ? . I don't have a problem fixing something if I am the one who screwed it up , it's the others I worry about , why drain my credit account on be-half of an idiot who doesn't care ?

How many race series have you seen when a crash happens and the driver who caused it pays for it? :rolleyes:
So Then , it should be an automatic withdrawl from the credit account from the driver who caused it , because we all know a lot of these people will not fix another persons car if it is left up to them , they will just say " screw that a****** " and move on , right ? . I don't have a problem fixing something if I am the one who screwed it up , it's the others I worry about , why drain my credit account on be-half of an idiot who doesn't care ?

As I mention in my previous post, if there is a proper penalty system incorporated into the game, then the idiot would receive the penalty and be made to repair the damage you sustained from them.

How many race series have you seen when a crash happens and the driver who caused it pays for it? :rolleyes:

There isn't one to my knowledge, but just because there isn't a race series that doesn't have it, doesn't mean to say that PD can't incorporate it into GT5. Afterall, if people knew they would have to pay for damage they caused to others, then it would encourage them to drive in a proper manner.
There isn't one to my knowledge, but just because there isn't a race series that doesn't have it, doesn't mean to say that PD can't incorporate it into GT5. Afterall, if people knew they would have to pay for damage they caused to others, then it would encourage them to drive in a proper manner.

But everyone wants GT to be realistic,what you suggest isnt.
But everyone wants GT to be realistic,what you suggest isnt.

Just because you don't agree with the concept of my suggestion on how a penalty system could be incorporated so as to make the idiot drivers in GT5 pay for the damage they cause to others, doesn't make it unrealistic. :rolleyes:
So what do you suggest then? The idiots that go round wrecking peoples cars get away with it, and the poor person thats had their race ruined and their car wrecked, then has to pay to repair their car out of their own credits. Now that WOULD be unrealistic.
Just because you don't agree with the concept of my suggestion on how a penalty system could be incorporated so as to make the idiot drivers in GT5 pay for the damage they cause to others, doesn't make it unrealistic. :rolleyes:
So what do you suggest then? The idiots that go round wrecking peoples cars get away with it, and the poor person thats had their race ruined and their car wrecked. then has to pay to repair their car out of their own credits. Now that WOULD be unrealistic.

That would be realistic, ask all Takuma Sato's victems :crazy:

Maybe damage should be possible be turned off online in public races?
Just because you don't agree with the concept of my suggestion on how a penalty system could be incorporated so as to make the idiot drivers in GT5 pay for the damage they cause to others, doesn't make it unrealistic. :rolleyes:
So what do you suggest then? The idiots that go round wrecking peoples cars get away with it, and the poor person thats had their race ruined and their car wrecked, then has to pay to repair their car out of their own credits. Now that WOULD be unrealistic.

Nop im saying your idea is flawed as no 2 people would agree on it being one person's fault(for example if you try to dive down the inside of someone and take them out you can claim the opening was there but they can come back with saying you could have just waited to the next straight) and even if you have witnesses certain peoples loyalitys might lie with a certain person hence thier view would be biased.So what the persons race was ruined? Thats racing (harsh but its true).

If you turned up to a real race and someone was driving rather aggresively and took you out are you then gonna rock up to thier garage and make them pay for the damage to your car? and if you did what do you think your chances are of them paying for the damage? At the end of the day if you dont want to be "forced" off the track then theres time attack and drifting to help give you the credits to then go onto proper racing so youll have the money to repair any damage that may occur during a race.

BTW in reference to your sig its "Ferrari" not "Ferarri"....
That would be realistic, ask all Takuma Sato's victems :crazy:

Maybe damage should be possible be turned off online in public races?

Haha, like the Sato comment.
Sure, there should be the option of turning damage off in online races, but if damage is turned on, then the punters should have to be made to repair damage they cause to others, otherwise the clean racers are going to run out of credits through constantly having to repair their car because of punters wrecking them.
Haha, like the Sato comment.
Sure, there should be the option of turning damage off in online races, but if damage is turned on, then the punters should have to be made to repair damage they cause to others, otherwise the clean racers are going to run out of credits through constantly having to repair their car because of punters wrecking them.

Punters should be required to pay for damages caused to other people, but there lies one inherent problem, what if, per chance let us say, that two people collide and it isn't necessarily either ones fault, but was just a result of racing, i.e. someone loses control and the person behind them loses control as well, and they plow right into each other, and the game says it's the person whos behind the person in fronts fault? Just because they are behind, but in reality it couldn't be avoided? Who is responsible, and who has to pay for the damage? It's a good idea but alot of if's need to be worked out.
Nop im saying your idea is flawed as no 2 people would agree on it being one person's fault(for example if you try to dive down the inside of someone and take them out you can claim the opening was there but they can come back with saying you could have just waited to the next straight) and even if you have witnesses certain peoples loyalitys might lie with a certain person hence thier view would be biased.So what the persons race was ruined? Thats racing (harsh but its true).

If you turned up to a real race and someone was driving rather aggresively and took you out are you then gonna rock up to thier garage and make them pay for the damage to your car? and if you did what do you think your chances are of them paying for the damage? At the end of the day if you dont want to be "forced" off the track then theres time attack and drifting to help give you the credits to then go onto proper racing so youll have the money to repair any damage that may occur during a race.

Thats the whole idea of the penalty system detecting whos at fault for the incident.
So if your driving along in your car in real life and someone wrecks your car and they aren't insured, and the person tells you to take a running jump because they refuse to pay for the damage they caused. Are you just going to accept it and pay for the damage yourself.

By the way, in reference to your sig. You've used too many periods. It shoud be just three, ie ...