How in the Frank Bruno did Forza III do it?

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV
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1. I can assure you that it does exist, I bought it and everything

2. 'Flopza'? Are you 12? You can't expect to hold a serious discussion about games with someone when you're using terms like that over and over. :lol: It makes you look like an idiot to be quite honest.

Don't bother. I mean, what's the point?
1. I can assure you that it does exist, I bought it and everything

2. 'Flopza'? Are you 12? You can't expect to hold a serious discussion about games with someone when you're using terms like that over and over. :lol: It makes you look like an idiot to be quite honest.

Good for you 👍

You think Flopza or Failza makes me idiot 👎

If that is the case. Then I think, I can also say to all those who say Forza is GT level are all idiots :lol:
Guys, you shouldn't insult each other, it is not nice.

On th other hand, I also tend to think inside me that everyone who's contributing in this debate on positive side is crazy, but I will not share that publicly because it could insult someone.

I admire the jump T10 did with FM3 compared to FM2, and I think FM3 is a great game, but comparing it even with Prologue in graphical side is just plain ridiculuos.
Good for you 👍

You think Flopza or Failza makes me idiot 👎

If that is the case. Then I think, I can also say to all those who say Forza is GT level are all idiots :lol:

I said it makes you look like an idiot. At no point did I resort to name calling.
360 released in 2005. Forza3 released in 2009. 4years

PS3 released in 2006. GT5 released in 2010. 4years

Do not count the DLC of Forza3 that will then make it 5years :P and don't say that Forza3 was made in 2years. They took lots,all things from their previous games and learned from it. Just like GT.
The same rules applies to everyone, of course, but I still think a premium member should know better than to present his opinion as if it was fact and tell the ones who doesn't share it to grow up.


Which is exactly what you then did to him in return.

A quick news flash for ALL of you.

The only people who tell members what to do and how to post are the staff, if you have an issue with the manner in which someone is posting then use the report button.

We are already busy enough around here with the influx of new member, poor grammar in use and flame-bait posts. To then have to find and resolve silly little tiffs members are having with each other is not needed.

If you guys can't post without having a 'pop' at each other, then please for the sake of rest of us, don't bother posting.

Good for you 👍

You think Flopza or Failza makes me idiot 👎

If that is the case. Then I think, I can also say to all those who say Forza is GT level are all idiots :lol:

At the very least, it's the best game out so far, whether it's on GT5's level or not, considering the amount of content it sports.
And it was the best replacement for GT5 to be had, anyways.

Besides, what's with all the hate?
Both games are quite good and last time I checked, I didn't have to comit my life to either. I'll just play the better game availabe because I want to get the best experience possible, no matter what name's on the game's case.
Both games are quite good and last time I checked, I didn't have to comit my life to either. I'll just play the better game availabe because I want to get the best experience possible, no matter what name's on the game's case.

Exactly 👍👍👍👍👍👍
It's really of no surprise that you took what I said out of context, and didn't consider what I said before that post, and what I said within that same post.
You'll have to inform me what's out of context, and what was ignored. I have never forced a point by saying anything that wasn't true.

By the way, both of you guys seem to go an awful long way to defending Turn 10 and Forza. You know, it is due some criticism. Things are wrong. Things are messed up. Things are broken. And it's many things. And it's every single game. And it's nothing like what's wrong with GT5.

Turn 10 is trying in every game to push the game far. Commendable. They need to do some bold things, because they basically made Gran Forizmo. But they go about it the wrong way, and they don't seem to care about the quality of the game they throw onto store shelves.

Many car models are messed up, and I don't just mean they're incorrect. I mean they have issues when you try and paint them or lay decals and vinyls. I mean there are physics flaws which players exploit.

Physics have issues. Besides the flaws which cause leaderboard wipes and patches periodically, and repatches, I will grant the guys credit who insist that there are driving aids which just won't shut off, kind of like I think it's TCS or ABS on GT 1-4 which wouldn't completely shut off. There is something fudgey with the physics. I think you Terronium had a discussion about that in the Forza section about the embedded data for the tires or something too. It's not bad. You can have a blast like any other racing game, but it's a quality that makes it feel less like a PC sim, and makes drifting too easy.

For some reason, T10 messes up coding something awful, somewhere. Like the Auction House in FM2 which if disconnected from wrongly can get you banned. Like the livery editor which has layers shifting, and drove car artists and art collectors nuts. Like the online structure in FW3 - and come on, that's a "W" in the logo, admit it. ;) Like the messed up file handling, and the really frooked up system of photo sharing. I wasn't exaggerating about the 4 hour ordeal I had gone through which had me throwing in the towel on the game. It was 4 am, and I STILL hadn't finished with my attempt to come up with TWO images to send through the idiotic Turn 10 gauntlet which would mess them up, to get them up on one of my hosting sites to post them here. I made a rather frustrated post on the Forza boards here, and just couldn't bring myself to go through any more of it. A major feature of the game completely broken, to the point I didn't want to touch it again, and didn't. And to get back to it, I'll have to spend up to $200 to get a decent PC capture card! Right now, I don't have the mad money to blow on that, or the inclination.

And one thing I forgot to mention is how T10 made the other cars than yours on track greatly reduced poly models, as you can see in Photo Mode if you snap pics of the other cars in a race. The lack of detail is shocking. And yet, they still only manage 8 cars per race? I'm baffled by this.

Some of these are because T10 farms out work to make their game larger. But most of it is down to two reasons:
  • Turn 10 are lackluster coders
  • Turn 10 has shoddy quality control
And these are not the reasons for anything anyone wants to gripe about with Gran Turismo.

In GT1, SONY made Polyphony mess with the gravity and speed, making cars faster and floatier. When we found out, we threw a fit and made SONY leave GT2 alone. But other than that, I don't recall any major issues.

In GT2, if your garage was full or close to it, and you used the Machine Test on a car, it could wipe your garage. i think that was the reason, but it definitely was due to using the tester. That was a pretty bad bug, but then the Machine Test was kind of worthless anyhow. There was the "incompletion" bug where you never reached 100% no matter what, but that was really rather insignificant.

Both games had hit and miss engine sounds, and tire sounds that had an amusing rolling loop sample, but you couldn't exactly crow about sounds in console games back then.

GT3 had the problem of a pretty darn small game for $50, after the wealth of cars and tracks in GT2. Some engine sounds were stellar, but was still a mixed bag. Race Mod was dropped, as were used cars. Other than that, no real issues that I recall.

In all three titles, front wheel drive cars handled too much like rear wheel drive, and mid-engine cars handled too much like front engine cars.

GT4: once again, some engine sounds were lame. Low speed physics took a bit of a hit, such as getting your car to spin out being amazingly hard. Race Mod was still absent. GT4 Online had to be scrapped, mostly because of the expense of setting up the network, and the incompatibility of millions of PS2s to the broadband adaptor. It would have flopped badly.

With all four games, bot A.I. was lackluster and they tended to ignore you. There were no skidmarks, reverse lights or online.

With Prologue, online play was very basic. With the first online build (Japanese import), disconnecting from a server or getting dropped could lock up the game, requiring a reboot. Physics were a good few steps towards PC sims but not quite. Some engine sounds were still lackluster. No skidmarks or reverse lights. Bot A.I. was sometimes annoying.

GT5: because of Tourist Trophy (Polyphony decision) and especially GT PSP (SONY decision), GT5 development took a critical hit. GT PSP alone could mean as much as a two year hole in GT5 development. Content production was limited, primarily the high definition high poly count models now referred to as Premium Cars. Either because Polyphony underestimated the workload requirements, or because SONY would only allow so much budget increase, only a few dozen employees were added to the team, perhaps 70 at the most. The car list was increased with lower polygon Standard Cars, and this might extend to tracks as well, ported from previous games in higher definition but not to the level of the new environments, such as Rome and Madrid. Other shortcomings will be known when the game is further unveiled and/or shipped.

Frankly, this reveals a completely different philosophy between Dan Greenawalt and Turn 10, and Kazunori Yamauchi and Polyphony Digital. You can say that there's no difference, or any meaningful difference, but I think you'd be kidding yourself.
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Turn 10 is trying in every game to push the game far. Commendable. They need to do some bold things, because they basically made Gran Forizmo. But they go about it the wrong way, and they don't seem to care about the quality of the game they throw onto store shelves.

GT5: because of Tourist Trophy (Polyphony decision) and especially GT PSP (SONY decision), GT5 development took a critical hit. GT PSP alone could mean as much as a two year hole in GT5 development. Content production was limited, primarily the high definition high poly count models now referred to as Premium Cars. Either because Polyphony underestimated the workload requirements, or because SONY would only allow so much budget increase, [...]
Ok, just to get this straight. Most of the stuff that's wrong with GT is Sony's fault, not PD. So PD isn't at fault. But if Microsoft is pushing T10 to release Forza in time, that makes T10 the bad guys who don't care about the game?

So GT's shortcomings are forgiven because their publisher made them develop GT:PSP, but MS limiting the amount of time to be put into a Forza game doesn't excuse anything? Kinda biased, isn't it?

Both games have their flaws. You might or might not excuse them, but at the end of the day, both companies are about making money. Neither of them are the good guys who strive to please us as much as possible. It just so happens that GT tries to do it in another way.
You'll have to inform me what's out of context, and what was ignored. I have never forced a point by saying anything that wasn't true....snip

Seems you are prepared to excuse PD's faults but find T10's similar faults inexcusable TD. I have never understood why gamers can't enjoy both franchises to the full as I do. Both franchises have their faults but I never let that get in the way of enjoying either.

Edit: Oops, on Nelson with my post count, hopefully umpire Shephard is hopping around somewhere!!
No, I'm putting faults in perspective.

"All things being equal" people just say, "Oh, they're all the same." But you know that if every Gran Turismo game had something blow the game up, get you banned from online or result in problems that required incessant patching and leaderboard wipes, you'd be yelling for Kaz to quit brown nosing in the racing world, and spend some of those years of development squishing bugs and being consistent.

Like I said in a previous post, one company produced a console to be bulletproof, audio- and videophile quality and to a pretty darn good extent, futureproof as well. One company produced a console with known defects, and continued through three or four revisions to continue selling them without fixing said defects, to the point that evidently Europe scared this company into making two retroactive warranty extensions. And then they made yet another a year or two ago, though on very specific issues. It still amounted to a nearly 70% failure rate over two years. And knowingly ignored, but then,, what do you expect from a monopoly?

You can dispute a few issues between these two companies, but not this, or their philosophies. And this trickles down into the games.
No, I'm putting faults in perspective.

"All things being equal" people just say, "Oh, they're all the same." But you know that if every Gran Turismo game had something blow the game up, get you banned from online or result in problems that required incessant patching and leaderboard wipes, you'd be yelling for Kaz to quit brown nosing in the racing world, and spend some of those years of development squishing bugs and being consistent.

Like I said in a previous post, one company produced a console to be bulletproof, audio- and videophile quality and to a pretty darn good extent, futureproof as well. One company produced a console with known defects, and continued through three or four revisions to continue selling them without fixing said defects, to the point that evidently Europe scared this company into making two retroactive warranty extensions. And then they made yet another a year or two ago, though on very specific issues. It still amounted to a nearly 70% failure rate over two years. And knowingly ignored, but then,, what do you expect from a monopoly?

You can dispute a few issues between these two companies, but not this, or their philosophies. And this trickles down into the games.

Maybe I've been lucky but I've never had a 360 crap out on me, not denying it doesn't happen as evidently it does, but that is not my experience and I have had a PS3 crap out on me. And I'd say loseing your whole garage in GT was as bad if not worse than a leaderboard wipe. And I still come back to the point that I have had an incredible amount of fun playing the FM franchise. It just seems to me that people are always compelled to take sides. I give those who give GT an unwarranted hard time just as much grief as I do those who give FM a hard time. I don't pick a favourite but choose to enjoy both and don't feel the need to bad mouth either unless it is fully warranted.

Everyone has a right to express their opinion I just wish peoples opinion wasn't so swayed by their favourite sometimes.
No, I'm putting faults in perspective.
Sorry, but you seem to be applying double standards, or perspectives, that's all.

"All things being equal" people just say, "Oh, they're all the same." But you know that if every Gran Turismo game had something blow the game up, get you banned from online or result in problems that required incessant patching and leaderboard wipes, you'd be yelling for Kaz to quit brown nosing in the racing world, and spend some of those years of development squishing bugs and being consistent.
I did the same with T10. It's not like I wasn't aware of Forza's shortcomings. But, so what? Until now, GT has never had any kind of community features that anything could've gone wrong with. But I for one would react in the same way I did with T10, so I kinda don't get your point on this one.

Like I said in a previous post, one company produced a console to be bulletproof, audio- and videophile quality and to a pretty darn good extent, futureproof as well. One company produced a console with known defects, and continued through three or four revisions to continue selling them without fixing said defects, to the point that evidently Europe scared this company into making two retroactive warranty extensions. And then they made yet another a year or two ago, though on very specific issues. It still amounted to a nearly 70% failure rate over two years. And knowingly ignored, but then,, what do you expect from a monopoly?
What do the consoles and their failure rates have to do with the games? Dunno, but that seems like a straw man you're willing to burn to make Turn10 look bad.

You can dispute a few issues between these two companies, but not this, or their philosophies. And this trickles down into the games.
Ok... I'll restate what I wrote a post earlier. Sony forces PD to do something (like developing GT:PSP) and that excuses GT's faults. Apperantly, Sony's philosophy doesn't relate to PD's. Now, why does MS's philosophy relate to T10's? You're either going to hate on PD and T10 in both cases, or you're going to hate on the pusblishers in both cases which forced the developers to go about their respective games in a certain way. If you do otherwise, all you're doing is applying double standards.
Double standards? Well, what's in dispute here? Two issues:
  • GT5 is going to have a car list made of 80% lower poly, less detailed cars, and most likely without interiors.
  • Turn 10 produced 400 Premium level cars in two years. Why couldn't Polyphony?
And actually, it was four years with Turn 10, but that's several people's arguments. Just right there, you have to understand that Turn 10 is not only a larger company, but they farmed out work to even third world countries, God knows why (money).

You also have to understand that Polyphony is basically a subsidiary of SONY Computer Entertainment. They depend on SONY for support, including finance. And SONY did write some pretty big checks, but only so many. You'll have to ask SONY why they didn't fund Polyphony enough to have 300 employees. Because, you know, they's the boss.

You also have to understand that Polyphony was forced to make a whole game in the middle of this, and it wasn't easy. People think it's an excuse, as is my above example, but it's like this:

You take your car into a shop to have a new engine installed. The shop manager says it'll take five days or so. Well, six days into it, the manager calls you and says, "It's gonna take two weeks."


"Well, we had to spend six days refurbishing the boss' sailboat. Plus, we don't work weekends."

Okay, so PD basically lived in their concrete building for almost the last five years, but you get the point. I hope.

Of course then a lot of things got dragged into the discussion, such as quality of games and commitment to the games. And you have to face facts. T10 just doesn't take the time to squash the bugs. Maybe they aren't allowed to. Maybe M$, after every almighty dollar they can get, has a "Git 'er out" mentality, which is certainly true in most cases. Certainly the OS and hardware sides. And... well, these flaws do kind of bomb the games.

Maybe all you do is race or drift offline. Maybe you hop in random public servers and never meet a tard. Maybe in F3 all you do is race or drift in a club, never take a pic or paint a car, things which are touted as a pretty big deal in Forzaland. And they should be. But they shouldn't be an ordeal.

I don't think I'm the one with the double standard mentality. I like Kaz's way of doing things. I don't like T10's or MS's. And I say why. Saying, "But Forza's a fun game and I don't see why you're critical of it" is completely ignoring everything I've said.

Oh well.
Double standards? Well, what's in dispute here? Two issues:
  • GT5 is going to have a car list made of 80% lower poly, less detailed cars, and most likely without interiors.
  • Turn 10 produced 400 Premium level cars in two years. Why couldn't Polyphony?
And actually, it was four years with Turn 10, but that's several people's arguments. Just right there, you have to understand that Turn 10 is not only a larger company, but they farmed out work to even third world countries, God knows why (money).
Does it matter how they managed? I don't think so. All I care abou is the game I'm going to play, read, the results the developer got in whatever way they felt like. Even if they had traineed monkey do a major part of the work, I wouldn't give a damn if the game was good.

You also have to understand that Polyphony is basically a subsidiary of SONY Computer Entertainment. They depend on SONY for support, including finance. And SONY did write some pretty big checks, but only so many. You'll have to ask SONY why they didn't fund Polyphony enough to have 300 employees. Because, you know, they's the boss.
Well, I knew perfectly well how PD and Sony are related. Again, does it matter? Microsoft acts as publisher for Turn10 as well. So what? while PD didn't get the employees needed to get everything done, T10 didn't get the time to get everything done. You blame Sony for GT's faults instead of PD, so why are blaming T10 for Forza's?

You also have to understand that Polyphony was forced to make a whole game in the middle of this, and it wasn't easy. People think it's an excuse, as is my above example, but it's like this:

You take your car into a shop to have a new engine installed. The shop manager says it'll take five days or so. Well, six days into it, the manager calls you and says, "It's gonna take two weeks."


"Well, we had to spend six days refurbishing the boss' sailboat. Plus, we don't work weekends."

Okay, so PD basically lived in their concrete building for almost the last five years, but you get the point. I hope.
To go with your example... Let's say the guy who you spoke with told you installing the new engine would take five day, but his boss is insisting of getting the car done in two days. When you get it back, the car has specs of oil and dirt all over it, because the guys working on it didn't get the time to properly clean it (squash bugs, for example) because their boss told them to get it done fast.

Of course then a lot of things got dragged into the discussion, such as quality of games and commitment to the games. And you have to face facts. T10 just doesn't take the time to squash the bugs. Maybe they aren't allowed to. Maybe M$, after every almighty dollar they can get, has a "Git 'er out" mentality, which is certainly true in most cases. Certainly the OS and hardware sides. And... well, these flaws do kind of bomb the games.
So you're saying Sony isn't just after every single dollar they could possibly get? Why do you think PD has to release the game with 80% recycled cars? Because Kaz is doing all the development for the hell of it? Or maybe because Sony 'forced' them to actually get that game out somewhen? It's just the same with Forza, Turn10 and MS. The only difference is the scale it happened on, both in terms of budget (which was higher on GT5) and timeframe (which was bigger in GT5).

Maybe all you do is race or drift offline. Maybe you hop in random public servers and never meet a tard. Maybe in F3 all you do is race or drift in a club, never take a pic or paint a car, things which are touted as a pretty big deal in Forzaland. And they should be. But they shouldn't be an ordeal.
Maybe you're just overexaggerating things? Yeah, I spend most of my time on Forza with racing. Admittetly, the lightning in the livery editor sucks and it's kind of a stretch to get pics from Forza to your PC, at least it is if you don't know how to do it. There are things that bother me a lot, like the PI imbalances, glitched cars and whatever. But guess what? Up to this point, Forza's flawed community features are met by Gran Turismo with, well, nothing. So, yeah, you might rant on about those things, but until now, did GT do it any better?

I don't think I'm the one with the double standard mentality. I like Kaz's way of doing things. I don't like T10's or MS's. And I say why. Saying, "But Forza's a fun game and I don't see why you're critical of it" is completely ignoring everything I've said.

Oh well.
I don't ignore what you're saying. In fact, I'm tearing your post apart to adress your points one by one right now. And I'm not telling you to not be critical about Forza. But if you're being critical about Forza, be critical about GT as well. You're like "Oh, I like Kaz's way of doing things, so it's ok if GT has some shortcomings. Oh, I dislike T10's way of doing things, so it's not ok if Forza has some shortcomings!".
Now, is that applying double standards or isn't it? Just because you like one company's way to do things better than the other's doesn't justify a biased view on their products.

But I guess I'll better keep my mouth shut from now on, because, as it seems, all you're going to do is telling us how bad Forza's shortcomings are and how GT's are not... 👍
Double standards? Well, what's in dispute here? Two issues:
  • GT5 is going to have a car list made of 80% lower poly, less detailed cars, and most likely without interiors.
  • Turn 10 produced 400 Premium level cars in two years. Why couldn't Polyphony?
And actually, it was four years with Turn 10, but that's several people's arguments. Just right there, you have to understand that Turn 10 is not only a larger company, but they farmed out work to even third world countries, God knows why (money).

You also have to understand that Polyphony is basically a subsidiary of SONY Computer Entertainment. They depend on SONY for support, including finance. And SONY did write some pretty big checks, but only so many. You'll have to ask SONY why they didn't fund Polyphony enough to have 300 employees. Because, you know, they's the boss.

You also have to understand that Polyphony was forced to make a whole game in the middle of this, and it wasn't easy. People think it's an excuse, as is my above example, but it's like this:

You take your car into a shop to have a new engine installed. The shop manager says it'll take five days or so. Well, six days into it, the manager calls you and says, "It's gonna take two weeks."


"Well, we had to spend six days refurbishing the boss' sailboat. Plus, we don't work weekends."

Okay, so PD basically lived in their concrete building for almost the last five years, but you get the point. I hope.

Of course then a lot of things got dragged into the discussion, such as quality of games and commitment to the games. And you have to face facts. T10 just doesn't take the time to squash the bugs. Maybe they aren't allowed to. Maybe M$, after every almighty dollar they can get, has a "Git 'er out" mentality, which is certainly true in most cases. Certainly the OS and hardware sides. And... well, these flaws do kind of bomb the games.

Maybe all you do is race or drift offline. Maybe you hop in random public servers and never meet a tard. Maybe in F3 all you do is race or drift in a club, never take a pic or paint a car, things which are touted as a pretty big deal in Forzaland. And they should be. But they shouldn't be an ordeal.

I don't think I'm the one with the double standard mentality. I like Kaz's way of doing things. I don't like T10's or MS's. And I say why. Saying, "But Forza's a fun game and I don't see why you're critical of it" is completely ignoring everything I've said.

Oh well.

Nobody says that there are no problems in Forza and only because Turn 10 did so much outsourcing, they are bad? It was pretty intelligent to do, because they didnt had the specialists nore the time for doing certain work.

Its interesting that you know so much about how sony rule over pd, like they are some kind of poor chinese worker in the proft addicetd industry.

Why did Sony let them work so long on the tittle? Why are they renting another building just for the multiplayer crew? Why can they fly around the globe and scanning cities and tracks? Why is there so much advertisement at races (24h Nürb nearly every car)? Why do they have those partnerships with Mercedes and other manufactors? When they are kept on the short leash by sony?

But you know better about Sony and PD, right? I am sure you can give us some infos about the cashflow from Sony to PD. You are also just argueing without the slightest evidence in your hand.

This is not the fault of Sony nore of PD. It is just the japanese way of developement. Japanese carmanufacturers get into every detail of their cars, to get them perfect. Like the Nissan GTR, Toyota LFA / ISF and many more.
At the very least, it's the best game out so far, whether it's on GT5's level or not, considering the amount of content it sports.
And it was the best replacement for GT5 to be had, anyways.

Besides, what's with all the hate?
Both games are quite good and last time I checked, I didn't have to comit my life to either. I'll just play the better game availabe because I want to get the best experience possible, no matter what name's on the game's case.

Forza is having catoonish look and physics, cars, tracks all are dumped down, to call that game a sim. Otherwise it is a fun game.
So where have you been for two years?
  • Polyphony was pushed by SONY to develop GT PSP first, when Kaz didn't want to. It was such a headache that the team had to drop work on GT5 to focus resources on it. Most likely, it took more than a year away from GT5 development.
  • Polyphony is first party and funded by SONY. Sadly, SONY has been in yen-pinching mode for a few years to leverage resources on PS3, PSP and Bravia TVs. If anyone is to blame, it's SONY.
Just to reiterate, if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at SONY Japan, not Kaz or Polyphony. They have to do as they're told.

I have been playing rock guitar. This in no way helps me be all-knowing about Gran Turismo, but I do read GTP and eagerly await GT5 with everyone else. If you want to know everything about old Fender amps and such, I'm your man.

On topic, as PD are 1st party, I slackly tend to refer to either when apportioning blame. What with all Kaz being on the Sony board etc, I (perhaps somewhat wrongly) see Sony/PD as a single entity. Fact is we don't fully know which part of the team is more to blame, but I suspect both at various points in time, and probably mostly PD (before Sony decided GT must be in 3D). In the case of the final release date and pushing for GT PSP - thats Sony's fault. But PD are responsible for the over-all never-ending dev cycle and hopeless ability to nail down the scope of the game to something that could be shipped on time, in an appropriate year.

Kaz is a perfectionist, and also too eager to please (talking about features that get cut, agreeing to do GT PSP before GT5), wanting to include everything and the kitchen sink... until eventually he has to release an unfinished product polished up to look like it was intentional. This happened with GT4 (online cut) and is looking like the case with GT5 (cars not consistent quality is an enormous issue imo, especially post Forza3/Test Drive Unlimited/Dirt2 etc when things like interior view are STANDARD par for the course features). Quality wise we expect GT to pave the way, features-wise AND quality-wise. This I think is fair considering the history of PD, the clear ability of the team, the time taken and budget.

Fair point about GT PSP, BUT I think PD (knowing they were in the middle of GT5) should have farmed GT PSP work out to a 3rd party or simply never agreed to do it when it would clearly mess with GT5's development. That game should have been a quick GT3/4 port (slightly cut down for UMD if needed) nearer the PSP's launch and would have been a great kick-start to that system, never mind a far more enjoyable game. I believe Kaz just didn't realise how much time would be involved, a trait he displays constantly. Which is my point.

Kaz would be the genius kid in the school exam with impeccable handwriting, but with 5 minutes left on the clock and only half the exam done. My point is that game-dev 101 class says any title really needs to be consistent in quality across all it's assets, and have a clear path to the game's release with features quickly prototyped and either:
1. Definitely included and implemented swiftly
2. Thrown out EARLY in the process
3. If something is promising but impossibly slow to implement - put aside for GT6 or DLC.

Time mangement is not one of PD's strong suits. I'm amazed Sony don't put the hammer down harder frankly.
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Forza is having catoonish look and physics, cars, tracks all are dumped down, to call that game a sim. Otherwise it is a fun game.
Yes, it's paying a price to run consistently on the Xbox360. I'd be rather interested to see what Turn 10 could do with a larger time frame, maybe with better hardware that's not restricting them as much.
Which is exactly what you then did to him in return.

A quick news flash for ALL of you.

The only people who tell members what to do and how to post are the staff, if you have an issue with the manner in which someone is posting then use the report button.

We are already busy enough around here with the influx of new member, poor grammar in use and flame-bait posts. To then have to find and resolve silly little tiffs members are having with each other is not needed.

If you guys can't post without having a 'pop' at each other, then please for the sake of rest of us, don't bother posting.

Fair point. 👍

I'll pull my socks up.
Does it matter how they managed? I don't think so. All I care abou is the game I'm going to play, read, the results the developer got in whatever way they felt like. Even if they had traineed monkey do a major part of the work, I wouldn't give a damn if the game was good.

It does matter, because with the limitations SONY put on them they chose to go with quality over quantity. Also, you act as if developers can make all of these development decisions OUTSIDE of their producers, which just is not true.

Well, I knew perfectly well how PD and Sony are related. Again, does it matter? Microsoft acts as publisher for Turn10 as well. So what? while PD didn't get the employees needed to get everything done, T10 didn't get the time to get everything done. You blame Sony for GT's faults instead of PD, so why are blaming T10 for Forza's?

Of course it matters, Microsoft put a limit on Turn10 by giving them a limited amount of time, but Microsoft gave them practically everything they asked for in order for them to get work done faster. SONY put a time limit on PD (November 2nd) forced them to make GT PSP, and did NOT let them bring in more people and expand their staff. How can those facts NOT matter when judging the quantity and quality of a product. You say all you care about is the game that makes it to your hands, if that is the case, why bother about discussing any of this in the first place? Wait until November 2nd, pick up the game, and then decide if you like it, or hate it?

To go with your example... Let's say the guy who you spoke with told you installing the new engine would take five day, but his boss is insisting of getting the car done in two days. When you get it back, the car has specs of oil and dirt all over it, because the guys working on it didn't get the time to properly clean it (squash bugs, for example) because their boss told them to get it done fast.

You're assuming that they didn't make any mistakes under the hood BESIDES just specs of oil and dirt in the engine bay and one the exterior of the car. Turn10 had issues with the way their product functioned, not just with graphical issues. In order for your comparison to be close to what these two companies have done, they would have to have gotten the car done in two days, but the car doesn't run like it's supposed to, and not just having a dirty car. Talk about double standard, your analogy is totally flawed in order to make Turn10's shortcomings look small, when in fact there are some MAJOR problems with Forza Motorsport 3.

So you're saying Sony isn't just after every single dollar they could possibly get? Why do you think PD has to release the game with 80% recycled cars? Because Kaz is doing all the development for the hell of it? Or maybe because Sony 'forced' them to actually get that game out somewhen? It's just the same with Forza, Turn10 and MS. The only difference is the scale it happened on, both in terms of budget (which was higher on GT5) and timeframe (which was bigger in GT5).

Oh, and you forgot quality of the games and quantity of the games. To which Forza's quality is second rate, with graphical issues, bugs, physics quirks, physics exploits, coding problems. While GT's quantity is less than Forza's (but still a LOT of content) so they beefed the quantity with old, (yet still INCREDIBLE LOOKING models that they used for GT4 that they down-scaled the original models for GT4, and will use the original models again for GT5, so I really don't get why everyone is complaining about the quality of the cars, it's not like they are up-scaling the actual models they used in GT4)

Maybe you're just overexaggerating things? Yeah, I spend most of my time on Forza with racing. Admittetly, the lightning in the livery editor sucks and it's kind of a stretch to get pics from Forza to your PC, at least it is if you don't know how to do it. There are things that bother me a lot, like the PI imbalances, glitched cars and whatever. But guess what? Up to this point, Forza's flawed community features are met by Gran Turismo with, well, nothing. So, yeah, you might rant on about those things, but until now, did GT do it any better?


I don't ignore what you're saying. In fact, I'm tearing your post apart to adress your points one by one right now. And I'm not telling you to not be critical about Forza. But if you're being critical about Forza, be critical about GT as well. You're like "Oh, I like Kaz's way of doing things, so it's ok if GT has some shortcomings. Oh, I dislike T10's way of doing things, so it's not ok if Forza has some shortcomings!".
Now, is that applying double standards or isn't it? Just because you like one company's way to do things better than the other's doesn't justify a biased view on their products.

That's not a double standard. That's an opinion on what decision making process he likes more.

But I guess I'll better keep my mouth shut from now on, because, as it seems, all you're going to do is telling us how bad Forza's shortcomings are and how GT's are not... 👍

IMO Turn10's shortcomings stem from the fact that they went for TONS of content without considering; bugs, glitches, terrible textures, performance issues, online performance issues, physics exploits due to bad coding on some cars and tire types. They made this decision for quantity instead of quality, while (from what we have seen of GT5) Polyphony Digital has not. They have gone for quality instead of quantity.

Turn10 were given a specific time window to do the game, so they approached it as "Lets fit as much as we can in there with mediocre-decent quality so that we can have a ton of stuff."

Polyphony Digital was forced to make GT PSP, and have been given a final date to be finished (November 2nd) so they approached it as. "Well let's keep the quality as high as we can get it, and just have less content."

Which decision is better? That's for each and every individual to decide for themselves. Me, I never use the cockpit view anyways, so I won't even notice a difference between standard and premium because the standard car models still look GREAT. I think PD's decision was the lesser of two evils, but that is just me.
It does matter, because with the limitations SONY put on them they chose to go with quality over quantity. Also, you act as if developers can make all of these development decisions OUTSIDE of their producers, which just is not true.
Your point being? Whether PD decided to go with quality or quantity doesn't even matter, does it? Because, whatever they intended to do, the results are what they are and I can't plug good intentions into my console and play them.

Of course it matters, Microsoft put a limit on Turn10 by giving them a limited amount of time, but Microsoft gave them practically everything they asked for in order for them to get work done faster. SONY put a time limit on PD (November 2nd) forced them to make GT PSP, and did NOT let them bring in more people and expand their staff. How can those facts NOT matter when judging the quantity and quality of a product.
Ok. So PD had less manpower, but even if you rule the amount of time they had to spend on GT:PSP out, they had way more time to develop GT5 than T10 had to develop Forza 3. Both were restricted, just in different ways. Oh, and besides, with 80 Million $, which is a tad bit more with what went into Forza, wouldn't you say that it's been PD's fault for not making something happen with that kind of money? PD might have not gotten everything they asked for, but budget wise, they still got more than T10.
So, they had more time and more money to spend on their game. Still, you're acting like they had it super rough compared to T10... I don't have to understand that, do I?

You say all you care about is the game that makes it to your hands, if that is the case, why bother about discussing any of this in the first place? Wait until November 2nd, pick up the game, and then decide if you like it, or hate it?
I don't need to wait that long. I will love the game. I'm 105% certain of that. And I'm 95% certain I'll like it better than Forza 3, but that's beside the point.

You're assuming that they didn't make any mistakes under the hood BESIDES just specs of oil and dirt in the engine bay and one the exterior of the car. Turn10 had issues with the way their product functioned, not just with graphical issues. In order for your comparison to be close to what these two companies have done, they would have to have gotten the car done in two days, but the car doesn't run like it's supposed to, and not just having a dirty car. Talk about double standard, your analogy is totally flawed in order to make Turn10's shortcomings look small, when in fact there are some MAJOR problems with Forza Motorsport 3.
Ok, first of, I was picking up on the analogy another user made. Second, name a few of those MAJOR shortcomings. There are quite a few limitations on behalf of the Xbox's hardware, I'm the first person to give you that. That's where most of the 'physics vs. graphics' issues stem from. What's there aside from that? and I mean something MAJOR, so don't give me that stuff about bad lighting when using the livery editor.

Oh, and you forgot quality of the games and quantity of the games. To which Forza's quality is second rate, with graphical issues, bugs, physics quirks, physics exploits, coding problems. While GT's quantity is less than Forza's (but still a LOT of content) so they beefed the quantity with old, (yet still INCREDIBLE LOOKING models that they used for GT4 that they down-scaled the original models for GT4, and will use the original models again for GT5, so I really don't get why everyone is complaining about the quality of the cars, it's not like they are up-scaling the actual models they used in GT4)
Again, you can't just ignore the fact that the hardware Forza is running on is more restricting in terms of raw power than the PS3. And yeah, the standard cars are going to look quite decent. They're going to be about on par with most, for example, Forza's models I'd think, but in Forza, you've got cockpits on every car. Basically, Forza has less cars but all of them are quite close to the same standard of quality. Wheras GT has the quality one and the quantity ones. Instead of mixing it up between all cars, it just devides them.

That's not a double standard. That's an opinion on what decision making process he likes more.
The double standard I was reffereing to wasn't the fact that he likes one company better than the other one, but that he's being biased towards the final products because of his preferance.

IMO Turn10's shortcomings stem from the fact that they went for TONS of content without considering; bugs, glitches, terrible textures, performance issues, online performance issues, physics exploits due to bad coding on some cars and tire types. They made this decision for quantity instead of quality, while (from what we have seen of GT5) Polyphony Digital has not. They have gone for quality instead of quantity.
PD went for quality, damn right. And added quantity afterwards to inflate the number of cars so they could put a '1000 cars inside' sticker on GT5.

Turn10 were given a specific time window to do the game, so they approached it as "Lets fit as much as we can in there with mediocre-decent quality so that we can have a ton of stuff."

Polyphony Digital was forced to make GT PSP, and have been given a final date to be finished (November 2nd) so they approached it as. "Well let's keep the quality as high as we can get it, and just have less content."
First of, PD wasn't given the the date of November 2nd, 2010 at first. Remember that the game was delayed quite a bit? Consider the massive time frame and the budget they had available and think about why they even had to restrict themselves, or were restricted by Sony, whichever you prefer, if Forza is what it is with less time and less budget.

Which decision is better? That's for each and every individual to decide for themselves. Me, I never use the cockpit view anyways, so I won't even notice a difference between standard and premium because the standard car models still look GREAT. I think PD's decision was the lesser of two evils, but that is just me.
Personally, I thiink I'm going to like GT5's aproach better. That's why I signed up on GTP in the first place. The only reason I'm even arguing with you is the same reason why I'm arguing with Forza fanboys who're bashing GT on the Forza forums:

I dislike either game being looked down upon just because someone feels they had to commit their life to one of the two franchises and thus, hate the other with a passion.
Doesn't matter anymore, I've seen videos of 16 premium cars in GT5 racing together. Where as in FM 8 is max. So how did FM do it? They had different goals plain and simple. PD were given a time frame to get GT5 done, we are almost 4 years into PS3's life, GT is a flagship game so it has to come out this year. Personally I didn't know why FM3 came out so early to begin with, FM2 was just hitting it's strides online. FM2 is a better experience on the whole, FM3 has improvements, but it's issues drag it back down. See devs have goals they set and attempt to achieve, while I don't like 800 standard cars, the fact is that there are over 200 top quality cars that take full advantage of everything PD has included in the game; lighting, illumination, day/night changes, weather(?). Griping about why FM3 however misguidedly you think they modeled that many cars in 2 years still is different from what PD was doing, and I don't care anymore. I just want my GT5 so I can play with you guys online, and post my videos to youtube. Philosophies are inherently different and the quality might vary on GT5 side, but FM3 quality varies also...which one appeals to you, that is for you to answer. Till then, play nice. Stick to facts when you are talking about many things, and even if you don't have facts good analytical skills can be viable no?
360 released in 2005. Forza3 released in 2009. 4years

That is if you assume Forza was a go since launch... I honestly don't remember but I don't seem to think it was...

PS3 released in 2006. GT5 released in 2010. 4years

Except you know PD was working on GT5 before PS3 released. Even if it was just concept work and planning, it's all work that has to get done and takes time so it's all part of the build process anyway.

Do not count the DLC of Forza3 that will then make it 5years :P and don't say that Forza3 was made in 2years. They took lots,all things from their previous games and learned from it. Just like GT.

So if you are counting previous editions lessons doesn't that logic then mean GT has been working for 13 years? At least 8 or 9 being as a lot of the car models came from GT4 (which I believe took a lot of IT'S car models from GT3).
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