How in the Frank Bruno did Forza III do it?

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Probably because PC sims have been the only games that recreated drving physics to really realistic degrees.

And I doubt a console game that attempts to sell well will ever actually try to get that realistic.
Exactly. A perfect example is F355 Challenge. Remarkably realistic console racer that ended in rather poor sales due to the high learning curve of the game even though it has a small cult following.
You're probably right in suggesting that PC is more scalable therefore has greater potential. But I don't think it determines how far you could push driving sims. And while the developers like PD or T10 might work within a completely different perimeters as ISI or iRacing, in the end as I've suggested, it usually comes back to either intent or commitment. The different markets will suggest disparity in gameplay between PC and console sims but in the end it's the experience that matters (as long as you're open-minded which I'm sad to say isn't usually the case with most PC sim-mers :boggled:).

For the most part I agree, but what's in boldface is what I'm specifically replying to...

...That's exactly what determines how far something can be pushed. Again, I'll use F.E.A.R and Crysis as examples because they were simply ahead of their time - Crysis more then F.E.A.R to some degree. It took almost two entire GPU generations to get anything above 37 fps without using two of them in tandem. It took the entire Core 2 line of CPUs (both dual and quad cores) to be able to cap with the computational demands of the game without having ill-effects on gameplay itself. That's one of the key reasons the CE2 engine for Crysis: Warhead was reworked. There are some utterly high-quality mods in GTR2 with interiors that rival those that are in GT5. Yes, even down to the stitching.

The downside is it requires a good wealth of video memory, or the muscle to back the lack of memory.
they do feature the tuning adjustments,but a thing that bugs me sometimes is that in forza the veyron never took the spoiler out(is just an observation not an attack :mad: )even to brake,while GTPSP actually does,but this also got me thinking an hoping that for example the Veyron will be allowed to take its spoiler for corners and braking and keep it away in the straights,again just saying.

Uh, come again?

I realize it moves in PSP. I'm saying while it does, it has no bearing on the aerodynamics when it does move, which is silly. If PD's taking the time to model it, there must be a way to have it affect the drag when it does.
This might come as a surprise to you, but hardware is only as good and/or capable as the software that's written for it. And I'll save you the effort of your rather ceremonial go at anything Microsoft/Turn-10/Forza and say, yes, obviously someone screwed the filing system up. Oh, and about the USB port...the 360 has them. Three of them, in fact. Five, if you're only counting the newer model considering the previous ones are going to be discontinued after all of the remaining units have been spoken for.
I think the black part indicates something sailed way over your head. For one, the topic I was discussing was saving data. Maybe in your haste to type a bunch of bold gray stuff, that escaped you. But I can't, it has to either sit on the 360 drive taking up space, or be deleted. And I don't have days to idle away going through the ordeal of uploading - and ruining - my images to the Forza site to save them to PC.

The USB ports on the Playstations are actually... you know, good for something. :P

Over-exaggeration does nothing to prove a point, in fact it kind of makes you look like a hypocrite. And last I checked, you weren't banned from XBL if you were caught doing something unruly in FM3, you were only banned from online interaction within FM3 itself.
Well, I was discussing this as one of the rather treacherous bugs in FM2. Or is that such a distant memory that you've forgotten?

Here's one I forgot about with FM2. Scroll through the garage, and if you have very many liveries, the game tends to lock up. Turn 10's response?

Don't scroll. :lol:

Okay, there is another: save your liveries to the library so they aren't all over the garage, and crashing is less likely. But there's a problem with this glib response.

You can avoid scrolling by using the category search function. But if you're a car collector, one of the joys which Dan G touts, you're gonna have some of the same cars. And if you buy liveried cars from the Auction House, probably a lot of them. So, you use category search to get you to the ballpark of that certain 350Z race car you want. Hope you're right, because otherwise, you have to scroll for it.

Plus, most cars you buy on the Auction House are going to have locked liveries. Meaning you can't save them. And if you delete them, they're gone forever.

Even worse, this same thing happens in the Auction House! You have to scroll through that. And if you crash in there... cross your fingers, because this has a chance of causing your account to get banned. So... you can expect to crash your 360 from time to time, and the result may not be pleasant.

No, it seems that they ruin your day. Because I'm still enjoying the game a lot, most of the problems I keep hearing about are online-based, which to be honest means absolutely nothing to me, considering I don't race online.
Or snap pics, or paint cars. Sure, just racing or drifting offline is a blast. If that's all you do. So, if you ignore all the online functionality and community friendly features of F3, it's not half bad? Gotcha.

No one said you had to, and no one said they were - at least I didn't.
So then why do you say this?

Maybe to you, but to sit there and criticize one game for a fault and yet excuse another for that very same fault (or any fault for that matter) just doesn't seem very...sociable to me. Earlier someone mentioned it being difficult to oversteer/drift in GT4 as opposed to FM3 - of course it was difficult to oversteer/drift because oversteer was practically non-existent...unless you tuned for it. You shouldn't have to tune a car for it to respond to mishaps the way it should.
Well, understeer is a much more common occurrence, due to the fact that the car usually responds to abusing the grip limit by bogging in turns and tending to skid in a straight line. This is called inertia, by the way.

But if Forza overemphasizes oversteer, that's any better? I don't know about you, but I find that just as unrealistic and harder to recover from, since a spin is what you get many times for your trouble.

I know you Forza fans get all butt sore when we bring these things up, and all you can rag on about with Gran Turismo are the engine sounds, skidmarks, reverse lights, and a few other things that won't crash the Playstation or have you pulling your hair out. Well, and now you can say that 80% of GT5 is five years old, so to speak.

So what are you gonna do about it? Not play them? Admittedly, I have the same attitude you do about your PSP. I really would like to paint up and shoot some more cars in Forza 3, a lot. Except I don't reconnect my 360 because I just don't have hours and days of free time to waste while the system bogs through decal and pic sifting, which is a shame. And then there's the whole ridiculous ordeal of trying to get pics on my computer. Maybe when I win the lottery.

This reminds me of another aspect I hope is looked into in GT5; moving parts are all well and good, like the SLR or Veyron, but if they're purely cosmetic and don't offer any real advantage, I don't care for them. They're fluff, then.
Kind of like skidmarks, that don't affect the road surface? ;)

GT5 has closed the simulation gap to PC sims big time. The only big lead PC sims have over GT5 is in the details, like damage to the gears, realistic draft, overheating etc
You think so? :P
Since I own GTR, rFactor, Live For Speed and the GT5 TT demo, I think so.

Well, so here we are. After a whole lot of discussion of what both developers had to go through to get their games to this point, some things should have become clear to us.

Even as big as T10 is, they had to farm work out. And considering that some of that work even went to shops in Viet Nam, it looks like it was a pretty big chunk of modeling that had to be done just to get 430 some odd cars and a bunch of tracks modeled for Forza 2 and 3.

But boy, you have to question the wisdom of this approach. The Forzas, mostly 2 and 3, are some of the buggiest games ever to hit a console. And even after patching, some bugs just wouldn't go away. Some, they couldn't do a thing about at all, such as the livery shifting bug in Forza 2.

Physics were kind of a mixed bag, such as extreme mod settings and AWD mods not having realistic consequences. Physics exploits and unrealities meant constant patching and leaderboard wipes. And then gamers would just find another exploit to... exploit. Some really like the feel and easy drifting, while others can't stand them. And even when the non-player cars have their detail and polygon count reduced drastically, they still couldn't get more than 8 car races to work. This is an odd state of affairs for a flagship first party developer.

And in this corner, we have GT5, and cars and tracks taken to such insane levels of detail that only a small GT3-like game could be built, even taking the workload of GT PSP into account. Rome took two years to build, and we can only guess about the Nurburgring Complex. Kazunori took the weird measure to import assets from previous Gran Turismos to pad the game with a surprising load of content, and this could include tracks in lower detail as well. This has made many gamers quite displeased, even though no one really knows what these Standard elements will look like, as the game is still more than four months from release.

Is Kaz's method the right way to go? I think so. More content to me is always a good thing, and I find the Standard Cars very nice looking. If there are Standard Tracks as well, which I hope there are because I want to race on Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley, I'm going to be in GT heaven. Others won't.

I'd much rather everything was up to Premium standards, obviously, but history on this point is already written. One thing we should do is let SONY Japan know that they need to fund Polyphony Digital enough to hire a team of talented people large enough to produce a Gran Turismo 6 that meets our expectations. And can handle the DLC for GT5 we'd like to see. Sometime over the next few weeks, I'm going to do just that.

Considering what a goldmine Gran Turismo is for SONY, they really owe it to Polyphony and to us to do this.
Kind of like skidmarks, that don't affect the road surface? ;)

What's your point? When did I bring up skidmarks? Do you have a rational counterpoint to my criticism, or are you going to continue to shift the view elsewhere?

And in this corner, we have GT5, and cars and tracks taken to such insane levels of detail that only a small GT3-like game could be built, even taking the workload of GT PSP into account. Rome took two years to build, and we can only guess about the Nurburgring Complex. Kazunori took the weird measure to import assets from previous Gran Turismos to pad the game with a surprising load of content, and this could include tracks in lower detail as well. This has made many gamers quite displeased, even though no one really knows what these Standard elements will look like, as the game is still more than four months from release.

True. As I've said elsewhere, I'd be impressed if they significantly update the textures of all the Standard cars. On the other hand, I don't see much of a point; the limiting factor for them will always be the model, so I'd rather see the time dedicated to turning them Premium. But either way, whatever. We have four months... it took them 2 years to build Rome. How much do you think they can manage in 3 months (being generous to account for turning in a final build for production)?

Is Kaz's method the right way to go? I think so. More content to me is always a good thing, and I find the Standard Cars very nice looking. If there are Standard Tracks as well, which I hope there are because I want to race on Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley, I'm going to be in GT heaven. Others won't.

Would you like those tracks in GT2 level detail? I mean, since more content always is a good thing. I still don't think you quite get my complaint either; I'm not disappointed with how the Standard cars look on their own. They look fine... but not for the majority chunk of a late 2010 release that has been billed by its creators as a new revolution. That tag would be easier swallowed without the Standard cars. It would've been a smaller game, sure, but it would've all been new.

I'd much rather everything was up to Premium standards, obviously, but history on this point is already written. One thing we should do is let SONY Japan know that they need to fund Polyphony Digital enough to hire a team of talented people large enough to produce a Gran Turismo 6 that meets our expectations. And can handle the DLC for GT5 we'd like to see. Sometime over the next few weeks, I'm going to do just that.

Considering what a goldmine Gran Turismo is for SONY, they really owe it to Polyphony and to us to do this.

Eh, this I all agree with 👍
Is Kaz's method the right way to go? I think so. More content to me is always a good thing, and I find the Standard Cars very nice looking. If there are Standard Tracks as well, which I hope there are because I want to race on Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley, I'm going to be in GT heaven. Others won't.
👍 I'm down with this. I actually wouldn't mind seeing some GT1/2 cars in GT5 (even in their low-poly/low-res glory) :) I kind of miss those old cars like the Sebring/Stratus and some of the other family sedans. If we're getting new content (cars/tracks/features) I don't mind them bringing back some old models at all. Either way, I find the standard cars look nice and while they may not be as nice as the GT5 premium cars they are not at the GT4 level of polygons/texture resolution contrary to what some people like to claim. I actually don't see why the car body polygon count wouldn't be close to GT5 premium levels, it's just the details that will be missing (modeling of the underside and some other bits).

One thing we should do is let SONY Japan know that they need to fund Polyphony Digital enough to hire a team of talented people large enough to produce a Gran Turismo 6 that meets our expectations. And can handle the DLC for GT5 we'd like to see. Sometime over the next few weeks, I'm going to do just that.

Considering what a goldmine Gran Turismo is for SONY, they really owe it to Polyphony and to us to do this.
👍 I'm down with this too.
Uh, come again?

I realize it moves in PSP. I'm saying while it does, it has no bearing on the aerodynamics when it does move, which is silly. If PD's taking the time to model it, there must be a way to have it affect the drag when it does.

Agree and I got me thinking that the veyron should have the feature of having the spoiler out,in theory it produces downforce and stick the thing to the road for better grip,and also should be dynamic when breaking and taking high speed,and as an additional note in the GTPSP(if you have it make the test)when braking ,the spoiler up and lay down to decrease the braking distance and also in fast corners the spoiler came up,few times like the main straight of suzuka west ,but sadly in the corners stuff it doesn't give more grip.
Either way, I find the standard cars look nice and while they may not be as nice as the GT5 premium cars they are not at the GT4 level of polygons/texture resolution contrary to what some people like to claim.


If you can't see it, then I guess denial is bliss. As it stands, from the videos that've so far been released, the models are indeed the same ones. The C5R's only noticeable change in its textures was less dithering in the gray area. The reason the cars look better has to do with the lighting and shading capable on the PS3.

Mind you, that's all only applicable to what we've seen so far. It's been brought up that the textures in place right now might just be placeholders while PD works up some high-res ones. That'd be great. But as is, going by all that we have available, it's pretty plain to see.

Agree and I got me thinking that the veyron should have the feature of having the spoiler out,in theory it produces downforce and stick the thing to the road for better grip,and also should be dynamic when breaking and taking high speed,and as an additional note in the GTPSP(if you have it make the test)when braking ,the spoiler up and lay down to decrease the braking distance and also in fast corners the spoiler came up,few times like the main straight of suzuka west ,but sadly in the corners stuff it doesn't give more grip.

Ahhh, yeah, I think I've got it now. It would be neat to give the player control over when any moving aero bits deploy, but unless it has an actual effect on the car, I for one don't want any time wasted modelling it, heh. The Veyron handles exactly the same at 230mph as it does at 231mph in GTPSP, despite the spoiler going from high angle of attack to low-drag mode. It's pretty and a nice visual touch that PD included, but give us the physical effect too!
I think the black part indicates something sailed way over your head. For one, the topic I was discussing was saving data.
It appears I've misread something, in which many pardons on my behalf.

Plus, most cars you buy on the Auction House are going to have locked liveries. Meaning you can't save them. And if you delete them, they're gone forever
I wasn't a huge fan of that either, and in FM3 it's even more blatantly retarded...because everything is locked by default. Meaning, you no longer have a choice - I'm certain all of the people who were complaining about just that are now biting their tongues.

Even worse, this same thing happens in the Auction House! You have to scroll through that. And if you crash in there... cross your fingers, because this has a chance of causing your account to get banned. So... you can expect to crash your 360 from time to time, and the result may not be pleasant.
First I've ever heard of that, please, elaborate.

Or snap pics, or paint cars. Sure, just racing or drifting offline is a blast. If that's all you do. So, if you ignore all the online functionality and community friendly features of F3, it's not half bad? Gotcha.
Remember, I said those online issues didn't matter to me. I never said they didn't matter at all.

But if Forza overemphasizes oversteer, that's any better? I don't know about you, but I find that just as unrealistic and harder to recover from, since a spin is what you get many times for your trouble.
Hm, to me FM3 seems to overemphasize understeer more then anything else, but that might just be me. I'm not saying it doesn't overemphasize oversteer, but the latter of the two is quite controllable - too controllable in fact up to a particular limit.

I know you Forza fans get all butt sore when we bring these things up, and all you can rag on about with Gran Turismo are the engine sounds, skidmarks, reverse lights, and a few other things that won't crash the Playstation or have you pulling your hair out. Well, and now you can say that 80% of GT5 is five years old, so to speak.
I'm not a Forza fan, nor am I a GT fan (at least not by the "definition" you're hinting toward) I'm just a gamer - simple as that. And, to be honest (since you've already gone there) there are other things I could "rag" on concerning GT, some more important then others...but I'm tired of these endless, unnecessary arguments with people pledging allegiance to a damn game, and no, I'm not pointing a finger at you or anyone else in general.
Would you like those tracks in GT2 level detail? I mean, since more content always is a good thing. I still don't think you quite get my complaint either; I'm not disappointed with how the Standard cars look on their own. They look fine... but not for the majority chunk of a late 2010 release that has been billed by its creators as a new revolution. That tag would be easier swallowed without the Standard cars. It would've been a smaller game, sure, but it would've all been new.
You do realize that if they did this, the tracks would look as good as any typical PC sim. It is going to be 1080p after all. Except in GT5, the color will look right. ;)

But yeah, I definitely want that. I really want to race on Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley, and Tajiti Maze, and Pike's Peak and so on. And I know this will cause a choking reaction in some, so you have been forewarned, but I find the GT4 models themselves to be more accurate in most cases than even Forza 3 models. For instance, the Honda S2000 doesn't look right in Forza, to me anyway. But it looks spot on in any Gran Turismo. The Supra MkIII, my personal car, looks too large in Forza, but looks right in GT. I'm not up on Shift, because I found it not worth even buying used after all the yelling about bouncing cars and tard bots.

But look, I fully understand your disdain for the Standard cars - and tracks if we get them. It is weird. When I first came across the truth, I kind of sucked a deep breath and muttered a naughty word. I knew it would mean trouble for many fans. But I had a lot of time to consider the news, because the thread exploded to 20 or 30 pages. :lol:

But I read through it, and saw the pics and video, and thought, "Hey... I like this." You know, I'm not a complete graphics pig if I can play GT4 on a 47" LCD and enjoy the view. Others just can't stomach it. I can certainly understand. And it's kind of silly to say, "Just try it, try it!" We aren't exactly neighbors, and it won't hurt my feelings if you guys completely ignore the Standard stuff. A lot of people will, and they should be free to play GT5 how they see fit. I completely ignored the drifting stuff in GT HD and Prologue, and I only mentioned it in passing because there was no point in stating how much I dislike drifting.

Maybe you'll be tempted to get a Standard Car and give it a go on a Standard Track. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. But we'll still be able to enjoy one hell of a heavenly game in our own way. ;)

I'm not a Forza fan, nor am I a GT fan (at least not by the "definition" you're hinting toward) I'm just a gamer - simple as that. And, to be honest (since you've already gone there) there are other things I could "rag" on concerning GT, some more important then others...but I'm tired of these endless, unnecessary arguments with people pledging allegiance to a damn game, and no, I'm not pointing a finger at you or anyone else in general.
Then on that point, we can shake... thumbs. :lol:👍
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If you can't see it, then I guess denial is bliss. As it stands, from the videos that've so far been released, the models are indeed the same ones. The C5R's only noticeable change in its textures was less dithering in the gray area. The reason the cars look better has to do with the lighting and shading capable on the PS3.
Not cool man. Face palm is not cool at all 👎👎 Two thumbs down!

You're just annoyed because I said I was cool with GT1/GT2 car models and textures :lol:

Anyways, I haven't played GT4 in a long time but I remember that although the GT4 models were good for the time, compared to what I saw in the standard car trailer the GT4 models are way behind. Honestly the only things I saw in the standard car trailer that weren't that great were the windows (interiors) and textures. I know I put the textures and models together in my previous post because I'm lazy but to clarify: I think the textures are just OK whereas I think the models are pretty nice. The models looked well-rounded and definitely better than GT4 but it is tough to tell more on a video. No need to mention the Audi at the beginning, that wasn't so great :guilty:

Of course ... IMO.
Those Forza3 Kinect or is it calledForza4? is just like a tech demo. It was a joke :lol: But the cockpit view looked great

Earth you haven't played GT 5.

Anyway, hypothetical question.

Would standard cars be forgiven, if there was 32 on the grid. Hmmmm.

Yeah that will great I think. 16 premium cars on all tracks ?

Then standard cars should not have problem to exceed that number as it using less polygons compared to premium. But I think they will just pump the level of 16 standard cars instead of having more numbers.
Those Forza3 Kinect or is it calledForza4? is just like a tech demo. It was a joke :lol: But the cockpit view looked great

Yeah that will great I think. 16 premium cars on all tracks ?

Then standard cars should not have problem to exceed that number as it using less polygons compared to premium. But I think they will just pump the level of 16 standard cars instead of having more numbers.

I think they're using Forza 4 to demonstrate Kinect. It looks pretty but kind of silly to get down on your knees to check out the brakes :lol:
You guys seen this <censored> yet?




Not to sound like a douchebag, but I am pretty sure that Turn10 just used REAL photographs. That's NOT a usable model. You can only move around it with that kind of quality. You can't drive it.
You do realize that if they did this, the tracks would look as good as any typical PC sim. It is going to be 1080p after all. Except in GT5, the color will look right. ;)

Uh... what? They're 10+ years old, designed on a PS1. They would be blocky nightmares, and I imagine you'd run into the same issue TDU had with their overly-simplified mountain roads. If they were recreating Grindelwald et al to GT4 standards, yeah, maybe. But GT1 or 2 tracks ported straight over would be hell to drive with the current physics engine. There's a whole level of subtlety available now that just wasn't back then.

But yeah, I definitely want that. I really want to race on Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley, and Tajiti Maze, and Pike's Peak and so on. And I know this will cause a choking reaction in some, so you have been forewarned, but I find the GT4 models themselves to be more accurate in most cases than even Forza 3 models. For instance, the Honda S2000 doesn't look right in Forza, to me anyway. But it looks spot on in any Gran Turismo. The Supra MkIII, my personal car, looks too large in Forza, but looks right in GT. I'm not up on Shift, because I found it not worth even buying used after all the yelling about bouncing cars and tard bots.

Hey, I know what you mean. Some models in Enthusia just looked off back in the day too. But that still doesn't mean grave-digging from 2 generations ago would be a good idea!

But look, I fully understand your disdain for the Standard cars - and tracks if we get them. It is weird. When I first came across the truth, I kind of sucked a deep breath and muttered a naughty word. I knew it would mean trouble for many fans. But I had a lot of time to consider the news, because the thread exploded to 20 or 30 pages. :lol:

But I read through it, and saw the pics and video, and thought, "Hey... I like this." You know, I'm not a complete graphics pig if I can play GT4 on a 47" LCD and enjoy the view. Others just can't stomach it. I can certainly understand. And it's kind of silly to say, "Just try it, try it!" We aren't exactly neighbors, and it won't hurt my feelings if you guys completely ignore the Standard stuff. A lot of people will, and they should be free to play GT5 how they see fit. I completely ignored the drifting stuff in GT HD and Prologue, and I only mentioned it in passing because there was no point in stating how much I dislike drifting.

Maybe you'll be tempted to get a Standard Car and give it a go on a Standard Track. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. But we'll still be able to enjoy one hell of a heavenly game in our own way. ;)

I've said it numerous times, but here, again; I will definitely drive Standard cars. I'll probably enjoy them. My complaints have always been the way they were foisted on us. I look at them not as GT5, but as some kind of GT Classic. That's well and good, but it would've been years ago. The PS3 isn't new anymore, I don't think selling a game where one of its big selling features (its car total) is comprised mostly of recycled last-gen stuff. Especially if it's being billed as revolutionary. You've gotta admit calling it a Revolution would work a lot better if everything was current-gen. It'd be smaller, but everything would be the same level of quality. That's my main issue with all this.

Hell, I'll even go so far to say that most likely, I'll end up racing against you at some point. In a Standard car. :lol:

The models looked well-rounded and definitely better than GT4 but it is tough to tell more on a video.

Face palm still applies.
I think they're using Forza 4 to demonstrate Kinect. It looks pretty but kind of silly to get down on your knees to check out the brakes :lol:

The car in that demo accelerate and brakes on it own.

It also seems the car steer on it own you just need to act as if you are steering and avoiding other cars :rolleyes:

If they do not make it more arcadey they should just use it for head tracking like PS eye only.

Turn10 haven't changed, same as always.
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I've said it numerous times, but here, again; I will definitely drive Standard cars. I'll probably enjoy them. My complaints have always been the way they were foisted on us....

Hell, I'll even go so far to say that most likely, I'll end up racing against you at some point. In a Standard car. :lol:
Okay, I stand corrected. It's been a long week - had to work sunday, in a guvmint job no less, and I forgot to eat supper. But then, it seems like a lot of people have been misquoting each other over this.

So for all you OTHER guys... :lol:

As for the Standard Tracks, keep in mind that modeling is the real headache, and much of that was done already. Painting textures is a breeze in comparison, and it wouldn't take long to repaint all these assets properly.
Face palm still applies.
Why no picture this time :( I feel let down :( Gotta give you 👍 for the lol though as well as being from the North Pole.

The car in that demo accelerate and brakes on it own.

If they do not make it more arcadey they should just use it for head tracking like PS eye only.

I didn't notice that but man only for an arcadey game I can see Kinect being ok. It looks so bad though, I know it's not marketed at people like us but it looks just like a novelty that will wear off. How fun is air steering even to people who aren't serious gamers?

As far as that Turn 10 quote, I don't think many people in the gaming community care about EITHER product, although I have to admit the "Kevin Butler" Move ads definitely got me rooting for Sony despite how uninterested I am in both :lol:
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If they make proper racing game then it is ok. Competition is always good. But the Kinect thing seems so fake and stupid that too for racing game
The car in that demo accelerate and brakes on it own.

It also seems the car steer on it own you just need to act as if you are steering and avoiding other cars :rolleyes:

I don't get it, if you have nothing in your hands, how are you supposed to feel the feedback from the road? Even game pads gave you a little idea of that. I don't really think motion control can translate into racing sims (though I do like the idea of the head tracking feature thats supposed to be in GT5).
Oh good Lord...

I watched a YouTube of this, and I can't believe anyone could be excited about this gimmick. Besides, arms of rubber in ten minutes, anyone?

Maybe Forza 4 will be the real deal, but Kinect, just... no.
Oh good Lord...

I watched a YouTube of this, and I can't believe anyone could be excited about this gimmick. Besides, arms of rubber in ten minutes, anyone?

Maybe Forza 4 will be the real deal, but Kinect, just... no.

Pfft. No to any motion controller if you ask me.
Playing video games without any controller makes no sense to me. They said next year Forza kinect will release. Before that there were rumors they will make PGR5. I am really interested to know what proper racing game they will do next. If they try to compete then GT will also know that it has to always make improvements to be ahead :cool:
You guys seen this <censored> yet?
Merely made just to show off what Kinect will be possible of doing, same with them using FM3 to show how it should work in a game.

The pro-GT fans on this page criticizing it need to realize this instead of jumping to silly conclusions. Yes, Kinect is actually just going to drive the car for you. Yep, that's exactly what it will do. :rolleyes:
Kinect = Jumpin on the Wii bandwagon. I hate that stuff with a passion.

And regarding the 458, I highly doubt the Xbox360 will be able to render eight cars to that quality on a track.
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