- 71
- GTP_Mike_Delaney
That would be either a huge car lot, or a massive cycle that would take forever to complete. I guess it would make rare cars rarer.
Dunno... I don't like being spoon fed stuff that I don't want to eat.Am I the only one who thinks that's a very interesting tidbit?
I just can't believe how ignorant and ungrateful people are being regarding interior cameras. Polyphony have not only lovingly recreated over 200 vehicles in exquisite detail, but thrown yet another 800 cars taken from previous Gran Turismo titles purely as a fan service, and all the fanbase can do is ******** them. It's pathetic.
👍 BTW whet people don't see is quality of textures and quality of the models,increase the number of polygons in a car doesn't make it more detailed or better, which is the case of both standard cars in GT5 and all the cars in Forza 3,Forza 3 have great courses but sadly is obscure by:textures of both cars and tracks,the driving aids,the quality of world class tracks(i.e. nurburgring) and this is because Forza tries to engage a more average user,instead of the normal GT market,Forza is a Gran Turismo ripoff by microsoft but sadly the cant recreate the racing experience that GT offers.Yeah, not to mention those 800 standard models are still far and away better looking than what the competition is offering. I don't know where the idea that FM3's cars are incredibly detailed came from, but it's wrong. Yes they have interior view; but that doesn't mean anything if the interiors are poorly designed.
To be honest, nothing negative.
Without going into deep analysis, I do not find it that much problematic.
People often do not realise that past 6 years of GT5 development went into much important things such as actual physics engine, overall game design, game structure, creating online, community and network enviroment that GT series never had and upgrading the huuuuuuge PD's databases to HD-quality of this and next-next-gen.
Although I'd like to see all 1000+ cars available in Premium quaility, it was clear (at least to people that had inside info) it was just not going to happen. Such monumental task, with only 20+ people working on actual car modelling is too much work.
Worth mentioning is that all Standard cars will probably be available as Used Cars - not as new cars - so new models from Dealerships will all be Premium.
Back on your question, even from just what we saw untill now, GT5 will bring so much features into series and genre - especially on consoles - that this whole Standard/Premium debate should be non-existant IMO.
However, when final game hits the retail and everybody get their hands on GT5, it will be forgotten more-less. Criticism will remain, no doubt, but I presume nobody actually have an idea - myself included - what obstacles had to be done in order to get a final product od such technical quaility that GT5 will be on hardware from 2007.
Overall GT series philosophy of actual ownership and vehicle maintanance, mechanical and visual damage modelling, car tuning and such, night/day transitions, online, community and network features, possbile inclusion of weather effects, still non-determined option of track editor, countless options from audio/visual standpoint, 3D support, head-tracking, support for force feedback wheels, enhanced PhotoMode (18 megapixels probably), direct YouTube HD upload of replays, brand new and as rumored epical single player career mode, etc... I really do not care about Standard/Premium after all that.
It is an issue, I agree. But really...
Absolutely spot on.I just can't believe how ignorant and ungrateful people are being regarding interior cameras. Polyphony have not only lovingly recreated over 200 vehicles in exquisite detail, but thrown yet another 800 cars taken from previous Gran Turismo titles purely as a fan service, and all the fanbase can do is ******** them. It's pathetic.
I just can't believe how ignorant and ungrateful people are being regarding interior cameras. Polyphony have not only lovingly recreated over 200 vehicles in exquisite detail, but thrown yet another 800 cars taken from previous Gran Turismo titles purely as a fan service, and all the fanbase can do is ******** them. It's pathetic.
Yeah, not to mention those 800 standard models are still far and away better looking than what the competition is offering. I don't know where the idea that FM3's cars are incredibly detailed came from, but it's wrong. Yes they have interior view; but that doesn't mean anything if the interiors are poorly designed.
Totally agree with you IF they had not lied to our faces. They promised a 1000 car game. Not a 200 car game with 800 half-assed bonus ones.
Pathetic is letting them get away with it.
GTHD quality at best. Probably not even that for a lot of them.I also heard the standard cars will be GT5P quality which is fine with me.
How have they lied if we're still getting 1000 cars?
What some have to remember is even Kaz said they probably went OTT with the premium cars. Now they must be pretty damn special for Kaz to make such a statement. I also heard the standard cars will be GT5P quality which is fine with me.
I really hope PD don't read some of the crap on this forum otherwise GT5 will be released in 2015!
So you reckon the standard cars will look like those in GT4?How have they lied?
Maybe by saying the game has 1000 cars and dropping the bomb that 800 of them don't look or play (by play I mean they don't offer the same features, not talking about physics) like the 200 cars they boasted about until E3 2010?
And what you heard is awfully inaccurate. Standard cars look a lot more like GT4 cars than they look like GT5P cars. GT5P cars are all premium.
Totally agree with you IF they had not lied to our faces. They promised a 1000 car game. Not a 200 car game with 800 half-assed bonus ones.
Pathetic is letting them get away with it.
So you reckon the standard cars will look like those in GT4?
If thats your opinion then I can't be bothered to discuss this any further because thats a load of crap IMO.
All fine and dandy but your analysis of the subject is that of someone who is in the know, a fan for that matter.
👍 BTW whet people don't see is quality of textures and quality of the models,increase the number of polygons in a car doesn't make it more detailed or better, which is the case of both standard cars in GT5 and all the cars in Forza 3,Forza 3 have great courses but sadly is obscure by:textures of both cars and tracks,the driving aids,the quality of world class tracks(i.e. nurburgring) and this is because Forza tries to engage a more average user,instead of the normal GT market,Forza is a Gran Turismo ripoff by microsoft but sadly the cant recreate the racing experience that GT offers.
zepheadGT3okay, theyre not better looking, but i happen to have a 360 as well and FM3 and i know the cars are not as detailed blah blah blah... what matters to me is WHAT cars are in the game. Forza has maybe about 400 cars or so, but they are cars that MATTER. cars that have a legacy or cars that are noteworthy. The reason all the standard cars wont have interiors is because PD doesnt have the time to do 800 interiors, and i understand that. but in those 800 cars, i bet most of us arent going to drive half of them because they are 70s, 80s, and 90s japanese eco-boxes nobody cares about! (excluding the more famous cars from that era of course) I like forza because all the cars have a history, or are fun to drive. Meanwhile, PD is obsessing over getting 1000 cars in the game, and although the standard cars might look marginally better than Forza 3 cars, only 20% of GT5's cars will have interiors, whereas 100% of forza's cars have interiors, which is a crucial feature from my point of view...
How have they lied if we're still getting 1000 cars?
What some have to remember is even Kaz said they probably went OTT with the premium cars. Now they must be pretty damn special for Kaz to make such a statement. I also heard the standard cars will be GT5P quality which is fine with me.
You probably "heard" it on this forum, not much is known about what exactly constitutes a Standard car apart from a lack of certain features and a graphical difference.
If Standard had been confirmed as being of the same quality as the cars in Prologue this whole debate would probably be non-existent.
If they were you would indeed be nitpicking if complaining about it as the standard of the cars in Prologue should be more than sufficient.
admins ,please close threads like this ,its just stupid
OMG They try to compaire FM 3 with GT5 ...lol
I think InsideSimRacers E3 review said it actually... I strongly suspect they were just incorrect about this, all evidence direct from the source (PD) does not paint nearly as pretty a picture.
I think I read that 830 'standard' cars would be part of the game around 10 months ago (I think it was around the time of gamescom), many of them would be 'carried over' from GT4.
Now, carried over to me meant assets taken from GT4 and imported into the GT5 engine. It did not mean they upped the polycount or added interiors. What it did mean is GT4 assets with the benefits of a better graphics engine, better physics and the benefits of anything else included in the game.
The information was there for all to see and whilst I had hoped for interiors to be part of the game for the GT4 ports, I did not expect them.
okay, theyre not better looking, but i happen to have a 360 as well and FM3 and i know the cars are not as detailed blah blah blah... what matters to me is WHAT cars are in the game. Forza has maybe about 400 cars or so, but they are cars that MATTER. cars that have a legacy or cars that are noteworthy. The reason all the standard cars wont have interiors is because PD doesnt have the time to do 800 interiors, and i understand that. but in those 800 cars, i bet most of us arent going to drive half of them because they are 70s, 80s, and 90s japanese eco-boxes nobody cares about! (excluding the more famous cars from that era of course) I like forza because all the cars have a history, or are fun to drive. Meanwhile, PD is obsessing over getting 1000 cars in the game, and although the standard cars might look marginally better than Forza 3 cars, only 20% of GT5's cars will have interiors, whereas 100% of forza's cars have interiors, which is a crucial feature from my point of view...
All fine and dandy but your analysis of the subject is that of someone who is in the know, a fan for that matter.
We all know they had a lot of problems, are understaffed, had a lot of projects in between, but frankly, that's fan talk. We are pretty much creating excuses for PD. The casual consumer doesn't care about that at all. They only care about what's in the game. When they put the disk in their PS3s, they will look at standard cars and, unlike us, they don't know what is behind them and they don't give a damn. They only care that "this car I bought looks great but this other one looks like crap".
As a journalist, not a fan, what do you think about the issue? How do you think the gaming community will react to the standard car fiasco? Can really a massive list of secondary features overshadow such a huge shortcoming in a primary one?
You're calling 200/800 a "fiasco", I'm calling it a "bonus".
You're calling them "secondary features", I call them "primary difference".
It is a matter of opinion.
You know, if you already ask me how do I look to that particular issue as a gaming critic, you're going to like my opinion even less.
As s fan I could be disappointed about Standard/Premium issue up to some point. But as a game critic I would even forget that particular thing, because in the overall scope and importance of GT5 for racing genre and overall gaming it doesn't mean a thing.
To elaborate.
If you want to be serious gaming critic (or journalist, call it what you want) you must put things into perspective. And when you put all features of GT5 into perspective, whole Standard/Premium issue become non-relevant.
Is iRacing a bad game/bad simulation just because it has less than 20 cars? I don't think so.
Is original F355 Challenge by Yu Suzuki-san a bad game because it has just ONE car? I don't think so, even 12 years after it is still a non-doubtful masterpiece and it boosts options and features that none racing game - even GT series - hasn't surpassed.
If you look just at the list of confirmed features - not to speak about all surprises that still awaits us - Gran Turismo 5 will certainly be the title that will change the genre, as all previous games did.
We still have to see the actual shapes of the GT5's most important features - single player structure and online structure - but from previous experience with GT series we can expect nothing less than AAA.
When I look at GT5 as a game critic, I see the driving game that boosts unprecedented list of technological features that no other games on consoles have - from 1080p, 60 fps, 3D, 7.1 DD sound, head tracking, PhotoMode, to FF wheels support.
I see game that will further expand the most important and revolutionary aspect of the series, that no other game on genre and on ANY platform have never managed to come even close - the single-player RPG aspect of ownership of the car, car maintenance and feel of connection to your vehicle(s). Not to even speak about the world of Licenses and Missions which remains milestone of the series forever.
From the driver point of view I see game that will give us the most advanced possible physics model ever on consoles and possibly overall, engine made in tight collaboration with Nissan and Mercedes-Benz, with almost genre-unique simulation of USABLE different tire-compounds, day/night change, possible inclusion of weather change and ONLY game in the genre that gives us opportunity to drive on all imaginable surfaces and almost all imaginable car-classes that exist today in the world of motorsport.
From additional features standpoint I see the game that will incorporate in-game streaming TV channels in form of GT:TV, HD YouTube support, numerous community features that still remains undisclosed (BBcode and 32-player lobbies being most interesting), together with some options we do not know about certanly yet - such as evolution of B-Spec mode, actual options of car-tuning and such.
To put it perspective of journalism, if Gran Turismo 5 would be Call of Duty game, it would have more than 1000 weapons to choose from (200+ Premium ones with slightest details nobody ever seen in the genre and 800+ made from assets from previous games), almost 100 maps available from the box, epic single-player, great community features and it would have day/night transitions, photomode, etc.
You can use your imagination to put into perspective same comparation inside any other genre.
As a game critic I can be only amazed with everything that Gran Turismo 5 will bring the the video-gaming in general, standards it will introduce to genre - especially on consoles - and overall size of the game that will be nothing less than unprecedented.
Issue that used cars - probably, it is my own presumption, but very logical one from series philosophy standpoint - will be "Standard" - and we still do not know what it means for sure, but we only know they will look different than Premium to some point and will not have detachable parts when taking damage, everything else will be the SAME - is non-important from game critic point of view.
Taking that as a game-breaking feature in perspective with everything else that GT5 will bring would be nothing less than deliberately ignorant.
Yes it was insidesimracers that I heard it.I think InsideSimRacers E3 review said it actually... I strongly suspect they were just incorrect about this, all evidence direct from the source (PD) does not paint nearly as pretty a picture.