How NASCAR Will Fare?

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Wrong. A NASCAR stockcar is a "proper" racing car. Everything on the car from the beginning is designed for one thing, and that is racing.

Technically, Touring cars, and GT cars are less of "proper" racing cars than NASCAR stockcars, considering they start off as a street car, something that is NOT designed for racing to begin with.

You honestly think they take a stock sports car (a proper one too) and make it racy? You have no clue.
Just because something it built to race doesn't make it proper in my book. How well does it race? Stock cars are slow as hell. Can't turn very well. (anything weighing 3,500 lbs can't turn very well) And are absolutely hideous IMO. Not to mention the use such outdated technology.
I want a race car to see innovation and something we have never seen before. Stock cars have nothing of that sort. That's what racing used to be about. It used to be the proving ground for new technologies and it then transferred into the cars we could buy at the dealership. Look at the Audi R10 TDI, a turbo charged diesel? I'm there!! Not to mention it's very easy on the eyes. And guess what the German auto companies are starting to come out with in their production car? Turbo diesel cars that get insane gas mileage and are very reliable.
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You honestly think they take a stock sports car (a proper one too) and make it racy? You have no clue.
Just because something it built to race doesn't make it proper in my book. How well does it race? Stock cars are slow as hell. Can't turn very well. (anything weighing 3,500 lbs can't turn very well) And are absolutely hideous IMO. Not to mention the use such outdated technology.
I want a race car to see innovation and something we have never seen before. Stock cars have nothing of that sort. That's what racing used to be about. It used to be the proving ground for new technologies and it then transferred into the cars we could buy at the dealership. Look at the Audi R10 TDI, a turbo charged diesel? I'm there!! Not to mention it's very easy on the eyes. And guess what the German auto companies are starting to come out with in their production car? Turbo diesel cars that get insane gas mileage and are very reliable.

I am going to assume you don't watch Nascar. Then I am going assume you don't know much about Nascar. Then I am going to say you opinion doesn't count for much, as you do not know much about what you are talking about.

You might want to stick to what you know mate. Thanks.

Slow? 800+ HP V8...Reaching Speed of 210 on some tracks..And that is just on a .5 mile straight away..Oddly enough, that doesn't seem very slow.

3500 Pound car..well if it weighed 1000 pounds, then it would haul ass. Yes, they don't turn well, which is what makes then SO HARD TO DRIVE..If it turned on a dime like the F1, what then there would be no skill involved.

Outdated technology...I will not agree..the Car of Tomorrow is the most advanced and safest car they have.
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3500 Pound car..well if it weighed 1000 pounds, then it would haul ass. Yes, they don't turn well, which is what makes then SO HARD TO DRIVE..If it turned on a dime like the F1, what then there would be no skill involved.

Outdated technology...I will not agree..the Car of Tomorrow is the most advanced and safest car they have.

Maybe you should know what you are talking about as well. F1 cars are some of the hardest to drive in the world because they are so fast. Especially with it's power to weight ratio. You can't just stand on it when coming out of a slow corner or you're going to become a passenger real quick. You have to be 100% focused 100% of the time. If not it will bite you in the ass hard. And yes the COT is the most advanced THEY have. But compared to the rest of the world it's on the bottom.
All this commotion, I respect NASCAR and I will enjoy it in GT5 game. So no complains here!
Maybe you should know what you are talking about as well. F1 cars are some of the hardest to drive in the world because they are so fast. Especially with it's power to weight ratio. You can't just stand on it when coming out of a slow corner or you're going to become a passenger real quick. You have to be 100% focused 100% of the time. If not it will bite you in the ass hard.

I hope you are not suggesting that it doesn't take any focus and concentration to drive a Stock car? I hope you understand, just because the car weighs 3500 doesn't mean it has any extra grip coming out of a tight corner. So not really an argument there either mate. Bottom line they both have different attributes and they both have their flaws.

Let us ask Juan Pablo Montoya, he will give us the inside scoop on which car is harder to drive. Unless you are a professional driver, or have driven a stock car or F1, then really you have no real understanding of which car is harder to drive.

I know we have video games and driving simulators, but to really know, you must have driven one.
Also, I was referring to a F1 car on a oval. Since it turns so well, it wouldn't be as challenging to keep it out off the fence.

And yes the COT is the most advanced THEY have. But compared to the rest of the world it's on the bottom.
By opinion only I presume, thanks for sharing though.
It's staggering that NASCAR still uses carburetors for their engines. NASCAR is so different from any other racing series, it's as if it's from another era. I might even say that it is.

Is there skill involved? Of course there is, but the series has become synonymous with anything to do with creating artificial excitement in racing. Things like waving yellow flags when a hotdog wrapper lands on the track, or the chase system, or the fact that drivers can wait a couple of cars behind the leader until the final laps when they use the draft to win the race in the final bend, in an entirely predictable fashion. It may be exciting to some people, but it's as fake as a prostitute's smile.

Sure, there is a lot of passing in NASCAR, but I'd argue that there is too much passing. It's like scoring in basketball. It happens so often that a single overtake becomes meaningless. I'd much rather see a battle for that overtake taking place over several laps. Then the element of suspense is added in that case. But that's just me.

Yes, I have watched NASCAR on occasion. It's the only thing SPEED TV shows anymore, since they were bought by FOX. Well, that and a few stupid reality shows. And NASCAR poker. And NASCAR talk shows. All of which forced them to show the WRC races at 3 in the morning so no one could watch them, and then announced that they were dropping WRC coverage because WRC wasn't getting enough ratings anymore. Hmmm, I wonder why??

Needless to say, my hatred for FOX's transformation of Speedvision is boundless. 10 years ago you could turn on Speedvision and it was guaranteed that a different racing series would be on, JGTC, DTM, ALMS, Aussie V8 Supercars, lawnmower racing, truck racing, powerboat racing, complete coverage of the Le Mans 24 Hours, you name it, and it was there on Speedvision. NASCAR was only a part of it. Now it's NASCAR everything.

That rant over, (LOL) I may just try them out in GT for a chuckle. They'll be fun to race with with online, assuming PD fixes the drafting physics. Driving them at Nurb or Monaco would be hilarious as well.
Everything F1 is trying to promote is already in abundance in NASCAR, over-taking, lead-changes (other than for pit-stops), different people winning the race once-in-a-while, more races, more teams, more drivers, more sponsors, clearer rules, quick decisions! Often all formula 1 offers after the first lap is a single file line of cars getting more strung out! F1 ruled that this year drivers HAD to be available to the media, (you know, so fans actually get to see them!), and yet most of them still don't have anything interesting to say... NASCAR has more characters than F1 does, that may only be opinion, but If you watch both (and I do) I think you'll agree that F1 drivers can be a little dull (except maybe Vettell).

Nascars rules attempt to marginalise the difference between cars, F1 is attempting to do this but is FAILING CATASTROPHICALLY... Brawn 40 pts clear of their rivals already?

Yes the COT is still pretty simple, but if it isn't broke don't fix it!! I'm not sure how else you'd design a tin-top car that's role is to race round an oval in the shortest amount of time possible, whilst standing up to the battering of walls and other cars, some-times sitting at full throttle ALL the time, that were still affordable enough to lure upto 50 cars to try and race (or qualify) each week !!!!!!! The cars are massively safe, are MORE powerful than an F1 car, will reach over 200mph (think 227 was reached at 'dega without a plate?), and have Zero driver aids... they do still require extreme skill to drive...

... this is a point Carl Edwards demonstrated well by beating Michael Schumacer in the Race of Champions! Juan Montoya won F3 championship (open wheelers, Road Courses), the CART title (open wheelers, Road Courses & Ovals), won the Indy 500 (open wheelers, Oval), Came to F1, won serveral races (Open Wheelers & Road Courses), also won against the likes of Schuey despite not haveing the best car on the grid... has since won the Daytona 24hr race more than once (Road Course/with banking/ Closed top Prototype Sportscar!)..... so the guy obviously has talent - then went to NASCAR and has since struggled to win (1 win in Cup series, on a Road Course, and 1 win in Busch/Nationwide Series, on a Road Course).... so I'm pretty sure he will tell you how hard a NASCAR is to drive, let alone drive competitively. Jacques Villeneuve (Former F1 & CART world champion) would probably agree too!

NASCAR puts the effort in to entertain people, sure Pocono might not be Monaco, but Glitz & Glamour? Maybe on TV, but I've been to lots of different racing series events, and I found none that even came close to being the painful, unpleasant, EXPENSIVE, over-hyped, anti-climax fest that a Live F1 race is.

NASCAR has the character, spectacle and entertainment that people can enjoy it simply for what it is, if people want to point and laugh, fine -- at least they are enjoying it! FORMULA 1 has become a joke that no-one is laughing at.

All that probably sounds like I hate F1, I don't I love it and I am gutted at what a shambles it has become - god help F1 if Max pulls a suprise at the end of this week (with the entry list)... but it may already be too late, F1 won't be F1 if it's being contested by GP2 teams,... it would just be GP2.

For the record, I live near Silverstone in England, and am not a Red-neck.
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You honestly think they take a stock sports car (a proper one too) and make it racy? You have no clue.
Just because something it built to race doesn't make it proper in my book. How well does it race? Stock cars are slow as hell. Can't turn very well. (anything weighing 3,500 lbs can't turn very well)
Really? My Type-S would like to disagree with you, there.
Not to mention the use such outdated technology.
Like you have any idea about the technology & development that goes into a stock car.
Look at the Audi R10 TDI, a turbo charged diesel? I'm there!! Not to mention it's very easy on the eyes. And guess what the German auto companies are starting to come out with in their production car? Turbo diesel cars that get insane gas mileage and are very reliable.
You want innovations from race cars, and then bring up a turbo diesel? And then act like Germans just invented it because of it being in the R10?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the turbo diesel idea has been around for over 100 years, patented in 1905. Rover played with them in cars in '60s and Mercedes finally developed it for production in the late 70's. Since then, all sorts of European cars have a turbo diesel as well as the Japanese & Americans. Turbo diesels didn't just suddenly pop up because Audi threw it in a race car. If anything, that would prove the race cars are learning from production cars.
I'm stoked for it, but they need more than six drivers, and more oval tracks (I'm not worried if they get all 22 Sprint Cup tracks, but they'd need at least 10, not including Motegi and the road courses)

Yes, these things are heavy, they run on outdated tech and would get killed around Monaco by an LMP or F1 car. But they do deserve to be in a game that bills itself as the ultimate driving simulator.
Nascar races online will be out of this world! I just hope PD can make all 16 players race online!! Nascar is a damn good nerve-wrecking racing!
I, for one, am definitely looking forward to NASCAR. All the haters are just narrow-minded elitists, feeding off the stupid redneck stereotype and the fact that they race mostly on simple oval tracks. Since when does racing have to be mega-complicated? At least PD is opening up to other kinds of motorsport, which is more than can be said for the bashers.

Seriously, it's so immature. If you don't like it, then don't touch it. In fact, I'd go so far to say that if NASCAR, F1, WRC, etc were humans (kinda odd, but bear with me) this would be straight up racism.

Racer-ism, even? :P
I, for one, am definitely looking forward to NASCAR. All the haters are just narrow-minded elitists, feeding off the stupid redneck stereotype and the fact that they race mostly on simple oval tracks. Since when does racing have to be mega-complicated? At least PD is opening up to other kinds of motorsport, which is more than can be said for the bashers.

Seriously, it's so immature. If you don't like it, then don't touch it. In fact, I'd go so far to say that if NASCAR, F1, WRC, etc were humans (kinda odd, but bear with me) this would be straight up racism.

Racer-ism, even? :P

Hahahaha, good point. Strangest way to look at it, but makes sense.
I, for one, am definitely looking forward to NASCAR. All the haters are just narrow-minded elitists, feeding off the stupid redneck stereotype and the fact that they race mostly on simple oval tracks. Since when does racing have to be mega-complicated? At least PD is opening up to other kinds of motorsport, which is more than can be said for the bashers.

Seriously, it's so immature. If you don't like it, then don't touch it. In fact, I'd go so far to say that if NASCAR, F1, WRC, etc were humans (kinda odd, but bear with me) this would be straight up racism.

Racer-ism, even? :P

And the age old saying "Ignorance breeds hate"

I won't bother posting replies to peeps who obviously know (most dont even care to know) very little of the sport (it shows in their posts) let alone the nuances, yet try to criticize it.
Is it just me, or has this thread gone off-topic?

How will Nascar fare? Let me see, well we have talked about what we think of Nascar and debated others opinions about Nascar and how it will fare.

On Topic, YES! 👍
Huh? You did read the OP, didn't you? There is already another NASCAR thread on these forum, to discuss if you do or don't like NASCAR.
Is it just me, or has this thread gone off-topic?

Are you a moderator? No. What different does it make?

I believe the topic is how will stock cars fare against other forms of racing.

Yes, thank you for establishing that for us.

Huh? You did read the OP, didn't you? There is already another NASCAR thread on these forum, to discuss if you do or don't like NASCAR.

I guess I don't get it. What is the purpose of your comments? Whatever you are trying accomplish?
Everyone needs to just relax, NASCAR Will be in GT5. Try it and if you dont like it then just ignore it. I am not the biggest NASCAR fan in the world...BUT having played it in other games I am VERY stoked about PD getting there input on it. Just wait and see, I am sure they will amaze us once again :)
That this thread should be about, 'how would a stock car hold up against the likes of say a F1, SuperGT, DTM, Supercar V8, etc.' Not about circle racing is boring, so NASCAR sucks. Sorry, now I'm going off topic.
That this thread should be about, 'how would a stock car hold up against the likes of say a F1, SuperGT, DTM, Supercar V8, etc.' Not about circle racing is boring, so NASCAR sucks. Sorry, now I'm going off topic.

I makes sense now. Yes. Well, instead of attacking the discussion, why don't you offer you opinion on the matter? Just to stay on topic..
What will the rankings be on a given twisty track? Let's just say Nurburgring or some generic twisty track.

F1, LMP prototypes, Super GT, DTM, Australian V8, NASCAR's stock car and Grand Am, Indy cars, Champ cars. (If I'm missing some, please feel free to list).

For sure, number 1 would go to the F1.. But I don't know which would be faster between the LMP1 or an indy/champ car.
1.) F1
Why, I came here to see other's opinions on the matter, as I'm a avid Cup fan. But after the first few pages this thread became a pissing match about NASCAR sucking. I would just like to say it go back to the OP.
Needless to say, my hatred for FOX's transformation of Speedvision is boundless. 10 years ago you could turn on Speedvision and it was guaranteed that a different racing series would be on, JGTC, DTM, ALMS, Aussie V8 Supercars, lawnmower racing, truck racing, powerboat racing, complete coverage of the Le Mans 24 Hours, you name it, and it was there on Speedvision. NASCAR was only a part of it. Now it's NASCAR everything.

That rant over, (LOL) I may just try them out in GT for a chuckle. They'll be fun to race with with online, assuming PD fixes the drafting physics. Driving them at Nurb or Monaco would be hilarious as well.

I know how you feel. To see such a over hyped product shoved down our throats on an channel that used to be about racing of all forms is really sad. And yeah I'm not going to lie. I'm going to take the COT for a spin on Monaco just to see how cumbersome it would be.
Why, I came here to see other's opinions on the matter, as I'm a avid Cup fan. But after the first few pages this thread became a pissing match about NASCAR sucking. I would just like to say it go back to the OP.

In the defense of Nascar, yes the thread has gone off topic. There are a lot of members who offer their opinion on a sport that they don't watch nor understand. They just offer prementitated, bias, ignorant, and derogatory comments. Most of them formed those opinions without even giving Nascar a chance.

As for me, I don't hate or dislike any form of racing. I am very open to any kinds of racing. With that said, I do not go into F1 thread's and start bashing the cars they use or the tracks they race on. Because for one I don't fully understand formula racing. Lastly I don't put down other racing series.

So, yes we have gone off topic. But mainly to support Nascar and its integrity as a racing league.
Everything F1 is trying to promote is already in abundance in NASCAR, over-taking, lead-changes (other than for pit-stops), different people winning the race once-in-a-while, more races, more teams, more drivers, more sponsors, clearer rules, quick decisions! Often all formula 1 offers after the first lap is a single file line of cars getting more strung out! F1 ruled that this year drivers HAD to be available to the media, (you know, so fans actually get to see them!), and yet most of them still don't have anything interesting to say... NASCAR has more characters than F1 does, that may only be opinion, but If you watch both (and I do) I think you'll agree that F1 drivers can be a little dull (except maybe Vettell).

When the personalities become more important than the racing what does that say about the racing? Personally I could care less what driver pisses off who. As long as the racing is good.