Hybrid in GT4 ^_^, save game & code in the 1st post

  • Thread starter sucahyo
My progress so far:
- Almost completed part and setting table and explanations how the values work.
- Almost completed "equipped parts" list. Tells you which values equip which parts etc, there are still some unknown values without corresponding parts for them.
It's possible to have some parts disabled. At least clutch, suspension, LSD and brakes can be greyed out in the settings screen. I haven't still tried out what happens if you try to drive a car which has disabled parts
- "Accurate" tire size list for about 30 Toyota cars, really hard to compile and still it's not certain if the game uses standard sizes or not

I haven't found power and weight multipliers yet but they're not that important right now

does "ASCC" mean automatic stability controller?
you're telling in your post https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2622548&postcount=626 that "A2A5E4 is the address of ASCC code", but I can't figure out what it does and why there exists 4 different types.

I haven't found out where "tire force" and "tire size" values are located, could you help if you've already found them?
What's weird is that there are "14 tire compound" available but only 13 are used in the game (?)

Another value I don't get is the "steer" value, you posted earlier that there are only 3 types of them:
n1, st_mtr_gmv_04_a, st_autounion_v16_typec_sl_37_a

what I know is that most cars have 0A as their steer value..
I believe it's the n1 one
Autounion is self-explanatory but which car is a "mtr_gmv_04"? couldn't find anything by searching :(

.. wow, I hope you understand what I just posted because even i've got problems reading it, too sleepy to think clearly :dopey:
Anyone care to make a hybrid LS1 Skyline :sly:
Soory, I can't see your picture, what car is that?

My progress so far:
- Almost completed part and setting table and explanations how the values work.
- Almost completed "equipped parts" list. Tells you which values equip which parts etc, there are still some unknown values without corresponding parts for them.
It's possible to have some parts disabled. At least clutch, suspension, LSD and brakes can be greyed out in the settings screen. I haven't still tried out what happens if you try to drive a car which has disabled parts
- "Accurate" tire size list for about 30 Toyota cars, really hard to compile and still it's not certain if the game uses standard sizes or not
Nice works 👍 👍 👍 :). from data there are 14 tire compound, 5 tire volume and 286 tire size.

does "ASCC" mean automatic stability controller?
you're telling in your post https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2622548&postcount=626 that "A2A5E4 is the address of ASCC code", but I can't figure out what it does and why there exists 4 different types.
From data:
2A : e
2B : f
2D : off
2C : normal

I don't know what it does too.

I haven't found out where "tire force" and "tire size" values are located, could you help if you've already found them?
What's weird is that there are "14 tire compound" available but only 13 are used in the game (?)
maybe they linked to the car tire code, so we can't see or change them. there are 2 dirt ($92 and $c6), maybe they are different and PD decide to only use one.

Another value I don't get is the "steer" value, you posted earlier that there are only 3 types of them:
n1, st_mtr_gmv_04_a, st_autounion_v16_typec_sl_37_a
what I know is that most cars have 0A as their steer value..
I believe it's the n1 one
Autounion is self-explanatory but which car is a "mtr_gmv_04"? couldn't find anything by searching :(
I think that car is Toyota Motor Triathlon Race Car `04

.. wow, I hope you understand what I just posted because even i've got problems reading it, too sleepy to think clearly :dopey:
:lol:, you do fine :).

I just got an ARMAX so I'm curious on the hybrid thing. Are the codes in http://gt.cellphonespec.com/gt4hybridcar.php for PAL or for NTSC? And the codes mean that if you put the code for Turbo from an Escudo to a Viper? How? If they're PAL, can I use a converter?
PAL only. You can't put escudo engine to viper, most conversion require the car to have the same engine type. And you can't use converter but you can make an NTSC gamesave if you create it from emulator.
I've been playing with your "gear calculator" spreadsheet, it's really handy when trying to figure out tire sizes.

Id like to know if your calculator takes tire deforming into account or does it assume the tires are always perfectly round?
If it thinks they're perfectly round it means GT4 is using slightly smaller tires than the standard size for each car is.. or better yet, it's calculating some tire deformation though you can't see it :)

for example, there's a car which has 185/65 R14 size tires in real life.
I do some speed/rpm testing with the car, input the data into your gear calculator and it gives me tire diameter which corresponds to 185/63 R14 size tire.

I've done that test with five cars so far and it's the same with all of them :)

just some not-so-important information

do you know if there's some kind of suspension or damper multiplier like gt2 has?
I've been trying to make a 10kg 1hp car but it's impossible because of too stiff dampers
the car just bounces around if it weighs under 150 or so kilograms
Sucahyo: It's been a very long time since I stopped by this thread, so please forgive me for not reading all the pages for any updates since my last visit. May I make just one last request? I have in mind a hybrid which has a few different features, all of which have been done before, but never together. It involves rediculous suspension setting, critically, and a few 'luxury' items such as: 3 different suspension tunes in sets A, B, and C; a power boost; and a drivetrain swap. The whole point of it would be the suspension setting, but the rest stem from the fact that the base car is complete rubbish, but with a spectacular party piece (which, unfortunately, has nothing to do with speed).

Wow, that was long-winded! But, to shorten it up a bit: May I still make a request? I'd give you the specifics, but I don't want you to feel like I'm attempting to demand it or anything. No, that would be a terribly mean thing to do, indeed.

P.S.: I'd do it myself, but I can't even figure out how to get PSX games to play on my computer, and it probably can't support GT4 anyway. I'd use the AR Max codes, but my game is NTSC. I'm not asking out of laziness, but out of desire to see a fairly clever idea in motion.
I just found out what happens if you set your spring rate to 0 both front and rear.
Your car starts acting like it's driving on ice, but only when it's on flat or downhill. When you get to an uphill the grip suddenly appears again :odd:

You also lose all your ride height but it seems the dampers are still working in a way

edit: looks like the American NTSC version moves the garage data around so it's located at different place depending on where you are in the game..
So you need to have a gameshark or similar which has on/off switch for the codes before it's possible to make hybrids on PS2 :)
Another way is to create codes which compare the original data in the memory before they make any changes, although i don't know if any cheat device has a function like this

Anyway, the starting location for NTSC setup A is 012757C8 phaste code, when you're viewing your car in the garage. The layout is exactly the same as in PAL version
Is there a way to change the ID/name of a car using only ARMAX (NTSC) and no PC emulator?
That's what I'd like to know too :grumpy:
does anyone know where can I find detailed information about AR MAX code types and other relevant stuff?

edit: I found the necessary information to make the codes, but i don't have any free time until next tuesday.. so keep in touch if you want to help me out because I don't have AR max myself
^Lol, reminds me of a screen I saw in GT2 where a guy renamed his cars 'Mclaren F1,' 'Ferrari 360,' Lamborghini Diablo,' and the like, then posted it up on the internet to show everyone the 'secret' cars of GT2. If I remember correcltly, it caused quite a fuss, indeed. But I know you wouldn't do things like that, right ;D
That's what I'd like to know too :grumpy:
does anyone know where can I find detailed information about AR MAX code types and other relevant stuff?

edit: I found the necessary information to make the codes, but i don't have any free time until next tuesday.. so keep in touch if you want to help me out because I don't have AR max myself
Well I have an NTSC Armax, but I don't have a Max Drive or anyway to connect it to my PC, so I have to do everything on my PS2. But I haven't found any codes yet either. Care to share what you found?

I am trying to change the wheels on the C2 Corvette, which can't normally be done. Someone told me that I have to change the ID of the Vette to that of a car which can have the wheels changed.
Ah sorry I didn't read your post properly.. it's not possible to change the name permanently in other way than changing the car ID.
It doesn't change the name that's displayed in the garage list though..

I don't know if anyone has made any codes yet for NTSC ver and I don't need them myself, but I got the american version game just so I could start making codes for people who want them :dopey:

I'll start making them as soon as I get enough free time and post them right here so you can test them out (i can't test them myself)

Start posting your wishlists because I have no idea what kind of hybrids you'd like :D
I'll start with one that changes your car ID or wheels to something else
My Wish: A Toyota Prius that isn't really a prius at all. I love the unique HUD, feels like I'm driving the Starship Enterprise, (If you don't know what I'm talking about, give it a spin in arcade mode) but it is unbelievably slow for a modern car. And an interesting party piece would be nice as well. So, in other words:

Toyota Prius '03 Touring Selection

Setup A:
Use power multiplier to get 300 or so hp out of Prius's engine.
Toss out FF drivetrain in favor of GT-R R34 4WD. ATTESA-ETS FTW!
Speaking of the Starship Enterprise... Let's send this Prius into space! I did the calculations and figured out that 0.1 spring rate will be perfect with 7482 ride height front and back.

Setup B (optional):
Again, 300 hp from power multiplier.
Again, GT-R R34 ATTESA-ETS 4WD system.

I won't deny it, the suspension idea is taken directly from the "Flying" Lightning "https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=93711. I think the unique part is the use of the car with spaceship-like HUD as a spaceship ;D . Actually, the whole point is the suspension setup, but I just can't imagine enjoying myself with a whopping 80hp or a high-power FF. I decided on the ATTESA-ETS because it is maneuverable, but stable as well, and I imagine I'll need stability with psychotic weight transfer. The Setup B isn't too important, I just thought it might be interesting to see what a hyper-Prius could do when it's on the ground. That said, I wouldn't be crushed if you fulfilled my suspension request and left off the spaceship's quick alter-ego.
I was thinking it would be a good idea to drop the HP in the Audi Le Mans prototype to around 414 HP to match the actual production R8. Another wish of mine is a less powerful Viper GTS-R to compete against the touring cars in the Nurb 24 Hours.
^ I've downloaded hybrid saves which were made using emulator on PC and the hybrids only worked on Time Trial. When you try to choose aything else, it freezes during loading.

Do you know something I don't?
Woah, nice ideas you've got already there :)
I'm not sure about the suspension if it's possible to get it working like that but I'll try, the problem is with dampers because you can't set them soft enough.. But i'll try anyway :sly:

^ I've downloaded hybrid saves which were made using emulator on PC and the hybrids only worked on Time Trial. When you try to choose aything else, it freezes during loading.

Do you know something I don't?
There must be something wrong with those cars or saves then. I haven't had any problems so far and I'm always testing my hybrids in track meet mode :dopey:
Woah, nice ideas you've got already there
I'm not sure about the suspension if it's possible to get it working like that but I'll try, the problem is with dampers because you can't set them soft enough.. But i'll try anyway
Thanks for accepting my request! I eagerly await the crazy thing! And, come to think of it, it would be very fun to look down on the AI cars!

There must be something wrong with those cars or saves then.
The saves I got were the ones from this thread made by Sucahyo. They are really old, I'm guessing that innovations have been made since then.
The saves I got were the ones from this thread made by Sucahyo. They are really old, I'm guessing that innovations have been made since then.
I just realized.. it seems like you've also got a maxdrive or similar :)
I think I'll stick first with making AR max codes, but later on if you want garages with multiple hybrids I'll make a savegame out of them, a lot easier for you

Expect some real news tomorrow!
Id like to know if your calculator takes tire deforming into account or does it assume the tires are always perfectly round?
It is possible that I use different car speed calculation than what used by GT4.

I do some speed/rpm testing with the car, input the data into your gear calculator and it gives me tire diameter which corresponds to 185/63 R14 size tire.

I've done that test with five cars so far and it's the same with all of them :)
That's interesting, I ilke this kind of information :).

do you know if there's some kind of suspension or damper multiplier like gt2 has?
Yes. it even has the same location as in GT2. it is 2 byte for front and rear "damper multiplier" located before damper value. Offset this address:
049FA731 = front downforce
049FA732 = rear downforce
049FA73C = front height (2 byte = +/- 32767 mm)
049FA73E = rear height
049FA740 = TOE (0 = 80, 1 = 81, -1 = 7f)
049FA742 = spring rate (I say this is relative to cycle per minute)
049FA744 = grip (damper multiplier)
049FA746 = damper 8 byte, 2 value for each bound/rebound (slow/fast bouncing)
049FA74E = stabilizer
049FA750 = LSD
049FA75D = suspension range (I forget what it is)

I've been trying to make a 10kg 1hp car but it's impossible because of too stiff dampers
the car just bounces around if it weighs under 150 or so kilograms
I don't think any suspension value can cure that behaviour, I've try to make that kind of car too (Playguy even post some video of this car).

Playguy car bouncing video

I don't see any suspension movement at all. Maybe the spring rate is too high, but I don't think we can have spring rate any lower than 0.1 .......

I have in mind a hybrid which has a few different features, all of which have been done before, but never together. It involves rediculous suspension setting, critically, and a few 'luxury' items such as: 3 different suspension tunes in sets A, B, and C; a power boost; and a drivetrain swap. The whole point of it would be the suspension setting, but the rest stem from the fact that the base car is complete rubbish, but with a spectacular party piece (which, unfortunately, has nothing to do with speed).
Sure, I can do that. But I may complete it more than a week. In case you interested here is some of my recent hybrid:
1074kg R34 spec M, 4WD
1074kg Xanavi R34 with Spec M body, FR

I'd give you the specifics, but I don't want you to feel like I'm attempting to demand it or anything
I don't mind, I like car tuning hybrid better than power upgrade or visual cange :).

P.S.: I'd do it myself, but I can't even figure out how to get PSX games to play on my computer, and it probably can't support GT4 anyway.
Check this thread, there is some hint on how to do it:

I just found out what happens if you set your spring rate to 0 both front and rear.
Your car starts acting like it's driving on ice, but only when it's on flat or downhill. When you get to an uphill the grip suddenly appears again :odd:

You also lose all your ride height but it seems the dampers are still working in a way
Interesting, I forgot if I ever experience this or not, but I usually use 0.1 as my lowest spring rate.

edit: looks like the American NTSC version moves the garage data around so it's located at different place depending on where you are in the game..
Another way is to create codes which compare the original data in the memory before they make any changes, although i don't know if any cheat device has a function like this
That is a bad news, but every cheat device has code for that, the code start with D.

Ah sorry I didn't read your post properly.. it's not possible to change the name permanently in other way than changing the car ID.
It is possible for car with name shorter than the one we replace. But creating a code for that can be bothersome, and I think entering it in cheat device can be very tiring .........

Speaking of the Starship Enterprise... Let's send this Prius into space! I did the calculations and figured out that 0.1 spring rate will be perfect with 7482 ride height front and back.
:lol:, do you want to make this car fall all over the place?

I was thinking it would be a good idea to drop the HP in the Audi Le Mans prototype to around 414 HP to match the actual production R8. Another wish of mine is a less powerful Viper GTS-R to compete against the touring cars in the Nurb 24 Hours.
After oil change? How less powerfull?

^ I've downloaded hybrid saves which were made using emulator on PC and the hybrids only worked on Time Trial. When you try to choose aything else, it freezes during loading.
If the hybrid only work on time trial means there is some incompatible part, unfortunately the compatibilty list is not available yet. Choosing another can freeze the game because the PC PS2 player has bug that make that part of memory corrupted.

I'm not sure about the suspension if it's possible to get it working like that but I'll try, the problem is with dampers because you can't set them soft enough..
I think soft damper is at value of 255, 0 is hard. When using 0 car will stop bouncing imediately, using 255 the car will bounce non stop no matter what the value of other suspension, I call this soft.

The bouncing behaviour also controlled by grip variable. it seems the value of 127 have the least bounce, car usually has grip value around 75 to 90. car with wild rear usually has lower rear grip value.
Thank you for your reply :)

I've always overlooked the damper multiplier value because there has been so little information about it, I've always thought it just controls the damper travel value.
The damper values have a pre-set range (spring rate / car weight) in which they are effective, so the multiplier value is really needed.

My settings table looks something like this:
049FA728-29 = Final drive
049FA72A-2B = Automatic setting for gearing, normal range 12 - 2A
049FA72C-2D = Default final drive? but the game doesn't default to it when you set the gears to "default" though
049FA72E = VCD setting, normal range 0A - 32
049FA72F = Brake controller setting front, normal range 01 - 18
049FA730 = Brake controller setting rear, see above
049FA731-32 = Front / rear downforce, normal range 00 - 1E?
049FA733-35 = Something turbo related, whistle/gauge/unknown?
049FA739 = Camber front
049FA73A = Camber rear

049FA750 = LSD initial front setting
049FA751 = LSD initial rear setting
049FA752-53 = LSD acceleration f/r
049FA754-55 = LSD deceleration f/r
- Active yaw control is some sort of hack, it changes LSD initial rear setting (can't explain well how it works) so it doesn't have separate value in the memory

049FA756 = TCS setting
049FA757 = ASC oversteer setting, copied to 48
049FA759 = ASC understeer, copied to 4A
049FA75B = Weight ballast, normal range 00 - C8
049FA75C = Weight balance, normal range CE - 00 - 32
049FA75D = not used?
049FA75E-5F = "Master" power multiplier, 0000 disables (default), 0001 gives you under 1 HP

049FA762 = Weight multiplier
049FA763 = Power multiplier
049FA764 = ? multiplier, maybe the sell value?
049FA767 = unknown, has value 01 when the game is loading but garage isn't loaded yet
049FA768 = NOS setting

049FAA88-8B = Car mileage in meters, resolution one meter = 0,001km
049FAA8C-8F = unknown, seems static
049FAA90-93 = Oil dirtyness: values 00000000 - 4A98FD46 give you stock power, C8927C00 = after oil change, 4AB71B00 - 7F800000 degraded oil, 7F800001 - 7FFFFFFF no oil?
049FAA94-97 = Car dirtyness: 00000000 = clean, 3F810000 = max dirty, 3F8A0000 = max shine, 4A000000 = weird shine. last two will default to a dirty car if you enter a race
049FAA98-9B = Rigidity refresher: 48F42401 triggers the "refresh rigidity" option, 4A371B00 is the worst value possible?
049FAAA8-AB? = Car's ordinal number in the garage, no real usage
049FAAAC-AF = Static checksum? If you change this the game tells you to insert the original memory card.
049FAAC0 = Weird counter, counts how many times the game has been saved?
049FAAD0 = Save checksum? Changes every time you save the game, if you change this on your own the game tells you to insert the original memory card.
049FAAD8 = some static data

I think soft damper is at value of 255, 0 is hard. When using 0 car will stop bouncing imediately, using 255 the car will bounce non stop no matter what the value of other suspension, I call this soft.
I haven't been able to do this :(
I made a car with 0.5 meter ride height, gave it 0.1 spring rate and 00 dampers everything.
Still the weight transfer was really slow, even with 2 tons of weight.

Of course I experimented with higher damper values (255, 254 etc) too but they didn't have noticeable effect, they felt what normal maximum values feel like.
My goal is to have really fast weight transfer, in other words almost ineffective dampers :dopey:


EA11R, the Prius behaves really weird when you slam some big horsepower on it.
Looks like the problem source is the transmission and electric motor. But if you can live without 4WD powerslides or any kind of burnouts then everything is ok :)
I'll post the codes tomorrow because I didn't have time to test it enough now
I've always overlooked the damper multiplier value because there has been so little information about it, I've always thought it just controls the damper travel value.
I think it control suspension wildness. I don't think GT4 has proper damper code, tire do not skip the road as easily as PC game car simulation.

My settings table looks something like this
Great job 👍, that's more complete than what I have :). It's really great that you find the value like oil dirtyness, car dirtyness, car milage and rigidity refresher 👍.

Here is my notes:
R gear = 00A2A6E0
1 gear = 00A2A6E2
2 gear = 00A2A6E4
3 gear = 00A2A6E6
4 gear = 00A2A6E8
5 gear = 00A2A6EA
6 gear = 00A2A6EC
7 gear = 00A2A6EE
Final Drive = 00A2A6F8 00A2A6FC

Front Camber = 00A2A709
Rear Camber = 00A2A70A
Front Height = 00A2A70C
Rear Height = 00A2A70E
Front Toe = 00A2A710
Rear Toe = 00A2A711
Front Springs = 00A2A712
Rear Springs = 00A2A713
Front grip = 00A2A714
Rear grip = 00A2A715
fast Front Bound = 00A2A716
slow Front Bound = 00A2A717
fast Front Rebound = 00A2A718
slow Front Rebound = 00A2A719
fast Rear Bound = 00A2A71A
slow Rear Bound = 00A2A71B
fast Rear Rebound = 00A2A71C
slow Rear Rebound = 00A2A71D
Front Stabilizer = 00A2A71E
Rear Stabilizer = 00A2A71F

- Active yaw control is sort of hack, it changes LSD initial rear setting (can't explain well how it works) so it doesn't have separate value in the memory
I think the way physics engine handle this also inluenced by LSD type too:
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD standard
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD 1 way LSD
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD 1.5 way LSD
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD 2 way LSD
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD fully customisable
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR `96 LSD AYC controller

There is some people believe that R34 standard LSD handles better than the other LSD.

I made a car with 0.5 meter ride height, gave it 0.1 spring rate and 00 dampers everything.
Still the weight transfer was really slow, even with 2 tons of weight.
Are you sure you already set all 8 damper variable to high value (more than 20)?

Of course I experimented with higher damper values (255, 254 etc) too but they didn't have noticeable effect, they felt what normal maximum values feel like.
Are you sure about that? setting damper value to 255 will make the car undrivable. Just like my first PAL hybrid where I use 33 for all damper variable. Never set suspension at the garage, it will reset all suspension value to normal range.
, do you want to make this car fall all over the place?
It seemed fun with the F-150! I just increased the height proportionally to the decrease in spring rate. :idea:Actually, this brings to mind another one of my devious thoughts to rip apart logic at it's seams: A car with a like 10 meter rear ride height and a 150mm front ride height. I've wondered for a while if that would rip the car apart or stretch it or something:mischievous:. Or maybe it would be suspended immovably... Either way, I figure that if it's being hacked, the last thing that should be made would be the realistic ones. Wouldn't you love to activate your PS2's secret self-destruct function?:nervous:

EA11R, the Prius behaves really weird when you slam some big horsepower on it.
Looks like the problem source is the transmission and electric motor. But if you can live without 4WD powerslides or any kind of burnouts then everything is ok
lol, what do you mean, 'wierd'? And I'm not quite sure I understand the sencond sentence: Does this mean it only works well with FF? I actually was going to request a complete R34 drivetrain, but I thought that might switch the HUD back to the generic dual-guage layout, at which point the car loses its charming uniqeness. But whatever, just do what you like with the car, just bearing one thing in mind: The point isn't to be a well-balanced autocrosser; it is to be something which, if shown to the Polyphony staff, will make them shrink. :eek:

1074kg Xanavi R34 with Spec M body, FR
That's awesome! I actually wanted to request a JGTC car with normal appearance! A swell idea!:bowdown: I didn't know you'd made any NTSC hybrids after the Cappo because they weren't in the first post.

This absolutely fills me with glee! +Rep for all!
lol, what do you mean, 'wierd'? And I'm not quite sure I understand the sencond sentence: Does this mean it only works well with FF? I actually was going to request a complete R34 drivetrain, but I thought that might switch the HUD back to the generic dual-guage layout, at which point the car loses its charming uniqeness.

Actually it seems like the R34 drivetrain is working :)
I managed to spin the rear tires on a steep uphill and sometimes the engine disengages when you tap the handbrake :dopey:

I think now that Prius' system has some kind of torque limiter.
I got it up to 210 mph, which is the maximum for its transmission, but it took something like two minutes :P
Also it's near impossible to spin the tires..

I'm starting to hate Prius, it's got too complicated transmission :yuck:
there's no point to have 600 horsepower if you can only get 70 to the road..
If you set the final drive really low it's possible to spin the tires.. but the top speed will be limited to something like 140mph.

With stock power the gasoline engine takes over at 45 something mph, but if you multiply the power for example to 300hp, only the electric motor will power the car while gasoline-powered one is charging the battery :dunce:

Also I think I give up on figuring out how the dampers work..

The "grip" value is the only one which has some connection to real life damper tuning because it adjusts how fast or slow the suspension moves, and that's just what dampers are for and what they do in real life.

"Damper" values actually seem to control the road holding of tires or something like that, but i'm not sure yet.
I did lots of testing with extreme damper values and there were so little difference between them that I can't tell what the dampers do

It's possible also that only the high speed damping values are reversed (FF=soft, 00=hard) but again i'm just guessing.. if they even are hi-speed and low-speed values, the other one of them could be something else alltogether

Note that I did my tests with 0.1 spring rate, 10h "grip" value and 300h or 400h ride height (the numbers are in hex)

does the "all parts purchased" code for pal AR max work? I tried converting it to raw format but it has wrong addresses
do you need to convert the locations between pcsx2 and real PS2?
It's possible also that only the high speed dampening values are reversed (FF=soft, 00=hard) but again i'm just guessing.. if they even are hi-speed and low-speed values, the other one of them could be something else alltogether
I only do much of testing in GT2. Since I don't have PS2 I can only test it a little on GT4. In GT2 fast and slow damper behave differently. I remember using different combination for different car. IIRC, I use higher fast damper for GT2 BTCC Alfa, and use higher slow damper for GT2 BTCC Mondeo. I compare the ingame replay with real video :).

Note that I did my tests with 0.1 spring rate, 10h "grip" value and 300h or 400h ride height (the numbers are in hex)
Try again with default grip value and default ride height. And don't use 255, try using 100 or lower for damper testing, just in case GT4 use backward signed number.

I'll try to post some video showing high damper value next week.

does the "all parts purchased" code for pal AR max work? I tried converting it to raw format but it has wrong addresses
do you need to convert the locations between pcsx2 and real PS2?
Yes, we need to convert it. calculate the offset I use for PHASTE code and ARMAX code.
wow, a lot has changed since I last came in. congrats guys, maybe I can contribute something for NTSC guys (since I have a nice rig for testing pcsx2 @ around 40-ish fps). I'm having trouble with phaste though. I can get the snapshot from the executable, but when I try to put in normal codes (converted to raw) nothing seems to work? I got one code to work and its for increasing your money when you buy something, but I rigged that one in the .pnatch file.

suchayo, do you have any ntsc addresses you want me to test out? I saw in another thread, the ntsc->pal codes are off by 0x11c80...

so, does this list make any sense...got the pal addresses from gt4doc.txt,
subtracted (hex) a ntsc car id address from a pal car id address from chaotica's thread.

(PAL ADDRESS - gt4doc.txt, NTSC ADDRESS, description)
00A2A610, 00A1F820, differential
00A2A618, 00A1F828, front tire
00A2A620, 00A1F830, rear tire
00A2A5CC, 00A1F830, car code base
00A2A5D0, 00A1F7E0, car id (name)
00A2A5E0, 00A201F0, car body, variation
00A2A600, 00A1F818, engine
00A2A678, 00A1F888, NA
00A2A680, 00A1F890, Turbo
00A2A6D0, 00A1F8E0, Wing
Since I've got nothing better to do right now I'll give the first batch of codes that should work
I can't test them out myself so your feedback is important :)

First, buy a Prius, preferably the '03 Touring Selection version, and enter it
(these codes will work with any car of course but they're about the Prius EA11R requested)

(M) code


those will give you in this order:
* multiply power by 8x = ~640hp
* R34 V-spec II Nur '02 drivetrain, no VCD
* R34 V-spec II Nur '02 LSD, full customize
* 1536mm ride height front/back (not too high, just for testing)
* 0.1 spring rate front/back
* nice and soft dampers ("grip")
* shorter first gear for fun, top speed about 140mph


these extra codes will give you:
* weight down by ~200kg
* all tires bought

I'll post the save later because it's more convenient to use, but the hybrid isn't working well enough yet, two major issues still left
Ok. I have few clarification questions.

I'm looking into hybriding for NTSC without PC. Using already acquired code lists and knowledge from you guys.

A: I have AR Max EVO. I don't know if it's PAL, NTSC or if it matters. It won't take the code for all parts purchased, because I assume my ARMAX EVO has an NTSC master code?

B: Have we found an easy way to convert PAL codes to NTSC or do they have to done from scratch?

C: If it is possible, can someone send me an AR Max EVO NTSC code for a basic engine swap, eg: GT40 race car engine? So that anyone can put the code in AR Max EVO and swap there stock engine?

If B is possible. I'm more than willing to code an app strictly for GT4 PAL>NTSC converting or vice versa. I'd also be willing to add a phast > PAL/NTSC ARMAX/GS converter.

My goal here is to straiten out some confusion rather than reading 40+ posts :P

Thanks guys.
Teknogeek, you may have a bit of a project on your hands.

I found out that there is 0x1180 difference between NTSC and PAL:

NTSC_code + 0x11C80 = PAL_code

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=97399 (Post #3 by Chaotica contains this quote) I assume he is talking about hex codes...

Speed Drifter, thank you for the efforts! I asked you to simply plug in some values and drivetrain and call it a day, but you actually went through it and tried--very elaborately, it seems--to actually make it, well, work. Thank you very, very much. I've never entered a hybrid via AR Max, though, so I'm a bit confused as to how I enter the codes. Do I just enter them and it is automatically applied to my Prius (and only my Prius), or do I need to do something fancy like apply a button-activation thing to them? I know basically nothing about inputting via AR Max because, well, I have NTSC, so this is the first time I've had the opportunity or necesity. I apologize for my noobishness. Either way, though, I won't be able to test the car very soon because the parental units just discovered that I'm pretty far behind on my (10th grade, if you must know) homework, and decided to rob me of my Playstation until it's all recovered, so I'll only have it back in a week or two. Regardless, though...

:bowdown:Thank You:bowdown:

EDIT: LOL, that 'thank you' ended up as a full 2 lines because of all the color code. Totally worth it, though ;D
Teknogeek, you may have a bit of a project on your hands.

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=97399 (Post #3 by Chaotica contains this quote) I assume he is talking about hex codes...

Speed Drifter, thank you for the efforts! I asked you to simply plug in some values and drivetrain and call it a day, but you actually went through it and tried--very elaborately, it seems--to actually make it, well, work. Thank you very, very much. I've never entered a hybrid via AR Max, though, so I'm a bit confused as to how I enter the codes. Do I just enter them and it is automatically applied to my Prius (and only my Prius), or do I need to do something fancy like apply a button-activation thing to them? I know basically nothing about inputting via AR Max because, well, I have NTSC, so this is the first time I've had the opportunity or necesity. I apologize for my noobishness.Eitherway, though, I won't be able to test the car very soon because the parental units just discovered that I'm pretty far behind on my (10th grade, if you must know) homework, and decided to rob me of my Playstation until it's all recovered, so I'll only have it back in a week or two. Regardless, though...

:bowdown:Thank You:bowdown:

EDIT: LOL, that 'thank you' ended up as a full 2 lines because of all the color code. Totally worth it, though ;D

Yeh. I noticed that. Not sure how I would subtract "0x11C80" from a code formatted for AR Max or GS. Let's hope sucahyo can help us out ;)

EDIT: Good news is I just got GT4 runnign on PCSX2. So maybe I'll be able to figure this out.

EDIT 2: 20A2A608 000005A1
20A18988 000005A1?
Hey everybody.How areyou all?
Long time no see,huh?

I'm sorry for not being here for so long,but these last months have been crazy.First the high school exams,then the holidays(in wich i spent a month in USA,it was awsome!),then college applications,acceptions bla bla bla,and now i'm living in another home and it's being crazy.
Once in while i checked the progress here,but I didn't had much time to actually help you guys.
Today,i'm at my main home,and will be for the next weekends to come.I will tr to hep you guys,i just can't help you testing that much because my PS2 is in my college home.But i will try to test somethings.
But today i have something for you guys to test.You know,from the beginning of the GT4 hybriding times,i was always bugged because we could only hybrid one car per save.
I always tried to find methods to overcome that glitch,and today i found this little tool.
I would try this but as i said before,my ps2 ain't with me,so,i'm asking if anyone could try this program out for me please.
