HFS is hard to argue with because he doesn't give a logical reason for why he disagrees with me.
They do, generally. And on the road, torque is more useful than power.
Partly true, but remember that here in the UK you generally pay less in road tax on diesels than you do on petrol, and the difference is in the hundreds sometimes thanks to the government's latest. So that difference quickly diminishes.
Plus, economy is now no longer the only appeal of diesel. Their power and torque characteristics are favourable even if you've had to spend more to get them.
Diesels produce different atmospheric pollution to petrols, but not necessarily more of it. As for noise, modern diesels are no noisier than petrols, even on the outside. Modern cars are pretty quiet as a rule, I'm often amazed at how quiet a line of cars at a traffic light is. Go back ten years and cars were so much noisier.
Well, these look remarkably like logical arguments...
Though I'd like to point out modern diesels are still noisier than petrols, from the outside... though better noise insulation now makes the difference in noise level on the inside hardly noticeable.
Modern diesels are quiet, yes. But some gassers... well... last time I started up a VQ-engined Nissan (not the high-perf 3.5 or 3.7, the smaller lump available in Asia), a friend was standing by the engine bay. We were inside a showroom, mind you... no traffic noises... nothing but the distant hum of central ventilation. Well... I started the engine while he was standing by the open hood. Two minutes later, he walked around the side and asked me to start it up. Didn't know the thing was actually running!
Which sort of kills the dubious argument that electrics are too silent. Most non-performance cars nowadays are so much quieter than the background noise level of the city or even the suburbs that it's perfectly possible for people to step out in front of them without hearing them coming.
Which is a good argument for the removal of exhaust noise limits, actually.![]()
Perhaps you forgot to include my entire quote. hmmmm... page 4
Your trying to hard, just listen to someone else's opinion for once instead of just bashing us with all your liberal ideas.
HFS is hard to argue with because he doesn't give a logical reason for why he disagrees with me.
Co2 cools the atmosphere because co2 is heavier than oxogen. So when a car emits co2, the co2 simply stays on the earth. When the sun's rays penetrate the atmosphere, the rays themselves hit the oxygen(plus other atmospheric chemicals) first, then as the rays get closer to the earth, the rays hit the co2, which effectively slows down the rays (because co2, like I stated before, is heavier and denser than oxygen), and in the process doesn't allow the full blast of the suns rays to get to the ground. This is why co2 cools the earth.
But all this aside, I don't look at the whole "global warming" thing from a scientific stand point, I look at it from a business stand point. It's a form of TAXATION. Follow the money.
If I chose not to include your full quote it's because I chose to remove any elements that were irrelevant, or drivel. Probably a mixture of both. Given that you only posted once on page four I'm actually at a loss as to what I've missed...
Here gentleman we have a perfect example of the term "liberal" used in a derogatory way when the poster is unable to provide a well-balanced or informed response.
As Niky has pointed out, I've not actually shown bias to any particular propulsion, be that electric, diesel or otherwise - I've just stated the facts in a very general way. I've defended them, but that's because I'm not too myopic to see their benefits. I've also not brought politics into this at all, unlike yourself.
And it's you're. If you're going to attempt to argue with me at least make an effort to use correct grammar. If non-native English speakers on this forum can manage then surely you can too.
Okay, since you've categorically failed to provide adequate evidence despite the fact that I questioned your take on global warming at least three times and since you insist that I'm not using logic (when I am - and bear in mind that you are in the wrong by not substantiating your claims, which goes against the very first point in GTPlanet's Acceptable Use Policy), I'll show you exactly where you're wrong.
You said:
This is inaccurate. Perhaps you've misunderstood something, but it looks more like a half-assed explanation concocted to support your views rather than something based on solid evidence.
You're partly right that CO2 is denser than many of the gases in our atmosphere, and for this reason it sits closer to the Earth's surface. However, you've failed to understand it's correct role.
The Sun emits a certain amount of energy in the form of heat and a proportion of this heat makes it through our atmosphere past clouds, aerosols and atmospheric gases to reach the Earth's surface. Some of this energy is absorbed by the surface. Just under 30% is reflected. Heat absorbed by the surface is also radiated. A significant proportion of this reflected and radiated heat is absorbed and reflected back by greenhouse gases like CO2. You'll find a pretty diagram on page 4 here (pdf file) to illustrate this.
Cars emit CO2, as you mention. This CO2 is released into the lower atmosphere, and stays there, as you mention. This just creates more greenhouse gas for reflected and radiated heat to try and break through. Sure, some will be reflected, but energy from the sun's heat is much greater than that reflected and radiated because the Earth's surface is naturally cooler. This means that the sun's heat can penetrate through the CO2 on it's way to the surface much more easily than heat radiated or reflected can, which is why CO2 warms the Earth.
Firstly, global warming isn't a "form of taxation", it's a climatic condition which unscrupulous political parties have chosen to use as a motive by which to tax people. On this, I'd agree with you that it's a bad thing. However, there's so much more to the pursuit of producing electric cars than simply complying with government policy.
Electric cars are inherently more efficient than petrol ones, even without the century of development that ICE cars have had. An electric motor is inherently more efficient than a petrol or diesel, and doesn't lose as much energy through heat or noise. It also requires less maintenance with effectively one moving part that doesn't need to be continually lubricated.
There are also, as if it needs to be repeated, no tailpipe emissions. Not just CO2, but no CO (Carbon Monoxide), no hydrocarbons, no nitrogen oxides (NOx) and no particulates. And before you start on the "but they're fueled by electricity produced using coal" bandwagon it's worth bearing in mind that the production of fuels for use in ICEs uses a vast amount of energy given that it needs to be searched for, drilled for, transported, refined, transported again and then pumped through fuel stations that operate around the clock.
Any other non-political advantages? Well, range and performance are improving all the time, as is battery technology although admittedly this one is a struggle. That said, you can put those batteries anywhere you like in the car. And electric motors are relatively small. For this reason you can maximise space inside the car, for luggage, optimise crash structures etc...
None of the above is political, it's just all common sense as to why electric cars have (and deserve) a future in mass motoring.
Don't get me wrong, I love petrol cars as much as the next guy. I've loved cars since I can remember. I like nothing more than going for a top-down blast along a great road and I sure as hell use all the revs. But to dismiss the electric car as "useless", "rubbish" or "irrelevant" is plain, good old-fashioned stupid. And to try and justify that stupid with inaccuracies is even worse.
Logical enough for you?
I'll admit my answer was mostly wrong, but it's a political science.
And you seem to like to copy and paste.
Anyone who would care to look back to page 3 to where this post is now will notice you quoting me many times, most of which where answered with a short answer that made me look like I had no idea of what I was talking about.
And yes my entire quote/post does matter. You chop off the my main part of the post so as to make yourself look better when you answer it. So how else am I supposed to make my point without it?.
And yes, I'm from the UK.
So you have things like emissions tax, congestion charges, and speed cameras right?
some electric hybrids are good for the game (the citroen gt is a giggle) but some will be as pointless as the model t ford that was in gt4 they just waste space that could have been used to make the game better.
Yes. If you're going where I think you're going with this, yes, it probably does have an influence on my opinion about electric cars, diesels and the like, but on the other hand it's still a personal view - I know plenty of other UK users here who dislike diesels and electrics. That said, the science isn't an opinion. It's just science.
Incidentally, congestion charging and speed cameras don't affect me. I live in a county where they don't exist and I go to university in a county that only has a handful of them.
If everyone drove electric cars, then the government would have to find a new way to tax people. Think about it, no global warming, no tax!? Surely not.
That's what global warming is there for.
Without the invention of global warming there would be no emissions tax.
I know your gonna bombard me with scientific facts, but the truth is there is no science behind this, just a greedy government.
Infact, Back in the 70's it was global cooling (you can google that), and they where right.
But keep in mind this was before scientists received grant money from the government. I'll say again, follow the money.
Yes the entire post matters.
it still makes sense to move to more efficient technologies. Aside from climate change, there is the issue of national security that results from relying on energy from countries that are politically unstable. There are also perfectly legitimate economic reasons to want to use less energy, especially in a time of financial problems. Finally, independent of whether the emissions from burning fossil fuels cause the atmosphere to warm up, we know pollution causes problems
If everyone drove electric cars, then the government would have to find a new way to tax people. Think about it, no global warming, no tax!? Surely not. That's what global warming is there for. Without the invention of global warming there would be no emissions tax. I know your gonna bombard me with scientific facts, but the truth is there is no science behind this, just a greedy government. Infact, Back in the 70's it was global cooling (you can google that), and they where right. But keep in mind this was before scientists received grant money from the government. I'll say again, follow the money. Yes the entire post matters.
If everyone drove electric cars, then the government would have to find a new way to tax people. Think about it, no global warming, no tax!? Surely not. That's what global warming is there for. Without the invention of global warming there would be no emissions tax. I know your gonna bombard me with scientific facts, but the truth is there is no science behind this, just a greedy government. Infact, Back in the 70's it was global cooling (you can google that), and they where right. But keep in mind this was before scientists received grant money from the government. I'll say again, follow the money. Yes the entire post matters.
Pollution? Pretty obvious. Regardless of CO2 tax, an internal combustion engine kicks out plenty of other stuff that doesn't do a lot of good.
If everyone drove electric cars, then the government would have to find a new way to tax people. Think about it, no global warming, no tax!? Surely not. That's what global warming is there for. Without the invention of global warming there would be no emissions tax. I know your gonna bombard me with scientific facts, but the truth is there is no science behind this, just a greedy government. Infact, Back in the 70's it was global cooling (you can google that), and they where right. But keep in mind this was before scientists received grant money from the government. I'll say again, follow the money. Yes the entire post matters.
Why do you think Europe has emission tax and people like me in the US don't.
Let me put it like this. (I somewhat agree with Stevisiov) The whole global warming thing has been preached for about the last 40 some years. The earth has been around for billions of years. So scientist have decided that within this 40 years of research, that their is a climate crisis, when nobody even knows what the recorded temperatures were before 1910. For all we know the climate where living in now could be cooler than normal. Nobody knows.
Why do you think Europe has emission tax and people like me in the US don't.
Perhaps because US didn't signed Kyoto, a few years ago.
With regard to not knowing what's happened pre-1910 with regards to the climate, I'm guessing you've not heard of Paleoclimatology before?
I have, but it's not very accurate.
won't use the prius type, but I will use the tesla and other similar models if they are there.
Yes you made it very clear, that you value nature with money we europeans don't. We have higher taxes so that we can have cheap healthcare for everyone. We pay for something we value, quite simple reallyYou'd have to step back and look at everything differently to understand this. This really doesn't belong on GTP but I'm trying to make a point.
But it's accurate enough to make educated guesses and estimates based on interpolation. If it wasn't accurate at all then it wouldn't be a science.
Talking of interpolation, the link I posted on estimated population was quite interesting. Best estimate for population around the last ice age is between four and six thousand people. Or between a third and a half more than were killed on September 11th 2001.
I think we're beginning to veer off-topic a little, anyway. I keep forgetting this thread is in the GT5 section and not in Opinions and Current Events...
Yes you made it very clear, that you value nature with money we europeans don't. We have higher taxes so that we can have cheap healthcare for everyone. We pay for something we value, quite simple reallySo all this cost us money? In reality most of our "socialist" economies have been growing faster USA.
USA capitalist system has of course been doing well in two things, making world go warmer and creating quite nice deficit.